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So You Ponder Abortion

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Copyright 2014 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn

Obviously, what you see above is not a pretty picture, but is instead absolutely repulsive,
so repulsive my readers may ask themselves, Why in the world, and for what sick and
demented reason, would this man post such a photo? Because it is repulsive, and not
some simple private thing that is a woman's business in making a trip to an abortion clinic, or
her family doctor. The law of our land presently states that it is legally permissible to do so,
however not all things legal and permissible are right.
The intent and purpose of any nation passing laws is supposed to be to protect all its
citizens, and not simply those who are able to speak in defense of themselves. A deaf and mute
person cannot speak audibly, but at least they can sign, thus giving them a means to speak in
their own behalf. An unborn child cannot speak in its own behalf, neither audibly or by means
of signing. It is for this reason that I choose to speak out in behalf of the unborn ...
What wrong has any unborn child committed that is worthy of a death penalty? I have
yet to find a person on the face of this planet who can tell me to my face that any unborn child
has been found guilty of wronging anyone, anywhere, and thus it must be concluded that an
unborn child is innocent of any and all wrong doing, and if an unborn child is not
innocent and helpless, unable to defend itself and speak in its own behalf, then what
child upon this earth is?
So, my dear lady, do you ponder an abortion? Others have done so, why not you?
Perhaps you should ask instead: Why you? Why should you do that which so many are doing,
simply because they are doing it? Do you ponder seeking an abortion as a solution? The real
question is: Is abortion truly a solution? It is your body, and yours alone ...
In setting to pen my thoughts on this controversial topic, I must also claim, as an example
to set forth, my rights to my body, and mine alone. I am a man. I have rights as do other men
and women. I have the right to drink alcohol from sunup until sundown; that is my right to
choose. But, is it a wise choice, one which I can live with? Most folks would say, not for very
long. Of course, a woman would rightly say that this comparison is not the same as a woman
having a baby, and quite obviously it is not, but it is a comparison of the reality that possessing
rights is not the same thing as doing right and making wise and right decisions ...
So is this old man anti-womans rights? Not at all. I am pro-womans rights. I believe
that woman has the right of control over her own body as well as the right to be treated with
respect, and honored as a human being. She also has the right to abstain from sex, whether
single or married, and the right to choose to not get pregnant.
But, if, and when, she chooses of her own free will to engage in sex and becomes
pregnant, it is my personal belief that her rights over her body do not take precedence over her
unborn child's right to a life upon this earth, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This said, I openly stand in opposition to unnecessary abortions, necessary abortions
being defined as those that threaten the mother's health and put her life at risk. In such cases,
quite logically, a woman's rights do take precedence over that of her unborn child. Yet, there
have been many brave women who have risked their liveslosing their livesin exchange for
the joy of bringing a new life, their own child, into the world. It is all about choice; a woman's
choice ...
Tragically, there are also cases of rape and incest which must be taken into account
when speaking of abortion. As a man I cannot begin to fathom how a woman would feel
carrying such a child. At the same time, my mind ponders as to what wrong a child created in
such a horrible fashion has done to deserve death. Should it be the child who suffers
punishment, or the perpetrator of the crime in question? Again, it is all about choice; a
woman's choice ...
The above said, let us discuss this topic a bit further. Many claim that in its earliest
stages that a fetus is no more than a mass of tissue a piece of meat--and therefore not human,
as though a fetus does not become human until taking that very first breath at birth. Yet, is it
not reasonable to suggest that if a fetal sized portion of our flesh was cut from our bodies and
cast into a waste bin, to later be found by some unsuspecting person who then calls the
authorities to report the bloody find, that upon researching the origins of the tissue found
certainly there is no physical body here to identify withthe lump of disposed of tissue would,
hence, be identified as human and not only human, but its DNA would be traceable back to the
person from which it had been cruelly removed? Further law enforcement research and
investigation would then be able to track this tissue's DNA to a particular race, or ethnic origin
and, eventually, to a group of people who also share the same DNA. At the end of the day, a
specific family would be isolated and, at long last, the family member who clearly had suffered
this serious wound would at that time be identified as the source and owner of said tissue.
This theoretically, hypothetical, scenario thus set forth, would it not be reasonable now
to also suggest that an aborted fetus's tissue is identifiable in a law enforcement lab as being
tissue of human origin, and possessing the DNA given that fetus by its mother and father?...
How then, can a fetus developing in the womb possibly be deemed as a mere piece of
meat, and not a human being?...Because it cannot speak to us and say, Hey, don't kill me, I'm a
human being just like you?
It is very popular for folks these days to refer to Mother Nature, and to speak of Mother
Nature as though the earth is actually the mother of mankind, and we are notshould not, best
notdisplease her, with daily examples given of the many ways mankind is harming the earth
and upsetting the balance of nature. I would not argue against the fact that man is harming this
planet. Who with any common sense would?
At the same time, I wonder in amazement why it does not register upon our hearts that to
abort our children is against those very precepts of nature which we claim ever so loudly to
hold dear and wish for all the world to live by, for even animals do not abort their
fetuses ...
It is not volume, nor quantity, of my words that I set my hopes upon in seeking to change
just one woman's mind regarding abortion as a correct choice in her right to choose. Words do
carry power, but the most powerful things in the world are the things we do, and that by choice.
Please know that this man of 59 years has made more than his fair share of mistakes,
boo-boos, and blunders in his life; his share of poor decisions; his share of poor choices. I live
daily with this reality: A past I cannot change, but can only look back to in hindsight, often in
regret, looking to make my future not reflect my past ...
I judge no woman who has had an abortion. I simply believe that doing so was a
mistake; a bad decision; a poor choice. The past cannot be changed. However, the future can,
and it is the future I speak of and for; the future of unborn children facing the possibility of
abortion. So, if you are a woman contemplating abortion, I would simply hope that you would
ponder my thoughts before making your decision. There are other options, such as raising your
child, or putting your child up for adoption so that he or she may have the opportunity to live a
full and prosperous life.
Remember, it is your body. It is your choice, and yours alone. It is also you who will live
with your choice, and that for the rest of your life...
Where would each of us be today had we been aborted?...Of course, that always happens
to someone else, doesn't it? Choose but choose wisely ...

(Written March 22nd, 2014)

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