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Gain 1,000 Twitter followers in the next three months. (End

Period November 2017)

Increase Instagram following by 15 followers each week for

the next three months. (End Period Nov 2017)

Create three video per month to tell stories about the impact
GOAL 3: of kindness / other topics of around kindness. (End Period
November 2017)
Increase likes and comments with fans on Facebook to 3
GOAL 4: comments per post over the next three months. (End Period
November 2017)
Identify top 25 influencers on Twitter to build relationships to
GOAL 5: help blog, repost, and spread the word about the kindness
movement. ( End Period November 2017)

2. Personas
Name Age Gender Marital Status Occupation

Persona #1 Donor Donna 55-65 Female Married Senior Executive

Persona #2 Millennial Mallory 18-24 Female Single Barista

Persona #3 Businessman Stan 40-54 Male Separated Small Business Owner

Persona #4 Reporter Rebecca 27-35 Female Married Reporter

Persona #5 Giving Georgia 22-45 Female Single Entrepreneur

Persona #6
24-32 Male Single Student / Part- Time Worker
Millennial Malcolm
Persona #7
Female Married Homemaker
Mom Amanda 26-40

3. Content Ideas

Quotes Fan of the Week Facebook/Instagram Stories

Fill-In-The-Blanks Photo Caption
True or False Questions Twitter Chat
Blog Posts Highlight other organizations with #FF #followfriday
Announcements Define Kindness
Motivation Monday Create a graphic of mission statement
Photo Contest Promo/Highlights Videos to thank donors
Video photo mosaic video
Gifs Videos Sharing Mission Statement/Vision
Wednesday Wisdom Short Video Interviews with photographers
News from around the globe ebook
Polls webinars

4. Strategy and Promotion

Strategy (Traffic, Participation, Donations) Ideal Persona Sharing/Promotional Channels Customer Journey Stage (Attract, Inform, Inspire, Engage) Frequency
Blog posts Traffic Don, Rebecca, Stan Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook ad Inform 1x / week
Inspirational GIFs Participation Mallory, Rebecca Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Engage 2x / week
Define Kindness Participation Mallory, Rebecca Blog, Email, Instagram Engage 1x / quarter
Polls Participation Mallory, Rebecca, Stan Facebook, Twitter Engage 1x / week
Photo Contest Highlights Traffic All Email Inform/Inspire/Attract 2x / month

Announcements All Don, Rebecca, Stan All Inform/ Attract/ Engage 1x/ month
Quotes Traffic Mallory, Rebecca, Amanda, Georgia Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Inspire 1x / week
Fan of the Week Participation Mallory, Amanda, Georgia Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Engage 1x / week
Twitter Chat Participation Rebecca, Amanda, Georgia Twitter Engage 1x / quarter
Photo Contest Highlights Traffic/Participation Mallory, Rebecca, Amanda, Georgia All Attract/Inspire 2x / week
Create a graphic of mission statement Traffic/Donations Don, Rebecca, Stan, Malcolm All Inform/ Inspire 1x/ quarter

Videos to thank donors Donations Don, Rebecca, Gerogia Blog, Email Attract/Inform 1x / quarter

Photo mosaic video Traffic/ Participation Mallory, Malcolm, Amanda, Georgia Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Inform/ Inspire 1x / week

Videos Sharing Mission Statement/Vision All All All All 2x / month

Short Video Interviews with photographers Participation Rebecca, Mallory, Amanda Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Attract/ Inspire Varies
Fill-In-The-Blanks Participation Mallory, Amanda, Georgia Facebook, Instagram Engage 1x / week
True or False Questions Participation Malika Facebook, Instagram Engage 1x / week

Video Traffic All Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Inform/Inspire/Attract 3x / week

News from around the globe Traffic Don, Stan, Rebecca Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Inform 3x / week
Kind Business Traffic Stan, Don, Rebecca Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Inspire 2x / week
Kind Hero Traffic All Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Inspire 2x / week
Education Children Income Activities Problems/Issues Other detail #1
Plays Golf, and Tennis Attends Charity Events, Loves Classic Doesn't understand exactly how social media plays an
Movies, Loyal Member of School Alumni Association, Rarely impact. Very casual Facebook user. Watches the news
Post- Graduate 3 $100,000 Limited Facebook use
Volunteers, conveniences husband Don to donate to almost on the hour and is filled with the negativity that is
charities going on in the world.
Shops online, Lives an activity lifestyle, Rock Climber, Uses a
bike as mode of transportation - likes it as it helps save the While the finances might not be there donations are not Amatur photographer - uses iPad/iPhone to capture most
Student 0 $20,000 environment, follows lots of organizations on social media where this individual comes into play. Looks to get word of pictures but has invested in DSLR camera in hopes of
Amatur photographer, loves sharing photos with family and mouth from friends and organizations website. opening a photography business.
Runs a small storefront with limited online presence, active
on social media especially on Facebook and Linkedin to help
Limited resources to donate but interested in helping. Time Socially responsible, grew business from ground up, cares
move their company forward. Works hard on community
Some Secondary Education 2 $65,000 to research an organization is at a minimum so information about local community, typically a family man - (Kind
events + school events with their children, wants to go back
must be right in front of them. Business TARGET)
to school to understand technology but doesn't have the
Environmentalist and freelance journalist, likes to travel and
see the world, storyteller by trade and that lights the passion,
Excited and willing to share the message at hand. However,
very tech savvy and connected to the world around her. Uses email and RSS feeds, surfs the web extensively and
may try to spin message with her own agenda. Information
College Graduate 0 $45,000 Interested in helping make the world a better place and uses the computer 9-10 hours a day researching and
needs to be fed directly in order so she can quote a source
volunteering. Constantly sharing videos and articles on contacting sources
and feel empowered.
Facebook wanting to inform friends and family of information
they may not have known without her help.
Likes to Invest and understand the world around them. Very
tech savy, but never turns on a TV, All news comes from
College Graduate 1-2 $50,000
social media and the internet, socially responsible, invests in
social movements, supports organizations like Charity Water
Follows Uncle Rush, supports DACA, lives in a city, well
Grad Student $25,000
0 educated or well read
Interested in community, healthy food for her family, sports
College Graduate 3 $85,000
games on the weekends, wine with the girls


Monthly Newsletter - Announcements on social media as


As need to recognize those and to give a little boost to the

Main use is to generate attention for photo contest, but to
help provide a quick snippet of submissions
This is an important tactic to remind people what kindness is
and to help generate interest in the movement.
Needs to have some follow up work in place to see if this is
an option
varies depending on additional content used
Varies depending on additional content used
videos can be full features or small story telling elements -
using animoto to create
Varies depending on additional content used
varies on the amount of content provided
varies on the amount of content provided

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