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singers hoarseness Homeopathic treatment

Vocal cord nodules are benign (noncancerous) growths on both vocal cords that are caused
by vocal abuse.It is otherwise called as Singer's nodes or Teacher's nodes, as they are
common with them due to continuous use of voice.Vocal problems and strain usually stem
from poor vocal technique and health issues like dehydration, stress, acid reflux and allergies
among other Nature warns initially by hoarseness of voice about the overuse or abuse of
voice. Even then, if proper care is neglected, vocal nodules come as penalty.Over time,
repeated abuse of the vocal cords results in soft, swollen spots on each vocal cord. These
spots develop into harder, callous-like growths called nodules. The nodules will become
larger and stiffer the longer the vocal abuse continues.

Polyps can take a number of forms. They are sometimes caused by vocal abuse. Polyps
appear on either one or both of the vocal cords. They appear as a swelling or bump (like a
nodule), a stalk-like growth, or a blister-like lesion. Most polyps are larger than nodules and
may be called by other names, such as polypoid degeneration or Reinke's edema. The best
way to think about the difference between nodules and polyps is to think of a nodule as a
callous and a polyp as a blister.Homeopathy, the remedy is selected on the basis of symptoms
of the patient, including physical, mental (emotional states, depression, anxious, etc) and
family history. Homeopathy treats the patients, rather than the diseases or its effects.
Homeopathy acts neurologically and helps the brain attain calmness. So it can give a
permanent solution. It gives psychological support to withstand emotional conditions.
Homeopathy, with its dynamic approach, can cure sleeplessness wonderfully. The major
credit point with Homeopathy is its nil side-effects and also its effective cure which is
permanent without any persistent usage of drugs or dependency or habit-forming.

Pathophysiology of Vocal Cord

Vocal cord plays the voice / sound. Vibration of vocal cords usually allows air from lungs
then and there, according to need of expected sound that has to be produced. While any one
attempt to strain with speaking or singing, when there is infection or odema, vocal cords may
get rubbed hard against each other to get pressure abrasions or injury . This friction occurred
with vibration of vocal cord usually causes scratchy, hoarse voice and pain .
Uncared and constant or recurrent abrasions usually get healed with formation of stronger
epithelial cells, i.e., small bead like vocal nodules. This thickening or formation of node is a
protective reaction to safeguard the parts to prevent further injury. For example- in the hands
of farmers or rowers, the thickening of skin is formed at the base of the fingers and feet to
prevent blister formation during frictions.


Most common cause of vocal cord palsy is idiopathic (30%). Vagus nerve originates from
posterior fossa and passes through jugular foramen along with IX and XI cranial nerve to
neck and traverses in relation to thyroid gland and tracheoesophageal groove. Left vagus
nerve dips down in mediastinum and is in relation to left atrium. The patient present with
hoarseness of voice and associated symptoms (depending on the site of involvement).
Vocal nodule commonly occurs after repeated voice strain for eg

speaking loudly ,
singing loudly,
crying, etc

which use to injure vocal cord repeatedly.

The other triggers which cause vocal nodules to get injured commonly are

recurrent laryngitis (sore throat),

tonsillitis, adenoids,
post nasal drip,
violent cough / sneeze,
oesophageal gastric reflux (acidity), etc.

It may also be from chewing peppermint continuously,Pollution in cities,Cigratte,Surgical

injuries, inhaling mosquito repellents and nasal decongestants too.
Symptoms of vocal nodes

In case of vocal nodules, voices may be low pitched, creaky, scratchy, hoarse & husky.
Further, there may be
Tickling sensation in the throat
Sensation of foreign material in the throat
Voice struck in the throat / inability to produce expected clear sounds .
Fleeting sound while straining to make high pitched sound
Induction of cough with difficulty in breathing (occasionally)

a "rough" voice
a "scratchy" voice
shooting pain from ear to ear
a "lump in the throat" sensation
neck pain
decreased pitch range
voice and body fatigue
Unless otherwise vocal nodules are properly cared, it will sustain or increase the intensity of
the hoarseness in course of time to mute the voice totally.
Self Care Measure:Home tips

In most cases, it an acute condition that heals with time and has no serious consequences. But
you can get rid of the pain and inflammation and restore your voice more quickly with some
easy and simple natural remedies.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that help fight infections and thus can be
used to treat laryngitis.
Mix two tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey in
half a cup of water. To increase the effectiveness of this remedy, you can add a little cayenne
pepper too. Drink it twice a day.
Prepare a solution by mixing one tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass
of warm water. Gargle with the solution several times a day until you get relief.
Onion Syrup
Onion syrup acts as a natural expectorant and is an effective natural cure for larynx
1. Cut up three to four medium-sized onions. Simmer the pieces in four cups of water until
the solution thickens to a syrup-like consistency.
2. Mix five tablespoons of the onion syrup in a glass of warm water. Add one tablespoon of
honey and a few drops of lemon juice.
3. Sip the mixture slowly.
Fresh ginger is good for your throat because it soothes the the inflamed mucous membranes
of the larynx.
Boil thinly sliced fresh ginger root in a covered pan of water for 10 minutes. Strain the
liquid and allow it to cool to room temperature. You can also add some lemon juice and
sweeten it with honey. Drink this ginger tea several times a day.
You can also try sucking on a few candied gingers throughout the day or simply eat a few
thin slices of fresh ginger root.
Warm Salt Water
Warm salt water helps kill bacteria and promotes healing of your inflamed vocal cords and
sore throat.
Just add one-half teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and gargle with it. Do this several
times a day.
Lemon Juice
e the acidic nature of lemon juice can kill bacteria and viruses, and relieve various symptoms
of laryngitis. Plus, it helps loosen mucus.
1. Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water.
2. Add one-half teaspoon of sea salt (if you do not have sea salt then just use table salt)
3. Gargle with this solution several times a day.
Additional Tips
When dealing with laryngitis, it is suggested to speak softly, but do not whisper as that
would put more strain on the vocal cords.
Give rest to your larynx.
Avoid clearing your throat.
Drink adequate water to stay hydrated but avoid alcohol and caffeine intake.
Do not smoke and also avoid second-hand smoking.
Avoid upper respiratory infections.
Use a humidifier or vaporizer to add moisture to the air.
Get vocal therapy which helps analyze the way you use your voice so that you can correct
any abnormal speech patterns.
Homoeopathic Treatment:

Homeopathy is more effective than any other system of medicines in clearing vocal nodules
or polyps. Homeopathic treatment can do wonders by removing disease completely if
treatment is started at the earliest and vocal nodule is not so big or can provide dramatic relief
by shrinking nodules (if it is big).
Regarding homeopathic treatment, homeopathy gives importance to the individual symptoms
/ patients feelings with respect to disease than for the disease symptoms itself. Symptom
presentations may also differ from person to person depending upon the cause and intensity.
For some, there will be betterment on continuous use of voice (better in evening than in
morning). For some, it may get worsened with usage (better in morning and worst in evening)
and for some others, clearing the throat can give some relief. Homeopathy stands here with
individualization to treat the disease / tendency at its root level by strengthening our vital
force. Homeopathy can be considered as a tremendous breakthrough to combat it surgically.
Homeopathy can also switch off the hoarseness smoothly and effectively at the earliest. Even
though, its process may not be incidental, it provides recovery in slow phase in a permanent
HOMOEOPATHIC Medicines(Remedies) for vocal cords

Besides some of the following ingredients, the product contains Dr Gurpreet Singh
Makkar(punjab,India), Research based, highly effective medicines

Causticum:- Hughes says that there is no better remedy in catarrhal aphonia than Causticum.
It has dryness of the larynx and sensitiveness extending to the chest. There is hoarseness with
rawness and scraping in the chest under the middle of the sternum, with a dry, hollow and
unsatisfactory cough. It finds a curative sphere in the hoarseness of speakers and singers,
which is worse mornings and much aggravated in cold weather. It is a paretic hoarseness
accompanied by a cough which does not seem sufficient to bring up the phlegm, and in these
cases the 12th or 13th potencies act well. In chronic hoarseness Sulphur will sometimes act
when Causticum fails. Arnica has hoarseness from fatigue of the pharyngeal muscles, and a
gargle of arnicated water will often refresh and strengthen the throat after long speaking and
relieve the sense of thirst. The Causticum patient will have such a complete loss of voice that
he cannot speak aloud.

Phosphorus:- Evening hoarseness with great sensitiveness and dryness in the larynx is
characteristic of Phosphorus. It tires and hurts the patient to talk; the voice is rough and
hoarse, and the expectoration is scanty; using the voice brings on the cough. The soreness of
Phosphorus is in the larynx , with Causticum it is under the sternum. In paralytic aphonia
secondary to laryngeal catarrhs Phosphorus and Rumex stand pre-eminent. Farrington gives
Ammonium causticum a first place in hoarseness associated with burning and rawness in the
larynx and pharynx.

Aconite:- In the beginning of a laryngitis in children there is no better remedy than Aconite ;
there is fever, chilliness, dry skin and hoarseness and the patient will awaken at night with a
croupy cough. Belladonna has dryness, constriction, and soreness in the larynx, talking is
painful and the voice is husky and hoarse. Ivins claims that Ferrum phosphoricum, if given
early, is the only remedy needed; it certainly seems to control the inflammatory condition and
hold in check the progress of the disease. Meyhoffer mentions AEsculus as a very useful
remedy in catarrhal inflammation of the larynx and pharynx. Houghton considers Ferrum
phosphoricum as one of the greatest of temporary voice toners; he says that it enables singers
to control the voice in its entire compass when suffering from hoarseness.

Hepar sulphur:- Laryngitis in children after exposure to dry, cold winds; there is a croupy
cough and hoarseness, worse mornings, the patient is very sensitive to the slightest draft, the
larynx is painful and dry. It is also a remedy especially adapted to laryngeal troubles of
professional singers, and brilliant cures have been made with it. Sulphur corresponds to
chronic cases, with morning loss of voice following suppression of eruptions; voice is hoarse,
rough and deep. Kali bichromicum has dryness of the larynx; the voice is rough and hollow
and the expectoration stringy. Ivins recommends the 12X. Arsenicum corresponds to
laryngeal tuberculosis, with ulceration and burning. Dr. Mitchell considers Hepar the most
effective of all remedies in chronic laryngitis. Its action is prompt in the hoarseness of
professional singers. Ipecac. Dr. Cartier advocates this remedy in complete aphonia from a
cold or congestion of the vocal chords claiming it to be superior to Causticum in
inflammatory aphonia. He uses the 6 or 3X potencies every half hour until the voice returns.
It has a remarkable efficacy also in relieving hoarseness.

Spongia:- Besides the dry, harsh, barking, croupy cough and suffocative spells of this remedy
it is useful in laryngeal phthisis with burning and stinging in the larynx and a sensation as if a
plug were there, with great sensitiveness; swallowing is painful. Sambucus is useful for a
spasm of the larynx occurring with laryngitis, and when oedema is present with difficult
almost impossible respiration Apis will prove useful. Chlorine is, however, the specific for
that dangerous condition known as oedema of the glottis. Drosera suits laryngeal phthisis
with great hoarseness, excretion of tough mucus, paroxysmal cough after midnight. Both
voice and cough have a deep bass trumpet sound. Verbascum is similar, but extends lower
than the larynx. Iodine has great usefulness in the early stage of membraneous laryngitis;
with fever, dry skin, dry cough, and great difficulty in respiration. It follows closely after

Arum triphyllum:- For the hoarseness of singers and orators there are a few remedies of great
importance; among them is Arum triphyllum. It is useful when the voice suddenly gives out
and goes to a higher key. A cracked voice from overuse and hoarseness. Selenium is a
remedy frequently necessary to clear the voice; it has hoarseness appearing as soon as the
patient commences to sing, or even after long use of the voice; a characteristic is
expectoration of much transparent mucus from the larynx in the morning. Graphites has
inability to control the vocal cords, the patient gets hoarse and the voice cracks on beginning
to sing. a very useful remedy for singers. Argentum metallicum has burning and rawness in
the larynx, worse from talking and using the voice, it is useful for an alteration in the timbre
of the voice in singers and speakers. It has copious exudation in the larynx looking like boiled
starch, which is easily hawked up. Benzoin IX was recommended by Dr. T. F. Allen for
hoarseness accompanied by a sensation of rawness extending from the larynx to the pit of the
throat, but not into the trachea. Mercurius solubilis. Two doses a day is frequently specific in
hoarseness. Baryta carbonica has hoarseness, with great relaxation of the muscular structures
of the throat.

Carbo vegetabilis:- This remedy suits a painless hoarseness, particularly that which is brought
on by exposure to damp evening air. It is, of course, worse evenings, though it may appear in
the morning on walking, aggravated in moist, cool weather. Eupatorium perfoliatum has
hoarseness in the morning, with chest soreness and aching of the body; a soreness and aching
of the body; a soreness in the larynx rather than a rawness. Senega is another useful remedy
for hoarseness; the throat is so dry that it hurts the patient to talk. It suits sudden aphonias and
those accompanied by accumulation of mucus on the chest which is difficult to raise.
Gelsemium is the first remedy for aphonia from a laryngeal paralysis, or loss of voice during
menses, and hysterical hoarseness. Nux moschata has aphonia from hysteria or changing
emotions. Opium has aphonia from fright and Platinum should be considered in hysterical
aphonia as well as in any other hysterical conditions. Plumbum in old cases should not be
forgotten. Gelsemium is, by the way, of great value in laryngismus stridulus.

Bromine:- Perhaps the next remedy in order is Bromine. Its indications are a deep, hoarse
voice, and every attempt at inspiration produces coughing; the breathing is hoarse, rasping
and whistling and there is rattling in the larynx, and when the child coughs the larynx sounds
full of mucus. With Bromine the child is suddenly roused out of sleep as if choking and a
drink of water often relieves the spasmodic condition. The sensation as if some of the
membrane were loose in the larynx giving rise to this rattling, is very characteristic of this
drug. There is also marked prostration. Antimonium tartaricum has this rattling down than
Bromine. Bromine follows Hepar well when Hepar is unable to remove the exudation. Great
suffocation so that the child wants to be carried from room to room is a good indication.
Bromine follows iodine well. Preparations of Bromine soon decompose, so it becomes
necessary to have them made fresh; prepare with distilled water, one drop of pure Bromine to
six ounces of water. The higher homoeopathic attenuations never deteriorate nor lose their

Kali muriaticum:- Clinically, Kali muriaticum has been found a very useful remedy in croup.
It corresponds to croupous exudations, it has expectoration of gray fibrinous slime or phlegm
from the mucous membrane. The cough is dry, hard and croupy,harsh and barking. It forms
with Ferrum phosphoricum the principal tissue remedy treatment of croup.

Kaolin:- This is a remedy little used or thought of in croup. It has some good symptoms,
however. It is useful for membranous croup when it extends downwards, and one of its
characteristic symptoms is intense soreness along the trachea and upper part of the chest. The
patient does not want anything to touch him because the chest is so sore. Ammonium
causticum is considered by some specific in membranous croup.

Iodine:- Iodine, in its provings, not only presents all the symptoms peculiar to croup, such as
hoarseness, dry, rough, deep cough, painful larynx, whistling respiration, sensation of
obstruction in larynx, but in the record of poisonings we have the formation of pseudo-
membrane on epiglottis, vocal chords and the parts of the larynx beneath them. Experienced
teaches that its curative actions is all the more favorable the firmer the consistency of the
morbid product is, hence Iodine is less indicated for mucous than for membranous
formations. It may be employed in all stages of croup. Given in the beginning, it may cut
short the attack, and after 1 exudation has taken place it diminishes this either directly by
absorption, or by rendering it more fluid it become more easy to expectorate; and when
exudation has existed for some time and the patient is exhausted it has the effect of rousing
the organism to general reaction. The special indications for its use are the dry, short, barking
cough with wheezing, sawing respiration, dyspnoea and imminent suffocation. The cough
may have lost the peculiar metallic tone and become muffled and indistinct. There is constant
desire to change position, and it acts especially well in dark-complexioned children. Use the
IX dilution, three drops every fifteen minutes. Croup caused by long continued damp
weather,with more fever than with Bromine, are good indication for Iodine. It comes in after
Hepar when in spite of that remedy the exudation forms itself into membrane. Some
practitioners pin their faith remedy in the IX dilution, especially when the case is a severe

Kali bichromicum:- This remedy is suitable to children with short, fat necks, and it is
indicated in true membranous croup. The cough is metallic, the fauces and tonsils are red and
swollen, breathing is labored and the larynx is sensitive. The child has smothering spells and
awakens choking. The formation of a thick membrane takes place, and the tendency of the
disease is to extend downward, becoming croupous bronchitis. There is violent wheezing,
and the expectoration is of tough and stringy mucus. It offers the most hope of removing the
false membrane. Cowperthwaite places this remedy before all others in membranous croup.
When the spasm o;f the throat is very severe, Lachesis will sometimes be indicated.
Mercurius proto-iodide has been successful in certain cases and if diphtheria is suspected
Mercurius cyanatus.

Sanguinaria:- This remedy may be useful in croup. There is the formation of a false
membrane with dryness, burning and swollen feeling in the throat and a wheezing, whistling
croupy cough. Dryness and burning are the keynotes of Sanguinaria.

Advise:- Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization.

Homeopathic Herbal Tips are idea to help people to recognize potential of homeopathic
medicines.None of Homeopathic medicine should be used without consent of Qualified
Physician.You can take medicine from professionally Qualified physician after full case
taking for more detail please follow link .

I had planned to see a concert the other day (its always exciting when you can sit back and
relax with friends at a show). Unfortunately, it was canceled at the last minute because the
singer came down with laryngitis and lost his voice. I was certainly disappointed that the
performance got canceled, but I was also concerned for the singer.
Laryngitis is any singer or public speakers worst nightmare. In fact, it is a pretty
uncomfortable illness for anyone who uses their voice on a daily basis. It is a condition where
your voice box (larynx) and vocal cords become irritated or inflamed. In most cases, acute
laryngitis is caused from viral infections, such as the common cold or flu. The overuse of
your voice from cheering or singing can also lead to laryngitis. In rare cases, the bacterial
infection diphtheria may be the cause of acute laryngitis.

How Do You Cure Laryngitis?

Treatment for acute laryngitis is fairly simple: avoid using your voice as much as possible
and consume lots of water and everything should be back to normal within a couple of weeks.
Laryngitis may also be a sign from your body to cut back on smoking or drinking alcohol,
since both cause irritation in the voice box.

However, chronic laryngitis may form from constant exposure to irritants such as allergens,
toxic fumes, caffeine, cigarette smoking, or asthma inhalers. It is best to avoid these
substances. Other causes of chronic laryngitis include acid reflux or gastroesophageal disease
(GERD), chronic coughing and sinusitis, and viral infections like mumps or measles.


The Homeopathic Laryngitis Cure

Im a huge fan of homeopathic remedies. For example, the most beneficial homeopathic
remedy for overexerted vocal cords is argentum nitricum, which is prepared from watered
down silver nitrate. The remedy is also recommended when laryngitis is connected with stage
fright and anxiety. Argentum nitricum is also effective for other throat conditions such as
chronic hoarseness and loss of voice.

When a singer belts out a high note and it causes coughing, argentum nitricum is very
effective. Argentum nitricum is a great remedy for a person who feels thick mucus in the
airways or a splinter in the larynx when they swallow. They may also choke and food may
lodge in the upper throat. They may feel like they are paralyzed with dry and burning skin.
Warmth is known to make laryngitis worse with these people, while cool air actually makes
the condition better.

To treat acute laryngitis, it is best reduce the dosages of argentum nitricum when your
symptoms decrease. Take a potency of 6c, 12c, or 30c every hour. One dose daily for a long
period of time is usually recommended for chronic laryngitis.

Other Natural Remedies for Laryngitis

Homeopathic remedies are typically recommended for a person based on particular
symptoms. For laryngitis, a homeopath may also prescribe aconitumespecially from
sudden symptoms. Homeopathic phosphorus is a common remedy for bronchitis, coughs, and
laryngitis. Kali bichromicum is also considered the most effective remedy for sinuses, but can
also be used for laryngitis and other throat conditions. Other common homeopathic remedies
for laryngitis include spongia tosta, causticum, arsenicum album, ammonium carbonicum, or
ambra grisea.
Antibacterial foods that can provide relief for laryngitis include apple cider vinegar, ginger,
onions, garlic, lemon juice, honey, and warm salt water. Slippery elm and eucalyptus oil are
also known to provide natural treatment for laryngitis. It is also best to avoid foods that cause
acid reflux such as coffee, fried foods, or anything spicy.

Remember, when you still cant speak for more than two weeks, seek advice from a doctor or
a natural health practitioner.

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