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Software Traceability:

Trends and Future

Research Paper By : Jane Cleland-Huang,Orlena C. Z. Gotel,Patrick Mder,Andrea Zisman & Jane Human

Being Presented by Baber Sheikh

What is software
traceability ?
- The ability to identify and document the lineage of each requirement, including its derivation
(backward traceability), its allocation (forward traceability), and its relationship to other

- Requirements have a habit of breeding.

- Why Needed ?

- Improve scope management.

- Improve test coverage and test cost.
- Improve change impact assessment.
Traceability Matrix
Research paper
Study of recent literature describing industrial studies of

Asked eight seasoned practitioners from the healthcare,

enterprise information systems, military, and
transportation sectors for their perspectives on
traceability practice and challenges.
Goal Oriented Perspective
Process Oriented
The Technical Perspective
Traceabilty research
Recommended areas of
research in traceability
- Understanding Stakeholder Needs
- Visualizing Trace Data
- Accessing and Querying Trace Data
- Trace Integrity
- Trace Maintenance
- Trace Creation
- Research Directions - Planning and Management, Cost, Visualization

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