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Emily Cook

September 1, 2017
Using Mullins Library to Find Articles


2 articles from my major (Information Systems):
1- Information Systems Efficiency Model by: Milos Koch and Zuzana
Chvtalov; Journal of Systems Integration Volume 8, Issue 3;
2- Business Analytics-Based Enterprise Information Systems by:
Zhaohao Sun, Kenneth Strang, Sally Firmin; The Journal of
Computer Information Systems Volume 57, Issue 2; 01/2017

b) (I included 2 pictures due to the nature of the grading in the rubric. I needed the
picture of both articles information and I had to scroll to find the 2nd)
c) Business Analytics-Based Enterprise Information Systems by: Zhaohao Sun,
Kenneth Strang, Sally Firmin; The Journal of Computer Information Systems Volume
57, Issue 2; 01/2017

This article addresses the following issues: what is the relationship between
Business Analytics and EIS, how can Business Analytics facilitate the development of
EIS and their services, and how can Business Analytics be incorporated into EIS?
There has been a conclusion that data analytics, web analytics, information
analytics, knowledge analytics, big data analytics, and business analytics can be
summarized into ontology of business analytics. Specifically within the ontology,
business analytics is at the top and data analysis is at the bottom. The article then
continued by presenting a model for an analytics service-based EIS by examining
business analytics as a support system for said EIS. The article also includes a
section dedicated to related work and discussion. In other words, the authors go
into detail of related work and discussion of ontology, extension of SOA, and the
work of SAP.


Step 4: (I provided two pictures again but this time because you asked to see 3
articles in the search and there was only enough room for one in my screenshot so I
took 2)
Title: Technology Use in a Human Resource Department
Author: Antonio Ward
Year: 2017
Antonio Ward addresses the problem that Human Resource (HR)
departments are having problems with the competitive and changing job market. He
focuses on how technology has impacted the workplace. In other words, Ward
makes a point that the increased technology has provided opportunities as well as
problems for hiring skilled employees. There were six hypothesis created and
tested. However, two of the six were rejected. Ward claims that the results of this
study could improve the ability of HR professionals to manage their hiring process
more efficiently.


Name of Article: Walmarts Emergent Low-Cost Sustainable Product Strategy

Author: Andrew Spicer and David Hyatt
Journal: California Management Review
Year: 2017

This article discusses the steps that Walmart took to implement its goal of
selling more sustainable products. Its main concern was to keep prices low while
improving environment or social performance. A method called process tracing
was used to capture patterns of strategies. The first major strategic goal was met as
the company recognized the demand for a systemic index to compare product
sustainability. It was noted that identifying low-cost, supplier-based innovations
represented an early strategic initiative for Walmart.

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