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=== UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin ===

Contributors: Backup with UpdraftPlus, DavidAnderson, DNutbourne, aporter,

Tags: backup, restore, database backup, wordpress backup, database backup, cloud
backup, restore, s3, dropbox, google drive, onedrive, ftp, backups
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 1.12.34
Author URI: https://updraftplus.com
Donate link: https://david.dw-perspective.org.uk/donate
License: GPLv3 or later

Backup and restoration made easy. Complete backups; manual or scheduled (backup to
S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, FTP, SFTP, email + others).

== Description ==

<a href="https://updraftplus.com">UpdraftPlus</a> simplifies backups (and

restoration). Backup into the cloud (Amazon S3 (or compatible), Dropbox, Google
Drive, Rackspace Cloud, DreamObjects, FTP, Openstack Swift, UpdraftPlus Vault and
email) and restore with a single click. Backups of files and database can have
separate schedules. The paid version also backs up to Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft
Azure, Google Cloud Storage, SFTP, SCP, and WebDAV.

<strong>Top-quality:</strong> UpdraftPlus is the highest-ranking backup plugin on

wordpress.org, with <strong>over a million currently active installs</strong>.
Widely tested and reliable, this is the world's #1 most popular and mostly highly
rated scheduled backup plugin. Millions of backups completed!

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/154870690]

* Supports WordPress backups to UpdraftPlus Vault, Amazon S3 (or compatible),

Dropbox, Rackspace Cloud Files, Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage, DreamHost
DreamObjects, FTP, OpenStack (Swift) and email. Also (via a paid add-on) backup to
Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, FTP over SSL, SFTP, SCP,
and WebDAV (and compatible services, e.g. Yandex, Cubby, OwnCloud). Examples of S3-
compatible providers: Cloudian, Connectria, Constant, Eucalyptus, Nifty, Nimbula,
* Quick restore (both file and database backups)
* Backup automatically on a repeating schedule
* Site duplicator/migrator: can copy sites, and (with add-on) duplicate them at new
* Restores and migrates backup sets from other backup plugins (Premium) (currently
supported: BackWPUp, BackupWordPress, Simple Backup, WordPress Backup To Dropbox)
* Files and database backups can have separate schedules
* Remotely control your backups on every site from a single dashboard with
UpdraftCentral - <a href="https://updraftcentral.com">hosted for you</a> or <a
* Failed uploads are automatically resumed/retried
* Large sites can be split into multiple archives
* Select which files to backup (plugins, themes, content, other)
* Select which components of a backup to restore
* Download backup archives direct from your WordPress dashboard
* Database backups can be encrypted for security (Premium)
* Debug mode - full logging of the backup
* Internationalised (translations welcome - see below)
* <a href="https://updraftplus.com">Premium version and support available
(including free remote backup storage) - https://updraftplus.com</a>
* Supported on all current PHP versions (5.2 - 7.1)
From our <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/UpdraftPlus/videos">YouTube
channel</a>, here's how to install:


= Don't risk your backups on anything less =

Your WordPress backups are worth the same as your entire investment in your
website. The day may come when you get hacked, or your hosting company does, or
they go bust - without good backups, you lose everything. Do you really want to
entrust all your work to a backup plugin with only a few thousand downloads, or
that has no professional backup or support? Believe us - writing a reliable backup
plugin that works consistently across the huge range of WordPress deployments is

= UpdraftPlus Premium =

UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore is not crippled in any way - it is fully functional for

backing up and restoring your site. What we do have is various extra features
(including site cloning), and guaranteed support, available <a
href="https://updraftplus.com/">from our website, updraftplus.com</a>. See <a
comparison of the free/Premium versions, here</a>.

If you need WordPress multisite backup compatibility (you'll know if you do), <a
href="https://updraftplus.com/shop/">then you need UpdraftPlus Premium</a>.

= UpdraftCentral - Remote control =

As well as controlling your backups from within WordPress, you can also control all
your sites' backups from a single dashboard, with <a
href="https://updraftcentral.com">UpdraftCentral</a>. UpdraftCentral can control
both free and Premium versions of UpdraftPlus, and comes in two versions:

* Hosted dashboard: <a href="https://updraftplus.com/my-account/updraftcentral-

remote-control/">a ready-to-go dashboard on updraftplus.com</a>, with 5 free
licences for everyone (<a href="https://updraftcentral.com">read more here</a>).
* Host your own: Host the dashboard on your own WP install, with <a
href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/updraftcentral/">the free self-install

= Professional / Enterprise support agreements available =

UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore is written by professional WordPress developers. If your

site needs guaranteed support, then we are available. Just <a
href="https://updraftplus.com/shop/">go to our shop.</a>

= More premium plugins =

If you are in the market for other WordPress premium plugins (especially
WooCommerce addons), then try our shop, here:

= Are you multi-lingual? Can you translate? =

Are you able to translate UpdraftPlus into another language? Are you ready to help
speakers of your language? UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore itself is ready and waiting -
the only work needed is the translating. The translation process is easy, and web-
based - go here for instructions: <a
(Or if you're an expert WordPress translator already, then just pick out the .pot
file from the wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/languages/ directory - if you scan for
translatable strings manually, then you need to get these functions: _x(), __(),
_e(), _ex(), log_e()).

Many thanks to the existing translators - listed at:


= Other support =

We hang out in the WordPress support forum for this plugin -

https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/updraftplus - however, to save time so that we
can spend it on development, please read the plugin's FAQs - <a
questions/">https://updraftplus.com/support/frequently-asked-questions/</a> -
before going there, and ensure that you have updated to the latest released version
of UpdraftPlus backup/restore.

== Installation ==

<a href="https://updraftplus.com/download/">Full instructions for installing this


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

<a href="https://updraftplus.com/support/frequently-asked-
questions/"><strong>Please go here for the full FAQs - there are many more than
below.</strong></a> Below are just a handful which particularly apply to the free
wordpress.org version, or which bear repeating.

= Can UpdraftPlus do (something)? =

Check out <a href="https://updraftplus.com/updraftplus-full-feature-list/">our full

list of features</a>, and our <a href="https://updraftplus.com/shop/">add-ons
shop</a> and <a href="https://updraftplus.com/comparison-updraftplus-free-
updraftplus-premium/">free/Premium comparison table</a>.

= I found a bug. What do I do? =

Note - this FAQ is for users of the free plugin. If you're a paying customer, then
you should go here: https://updraftplus.com/support/ - please don't ask question in
the WordPress.Org forum about purchases, as that's against their rules.

Next, please make sure you read this FAQ through - it may already have the answer
you need. If it does, then please consider a donation (e.g. buy our "No Adverts"
add-on - <a
href="https://updraftplus.com/shop/">https://updraftplus.com/shop/</a>); it takes
time to develop this plugin and FAQ.

If it does not, then contact us (<a

href="http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/updraftplus">the forum is the best
way</a>)! This is a complex backup plugin and the only way we can ensure it's
robust is to get bug reports and fix the problems that crop up. Please make sure
you are using the latest version of the plugin, and that you include the version in
your bug report - if you are not using the latest, then the first thing you will be
asked to do is upgrade.
Please include the backup log if you can find it (there are links to download logs
on the UpdraftPlus settings page; or you may be emailed it; failing that, it is in
the directory wp-content/updraft, so FTP in and look for it there). If you cannot
find the log, then I may not be able to help so much, but you can try - include as
much information as you can when reporting (PHP version, your blog's site, the
error you saw and how you got to the page that caused it, any other relevant
plugins you have installed, etcetera). http://pastebin.com is a good place to post
the log.

If you know where to find your PHP error logs (often a file called error_log,
possibly in your wp-admin directory (check via FTP)), then that's even better
(don't send multi-megabytes; just send the few lines that appear when you run a
backup, if any).

If you are a programmer and can debug and send a patch, then that's even better.

= Anything essential to know? =

After you have set up UpdraftPlus, you must check that your WordPress backups are
taking place successfully. WordPress is a complex piece of software that runs in
many situations. Don't wait until you need your backups before you find out that
they never worked in the first place. Remember, there's no warranty and no
guarantees - this is free software.

= My enormous website is hosted by a dirt-cheap provider who starve my account of

resources, and UpdraftPlus runs out of time! Help! Please make UpdraftPlus deal
with this situation so that I can save two dollars! =

UpdraftPlus supports resuming backup runs right from the beginning, so that it does
not need to do everything in a single go; but this has limits. If your website is
huge and your web hosting company gives your tiny resources on an over-loaded
server, then go into the "Expert settings" and reduce the size at which zip files
are split (versions 1.6.53 onwards). UpdraftPlus is known to successfully back up
websites that run into the multiple-gigabytes on web servers that are not resource-

= My site was hacked, and I have no backups! I thought UpdraftPlus was working! Can
I kill you? =

No, there's no warranty or guarantee, etc. It's completely up to you to verify that
UpdraftPlus is creating your backups correctly. If it doesn't then that's
unfortunate, but this is a free plugin.

= I am not running the most recent version of UpdraftPlus. Should I upgrade? =

Yes; especially before you submit any support requests.

= Do you have any other free plugins? =

Thanks for asking; yes, we've got a few. Check out this profile page -
https://profiles.wordpress.org/DavidAnderson/ .

== Changelog ==

The <a href="https://updraftplus.com/news/">UpdraftPlus backup blog</a> is the best

place to learn in more detail about any important changes.

N.B. Paid versions of UpdraftPlus Backup / Restore have a version number which is 1
higher in the first digit, and has an extra component on the end, but the changelog
below still applies. i.e. changes listed for 1.12.34 of the free version correspond
to changes made in 2.12.34.x of the paid version.

= 1.12.34 - 23/Feb/2017 =

* FEATURE: Added the ability to allow other plugins to call an automatic backup
more easily
* FEATURE: Added the ability to select which tables you want to backup when using
the 'Backup now' modal (Premium)
* FIX: Re-scanning a Dropbox that contained more than 1000 backup archives only
fetched the first 1000 (this was previously awaiting on Dropbox fixing a related
bug on their API servers).
* FIX: Escape table names to allow table names with hyphens in, when reading data
* FIX: The "Advanced Tools" tab was appearing with no contents if you chose an
unwritable backup directory (regression)
* TRANSLATIONS: Remove bundled Swedish (sv), Spanish (Spain) (es_ES) and Czeck
(etina, cs_CZ) translations, since these are now retrieved from wordpress.org.
* TWEAK: Prevent a JavaScript message being logged when loading UD infrastructure
on non-UD settings pages (e.g. plugins that integrate to do backups via UD)
* TWEAK: Make it easier for other plugins to get/set UpdraftPlus options with less
* TWEAK: Make sure that the get_plugins() function is available before using it
when generating notices
* TWEAK: Add the updraftplus_exclude_directory and updraftplus_exclude_file filters
allowing arbitrary backup exclusions from code
* TWEAK: When requesting a download, work around buggy browser/server that
continued after Connection: close
* TWEAK: Add a work-around for a bug in some server/Firefox combinations in
handling of the Content-Length header with non-ASCII characters
* TWEAK: Cause an informational message to be shown in the Rackspace module if php-
json is not enabled
* TWEAK: Fix a regression that prevented information about a faulty WP scheduler
from being shown in recent releases
* TWEAK: Made alert regarding plupload's 'HTTP -200' error, when upload of file
fails, more informative.

= 1.12.32 - 26/Jan/2017 =

* FEATURE: Add UpdraftCentral (https://updraftcentral.com) UpdraftVault listener

* FEATURE: Encryption and decryption is now chunked, meaning that large databases
of any size can be encrypted without being prevented by memory limits
* FIX: Fix a bug whereby if a backup set containing a manual "more files" element
was imported via a remote scan, then an error would show concerning it when
attempting to restore.
* FIX: On certain combinations of changing the "more files to back up" settings,
these changes might not be reflected in the "Backup Now" dialog without a page
* FIX: Remove a PHP 5.5+-only construction that crept into 1.12.31
* TWEAK: Allow UpdraftCentral command classes to provide commands via the __call
* TWEAK: Move the existing backups table into the templating system
* TWEAK: When trying to restore before cleaning up a previous restore, the detailed
error message shown needed tweaking
* TWEAK: Some refactoring of the dashboard JavaScript, to abstract/harmonise all
AJAX calls
* TWEAK: Removed the triple click and replaced it with standard double click
* TWEAK: Some refactoring of the UpdraftCentral command interface, to facilitate
reduction of duplicated dashboard control code
* TWEAK: One less HTTP round-trip when deleting from the dashboard
* TWEAK: Updated advanced tools to allow UpdraftCentral to use wipe settings and
export / import
* TWEAK: Revamped the 'Premium / Extensions' tab in the free version
* TWEAK: Work around HTTP 400 error from Dropbox on servers with several-year old
version of curl, caused by bad interaction between curl and Dropbox over a specific
* TWEAK: Add a notice advising of WP-Optimize (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-
optimize/) to the available notices
* TWEAK: Prevent an unwanted PHP log notice when using Google Drive
* TWEAK: More file directories are now added using a directory browser
* TWEAK: Update plugin update checker library (paid versions) to version 3.1, which
fixes some PHP 7 issues

= 1.12.30 - 23/Dec/2016 =

* FIX: Fix a Dropbox APIv2 issue where paths containing certain characters were
incorrectly being encoded
* FEATURE: Add UpdraftCentral (https://updraftcentral.com) comment-control and
advanced tools listeners
* TWEAK: Starting an operation to retrieve a remote backup from UpdraftCentral
succeeded, but gave a UI error in UC when doing so
* TWEAK: Fix a Dropbox APIv2 issue where Team storage displayed an incorrect value
* TWEAK: Support for the new AWS S3 Canada Central 1 and London regions
* TWEAK: Some re-factoring of the settings page output code for easier maintenance
* TWEAK: Some re-factoring of the notices code, to allow re-use in other projects
* TWEAK: Make sure that a UpdraftCentral_Commands class is available before loading
any external command classes, so that they can rely on its presence

1.12.29 - 22/Nov/2016

* FIX: Fix a PHP error in the notices code (regression in 1.12.28)

* FIX: Manual database search and replace now outputs logged operation information
(regression in 1.12.28)

1.12.28 - 21/Nov/2016

* TWEAK: The UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1 constant will be ignored from 28th June

2017 (when Dropbox turn off that API entirely)
* TWEAK: A new internal infrastructure for handling user-visible notices in the
dashboard and reports
* TWEAK: Small layout tweak to fix a malformatted error message

1.12.27 - 17/Nov/2016

* FIX: The WP 4.7 compatibility tweak in 1.12.26 introduced a regression that

caused the question to appear when unwanted on other WP versions.

1.12.26 - 16/Nov/2016

* COMPATIBILITY: On WordPress 4.7, the behaviour of shiny updates has changed,

necessitating a small tweak to prevent an unwanted "do you really want to move away
from this page?" question from the browser on the updates/plugins pages in some
* TWEAK: When the Dropbox quota state seems to imply that the next upload will
fail, do not register this as an error before it actually happens.
* TWEAK: When an error occurs when re-scanning Dropbox, make sure the error details
are logged in the browser developer console
* FIX: Fix ability to rescan a Dropbox sub-folder (regression in 1.12.25)
= 1.12.25 - 12/Nov/2016 =

* COMPATIBILITY: Dropbox APIv2 capability (see: https://updraftplus.com/dropbox-

api-version-1-deprecation/) in 1.12.24 was not complete - this release now avoids
all APIv1 use
* TWEAK: The 'site information' advanced tool now contains information on loaded
Apache modules.
* TWEAK: Small layout tweak to fix a malformatted error message

= 1.12.24 - 08/Nov/2016 =

* FIX: When importing a single site into a multisite install as a new site
(experimental feature), the main multisite URL was being incorrectly adjusted
* FIX: Fix a bug with remote scans not returning more database archives correctly
* COMPATIBILITY: Add Dropbox APIv2 capability (see:
* FEATURE: Look for mysqldump.exe in likely locations on Windows, for faster
database backups
* TWEAK: UpdraftVault, Amazon S3 and DreamObjects downloaders have been rewritten
without race conditions
* TWEAK: Introduce an abstraction layer for reporting on the status of restore
* TWEAK: Deleting remote backup sets from the dashboard is now batched for sets
with many archives, to avoid potential PHP timeouts on slow remote services
* TWEAK: Updated bundled phpseclib library to version 1.0.4
* TWEAK: Introduce an internal templating layer, for improved long-term
* TWEAK: When importing a single site into a multisite install as a new site,
remove any cron entries for backup runs on the new site
* TWEAK: Fix an inconsequential off-by-one in the chunked downloading algorithm so
that the behaviour is as documented
* TWEAK: Improve accessibility of Labelauty components with keyboard navigation
* TWEAK: Tweak the algorithm for scheduling resumptions, to improve efficiency in
the (once) seen corner-case of PHP usually having a predictable run-time, but with
an instance of a much longer run-time
* TWEAK: Slightly more logging when an S3 error condition occurs, allowing easier
* TWEAK: Add support for the new US East (Ohio) region to S3
* TWEAK: OneDrive authentication can now detect a block by CloudFlare, and direct
the user accordingly
* TWEAK: If there are remote storage methods needing authentication, then pop up a
box showing this to the user - so that it does not rely on them spotting the
dashboard notice or having read the instructions

= 1.12.23 - 04/Oct/2016 =

* FIX: Fix a bug in URL replacement when cloning from a flat configuration to a WP-
in-own-directory configuration
* FIX: The button for testing connections to extra databases added to the backup
was not working
* FIX: Direct dashboard logins from UpdraftCentral were not working on WP 3.2 - 3.4
* COMPATIBILITY: Will upgrade Dropbox OAuthv1 tokens to OAuthv2 (to handle Dropbox
API v1 deprecation in summer 2017)
* TWEAK: Deleting an already-deleted backup set from UpdraftCentral now produces a
more informative error message
* TWEAK: When restoring only a single site out of a multisite install, store less
data in memory on irrelevant tables, and do less logging when skipping tables
* TWEAK: Update bundled UDRPC library to version 1.4.9 - fixes a bug with the admin
URL used for contact via UpdraftCentral on multisite
* TWEAK: Explicitly store the UpdraftPlus object as a global
* TWEAK: Prevent a pointless "unsaved settings" warning if settings were changed
then the 'wipe' button used
* TWEAK: When using the Importer add-on, allow backups from WordPress Backup to
Dropbox to be wrapped in an extra 'wpb2d' folder
* TWEAK: Strengthen protections against resuming an already-complete backup after
migration on servers with misbehaving WP schedulers
* TWEAK: Touch already-existing but incomplete files being downloaded, to reduce
possibility of two processes downloading at once
* TWEAK: Add a link to more information about UpdraftCentral in the advanced tool
* TWEAK: The UPDRAFTPLUS_MYSQLDUMP_EXECUTABLE define can now be used on Windows
(you will need to define a path to take advantage of it)
* TWEAK: Introduce the UPDRAFTPLUS_SKIP_CPANEL_QUOTA_CHECK constant to allow
skipping of trying to check cPanel quota

= 1.12.21 - 08/Sep/2016 =

* FIX: Fix a bug in the updater code that caused updates checks to be run more
often than intended
* TWEAK: Improve/tidy layout of the "Advanced Tools" tab
* TWEAK: Make it more obvious in the file uploading widget when an upload is 100%
* TWEAK: Prevent spurious OneDrive message being shown when re-scanning remote
storage and not using OneDrive
* TWEAK: OneDrive storage now uses the refresh token yes frequently (less HTTP

= 1.12.20 - 29/Aug/2016 =

* FEATURE: OpenStack uploads (including Rackspace Cloudfiles) can now adapt their
upload rate to network conditions, leading to much faster uploads on many networks
* FEATURE: Updated the OneDrive configuration to make it easier to setup. A custom
Microsoft Developer App is no longer required
* FEATURE: The "Advanced Tools" tab now has tools for importing and exporting
* TWEAK: Honour the "do not verify SSL certificates" setting with WebDAV storage on
PHP 5.6+
* TWEAK: When there's a connection problem to updraftplus.com when claiming
licences, provide more error info and guidance
* TWEAK: In particular circumstances (malfunctioning WP scheduler, expert option to
keep backups after despatching remotely selected (non-default)), zips could be sent
to Google Drive more than once
* TWEAK: Tweak issue in 1.12.18 with automatic backup pop-up appearing under
another pop-up if you update themes via the themes pop-up (instead of the direct
* TWEAK: When rescanning remote storage, don't log a potentially confusing message
for an unconfigured storage module
* TWEAK: Show a visual indicator and advice if an invalid hostname is entered for
* TWEAK: Removed the no-longer-useful debug backup buttons
* TWEAK: Add a message when generating a key on a server without php-openssl, with
information about how to make it faster
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP installs which print PHP logging information to the browser
from messing up the WebDAV settings in some situations
* TWEAK: If PHP reports the current memory limit as a non-positive integer, do not
display any message to the user about a low memory limit
* TWEAK: If the user deletes their Google API project, then show clearer
information on what to do when a backup fails
* TWEAK: If you changed your OneDrive client ID, UD will now more clearly advise
you of the need to re-authenticate
* COMPATABILITY: Updated the OneDrive authentication procedure to make it
compatible with the new Microsoft Developer Apps

= 1.12.18 - 03/Aug/2016 =

* TWEAK: When Microsoft OneDrive quota is insufficient, the advisory message from
UD now includes the available quota (as well as the used)
* FEATURE: The Azure add-on/Premium now supports new-style Azure storage, as well
as classic
* FEATURE: The Rackspace enhanced wizard can now be accessed via UpdraftCentral
* TWEAK: Fix a regression in recent WP versions which caused remote keys to not
always be retained after a migration
* TWEAK: When logging Azure upload locations, include the account name
* TWEAK: Make the entering of settings for WebDAV more user-friendly
* TWEAK: Update bundled select2 to version 4.0.3
* TWEAK: Clarify error message when a 'more files' location is not found
* TWEAK: Add redirection_404 to the list of tables likely to be large, and not
needing search/replacing
* COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with WP 4.6 (previous paid versions have
incompatibilities with the changes made to 'shiny updates/installs/deletes' in WP

= 1.12.17 - 19/Jul/2016 =

* FIX: Previous free release included empty translation files

* TWEAK: Add 'snapshots' to the default list of directories to exclude from the
uploads backup (is used by another backup plugin - avoid backups-of-backups)
* TWEAK: Add et_bloom_stats to the list of tables likely to be large, and not
needing search/replacing

= 1.12.16 - 07/Jul/2016 =

* TWEAK: Log FTP progress upload less often (slight resource usage improvement)
* TWEAK: For multi-archive backup sets, the HTML title attribute of download
buttons had unnecessary duplicated information
* TWEAK: Improve OneDrive performance by cacheing directory listings
* TWEAK: Detect and handle a case in which OneDrive incorrectly reports a file as
incompletely uploaded
* FIX: OneDrive scanning of large directories for existing backup sets was only
detecting the first 200 files

= 1.12.15 - 06/Jul/2016 =

* TWEAK: S3 now supports the new Mumbai region

* TWEAK: If the user enters an AWS/S3 access key that looks prima facie invalid,
then mention this in the error output
* TWEAK: Make the message that the user is shown in the case of no network
connectivity to updraftplus.com when connecting for updates (paid versions) clearer
* TWEAK: Extend cacheing of enumeration of uploads that was introduced in 1.11.1 to
other data in wp-content also
* TWEAK: Avoid fatal error in Migrator if running via WP-CLI with the USER
environment variable unset
* TWEAK: When DB_CHARSET is defined but empty, treat it the same as if undefined
* TWEAK: Add updraftplus_remotesend_udrpc_object_obtained action hook, allowing
customisation of HTTP transport options for remote sending
* TWEAK: Introduced new UPDRAFTPLUS_RESTORE_ALL_SETTINGS constant to assist in
complicated load-balancing setups with duplicate install on the same URL
* TWEAK: Update bundled tripleclick script to fix bug in teardown handler
* TWEAK: Update bundled UDRPC library to version 1.4.8
* TWEAK: Patch Labelauty to be friendly to screen-readers
* TWEAK: Suppress the UD updates check on paid versions that immediately follows a
WP automatic core security update
* TWEAK: Handle missing UpdraftCentral command classes more elegantly
* FEATURE: Endpoint handlers for forthcoming updates and user mangement features in
* TRANSLATIONS: Remove bundled German (de_DE) translation, since this is now
retrieved from wordpress.org
* FIX: Fix inaccurate reporting of the current Vault quota usage in the report
* FIX: Fix logic errors in processing return codes when no direct MySQL/MySQLi
connection was possible in restoring that could cause UpdraftPlus to wrongly
conclude that restoring was not possible

= 1.12.13 - 07/Jun/2016 =

* TWEAK: Default the S3 secret key field type to 'password' instead of 'text'
* TWEAK: Do more checks for active output buffers prior to spooling files to the
browser (to prevent memory overflows)
* TWEAK: Update bundled UDRPC library to version 1.4.7

= 1.12.12 - 25/May/2016 =

* FIX: When restoring a plugins backup on multisite, old plugins were inactivated
but not always removed
* TWEAK: Use POST instead of GET for OneDrive token requests - some new accounts
seem to have begun requiring this
* TWEAK: When backing up user-configured directories, don't log
confusing/misleading messages for unzippable directory symlinks
* TRANSLATIONS: wordpress.org is now serving up translations for fr_FR, pt_PT and
ro_RO, so these can/have been removed from the plugin zip (1.2Mb released)

= 1.12.11 - 19/May/2016 =

* FIX: 1.12.8 (paid versions only) contained a regression that prevented S3 access
if the user had a custom policy that did not include location permission. This fix
means that the work-around of adding that permission to the policy is no longer
* FIX: Fix a regression in 1.12.8 that prevented non-existent DreamObjects buckets
from being created
* FIX: Fix inaccurate reporting of the current Vault quota usage in the report
email since 1.12.8
* FIX: The short-lived 1.12.10 had a duplicate copy of the plugin in the release
* TWEAK: Detect a particular obscure PHP bug in some versions that is triggered by
the Amazon S3 SDK, and automatically switch to the older SDK if it is hit (N.B. Not
compatible with Frankfurt region).
* TWEAK: Audit/update all use of wp_remote_ functions to reflect API changes in the
upcoming WP 4.6
* TWEAK: Tweak to the settings saving, to avoid a false-positive trigger of a
particular rule found in some mod_security installs
* TWEAK Update bundled UDRPC library to version 1.4.5

= 1.12.9 - 11/May/2016 =

* FIX: In yesterday's 1.12.8, some previously accessible Amazon S3 buckets could no

longer be accessed
= 1.12.8 - 10/May/2016 =

* FEATURE: Support S3's "infrequent access" storage class (Premium)

* FIX: Fix bug in SFTP uploading algorithm that would corrupt archives if a
resumption was necessary
* TWEAK: Add information on UpdraftVault quota to reporting emails
* TWEAK: Update the bundled AWS library to version 2.8.30
* TWEAK: Update the bundled Symfony library to version 2.8.5
* TWEAK: Update the bundled phpseclib library to version 1.0.2 (which includes a
fix for SFTP on PHP 5.3)
* TWEAK: Improve the overlapping runs detection when writing out individual
database tables, for helping servers with huge tables without mysqldump
* TWEAK: Prevent restoration from replacing the local record of keys of remote
sites to send backups to (Migrator add-on)
* TWEAK: Re-order the classes in class-zip.php, to help misbehaving XCache (and
perhaps other opcode cache) instances
* TWEAK: Do not include transient update availability data in the backup (which
will be immediately out-of-date)
* TWEAK: Updated the URLs of various S3-compatible providers to use SSL, where
* TWEAK: Added an endpoint drop-down for Dreamobjects, using their new/updated
endpoint (currently only one choice, but they will have more in future)
* TWEAK: Suppress a log message from UpdraftVault when that message is not in use
* TWEAK: When key creation times out in the Migrator, display the error message in
the UI

= 1.12.6 - 30/Apr/2016 =

* FIX: UpdraftVault quota usage was being shown incorrectly in recounts on sites
connected to accounts backing up multiple sites
* TWEAK: In accordance with Barracuda's previous announcement, copy.com no longer
exists - https://techlib.barracuda.com/CudaDrive/EOL
* TWEAK: Allow particular log lines to be cancelled
* TWEAK: Explicitly set the separator when calling http_build_query(), to prevent
problems with non-default configurations
* TWEAK: Tweak the algorithm for sending data to a remote UD installation to cope
with eventually-consistent filesystems that are temporarily inconsistent
* TWEAK: Make the automatic backups advert prettier
* TWEAK: Detect and combine file and database backups running on different
schedules which coincide
* TWEAK: Update bundled Select2 to version 4.0.2
* TWEAK: Update UDRPC library to version 1.4.3

Older changes are found in the changelog.txt file in the plugin directory.

== Screenshots ==

1. Main dashboard - screenshots are from UpdraftPlus Premium, so may reference some
features that are not part of the free version

2. Configuring your backups

3. Restoring from a backup

4. Showing and downloading backup sets

== License ==
Copyright 2011-16 David Anderson

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Furthermore, reliance upon any non-English translation is at your own risk.

UpdraftPlus can give no guarantees that translations from the original English are

We recognise and thank the following for code and/or libraries used and/or modified
under the terms of their open source licences; see:

== Upgrade Notice ==
* 1.12.34: Allow other WP dashboard pages to call a backup easily. Various tweaks
and small improvements.

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