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Lesson Plan

Meredith Moncure
Annabelle Whitfield, Pre-Kindergarten
7 December 2016

Literacy Lesson Plan for Emergent Reader:
Give basic information found about child, including stage and characteristics showing this stage
A literacy assessment was performed with Annabelle Whitfield on October 4 and October 20, 2016. She began
by participating in a guided retelling of The Three Billy Goats Gruff on October 4, which resulted in her score
of a 4 (little story language). She then completed a Picture and Name Task on October 20, in which she was
asked to draw a picture of herself. She illustrated herself with her mother, cousin, brother, step-brother, and
two step-sisters. She identified a few concepts about print in another task, on which she scored 5/12
concepts. She is beginning to rhyme, as identified during the rhyming portion of the assessment, on which she
scored a 4/9. She is not yet able to identify similar beginning sounds, as demonstrated by her 0/3 score on the
beginning sounds portion of the assessment. She is familiar with letters and their function and is able to
identify the letter X. She is an early emergent reader who often struggles to sit still during read-alouds. She
is also timid and selectively mute; therefore, verbal responses while reading aloud are sometimes limited.

Concept of Word
Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
Students will practice letter VA Literacy Foundation Block 4 Instructor will complete a
identification while experiencing Identify and name uppercase checklist for the child to assess
a poem that can also function as and lowercase letters in random what letters she was able to
a song. order. identify independently.

Materials needed: List all materials needed
o SMART board
o SMART board file with poem text

o Pointer tool or wand to model tracking

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this part? 6 minutes

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out
o Instructor will lead small groups of children by the SMART board:
First, the instructor will model tracking while simply reading the poem aloud.
Next, the instructor will ask children to say stop! once they see a specific letter they
are aiming to identify.
If time permits, the instructor may lead the children in singing the poem as a song.

Concept about Print

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
Students will engage in a read Virginia Literacy Foundation Instructor will ask questions as
aloud that reviews concept Block 5 the book is read aloud such as,
about print. Where is the front cover? and
Where is the back cover?,
noting which questions the child
is able to answer

Materials needed: List all materials needed
o I Love my White Shoes (Pete the Cat) by James Dean (or another pre-k appropriate read aloud
that features cats, as they are of high interest to Annabelle)

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this part? 8 minutes

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out
o Instructor will ask students to gather for a read aloud.
o Instructor will read the book to the students, pausing for appropriate concept about print
questions as needed.

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
Students will practice identifying Virginia Literacy Foundation The instructor will observe which
upper and lower-case letters, Block 4 students are able to successfully
while matching those letters to match the first letter of the
the beginning letter of a word. words/pictures.

Materials needed: List all materials needed
o SMART board
o Prepared SMART board slide with large images of animals, foods, another category
o Large drag-n-drop letters (to place on images that begin with that letter) prepared on
SMART board

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this part? 6 minutes

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out
o Instructor will ask students to gather on a carpeted area near the board.
o The instructor will display the prepared slide, asking children if they can raise their hand, share
the image that they see, and the beginning letter it starts with.
o The student may then attempt dragging the large letter to match the picture.

Language Play/Phonological Awareness
Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
Students will practice making Virginia Literacy Foundation Instructor will observe whether
the beginning sounds of words. Block 3 students are able to successfully
make the beginning letter sound
while they are recording the
Instructor will observe whether
students are able to match
words with the same beginning
sound (if time).

Materials needed: List all materials needed
o SMART board
o Prepared SMART board slide with various pictures of objects
o App or SMART board feature that allows for audio recording
(Teacher will record the children making the sound a given letter makes (i.e. the d

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this part? 3 minutes

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out
o Instructor will ask students to gather near the SMART board.
o The instructor will explain that they need to work together in creating the right sounds for
certain first letters of words.
o The instructor will point to a given image and will scaffold children in stating what the image is,
what it begins with, and what sound its first letter makes.
o Once the children are prepared, the instructor will use the app/sound recording function to
record the students pronouncing the letter sound.
o The sound will save so that each time the image is clicked, the children hear the beginning
sound of the word.
o (If time permits, the instructor can guide children in matching images that have the same
beginning sound.)

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
Students will practice writing Virginia Literacy Foundation The instructor will observe how
the letters that form their name. Block 6 the children make the letters
and/or whether they are
forming them correctly.

Materials needed: List all materials needed
o Salt/sand trays
o Letter cards (perhaps stack with the letters in a childs name)

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30-minute lesson will be used for this part? 7 minutes

Procedure: Explain how this part of lesson will be carried out
o Children will be given the allotted amount of time to explore with writing the letters that form
their name in the salt/sand tray.

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