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Aptitude Test 2

Question 1) Among the below options, which number will divide 55, 103 and 195
and leave the same reminder in all the case.

A. 11

B. 6

C. 3

D. 4

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option D

Formula =p*q+r

Where p is dividend, q is quotient, r is reminder.

55=pq1+r 1

103=pq2+r 2

195=pq3+r 3

Solving the equations:

103=pq2+r 4
55=pq1+r 5
Subtracting the 4th and 5th equation
p(q2-q1)= (103-55)=48;
p(q3-q2)= (195-103)=92;
p(q3-q1)= (195-55)=140;

For the greatest value of p that divide each equation we take the HCF of
48,92,140 is 4

Question 2) ((144 / 22) * (22 / 25) * (100 / 12)) is equal to

A. 55

B. 20

C. 15

D. 30

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

=> ((144 / 22) * (22 / 25) * (100 / 12))

= ((12 / 22) * (22 / 5) * (100 / 12))

= 100 / 5

= 20

Question 3) If P = 3 + 22, Then the value of (p (1/p)) is:

A. 5

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5.76

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

(p (1/p))2 = (p + (1/p) 2)

= (3 + 22) + (1/(3 + 22)) - 2

multiplying the second part (1/(3+22)) by (3-22)/(3-22)

= (3 + 22) + ( (1/ (3 + 22) ) * ( (3 -22) / (3 - 22) ) )- 2

= (3 + 22) + (3 - 22) 2


Then the value of (p (1/p)) = 2

Question 4) Two trains, each 80 m long, moving in opposite directions, cross each
other in 7 seconds. If one is moving twice as fast as the other, then
the speed of the slower train is:

A. 26 kmph

B. 27.5 kmph

C. 25 kmph

D. 29kmph

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

Speed = distance / time

Time = Distance / Speed

7 = ((80 + 80)/ (x + 2x))

x = 7.619 m/sec

convert m/sec into km/hr

= 7.619 * (18 /5)

= 27.5 kmph
Question 5) A old man plans to sell his 1975 model car. He received 2 offers from
Steve and Joseph. Steve is ready to offer Rs.50,000 spot cash.
However, Joseph is willing to pay Rs. 54,000 with a 6 month credit.
The current prevailing interest rate is 16% per annum. Suggest a
better option for the old man

A. spot cash

B. both equal

C. cash

D. None of these

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

If the old man invest Rs.50,000 at 16%, he would receive an interest of Rs.
50000 *(16 % * 6/12) = 50000* 8% = 4000

Total cash he would have at the end of 6 months is Rs. 50000 (spot cash)
+ Rs. 4000 (Interest earned for 6 months) = Rs.54,000

Hence, he would receive the same money in both the options.

Question 6) The sum of two numbers is 35 and their difference is 15. Find their

A. 350

B. 250

C. 265

D. 310

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

x + y = 35 --1

x - y = 15 - 2

Adding equation

X = 25

Substitute value of x in 1st equation

Y = 10

Then the product is xy = 25 * 10 = 250

Question 7) Insert the missing number 20, 19, 24, 23, 28, 27, 32, 31, 36, 35, ----

A. 44

B. 45

C. 40

D. 42

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option C
Numbers are alternatively subtracted by 1 and added by 5.

So, next number is 40

Question 8) In an election between two candidates, one candidate got 65% of the
total valid votes, 30% of the total votes were invalid. If the total
number of votes was 9000, the number of valid votes that the other
candidate got was:

A. 4095

B. 6300

C. 2205

D. 2700

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option C

Total number of invalid votes = 9000 * 30% = 2700

Total number of valid votes = 9000 - 2700 = 6300

One candidate got 65% of the total valid votes. So the other candidate
would have got 35% (100% 0 65%) of the total valid votes.

Total Votes for the other candidate is = 6300 * 35% = 2205

Question 9) A 90 m long train passes a man, running at 3 km/hr in the same

direction in which the train is going, in 15 seconds. The speed of the
train is:

A. 18 kmph

B. 18.6 kmph

C. 19.5 kmph

D. 20 kmph

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

Speed of the train relative to man = 90/15 m/sec

= 6 m/sec

Convert m/ sec into km/hr

Multiply by 18/5

6 * (18/5) = 21.6

Relative speed = x - 3

x -3 = 21.6, x = 18.6
Question 10) Sam, Mike and Steve started a partnership business investing money
in the ratio of 6 : 5 : 3 respectively for a period of 3 years. Business
gave an average profit of Rs.1500 per year. Find out the share of
Sam in the total profit for 3 years.

A. 643

B. 1929

C. 675

D. 1652

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B

Total profit for 3 years is => 1500 * 3 = Rs. 4500

Sam's share is => Total profit * Sam's share

=> 4500 * (6/(6+5+3)) = 1929

Question 11) 3 times the first of two consecutive even integers is 4 more than
twice the second. Find the second integer.

A. 8

B. 6

C. 10

D. 12

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option C

Let two consecutive odd integer be x and x +2

3x = 4 + 2(x + 2)


Then 2nd integer is x + 2 = 10

Question 12) Sam started a software business by investing Rs. 35,000. After Ten
months, Jim joined him with a capital of Rs. 65,000. After 2 years,
they earned a profit of Rs. 50,000. What was Jim's share in the

A. 25000

B. 26000

C. 24000

D. 30000

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option B
To know the profit, first we should arrive at the capital share ratio. For that
(35000 * 24) : (65000 * 14)

= 840000 : 910000 = 84 : 91 = the profit ratio between Sam and Jim is 12

: 13

Jim's Profit is => 50000 * (13/25) = 26000

Question 13) Fill out the missing number 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 9, 8, 12, 10, 15, 12,
18 _____

A. 18

B. 15

C. 16

D. 14

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option D

There are two sets

1st set is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 and it increases by 2

2nd set is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 and it increases by 3.

Question 14) In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Rs. 25
and Rs. 30 per kg respectively so as to get a mixture worth Rs. 26

A. 2 : 1

B. 5 : 3

C. 3 : 2

D. 4 : 1

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option D

By the rule of allegation

25 30

Mean Price

Rs. 26

4 1

Then required ratio is 4 : 1

Question 15) A rectangular park has length and breadth in the ratio of 6 : 5. If a
man running along the boundary of the park at the speed of 15
km/hr completes one round in 10 minutes, then the area of the park
(in sq. m) is:

A. 252546

B. 364562

C. 387397

D. 125004

Your answer : No option was selected

Correct answer : Option C

Convert the km/hr into meter/minute that is 15(1000/60) = = 250


Total distance covered in 10 minute = 250 * 10 = 2500 meters

Since he has covered the entire park, the total distance covered by him will
be 2 times Length and 2 times breadth.

2(l + b) = total distance

Length and breadth are in the ratio of 6:5, hence we can assume it to be 6x
and 5x.

2(6x + 5x) = 2500

X = 113.63

Length = 6 * 113.63 = 681.81

Breadth = 5 * 113.63 = 568.18

Area of a rectangle = Length * Breadth

= 681.81 * 568.18

= 387396.7 ~ 387397

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