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Symposium Social Capital and Diversity

Social Capital and Racial Inequality

in America
By Rodney E. Hero

“Social capital” is said to be strongly associated with better sub- Arguments and Evidence
stantive outcomes as well as with civic and economic dimensions In Bowling Alone, Putnam created a “social capital index” (for
of equality in the United States. Robert Putnam argues in 1990), which serves as his major explanatory (independent) vari-
Bowling Alone that “the American states with the highest levels of able concerning the contemporary importance of social capital.
social capital are precisely the states most characterized by eco- The index has five components and 14 specific variables, meas-
nomic and civic equality.” He adds: “[B]oth across space [i.e., uring community organizational life, engagement in public
states] and across time, equality and fraternity [social capital] are affairs, community volunteerism, informal sociability, and social
strongly positively correlated. . . . [T]he empirical evidence on trust.4 This index, along with the numerous dependent variables
recent trends is unambiguous. . . . Community and equality are examined in the study, does not disaggregate along racial or eth-
mutually reinforcing, not mutually incompatible.”1 nic lines, although it includes race as a separate independent vari-
Yet in seeming contradiction to this “social capital thesis,” able. How does our understanding change if we inspect the
social capital and related factors such as “political culture” do not social-capital thesis more directly through the lens of racial diver-
necessarily bridge across racial or ethnic groups; nor do they sity, in various arenas of politics and policy?
always engender relative civic and economic equality between To begin, I examined the 1990 social-capital index for the
blacks and whites. Even more problematic, higher aggregate American states (see Putnam’s Web site, www.bowlingalone.com)
social capital is sometimes associated with relatively worse out- and its relationship to a measure of state “minority diversity” (i.e.,
comes for racial minorities.2 These results underscore the impor- percent black, Latino, and Asian, in 1990).5 I found a negative
tance of racial/ethnic dimensions of equality in the United States and substantially strong relationship: r = −0.585 (adjusted
and reveal major limitations of the social-capital thesis. R2 = 0.33 to 0.43). (The strength of this relationship depends on
Most analyses of social capital do not adequately confront con- whether you use a “squared term” to capture an upward swing in
ditions associated with race; as a result, they come to conclusions the regression line.6) More minority diversity is related to less
more benign than a fuller assessment warrants. Social-capital aggregate social capital; less diversity is related to higher social
analyses implicitly emphasize absolute or aggregate indicators of capital. Indeed, a third or more of social capital appears related to
equality and overlook or understate relative outcomes for minori- racial/ethnic diversity.7 In short, states with high social capital
ties. They thus obscure important dimensions of the continuing tend to be relatively homogeneous in racial or ethnic terms.8 For
inequality by race and mislead us in our thinking about equality example, the Dakotas and Minnesota have high social-capital
and democracy in American politics. The appropriate assessment scores.
of social capital’s impact on American civil society and politics Putnam’s index of civic equality is “based on class differences in
shows that it depends on what dimensions of public life we con- rates of political participation, as measured in Roper Social and
sider, how we define “better off,” whether one is black or white, Political Trends surveys, aggregated over 1974 to 1994. For each
and whether one lives in a more or less racially heterogeneous of the twelve forms of political participation—signing petitions,
community.3 attending public meetings, and so on”—he constructed a “ratio
of the logged incidence in the top quintile of the income distri-
bution to the bottom quintile of the income distribution.”9
Rodney E. Hero is the Packey J. Dee Professor of American Putnam finds a strong relationship between social capital and
Democracy and chair of the Department of Political Science at the civic equality—the more social capital, the more civic equality.10
University of Notre Dame (Rodney.Hero.1@nd.edu). He special- But the civic-equality index, like the one for social capital, is not
izes in U.S. democracy and politics, especially as viewed through the disaggregated according to race.
analytical lenses of Latino and ethnic/minority politics, state/urban Nearly all the measures used in the civic-equality index come
politics, and federalism. His book Faces of Inequality: Social from surveys; and given the size and distribution of racial/ethnic
Diversity in American Politics received the American Political populations in the United States, appropriate survey evidence is
Science Association’s 1999 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award. likely not available or even feasible across the 50 states. Other

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indicators of organizational activity also do not distinguish by the tionship (in Table 2, see Models 1, 3, and 5) between social cap-
racial/ethnic backgrounds of participants. This gap in data con- ital and black/white turnout is negative for all three years; and
strains a full examination of civic equality relative to race. for two of the years it is significant. In the same two years, high-
Nonetheless, census data for voter registration and turnout— er levels of social capital are associated with larger gaps in vot-
drawn from the Current Population Survey (CPS) of the U.S. ing turnout between blacks and whites even when I control for
Census Bureau—are illuminating since “the voting population is minority diversity and black poverty (in Table 2, see Models 2,
the closest match in racial and ethnic terms to the population as 4, and 6).
a whole.”11 So if social capital is indeed strongly linked to civic In short, civic equality (i.e., the ratio of black to white registra-
equality, as the social-capital thesis asserts, the connection should tion and turnout) is lower in states with high aggregate levels of
appear in voting. I will therefore examine racial civic equality capital. It is also lower in states with high aggregate levels of civic
using two CPS indicators, registration and turnout, among the culture, according to another set of analyses not reported here.13
eligible population for 1992, 1994, and 1996. The authoritative story of political participation by Sidney Verba,
Kay Scholzman, and Henry Brady14 similarly shows that we
should not expect to find more racial equality in other political
Civic Equality: Ratios activities, but might well find even less.15 Social capital is associ-
Registration ratios ated with lower, not higher, relative civic equality regarding race.
Is social capital significantly related to more equal black/white
voter registration ratios in the states? No. The bivariate relation- Economic Equality: Ratios
ships between social capital and black/white registration ratios are Putnam’s Gini index of economic inequality, like his civic-equality
all negative and statistically significant, as shown in Table 1, measure, does not differentiate by racial groups within states.
Models 1, 3, and 5. Within each state, higher aggregate social cap- However, census data on per capita income and poverty levels, by
ital is associated with larger gaps between black and white regis- racial/ethnic groups and within the states, are available. I use these
tration. There is also no support for the claim that social capital is data (for 1990) to examine racial/ethnic “economic equality.”
positively related to more equal ratios after controlling for other Here too, substantial evidence of racial differentiation appears;
factors that affect voter registration, such as minority diversity, virtually no evidence supports the social-capital thesis, and much
black poverty, or both (see Table 1, Models 2, 4, and 6).12 Indeed, contradicts it.
for one of the three years, the relationships continue to be negative
Poverty ratios
and significant even after accounting for other factors.
Is social capital positively (and significantly) related to better
Turnout ratios black/white poverty ratios? No. The relationship is negative and
Social capital also does not go along with more equal weakly significant; states with higher levels of overall social cap-
black/white voter turnout ratios in the states. The bivariate rela- ital show a somewhat greater disparity between levels of black

Table 1
Social Capital with Racial Civic Equality: Voter Registration Ratios, within States
Dependent Variable: Black/White Voter Registration Ratio
1992 1994 1996
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Social Capital −.121** −.0689 −.1125**** −.0686** −.0903** −.0122
(.0487) (.0597) (.0257) (.0324) (.0376) (.0428)
Minority .0958 .3281** .6038***
Diversity (.2008) (.1432) (.1822)
Black Poverty .0066* .0017 .0025
Rates (.0038) (.0027) (.0036)
Constant .8623**** .6435**** .8406**** .6805**** .8711**** .5988****
(.0296) (.1518) (.0193) (.1147) (.0275) (.139)
Adj. R2 .16 .195 .298 .349 .102 .265
N 28 28 44 44 43 43
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)
Note: The Census Bureau does not provide data for all 50 states. States with sparse populations are more likely to be excluded. Data
beyond 1996 were available but not employed, because of their distance in time from the 1990 social-capital index and social-diversity

114 March 2003 Vol. 1/No. 1

Table 2
Social Capital with Racial Civic Equality: Voter Turnout Ratios, within States
Dependent Variable: Black/White Voter Turnout Ratio
1992 1994 1996
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Social Capital −.1497*** −.1255** −.0892*** −.0708* −.0368 .0493
(.0451) (.058) (.028) (.0373) (.0432) (.0496)
Minority .0692 .14 .6691***
Diversity (.1951) (.1647) (.2116)
Black Poverty .0027 .0006 .0025
Rates (.0037) (.0034) (.0042)
Constant .7862**** .6848**** .7362**** .672**** .8575**** .5623****
(.0274) (.1475) (.021) (.132) (.0316) (.1614)
Adj. R2 .120 .228 .176 .15 −.007 .159
N 28 28 44 44 43 43
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

poverty and white poverty. When one controls for the index of argue for examining the racial-group patterns (blacks compared
minority diversity, the relationship remains negative but is no to blacks, and whites compared to whites)—that is, rates across
longer statistically significant (data not shown in table form). states—rather than comparing blacks to whites within a given
Per capita income ratios
Both types of measurement are valuable. On the one hand,
Unlike poverty ratios, social capital is positively and significantly
because “community” is presumably more plausible within states,
related (at p = 0.001) to black/white per capita income ratios.
the within-state (ratio) comparison is arguably the most fitting
That is, in states with higher levels of social capital, the income of
for examining racial/ethnic equality. Additionally, states exercise
the average black resident is relatively similar to the income of the
the major police power and domestic policy responsibilities in the
average white resident.16 This is the first piece of evidence consis-
U.S. federal system that are among the most relevant to equality
tent with the social-capital thesis. However, states’ level of minori-
concerns. On the other hand, group comparisons across states are
ty diversity itself has a negative and weakly significant relationship
fruitful since they recast debates about race and (in)equality into
(p = −0.10) to per capita income ratios; in other words, the more
a more directly nation-centered rather than state-centered per-
diverse the state, the greater the distance between black and white
spective on American society. I move, then, to the question of
average incomes. A pattern of more equitable per capita income
whether overall levels of social capital are associated with differ-
ratios but not more equitable black/white poverty ratios associated
ent outcomes for each racial group from one state to another. I
with higher social capital may suggest black economic polarization.
address this in Table 3 and subsequent tables.
That is, on average blacks enjoy greater equality with whites in
states with high levels of social capital—but in those same states, a Registration rates
higher proportion of African Americans are poor. High levels of social capital do not go along with high rates of
It is not clear whether more equal income leads to more social black voter registration across states. In the bivariate case, all
capital, or the reverse. Social-capital analyses are ambiguous on three relationships are negative and one is significant.18
this point, saying only that the patterns “go together.”17 These Multivariate analysis that includes controls for a state’s black
complexities and ambiguities suggest that the relationship population percentage and black poverty rates shows only a
between social class and social capital is more complicated than weak (nonsignificant) positive relationship. But social capital is
we have realized up until now. significantly related to white voter registration rates; the bivari-
ate and multivariate relationships for all three years are strongly
Civic Equality: Rates positive and significant (data not shown).19 In this arena, whites
Ratios of the type I have been exploring up to this point are benefit, compared with other members of their race, from living
most appropriate for examining relative patterns of equality in a state with high levels of social capital. Blacks do not; in fact,
within states. However, because the ratios are themselves prod- they may even be harmed (in comparison with other blacks).
ucts of the rates for minorities divided by the rates for whites,
extreme (very high or very low) rates for either group will affect Turnout rates
the overall ratios. For this reason, and because there are many Overall, there is a slightly positive relationship between social cap-
ways to think about the concept of “equality,” some observers ital and levels of black turnout, as Table 4 shows. The bivariate

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Table 3
Social Capital with Black Voter Registration Rates, across States
Dependent Variable: Black Voter Registration Rate
1992 1994 1996
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Social Capital −5.484 4.339 −3.318* .3171 −3.329 .6792
(3.883) (5.668) (1.874) (2.547) (2.522) (3.49)
Percent Black .3299 .3364 .4037
Population (.318) (.2099) (.2805)
Black Poverty .7914*** .3001 .1764
Rates (.2395) (.2037) (.2592)
Constant 62.629**** 37.151**** 55.75**** 43.484**** 60.56**** 51.303****
(2.354) (7.55) (1.41) (6.177) (1.845) (7.818)
Adj. R2 .036 .311 .047 .124 .017 .041
N 28 28 44 44 43 43
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

relationship in 1992 is negative and weakly significant; in all This evidence on registration and turnout ratios and rates for
other models except one, bivariate or multivariate, the relation- blacks and whites strongly implies that the civic equality identi-
ship is positive but not significant. The relationship between fied in studies of social capital is the result of high(er) levels for
social capital and the black turnout rate for 1996 is positive and whites. Thus there is strong reason to wonder if findings that a
weakly significant after accounting for black population and black sense of community is strongly related to civic equality are
poverty.20 largely owing to patterns in states with large white populations
Social capital is more strongly related to white voter turnout and small minority populations. That is, the finding that civic
rates in the bivariate and multivariate cases; the relationships for equality is associated with social capital appears to be an artifact
all three years are positive and significant (data not shown). Thus, of white social capital and white civic participation, and perhaps
when we compare across states within a given race, we see that of relative racial homogeneity in a number of states. By not dis-
black rates of registration or turnout are seldom significantly aggregating along racial lines, social-capital analyses incorrectly
more equal where there is higher aggregate social capital, even make strong, broad claims about the dynamics of equalization
though the rates for whites are. while masking what may be a situation of racial inequality. As

Table 4
Social Capital with Black Voter Turnout Rates, across States
Dependent Variable: Black Voter Turnout Rate
1992 1994 1996
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Social Capital −5.158* 1.634 .8462 2.286 2.039 6.4204*
(3.026) (5.015) (1.653) (2.365) (2.508) (3.458)
Percent Black .3227 .1978 .4938*
Population (.2814) (.1949) (.2568)
Black Poverty .3485 −.1151 .0095
Rates (.2119) (.1891) (.2568)
Constant 52.047**** 39.035**** 35.695**** 37.066**** 49.686**** 44.396****
(1.835) (6.68) (1.243) (5.734) (1.835) (7.748)
Adj. R2 .066 .14 −.018 −.037 −.008 .023
N 28 28 44 44 43 43
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

116 March 2003 Vol. 1/No. 1

Verba, Schlozman, and Brady put it in their analysis of volun- Examining Substantive Equality
tary activity in American politics, “the public’s voice is often The social-capital thesis asserts that when the United States has
loud, sometimes clear, but rarely equal.”21 They too point to race more social capital, and in states with high levels of social capi-
(along with income) as a crucial element in this pattern of polit- tal, there are boosts in child welfare and educational perform-
ical inequality. ance, safe and productive neighborhoods, economic prosperity,
and health and happiness. For example, “kids are better off in
Economic Equality: Rates high social capital states,” “schools work better in high social
Poverty rates capital states,” and “mortality is lower in high social capital
Let us turn now to rates of economic inequality within race and states.”25
across states. Social capital is related to black poverty rates; the Do these strong claims (that better substantive outcomes are
bivariate relationship is negative and significant for 1990 associated with higher levels of social capital) hold when we
(p = 0.01). In other words, black poverty rates are lower (better) examine relative, i.e., minority-to-white, indicators rather than
in states where there is more aggregate social capital—a finding absolute or aggregate measures? To address this question, I creat-
consistent with the social-capital thesis. But this inverse rela- ed relative or disaggregated indicators somewhat similar to previ-
tionship between social capital and the black poverty rate does ous research26 and considered the indicators in relation to the
not hold up when the percent black in a state is controlled. social-capital index. These indicators address minority or black
Social capital is not related to white poverty rates (results not patterns (as specified in the individual analyses) and white pat-
shown here); in the bivariate case, there is a weakly negative, ters, with the former divided by the latter to create the ratios. The
insignificant relationship, which is similar in the multivariate information for the ratios, concerning education outcomes,
case. incarceration, and infant mortality, are drawn from Department
of Education data and from census data. The full analysis
Per capita income rates includes three approaches: (1) OLS regression, (2) robust regres-
As social capital in a state increases, black per capita income sion, and (3) a regression analysis that removes states with partic-
increases slightly in that state in comparison to black incomes in ularly small minority populations, which might distort find-
other states; this weak, insignificant relationship also holds after ings.27 The substantive results from each type of analysis are
controlling for the percent of the population that is black. If essentially similar; so rather than present all of them here, I dis-
we compare civic culture with black per capita income, we find cuss the findings in a general way and present only the OLS
a positive relationship that is in fact statistically significant regressions in Tables 5 and 6.
(p = 0.001); it remains after controlling for percentage of black
population in a state (at p = 0.05). The average income of whites
in a state declines as social capital increases (not shown here), Substantive Equality: Ratios
even after controlling for black population.22 On the whole, the results here resemble those we found earlier
Because of the issue of murky causality, it is difficult to inter- regarding voter registration and turnout: higher levels of social
pret these findings on the connections between social capital (or capital do not go along with more equality in outcomes between
civic culture) and poverty or income. Which comes first in a minorities (or blacks) and whites. Instead, the data indicate
state—lower rates of black poverty or slightly higher rates of black worse relative outcomes for minorities (or for blacks alone, in
income, or higher levels of social capital? Do well-off blacks move the case of incarceration patterns: see explanation below) on
into states with active communities; or do states with active com- three of four indicators. The pattern generally holds across the
munities work harder to reduce levels of black poverty (but not several types of regression analyses, and with or without controls
white)? We do not know. Furthermore, different indicators of for levels of minority diversity in states. This evidence starkly
community—social capital rather than civic culture—produce contradicts the social-capital thesis, much as the civic-equality
somewhat different findings; hence, the specific operationaliza- ratios did.
tion and measurement of social capital and of community mat- Minority school graduation ratios
ters more than it should.23 The gap between graduation rates for minorities and whites is
As I noted at the beginning of this article, Putnam and others greater in states with high levels of social capital, with or with-
have found clear evidence that “American states with the highest out controls for the level of minority diversity and/or black
levels of social capital are precisely the states most characterized poverty rates within states.28 Table 5.a. shows the results. These
by economic . . . equality.” But my findings have complicated findings, although surprising from the standpoint of the social-
that picture. Perhaps earlier findings on income distribution— capital thesis, are largely consistent with previous findings of
based on Gini coefficients, which speak to social class but not “social diversity” analyses of political culture.29
directly to racial (in)equality—may be attributable to white pat-
terns. That seems especially likely since economic equality as Minority school suspension ratios
measured by Gini coefficients tends to be highest in racially The gap between minority and Anglo suspension rates is, simi-
homogeneous states.24 At a minimum, when looked at through larly, higher in states with high levels of social capital, as Table 5.a.
a racial lens, the reality is substantially more complicated than shows. The pattern holds with or without controls for levels
studies have recognized. of black poverty rates, but not after controlling for minority

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Table 5
Minority Outcomes, Ratios, and Social Capital
5.a. Dependent Variables: Minority/White Graduation and Suspension Ratios
Minority/White Graduation Ratios Minority/White Suspension Ratios
Controlling for Controlling for
Minority Diversity Minority Diversity
Bivariate and Black Poverty Bivariate and Black Poverty
Independent Variables Model 1 OLS Model 2 OLS Model 1 OLS Model 2 OLS
Social Capital −.0496*** −.0472* .266* .2702
(.0179) (.0247) (.1352) (.181)
Minority Diversity .042 −.5377
(.1033) (.758)
Black Poverty Rates −.0008 .0211
(.0021) (.0151)
Constant .8022**** .813**** 2.008**** 1.577***
(.0138) (.075) (.1045) (.5507)
Adj. R2 .125 .094 .058 .078
N 48 48 48 48
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

diversity alone or when diversity and black poverty are both con- American. Therefore, I focus only on non-Hispanic blacks and
sidered. Civic culture is not significantly related to minority- non-Hispanic whites.) Clearly, states with high levels of social
to-white suspension ratios, either in the bivariate case or in the capital show worse relative outcomes for blacks; this pattern per-
multivariate case. sists even when controlling for levels of minority diversity and/or
black poverty.30 It also persists when community is measured by
Black incarceration ratios
levels of civic culture.
Table 5.b. shows black-to-white incarceration ratios. (In this case,
data on Hispanics are imprecise because Hispanics are catego- Minority infant mortality ratios
rized as “other,” and it is not clear how many people in the cate- Unlike for three previous indicators, the relative gap between
gory of “other” are not Hispanic—e.g., Asian American or Native minorities and whites with regard to infant mortality does not rise

5.b. Dependent Variables: Black/White Incarceration and Minority Infant Mortality Ratios
Black/White Incarceration Ratios Minority/White Infant Mortality Ratios
Controlling for Controlling for
Minority Diversity Minority Diversity
Bivariate and Black Poverty Bivariate and Black Poverty
Independent Variables Model 1 OLS Model 2 OLS Model 1 OLS Model 2 OLS
Social Capital 2.127*** 2.504** −.0705 −.1201
(.7111) (.9413) (.1037) (.1249)
Minority Diversity .5535 −.5804
(3.941) (.5716)
Black Poverty Rates .0911 .0109
(.0785) (.0126)
Constant 8.446**** 5.652* 1.683**** 1.558***
(.5357) (2.873) (.0759) (.4881)
Adj. R2 .147 .135 −.014 .015
N 47 47 40 40
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

118 March 2003 Vol. 1/No. 1

as social capital within a state rises (see Table 5.b.), nor does it fall. Minority school suspension rates
There is no statistically significant relationship here.31 Nor is there In strong contrast to the findings for minority graduation rates,
when civic culture is substituted for social capital as the indepen- minority school suspension rates are significantly higher (much
dent variable. Perhaps federal government programs—such as worse) in states where there is more aggregate social capital. This
Medicare, WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), and others— is so in the bivariate analysis, after accounting for the size of either
play a substantial role in lessening disparities in this dimension of minority populations or black poverty rates, or after accounting
policy, unlike in public schooling or incarceration, which are main- for both (see Table 6.a.). The measure of civic culture also shows
ly affected by states’ policy choices. higher rates of suspension for minorities in states with a greater
In sum, higher social capital in a state is not associated with civic culture. Together, these contrasting findings on graduation
better relative substantive outcomes for racial minorities. Instead, and suspension might indicate economic polarization within the
these outcomes are sometimes worse in states with high(er) levels minority population, a finding in keeping with the earlier discus-
of social capital, even after accounting for the proportion of sion of poverty and ratios of per capita income.32
minority population and their poverty rates. Earlier findings of
Black incarceration rates
better overall outcomes in high social capital states result from a
Black incarceration rates are no less or more disparate where there
focus on absolute or aggregate measures, including the outcomes
is higher aggregate social capital, in the bivariate case or in the
for the large nonminority populations in relatively homogeneous
multivariate case (see Table 6.b.). However, they are higher
states. These outcomes contrast substantially with those of the
(worse) when you control for levels of minority diversity alone
minority populations.
and combined with black poverty rates in the robust regression
analysis (data not shown); and the relationship with the civic-cul-
Substantive Equality: Rates ture indicator is quite similar when controls are introduced. To
As with the discussion of civic and economic equality, I turn now the extent that black incarceration rates are higher in states where
from a focus on ratios of racial minorities compared to whites there is more aggregate social capital, the data are not consistent
within a state, to rates of inequality within a race across states; the with the social-capital thesis’ claims about equality; but on this
essential findings follow in Table 6. measure, the data tell an ambiguous story.
Minority school graduation rates Minority infant mortality rates
Graduation rates for minorities clearly improve as aggregate The relationship between social capital and minority infant mor-
social capital increases; this is true in the bivariate as well as the tality rates is not statistically significant in the bivariate case.
multivariate cases, which control for levels of diversity and black However, infant mortality rates among minorities may be lower
poverty rates (see Table 6.a.). This impressively supports the (better) where there is more social capital, if you account for lev-
social-capital thesis and is reaffirmed when civic culture is sub- els of minority diversity either alone or together with black pover-
stituted for the social-capital measure. ty rates (see Table 6.b.). The civic-culture measure produces

Table 6
Minority Outcomes, Rates, and Social Capital
6.a. Dependent Variable: Minority Graduation and Suspension Rates
Minority Graduation Rates Minority Suspension Rates
Controlling for Controlling for
Minority Diversity Minority Diversity
Bivariate and Black Poverty Bivariate and Black Poverty
Independent Variables Model 1 OLS Model 4 OLS Model 1 OLS Model 4 OLS
Social Capital 10.291**** 7.967**** .692**** .701****
(1.266) (1.35) (.1165) (.1601)
Minority Diversity −1.337 −.0902
(5.652) (.6708)
Black Poverty Rates −.6106**** .0064
(.1129) (.0138)
Constant 68.832**** 86.748**** 2.07**** 1.918****
(.9787) (4.107) (.0907) (.4936)
Adj. R2 .581 .74 .427 .404
N 48 48 47 47
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

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6.b. Dependent Variable: Black Incarceration and Minority Infant Mortality Rates
Black Incarceration Rates Minority Infant Mortality Rates
Controlling for Controlling for
Minority Diversity Minority Diversity
Bivariate and Black Poverty Bivariate and Black Poverty
Independent Variables Model 1 OLS Model 4 OLS Model 1 OLS Model 4 OLS
Social Capital .5231 1.614 −1.168 −1.624*
(.9371) (1.221) (.7673) (.8849)
Minority Diversity 8.424 −5.605
(5.113) (4.049)
Black Poverty .0102 .1231
Rates (.1018) (.0892)
Constant 12.344**** 9.337** 13.12**** 11.4***
(.706) (3.727) (.5614) (3.458)
Adj. R2 −.015 .002 .033 .139
N 47 47 40 40
*Significant at .1 level, **significant at .05, ***significant at .01, ****significant at .001, two-tailed tests. (Standard errors in parentheses.)

roughly similar findings when controls are added. Here, social is associated with more aggregate social capital. It is primarily for
capital is associated with positive outcomes. economic equality across the races that some support for the
The outcomes with regard to rates are sometimes, but not social-capital thesis is indicated. Nevertheless, to the extent that
always, consistent with social-capital claims. Minority graduation more community in the aggregate is associated with more eco-
rates are higher where there is higher social capital, but minority nomic equality, that association occurs only or mostly in the
suspension rates are also higher. Rates of infant mortality among white population and/or around social-class issues.
minorities, however, are lower in states with high levels of social Configurations of social capital are clearly complicated and
capital. The minority graduation rates, in combination with the need to be better understood before we accept them as having
suspension and incarceration rates, indicate that social capital generally benevolent consequences. In some ways, community
may have facilitative effects for some people of color and sub- may be as much a problem as it is a solution for a host of social
stantial social-control effects for other people of color.33 If these and political concerns in American civil society. For instance,
arguments are correct, they importantly amend the social-capital Putnam has noted a “. . . risk that emphasizing community exac-
thesis. erbates division and exclusion. Since social capital is inevitably
easier to foster within homogeneous communities, emphasis on its
Summary and Conclusions creation may inadvertently shift the balance away from bridging
The social-capital thesis has deeply influenced thinking about social capital and toward bonding social capital.”34 Perhaps there
community, equality, and democracy in the United States and is a deep tension between diversity and connectedness, or
around the world. But social-capital studies understate the between having a community of people who are likely to express
importance of race and ethnicity in their conceptualization and very divergent viewpoints and having a community of people
analyses. They focus almost entirely on aggregate outcomes and who are likely to participate effectively in shared democratic deci-
absolute gains. However, race—as well as ethnicity and class—is sion making.
fundamental in defining American “community” and in under- The findings in this article also raise normative and theoretical
standing American civil society. Social capital and civic culture questions about whether we should think about racial-group
are negatively and substantially related to racial and ethnic diver- equality within or across states, since different understandings of
sity in the states; thus, the “bridging” extolled in states with high equality are implied by each choice. In assessing American insti-
social capital is more limited than most analyses have recognized. tutions, it matters whether the federal polity is considered from
The pattern in high social-capital settings that are relatively more nation-centered or state-centered perspectives, because the
racially homogeneous may be better characterized as “bounded identification and nature of “problems” and potential “solutions”
bridging,” or “biased bonding.” are likely to be defined and addressed differently. And how should
Similarly, the evidence on civic equality and substantive equal- African Americans judge a state in which there is greater racial
ity ratios suggests no support for—and often directly contra- inequality but also a higher floor, as compared with a state in
dicts—the implied claims of the social-capital thesis. I found lit- which blacks are on average poorer or less politically active but
tle evidence that racial equality on civic or substantive dimensions not so dissimilar to whites?

120 March 2003 Vol. 1/No. 1

Figure 1
Scatterplots: Social Capital and Registration and Turnout Ratios (1994, 1996)

Most generally, we must appreciate the complexity of Elazar, Daniel J. 1972, 1984. American Federalism: A View
American equality. A more complete, more fitting understanding from the States. New York: Crowell.
of American community, and of its presumed democratic and Hero, Rodney E. 1998. Faces of Inequality: Social Diversity in
egalitarian aspirations, is likely to emerge when we theoretically American Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
and empirically integrate that complexity into our thinking, Hero, Rodney E., and Caroline J. Tolbert. 1996. A
scholarship, and public-policy discourse. racial/ethnic diversity interpretation of politics and policy
in the states of the U.S. American Journal of Political Sci-
References ence 40:3, 851–71.
Dawson, Michael. 1994. Behind the Mule: Race and Class in Hero, Rodney E., Caroline J. Tolbert, and Ramona McNeal.
African-American Politics. Princeton: Princeton University 2002. “Race” and “community” as influences on political
Press. participation: Social diversity and social capital considered.
Edelman, Murray. 1967. The Symbolic Uses of Politics. Ur- Paper presented at the American Political Science Associa-
bana: University of Illinois Press. tion annual meeting, 29 August–1 September, Boston.

www.apsanet.org 121
Symposium Social Capital and Diversity

Hochschild, Jennifer L. 1995. Facing Up to the American 9 Putnam 2000, 497, emphasis added, and 359.
Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the Nation. Princeton: 10 Putnam 2000, 359–61.
Princeton University Press. 11 Verba et al. 1995, 237; also see chapter 8 more generally,
Meier, Kenneth, and Joseph Stewart, Jr. 1991. The Politics of and passim.
Hispanic Education. Albany: State University of New York 12 In general, when I discuss issues of civic or economic
Press. equality—voter registration and turnout, poverty rates,
Meier, Kenneth, Joseph Stewart, Jr., and Robert England. etc.—I refer to blacks and whites. When discussing out-
1989. Race, Class, and Education: The Politics of Second comes such as graduation and infant mortality, I refer to
Generation Discrimination. Madison: University of Wiscon- minorities and whites. (Incarceration is an exception here;
sin Press. the data are on blacks and whites.)
Putnam, Robert D. 2000. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and 13 Moreover, essentially the same patterns occur when a
Revival of American Community. New York: Simon and “civic culture” measure (developed in Rice and Sumberg
Schuster. 1997)—a similar yet different indicator of community
Radcliff, Benjamin, and Martin Saiz. 1995. Race, turnout, that correlates highly with the “social capital” index—is
and public policy in the American states. Political Research examined with registration ratios.
Quarterly 48:4, 775–94. 14 Verba et al. 1995.
Rice, Tom W., and Alexander F. Sumberg. 1997. Civic cul- 15 Hero et al. 2002. Evidence (from 1996 and 2000) on
ture and government performance in the American states. other forms of political participation corroborates these
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 27:1, 99–114. findings.
Smith, Rogers M. 1993. Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and 16 The same pattern holds if one compares Rice and Sum-
Hartz: The multiple traditions in America. American Polit- berg’s measure of civic culture to income ratios.
ical Science Review 87:3, 549–66. 17 Putnam 2000; cf. Tarrow 1996.
Tarrow, Sidney. 1996. Making social science work across space 18 And one sees essentially the same findings when the civic-
and time. American Political Science Review 90:2, 389–97. culture measure is substituted for the social-capital
Verba, Sidney, Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Henry E. Brady. indicator.
1995. Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American 19 Similar, although somewhat weaker, relationships material-
Politics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ize when you substitute the civic-culture measure (data
not shown) for the social-capital indicator.
Notes 20 But this relationship does not hold when you substitute
1 Putnam 2000, 358–63 (emphasis in original) and chap- the civic-culture measure of community for the social-
ter 22 more generally; also see Rice and Sumberg 1997. capital indicator.
2 Cf. Meier et al. 1989 and Meier and Stewart 1991; addi- 21 Verba et al. 1995, 509, emphasis added.
tionally, see examinations of race and “political culture,” 22 Yet with the same controls, civic culture and white per
such as Hero and Tolbert 1996 and Hero 1998, which capita income are positively and significantly related.
also find detrimental consequences. 23 Cf. Putnam 2000; Rice and Sumberg 1997.
3 Putnam’s most recent work demonstrates that he has 24 See Putnam 2000, 360.
reached the same conclusion, largely from surveys and 25 Putnam 2000, 298, 300, 330.
analyses conducted after he completed Bowling Alone. See 26 Hero and Tolbert 1996; also see Hero 1998; cf. Radcliff
his Web site, www.bowlingalone.com, for new data and and Saiz 1995.
arguments. 27 The latter two approaches account for outliers or extreme
4 Putnam 2000, 291, chapters 16–22. cases.
5 Hero 1998, 12. 28 Cf. Putnam 2000, chapter 17, especially 297–98; see
6 There is also a strong relationship with the Rice and Sum- Table 5.a. This pattern holds, and is actually more pro-
berg 1997 measure of “civic culture” (a concept that is quite nounced, when the civic-culture measure replaces the
similar to social capital): r = -0.560, which was created sepa- social-capital measure of community.
rately from, but closely parallel to, the social-capital index. 29 Hero 1998, 91–2; cf. Meier et al. 1989 and Meier and
The relationship of the social-capital index with the civic- Stewart 1991.
culture indicator is r = 0.818, cf. Putnam 2000, 495, n. 49. 30 Cf. Putnam 2000, chapter 18; Hero 1998, 105–7.
7 Cf. Hero 1998, 9–14; Hero and Tolbert 1996 for similar 31 Cf. Putnam 2000, 297, 328; cf. Hero 1998, 99–100.
findings concerning social diversity and “political culture”; 32 Cf. Hochschild 1995; Dawson 1994.
Elazar 1972, 1984. 33 Edelman 1967; Smith 1993.
8 Putnam 2000; Rice and Sumberg 1997, 106–7. 34 Putnam 2000, 400, all emphases added.

122 March 2003 Vol. 1/No. 1

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