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L3 Assignment

Sierra Willis

Motivating Yourself. It is important to be able to motivate yourself at the beginning of the

learning process. As well, it is important to be able to remotivating yourself when the initial
motivation wears thin. Reflect about your strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of
being an autonomous learner. Use an example to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

To keep myself motivated, I have found it most beneficial to begin by looking at the whole
picture. I like to see what I need to do to get there and making a game plan to see how to
complete a task. I think of myself to be at the bottom of a staircase, looking up at the goal that is Commented [S1]: Akward wording. CORRECTION: By
on the top. I take it step by step to see what I need to do to complete this goal. This allows myself learning about each step that is needed to get to a final goal, I
am able to create a blueprint to follow throughout the
to remember that each step matters, I cannot skip any, and the end goal IS important. completion of the task.

Dealing with Your Feelings. It is important to recognize feelings that come up when learning,
and to process your feelings in order to organize learning effectively. Reflect about your
strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of being an autonomous learner. Use an example
to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

I have a bad habit of internalizing all feelings I ever have- it is extremely unhealthy. When I have
good feelings, then I roll with them; however, life is not always full of good feelings. I have been
able to learn to talk through some issues, but others are more difficult to work through. I have Commented [S2]: Based on remarks on blackboard
turned to weight lifting as an outlet.

Commented [S3R2]:
Structuring Knowledge. The ability to structure knowledge, sometimes disparate knowledge
bases, is a component that plays a role in all autonomous learning phases and activities. Reflect
about your strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of being an autonomous learner. Use
an example to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

Overtime, learning with others has become a drag. I have learned that tuning out in the library
with some headphones and good music is the more beneficial way to learn. Solving issues by
looking through the textbook or other sources has become the best way I learn. For this reason, I
prefer online classes since I am not required to do unnecessary work in person.

Planning. It is important to recognize ones own needs, to formulate these into realistic learning
objectives, and to structure these into steps that create a learning plan. In addition, one has to be
flexible enough to change the learning plan if the situation or needs should change. Reflect about
your strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of being an autonomous learner. Use an
example to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

After trial and error, I have found that setting goals is the best way I have found to accomplish
everything I need to on time. Things do change, so I have taken the unnecessary things and
objectives out of my life that I do not feel bring me joy and just waste my time. This has been
utilized to allow for my work to be done at any time and by the dead line. If it does not benefit
me, or bring me joy, then it is not done.

Choosing Materials and Methods. The ability to choose and work with suitable learning
materials, methods, and strategies is acquired and developed bit by bit. Reflect about your
strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of being an autonomous learner. Use an example
to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

I have failed majorly at working in groups. I become irritated with others when they participate
too much, or not enough. By working alone and pushing through things all at once- I am able to
complete tasks best. Considering that online classes face the most difficult tasks of sharing equal Commented [S4]: Terrible grammar. The best ever >
responsibilities for an assignment, I have been failed far too much in them to rely on others to BEST
help me learn.
Completing Tasks. The ability to complete tasks is reliant upon access to any necessary tools and
resources, organizing time to learn, completing individual or multiple tasks, and employing
appropriate methods and strategies. Reflect about your strengths and weaknesses related to this
aspect of being an autonomous learner. Use an example to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

My entire freshman year of college, I treated the learning environment like high school- which I
exceled in. College is not like high school and time has to be applied to schoolwork. I have come
up with the perfect schedule that allows me to work full time, go to school full time, be a
fantastic wife and intern at a facility. The ability to weed through the tasks and activities that
hold me back from prospering has been my saving grace through college.

Monitoring. The ability to reflect on topics, tasks, the learning process, and observing oneself
helps learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to structure or re-structure learning
activities accordingly. Reflect about your strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of being
an autonomous learner. Use an example to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

Monitoring the content that I allow myself to be introduced to has been the most difficult task. I
get caught up in the things that I am doing and realize that I am completely off my first plan. To
correct this, I have allowed myself to be fine with things going off plan. I believe that if I am
working hard and doing what I think is most beneficial- then things will work out fine!
Evaluating. The ability to review what you have learned, how well you have learned, and what
progress has been made toward competencies is the hardest part of autonomous learning. It
requires practice and normally occurs through an exchange with other learners or superiors.
Reflect about your strengths and weaknesses related to this aspect of being an autonomous
learner. Use an example to illustrate your point. (50-75 words):

One of my major faults I having a big head when I accomplish something. I have been able to
calm it by measuring how much I have mastered a subject, by comparing myself to others at that
point. Even if one has mastered a subject, there is always room to grow. I like to create an idea
that I can never learn too much on any specific topic. I use the comparison as a humbling
experience. Commented [S5]: Fix- I feel that I can never learn enough
on any subject out there. I believe that no one can ever know

Cooperating. The ability to cooperate extends learning from an isolated independent activity to
learning in association with others. Cooperation can support learners to complete tasks, realize a
project, negotiate resources, evaluate the outcome, etc. Reflect about your strengths and
weaknesses related to this aspect of being an autonomous learner. Use an example to illustrate
your point. (50-75 words):

Learning with others is by far one of the most difficult things I have tried to accomplish. I have
trust issues with online group projects because everyone has different schedules and ways to
learn. I have been able to justify group projects as a way of collaborating to better my own
knowledge since we all have something to bring to the table.

Reflect about your overall strengths and weaknesses of the aspects of self-directed learning. Pick
one area that, if strengthened, would create the most impact in your ability to be self-directed.
What activity(ies) would help you address the deficit in this areas? (150-200 words):

At times, I find it impossible to work with others to accomplish tasks. I like to have things done
my way or the highway. Others may have excellent aspects or ways to solve issues- but it is not
my own and I find it difficult to grasp the idea that there is more than one correct way to do
something if I have chosen to discuss my ability to collaborate with others. If I were able to fully Commented [S6]: Of > if
learn to give others the opportunity to set their input and see from their point of view, then my
knowledge expands from just my own mind to theirs. Just as my visual up above says, There is
nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former
self. I find so much in truth in this, because there are countless ways to accomplish a single
task. One should not limit herself to just what she knows and can learn, we can learn an infinite Commented [S7]: Themselves > herself
amount of things just by listening and collaborating with others.
Commented [S8]: They know > she knows

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