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Volume 2 Issue 3 October-December 2010

Exploring relationship between Personal Values, Consumer Innovativeness and

Consumer Involvement in Indian Consumer Purchases of Small Cars
Sushma Muralie

Abstract 1. Introduction

This study investigates the relationship between Personal values are held as abstract, trans -
the concept of personal value and consumption situational aggregate cognitive categories at the
related behaviour in a very domain specific top of hierarchical cognitive structure. These
situation that is in consumer purchase of auto- categories, concepts and cognitive structures
mobiles. Taking consumer attitude as an aspect are declarative knowledge which attaches
of behaviour this study attempts to establish the meaning to product message (2005,Grunert and
role played by consumer specific values in Larsen); it in effect means that it is the consumer's
impacting different attitudes that have been personal values that give meaning to products.
used to measure consumer innovativeness and A consumer's personal instantiations of values
consumer involvement. Marketing firms through are also referred to as the personal motives
their various acts try to bring in attitudinal behind a products purchase. According to
changes among their consumers.This research Scholderer, Bredahl and Grunert (2003),the
is expected to give interesting information on personal values in a product's purchase are the
these attitudinal components which are other- super ordinate goals that lead to activation of
wise difficult to understand. Although the scale subordinate goal and behaviour routines that
for measuring innovativeness and involvement help achieve these super ordinate goals, imply-
have long been established, these scales only ing that it is the product specific personal values
help in identifying categories of consumers that dictate behaviour.
based on their innovativeness or grade consum-
ers on their level of involvement. The present Consumer innovativeness and involvement have
research is an attempt to identify and explain known to have paradigmatic impact on con-
the underlying motives behind the different sumer decision making and thus are of great
dimensions that measure customer's relevance. Where consumer innovation is
innovativeness and involvement in their pur- conceptualized as a predisposition to buy new
chase of small cars. The outcome of the study and different products rather than remain with
clearly indicates the influence of multiple values previous choices and consumption patterns (IM,
in consumer attitudes, this research also indi- Bayus and Mason, 2003), it is an important
cates the subtle combination of values that concept for marketers as it helps in identifying
differentiate these attitudes in consumers. innovators and has a direct influence on the
success or failure of any new product. Con-
Keywords: Personal value, Customer sumer involvement on the other hand is looked
innovativeness, Customer involvement, Means at as an unobservable state of motivation,
and End Theory. arousal or interest that is evoked by a particular

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Volume 2 Issue 3 October-December 2010

stimulus or situation and has drive properties. Research on customer innovativeness and cus-
Involvement is little more participating and tomer involvement were largely studied for
enduring in nature. The stimulus for this involve- understanding the deterministic effect they had
ment is believed to come from a product, a on consumer purchases and hence all the
service or a product category. (Beharrell & efforts of researchers were to identify a suitable
Dennison, 1995; Juhl & Poulsen, 2000; Mitchell, scale to measure and categorize their consumer
1981; Zaichkowsky, 1985). This research is an on this variable (Goldsmith & Hofacker 1991;
attempt to link the three concepts that are Laurent and Kapferer, 1985). Individually inter-
believed to be largely product specific in a action of one of these concepts with other
specific situation of consumer's purchase of consumer behaviour variables has been done
small cars. e.g. innovativeness and banking attitude (Lassar,
Manolis, Lassar, 2005), consumer profile and
2. Theoretical Background customer involvement in fresh meat (Verbeke,
Vackier, 2004). The inter-relationship between
The interest of researchers in the concept of
involvement and innovativeness in the camera
values in understanding consumer behaviour
purchases has been done by Hynes, Niki, Lo
began when Rockeach (1973) proposed a set
& Stanley in 2006. This research explores the
of instrumental and terminal values. The list of
research gap that exists in understanding the
values developed by Kahle, and Timmer (1983),
role of product specific values in shaping con-
was one popular instrument used by many
sumer attitude of innovation and involvement.
researchers to understand the relationship
While this research will also attempt to identify
between values and other consumer behaviour
specific values influencing the attitudes, it is also
constructs. List of values (LOV) has been used
likely to throw some light on the fundamental
to define and segment consumers (Kamakura
causes for difference between these two con-
and Novak 1992, Muller, 1991). Thus began an
sumer attitude constructs.
era of research using the LOV. Nijmeijer, Worsley
and Astill (2004) used LOV to study the rela- 3. The three scales used in this Research
tionship between values and lifestyle and demo-
graphic factors. Grankvist and Lekedal (2007) Three scales have been used to in this research
studied on the influence of values in impacting and the following paragraphs present a brief
preferences and reported a positive association discussion on how these have been developed
between the value of security and taste pref- or adapted from the existing literature for the
erence and the value of warm relationship and purpose of our study.
taste of eco friendly juices. Lea and Worsley
(2005) studied the relationship between con- 3.1 Value
sumer beliefs in organic food, personal values
According to Rockeach (1973), value is an
and demography. In the Indian context, Roy and
enduring belief that a particular mode of con-
Goswami (2007) have studied the relationship
duct is superior to the other and value is also
between values and purchase frequency among
considered an abstract and complex concept
college youths in the city of Kolkatta. Values and
that can provide continuity to consumer
lifestyles have also been used to give psycho-
behaviour. Others like Vinson, Scott and.
graphic profiles of customers of three leading
Lamont (1977.), believe that value may prove
newspapers in India (Anandan, Mohanraj &
to be one of the most important explanations
Madhu, 2006).
and influences on consumer behaviour. Value

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Volume 2 Issue 3 October-December 2010

and emotions are inter - wined in a consump- sumption. Jantrania (2002) in her study "Cus-
tion situation and the values expressed in a tomer Value in Organizational Buying: A Means-
consumption situation are the result of emotion End Approach", suggests using these end values
that accompany the consumption experience, to develop a scale.
the consumer being the latent variable that links
the emotion and values. 3.2 Innovativeness

This research uses the Means and End theory Innovativeness can be defined as a personality
(Gutman, 1982) to identify the personal values trait (innate innovativeness) and is "the degree
that are relevant to an individual in their pur- to which an individual is receptive to new ideas
chase of automobiles. Means and End theory and makes innovative decisions independently of
is normally used as an frame work to establish the communicated experience of others"
the cognitive structures which may be called as (Midgley and Dowling, 1978; Hirschman,
the declarative knowledge that give rise to 1980)The typical research to understand
meaning to products message. The psychologi- innovativeness began with the quest of re-
cal Means and End approach focuses on the searchers to either understand the process of
linkage between attributes that exist in the diffusion of innovation or their interest in
products at the lower level (the"means"), the measuring innovativeness to assign consumers
consequences provided by the attributes and into certain categories like innovator, adopters,
the personal values (the "ends"). In this way laggards etc. The earliest researchers adopted
consumers learn to choose from products with the time of adoption concept to measure
certain attributes to achieve their desired con- innovativeness (Rogers, 1962); however this
sequence. Means and End theory underlines came under severe criticism for both method-
why consequences such as, personal values are ological and theoretical soundness from cri-
important. tiques such as Midgley and Dowling (1978).
They called innovation as a hypothetical concept
The most common method to establish Means existing in the minds of the researcher postu-
and End chains has been laddering. Laddering lated to explain observable phenomena, but
based on Means and End theory refers to an existing in the mind of the investigator at a
in-depth one-to-one interviewing technique used higher level of abstraction. On the methodologi-
to gain an understanding of how consumers cal front the time adoption method could not
translate the attributes of the product into be generalized and findings could not be com-
meaningful associations with respect to self. This pared across studies.
is achieved by a series of direct probes using
questions such as why is that important to you? In place of time adoption method, Midgley and
With the objective of finding connections be- Dowling (1978) proposed a cross sectional
tween a range of attributes, consequences and approach to measure innovativeness, which was
end values.The various means and end struc- argued to be a measure of innate innovativeness
tures emanating from product attributes jointly of consumers, a personality trait possessed
form the meaning structure. Value research more or less by every one and which partially
helps in developing suitable communication accounted for some observed innovative
strategy and helps in segmentation and brand behaviour. This however cannot be used in
positioning etc which provide insights into how study of innovativeness in a particular domain.
consumers reinforce their values through con- Given the study findings suggesting little if any,
innovativeness that may overlap across domains

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or product categories, Hirschman (1980) used tinuum with low and high at the two extremes
a domain-specific measure of fashion of the continuum (Zaickhowsky, 1985).
Importance and interest in the consumer in-
According to Midgley and Dowling (1978) volvement construct has resulted in an exten-
innovativeness does not reflect only buying sive body of literature with multitude of defi-
behaviour but also a tendency to learn and nitions and measurements. This has led to
adopt innovations within specific domain of contradictory viewpoints on what involvement
interest. What makes the research on is and what it is not. For example, some believe
innovativeness interesting is that innovators have it as perceived personal relevance
some specific characteristics. Highly innovative (Petty,Cacioppo and Schumann, 1983; Antil,
people tend to take some risk, show greater 1984; Richins and Bloch, 1986; Higie and Feick,
social participation, and have higher opinion 1989) while some others consider it as a
leadership scores, be more knowledgeable about motivational state (Mitchell, 1981; Bloch, 1982;
new products, be more involved in the product Bloch and Richins, 1983; Greenwald and Leavitt,
category, have greater media exposure and be 1984; Mittal, 1989). Few others considered
heavy users of product of the product category consumer involvement in a phenomenological
(Pastore 1999). Goldsmth and Hofacker (1991) view (Houston and Rothschild, 1978; Petty and
in their seminal work on innovativeness have Cacioppo, 1983; Greenwald and Leavitt, 1984).In
developed a simple easily administered scale spite of such diverse views; Mittal (1989) argues
that could be adopted any domain of interest that there has been an agreement among
and used in surveys using the above stated various scholars that consumer involvement is
consumer behaviour attitudes. They argue that, a motivational force leading to consumer
first a multi-item scale helps consumers to sum behaviour and action. Hence, for the study, a
up their behaviour and attitude and second the motivational paradigm of consumer involvement
multi-item scale ensures that the construct is is considered and defined as unobservable state
assessed from a variety of perspectives,which of arousal and interest and evoked by stimulus
increases the overall reliability of the scale. We or situations in this case the stimulus being
have used items from this scale to the relation- provided by product-specific values that are
ship between these items and product specific supposed to be having drive properties.
To measure the concept of involvement two
3.3 Involvement scales have been popularly used. The first,
Zaichkowsky's (1985) Personal Involvement
Consumer involvement is defined as a person's Inventory (PII),which treats involvement as a
perceived relevance of the object based on unidimensional construct (20 items are summed
inherent needs and values (Zaichkowsky, 1985). to produce a single score). The second con-
The concept of involvement originated from sumer involvement profile (CIP) was multifac-
Split-Half theory where the assumption is that eted. Laurent and Kapferer (1985) argued that
left and right halves of the human brain pro- a consumer's involvement cannot be expressed
cesses the information differently (Mittal, 1987). in a single score because the type of involve-
Krugman (1965) proposed that there are two ment is as important as its level. (1) the
levels of involvement; low and high and asso- importance of the product class to the individual
ciated it with split-half theory. Later, consumer (i.e., the perceived importance of a good or
involvement was conceptualized on a con- activity to a particular individual, not its impor-

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tance in an objective sense) (Havitz & Dimanche, Goldsmith and Hofacker,1991; Laurent and
1990); (2) the pleasure or hedonic value derived Kapferer,1985). The construct of innovativeness
from the product (i.e., involvement in recre- is measured using six facets of consumer
ational activities is pleasurable for most individu- behaviour all having their origin in a specific area
als and many authors suggest that the consump- of interest which in our case is consumer
tion of recreation often results in fun, enjoy- purchase of small cars, while the construct of
ment, amusement, fantasy, arousal, and sensory involvement measured using five facets is con-
stimulation) (Csikszentmihalyi,1975; Holbrook sidered motivational in nature, the state arousal
& Hirschman, 1982; Mannell, 1980; McIntyre coming from the product itself. Thus in effect
and Pigram,1992);(3) the sign or symbolic value this research is an attempt to empirically estab-
attributed to the product (i.e., people often lish the relationship between values,
purchase a good or leisure service because they innovativeness and involvement.This becomes
want to belong or differentiate themselves from the first objective of this research. Based on this
others and often is intended to generate theoretical framework the first hypothesis for
favourable perceptions among other people) our study is:
(Havitz & Dimanche, 1990); (4) the risk probabil-
ity associated with a potential miss-purchase; H1 Each and every construct measuring con-
and (5) the risk consequences associated with sumer innovativeness and consumer involve-
miss-purchase. These risks include time and ment is influenced by a set of product specific
effort costs, monetary costs, physical danger, values
social risk (e.g., doing what is appropriate within While establishing the relationship between values
a social/reference group), and performance risk and consumer attitudes may be of theoretical
(e.g., choosing an activity that fits skill level) importance to researchers what is important to
(Brooker, 1984; Cheron & Ritchie, 1982; Selin a marketer is how exactly these values influence
& Howard, 1988). attitudes of consumers and hence this becomes
Verbeke and Vackier (2004) in their study on the second objective of our study. Innovativeness
the effects of consumer involvement in fresh can be defined as a personality trait (innate
meat confirm that involvement in meat is a innovativeness) and is "the degree to which an
multidimensional construct including four facets: individual is receptive to new ideas and makes
pleasure value, symbolic value, risk importance innovation decisions independently of the com-
and risk probability. Kyle, Kerstetter and municated experience of others" (Midgley and
Guadagnolo (2002) in their study on market Dowling, 1978; Hirschman, 1980). Apparently
segmentation using participant involvement have amongst the product specific values that a
also found involvement to be a multidimensional consumer seeks in purchase of small cars, it
construct. This serves as a basis of choosing the must be the psychological values that should
multidimensional construct given by Laurent and have a greater role in influencing consumer
Kapferer (1985). attitude of innovation. Hence the second hy-
pothesis for this research is:
4. Research Objectives and Hypotheses
H2 Innovative consumer is influenced by their
Researchers through their seminal work have need for self respect and freedom values
long back established the fact that the concept Involvement is considered as an un-observed
of values, innovativeness and involvement are state of arousal and interest evoked by stimulus
domain or product specific (Grunert,2005; or situations having drive properties. Consumer
IMJ 33 Sushma Muralie
Volume 2 Issue 3 October-December 2010

involvement has been related to objects or reasons for this low scores could have been
levels like product, advertising, message, lesser number of items in this scale and also
programme (Sridhar, 2007). Since Involvement partly indicative of multi dimensionality of the
is such a concept that has its origin in the construct. The CIP is a multidimensional scale
product and its related communication, the and cronbach for this was not calculated.
third hypothesis is: The final questionnaire contained a total of 24
H3 Involved consumer is influenced by their items along with the underlying dimension they
need for utility value like family value and safety indicated is given in table 1.The respondents
value. were asked to respond on an 7-point agree-
disagree scale was used (1 stands for strongly
5. Research Methodology disagree and 7 stands for strongly agree).
5.1 The Research Instrument
There were three research instruments that 5.2 Sample
were used in this research. The first one was
the value scale developed using Means and End The unit of investigation for the study was an
Theory as the theoretical base for consumer's individual consumer who was a user of small
purchase of small cars (Muralie and Mittal, cars. Small car in a typical Indian context refers
2010). Second a six item consumer to a car with an engine capacity of 800 - 1000cc.
innovativeness scale developed by Goldsmith These type of cars are hugely popular in India
and Hofacker (1991)was adopted suitably to as they are economical both cost wise as well
study the consumer's innovativeness in purchase as fuel consumption wise. Sample respondents
of small cars and third a five item consumer were chosen from various occupational catego-
involvement scale (CIP) developed by Laurent ries from the city of Delhi. No restriction was
and Kapferer (1985) which was suitably adopted put on age, sex, educational qualification and
to study the consumers involvement in pur- income of individuals as the purpose was to get
chase of small cars. a representative sample of customers for our
study. This ensured a representative sample
The product specific value questionnaire al-
from the entire city. A total of 500 question-
though it was used in the previous research
naires were circulated and out of these 220
done by the researchers, and the other con-
filled questionnaires were returned and 215
sumer innovativeness scale adopted by us had
questionnaires were found acceptable. The
to be tested for reliability. After checking the
male to female distribution was 38 and 62
questionnaire for ease of understanding and
percent, respectively and the mean age of
clarity by getting the opinion of a few faculty
respondents was 38 years.
members and students, the questionnaire was
pre tested with a sample of 30 respondent's .the 5.3 Statistical Analysis
product specific value scale after removing one Analysis was carried out using SPSS 13.0 for
item had a cronbach alpha score of 0.76. The Windows. Cronbach alphas were calculated for
consumer innovativeness scale after removing the two of the three scales that is the product
one item had cronbach alpha scores of 0.70 specific value scale and consumer innovativeness
which although a little low was acceptable scale to achieve our objective of predicting
because of the nature of analysis that we were respondent's role of product specific values in
planning to do with this construct. Some of the their innovativeness and involvement with the

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Volume 2 Issue 3 October-December 2010

product category.Linear stepwise regression was for media exposure variable, followed by 18.1%
used. The different dimensions measuring Variance for the personal experience variable
innovativeness and involvement were taken as explained by its predictors and 16.2% variance
independent variable and the set of product for the risk importance variable explained by its
specific values as dependent variable. predictors. The variance explained for by the
predictors for knowledge of product variable
5.4 Findings
and hedonism variables was insignificant, a
The consumer innovativeness and consumer possible explanation for this is that both these
involvement variables were treated as indepen- attitudes may not have their origin in the
dent variables, while the product specific value product specific values we have used in our
variables as dependent variables in linear research
stepwise multiple Regressions, using F values of A look at the product specific value list reveals
.05 for entry and .10 for removal as criteria. that at least ten product specific values having
The cronbach alpha for the product specific a significant impact on shaping consumer atti-
value scale was 0.78 and the consumer inno- tudes. A number of values are common to the
vative scale was 0.70 respectively. For all the facets measuring innovativeness and involve-
ten variables measuring innovativeness and in- ment. Economic value is common to both
volvement the coefficient of determination or Social participation and opinion leadership. Self
R2 was calculated. It is worth while to note that respect value common to social participation,
many researchers have reported low R2 values media exposure, opinion leadership variable and
in psychographic studies (Villani, 1975; Gensch sign value. Family value is common to social
and Ranganathn, 1974; Nijmeijer, 2004; Roy and participation and media exposure. Inner har-
Goswami, 2007). Our purpose of running re- mony value explaining for variance in both
gression was to identify some of the reasons media exposure and personal importance to
behind a consumers attitude of innovation and product, safety value predicting both risk prob-
involvement and to enable the marketers to ability and sign value society value shows nega-
understand them better, design communicate tive correlation to opinion leadership variable,
strategies specifically addressed to them and pleasure value positively correlating with per-
make product specific changes to address this sonal importance and negatively with risk prob-
aspect of consumer behaviour. ability. Freedom value commonly explaining
The result of stepwise Regression is summarized both risk probability and risk importance. Plea-
in Table 3 and Table 4. The result proves our sure value is positively impacting personal rel-
objective of the research that product specific evance to the product and negatively impacting
values and consumer attitudes of Innovation and risk probability. Environmental value impacting
Involvement are related. The fact that each heavy user, media exposure and risk importance
construct measuring Innovativeness and Involve- variable. Socio economic value is negatively
ment is predicted by a different combination of correlated with sign value attitude of an indi-
values supports our first hypothesis. vidual. Involvement on the other hand is largely
influenced by values from the product itself with
A look at the regression results reveal lot of utility values playing a larger influential role,
information on the nature of variables that are however marketer need be concerned about
used to measure these attitudes. Maximum emotions triggered by the product. This proves
variance (35.3%) is explained by the predictors our second and third hypothesis.

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Volume 2 Issue 3 October-December 2010

Table 1 Different items measuring Values, Innovativeness and Involvement

Statements Dimension
Product Specific Value Scale
1. While buying a new car I would first like to check the cost of buying
and maintaining the car Economic Value
2. Comfort matters most in a car other things don't matter much Comfort Value
3. The car I buy must be approved appreciated by my family members Family Value
4. While buying a car reliability and performance of the car in the
market is most important to me. Security value
5. I would use my self gained knowledge while buying a particular car. Self fulfillment Value
6. I will buy a car that is my choice in terms of design, features etc. Freedom Value
7. I will buy a particular car because it reflects my personality Self Respect Value
8. I will only buy a car that has a mass appeal and is appreciated by all. Social Value
9. I will feel at peace with any car. Inner Harmony Value
10. I will choose a car that's likely to give maximum fun and excitement. Pleasure Value
11. I will not be ready to forego some minor safety aspects for other
benefits in car. Safety Value
12. I am concerned about emissions and will be much bothered about
the environment friendliness of the car. Environmental Value
13. I am conscious about fuel shortage and hence the criterion for
selecting would be the fuel consumption. Socio Economic Value
14. While buying I would certainly think about the congestion a car
causes on the roads, the manoeuvrability, the parking space it requires etc. Society Value
Consumer Innovativeness Scale
15. If I had the resources I would like to own a new model of car as soon as it is
launched Social Participation
16. Compared to people from similar background I have changed cars more
number of times. Heavy User
17. In general I am the first one to know about a latest model of car launched Media Exposure
18. I would want to be the first few owners of a new model of car. Opinion Leadership
19. Generally I am the first one to know about the latest technology
advancement/ models in automobiles much ahead of others. Knowledge
Consumer Involvement Scale
20. I am very particular about the car I drive , it is a very important decision Personal Importance to
21. Sometimes you do make mistakes while buying a car. Risk probability
22. When you buy a car its hard to make a wrong choice Risk Importance
23. I cant say that I particularly like the car I drive Hedonism
24. You can really tell a person from the car that he or she drives Sign Value

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Table 2 - Results of Stepwise Linear Regression for Consumer Innovation Vari-

Item B SEB Beta t p(t)
Social Participation
Self Respect Value 0.352 0.69 0.332 5.103 0.000
Economic Value 0.364 0.111 0.219 3.284 0.001
Family Value -0.196 0.88 -0.150 -2.217 0.28
r= 0.371 R2 = 0.138 Adj. R2 = 0.126 F = 3/215 (11.288) P <0.001

Heavy User
Freedom Value 0.352 0.69 0.332 5.103 0.000
Environmental Value 0.364 0.111 0.219 3.284 0.001
Society Value -0.196 0.88 -0.150 -2.217 0.28
r= 0.372 R2 = 0.139 Adj. R2 = 0.126 F = 3/212 (11.366) P <0.001
Media Exposure
Environmental Value 0.414 0.065 0.385 6.391 0 .000
Comfort Value -0.343 0.063 -0.315 5.422 0 .000
Self Respect Value 0.286 0.060 0.271 4.735 0 .000
Family Value 0.215 0.079 0.165 2.723 0.007
Inner harmony Value -0.126 0.056 0.129 2.248 0.26
r= 0..594 R2 = 0..353 Adj. R2 = 0.337 F 5/210 (22.881) P <0.001
Opinion Leadership
Self Respect Value 0.306 0.65 0.302 4.686 0.000
Society Value -0.216 0.80 -0.182 -3.712 0.007
Economic Value 0.224 0.105 0.142 2.123 0.35
r= 0.37 R2 = 0.140 Adj. R2 = 0.128 F = 3/211 (11.446) P <0.001

Knowledge in Product - Insignificant

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Table 3 Results of Stepwise Linear Regression for Consumer Involvement Variables

Personal Importance
to product
Family Value 0.372 0.70 0.338 5.320 0.000
Inner Harmony Value 0.173 0.52 0.209 3.293 0.001
Pleasure Value 0.143 0.57 0.161 2.501 0.013
2 2
r= 0.425 R = 0.181 Adj. R = 0.126 F = 3/215 (15.618) P <0.001

Risk probability
Safety Value 0.176 0.047 0.247 3.765 0.000
Pleasure Value -0174 0.053 -0.231 -3.314 0.001
Freedom Value 0.125 0.049 0.166 2.531 0.012
Social Value 0.115 0.054 0.147 2.151 0.033
Comfort Value -0.104 0.052 -0.133 -2.055 0.041
r= 0..0.356 R2 = 0.127 Adj. R2 = 0.106 F = 5/210 (6.100) P <0.001

Risk Importance
Environmental Value 0.171 0.054 0.207 3.183 0.002
Society Value 0.184 0.061 0.193 3.010 0.003
Social Value 0.143 0.053 0.170 2.697 0.008
Freedom Value 0.110 0.052 0.136 2.113 0.036
r= 0.4031 R2 = 0.162 Adj. R2 = 0.146 F = 4/211 (10.207) P <0.001

Sign value
Self Respect Value 0.200 0.071 0.195 2.826 0.005
Safety Value -0.166 0.061 -0.172 2.711 0.007
Pleasure Value 0.168 0.070 0.165 2.384 0.018
Socio Economic Value -0.165 0.067 -0.158 -2.480 0.014
Economic Value 0.214 0.103 0.133 2.084 0.38
r= 0.411 R2 = 0.169 Adj. R2 = 0.149 F = 5/210 (8.514) P <0.001

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6. Discussion Thus, we may conclude that economics will

always impact consumers innovativeness. Simi-
The findings reveal a lot of information for larly when we look at the heavy user variable
marketers to enable them to understand their we find heavy users are being influenced by their
consumer's attitudes better. We will first discuss preference for choice, but they cannot be easily
the regression results for consumer influenced to buy something that is not eco-
Innovativeness. This was measured using five friendly.
facets out of which the regression results
revealed that the variance explained by the Similarly, the construct of involvement was
predictors for the knowledge in product to be measured using five facets out of which the
insignificant and hence rejected for further variance explained by the predictors for hedo-
analysis. Now the four aspects of innovativeness nism were found to be insignificant and not
under study are discussed further. First, social considered further. The first facet under discus-
participation is influenced by a the consumers sion is the aspect of personal importance to
desire for self respect and data reveals that they product.The results reveal this to be influenced
would do so only if economics permits them. by family value, inner harmony value and
Second, an attitude to change cars that is heavy pleasure value, indicating perhaps that an Indian
users are influenced by the desire to choose; consumer attaches personal importance to a
also these consumers show greater environ- product because of her/his concern for the
mental concerns. Third, an attitude to be aware family. She/he considers a car as an item that
of the latest launches - Media exposure is gives pleasure and owning a car gives them
perhaps linked to environmental concerns, self inner harmony. The second and third aspect of
respect, consideration for family happiness and discussion are the attitude of risk both in terms
is also linked to the product's ability to give a of importance and probability. Both originating
sense of peace. Fourth, opinion leadership is from typical values arising from the usage of
influenced by desire for self respect the product product and emotional components. Fourth,
gives, its cost and its impact on society. the attitude of considering a car symbolically and
this is linked to self respect value and pleasure
A brief look at the entire concept of value with negative correlation to safety value.
innovativeness reveals that the two dimension
of social participation and opinion leadership Thus we can conclude that involvement as a
though very similar in nature are influenced by concept is influenced largely by values inherently
the same variables which is self respect value arising from usage of the product per se (may
and economic value.Yet opinion leadership be called as utility values) and the other part
does not get influenced by society value whereas is the emotional value such as inner harmony
social participation is influenced by family value. value and pleasure value. What we find inter-
This result in itself shows the ability of this esting is the absence of a large influence by the
regression result to predict subtle differences in environmental and society value.
the dimension based on the influence of values. A comparison between the two constructs of
The inference for marketers is that innovation innovativeness and involvement reveals
as a concept although very individualistic also innovativeness as innate and individualistic and
gets influenced by other set of values, eco- largely influenced by specific values which may
nomic dimension being one amongst them. largely have its origin in human emotions, with
the product specific values also featuring as an

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