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Personality Development Paper



Fredericka Barnes

Dr. Jennifer Friedrich


Personality Development Paper

Personality helps identify the element of hierarchy distinctively form who we are,

about how we function we will discuss gene-environment communication and the

influence personality. We will learn how cultures are a factor in personality expression

understanding the close bond of twins inheritability inspirations the traits of character.

Associated with characteristics of temperament are steady as time passes those

qualities are linked towards adult personality. The components related to mood to help

the individual maintain personality behaviors as older adults. The factor of the matter is

that our personality help defines who we are, and helps determine the balance or

inequities of other related unidentified traits.


Psychologists who have understood the traits of personality as it relates to

biology and environment influences. Interaction is between the two forms the individual

character. The knowledge that genes are epicenter units of inheritance of made up

DNA. Chemical codes of synthesis proteins elements that, allow us to function. As we

know genes affect a persons behavior that relates to personality. Gene-environment

collaboration refers to a situation when the environment restrain the effects that genes

have on behavior genes can shift the impact of climate on a person behavior. The gene-

environment connection is considered inherited characters especially when children

have to experience a hostile environment. Which affects the child as he or she gets

older because of their adverse controlled environment. Gene-environment help

understands a persons risk factors towards certain diseases that interacts with a

persons health. That is inherited somewhat relatively than the illness itself being

inherited. An individual could have a family history of diabetes, obesity and high blood

pressure some risk factors that the individual could look out for is. Blindness,

medication, and amputation. Bettering their diet, watching what they eat and staying

stress-free helps restrain the disease effect. Behavioral genetics offer a high interest

towards psychologists behavioral genetics relates information towards mental illness

that family members share through gene identification. An individual culture can create

the personality of the individual. Considering that culture is geographically different, one

must acknowledge the factors associated with a persons history; all factors play an

influencing role. Because culture is a learned behavior through experience culture

invades its society by beliefs, bonds, and relationships.


Research laid the core foundation of what we know about psychology and

personality disorders today. Without having sufficient research that makes treatment

and development substantial we would still treat mental illness and learning disabilities

as plague and not a condition. With little to no understanding we would still torture

individual who have mental illness as form of treatment such as shock therapy. Which

only makes the situation worse. Considering twins and genetic genes of twins occupy a

essential role with research in relation to helping understand genes as they are

exaggerated reason of discovering diseases and similarity of behavior Exploration of

evidence for both genetic and environmental influence on personality. Behavioral

geneticists estimate not only the quantity of variability in a distinguishing due to heredity,

but also the proportion due to the environments. Cervone & Pervin (2013.)

Twins pairs are so crucial when it comes to assessing the affect genetics Twin

and adoption data to determine environmental effects on personality variables.

Research offers information such as genetic influence is so ubiquitous and inescapable

in behavior. Cervone & Pervin (2013.) When validating assumption research play a vital

role of clarification about a subject. If it was not for research understanding twins

research structure of inheritance would not be as achievable. Considering the fact that

research and theory integrate the connection gathering factual information research

primary goal as to inform others. Acknowledging that fact theoretical development

research helps in development, evaluation personality theory and modification Cervone

& Pervin (2013.)

Temperament is considered characteristics related to a person fears reactions

and self-conscious behavior. Character plays a role in a person personality which is a

subdomain in ones personality. Temperament identifies an individual behavioral,

inclusively and their emotion because of temperament frameworks of character. Is like a

beam to a house without the proper structure and function there is no validation to

support purpose of the house efforts to stand. Considering a persons temperament to

be cynical and positive many cases both varies carry weight in relation environmental

experience among other factors, elements as this are identified in areas of inherited

individuals. Genetics endowments create temperament Genetic factors subsidize to the

expansion of ones brain, in this work the psychologist can determine a precise

connection from genes to biological arrangements to mood, as expressed in emotion

and behavior Cervone & Pervin (2013.) Temperament shapes a persons as well as the

experience we develop attitude play a factor in growing up our behavior and. Emotional

disposition a role in psychological development we determine the mood of an individual

based on the individual character.

The Five-Factor

The prominent five personality traits (FFM) built from common language

description as it relates to personality theory. The five factors of personality traits are

associated with extraversion openness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and

agreeableness. Transparency can be both positive and negative when a person is not

open to sharing their feeling and wish not to be exposed to other alternative options in

treatment or working in groups they are not as down to earth. The brains of a person

with complex construct systems should differ from those with less sophisticated

systems. Thinking depend on the mind, if there is a difference, in the brain, among

people who display qualitatively unlike thinking abilities cognitively composite for

thinking for sort we subordinate through experts against cognitively real thinking

presented by learners. Cervone Pervin (2013.) An open person would prefer to share

their feelings and thoughts curious about working beyond traditional methods.

Extraversion person likes to be to themselves watching a moving or reading a book the

five factors can determine the structure of an individual. This model helps professionals

gain greater insight into the personality of a person.

Understanding that the five-factors of an individual are linked to cultures of an

individual no matter the personal boundaries or language. When some particular

experience mistreatment, some children have good developmental consequences; they

seem to be resilient in the face of early life stress Cervone & Pervin (2013.) The citation

provided is a guideline. Please check each excerpt for accuracy before use.

Understanding that the approach of personality trait theories is different. The difference

reflects the nature of the methods and philosophers. Theories of personality, in the way

that there was in the psychodynamic and phenomenological traditions Cervone & Pervin


Personality can be obstructed in many ways a persons behavior can be affected

genetically, environmental influences, unknown elements, and cultural effects. Genetics

influences are geared towards temperament characters and the age of the persons.

Psychology laid the foundation of mapping behaviors to traits understanding that men

temperament can be very harsh where both genders can become irate. Understanding,

that culture impacts the personality development for anyone no matter the colored or

creed. Agreeing that personality is vital as we have already discussed like DNA that

identifies the persons. It helps explain who we are someone may compare the

individuals behavior as good or bad are should he is she need anger management.

Personality can be identifying a person is a relation to nature of the individual. Research

has helped shape the world of what we knew as mind revolution.



Cervone, D., & Pervin, L. A. (2010). Personality: Theory and research (11th ed.).

Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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