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Effective cough is a cough with correct method, where clients can save
energy that is not easily tired sputum maximum. Coughing is a reflex that is
reactive against ingress of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract. This
movement occurs or does the body as a natural mechanism is mainly to
protect the lungs.

Cough effective to maintain airway patency. Coughing allows clients

pull out secretions from the upper airway and respiratory bawah.Rangkaian
part in the event normal cough mechanism is inhaled in, closing the glottis,
active contraction of the muscles of expiration, and the opening of the glottis.
Inhalation in increasing lung volume and airway diameter allows air to pass
through a portion of mucus that obstructs or other foreign object passes.

The effectiveness of cough client evaluated by seeing whether there is

liquid sputum, client reports on sputum swallowed or hearing an additional
breath sounds clear when the client auscultated. Clients who have upper
respiratory tract infection and lower respiratory tract infection should be
encouraged to breath and coughing at least every 2 hours while awake. Clients
who have a large amount of sputum should be encouraged to cough every
hour while awake and every 2-3 hours during sleep.

Effective cough and breathing in an effective cough technique that

emphasizes maximal inspiration starting from expiration, which aims:
1. Stimulate opening of collateral system
2. Improving the distribution of ventilation

3. Increased lung volume
4. Facilitate pemberihan airways

Ineffective cough led to :

1. The collapse airways
2. Rupture walls of the alveoli
3. Pneumothoraks

Breathing exercises are aimed at:

1. Set the frequency and breathing patterns thus reducing the water trapping
2. Improve the function of the diaphragm
3. Improving the mobility of the thoracic cage

Understand effective cough along with techniques to do so will

provide benefits. Among them, to loosen and relieve respiratory and dealing
with shortness of breath due to respiratory tract mucus meet. Mucus, either in
the form of phlegm (sputum) and secretions in the nose, arising from an
infection of the respiratory tract as well as a number of diseases in the
suffering person.

Even for people with tuberculosis (TB), effective cough is one of the
methods that do medical personnel to diagnose the cause of the disease. Not a
few people who actually have the condition worsened despite treatment has
been carried out.

In fact, some studies meSInemukan, no less a person than 4 or 5

people with TB death, mainly due to too late to give treatment and errors in
diagnosis so treatment becomes ineffective.


with respiratory disorders due to accumulation of secretions for example in

patient with:
a. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
b. The disease is sitandai by duct air flow resistance of breath are
progressive non-reversible or partially reversible. COPD consists of
chronic bronchitis and emphysema or both.
2. Emphysema
An anatomical abnormalities of the lung characterized by a widening of
airspaces distal terminal bronchioles, alveoli accompanied dining damage.
3. Asthma
Is an inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by airflow breath
opstruksidqan excessive airway response to various forms of stimulation.
4. Chest infection
5. Patients bedrest or postoperative


1. Tension pneumotoraks

tension pneumotoraks is the accumulation of air in the pleural space

with lung collaps sekunder. tension pneumothoraks is a medical emergency in

which the air is getting accumulates in the pleural space with each breath.

2. Edema the lungs

pulmonary edema is a condition characterized by symptoms of

difficult breathing due to fluid build up in the pockets of the lungs, this

condition can occur suddenly or develop in the long term.

3. Hemoptisis

hemoptysis or coughing up blood is the expectoration of blood or

bloody mucus. hemoptysis is coughing up blood/sputum mixed with blood

that occurs because there are lesions in the lung or bronchi.

4. Pleural effusion

pleural effusion is a condition characterized by the accumulation of

fluid between the two layers of the pleura . actually pleural fluid produced

serves as a lubricant that helps smooth the movement of the lungs when


a) Provide an explanation of the action that will be performed on the
patient / family
b) To inform consent
c) Adjust the position of the patient as needed

a) Sputum pot
b) lisol 2-3%
c) Towel Pengalas
d) Pillows (If necessary)
e) Tissue
f) Crooked

Huff cough Coughing is a control technique that can be used in
patients suffering from lung diseases such as COPD / COPD,
emphysema or cystic fibrosis.

Can be done with the steps:

a) To set up the lungs and airways of huff cough technique,
remove all the air from the lungs and airways. Start by
breathing slowly. Inhale slowly, ending with exhale slowly for
3-4 seconds.

b) Inhale as diaphragms, do it slowly and comfortably, not to
overventilasi lungs.
c) Once the breath slowly, hold your breath for three seconds, is
done to control the breath and prepare for a huff cough
effectively perform
d) Lift your chin slightly upwards, and use your abdominal
muscles to perform rapid exhalation 3 times with airway and
mouth open, remove the sound Ha, ha, ha, or huff, huff, huff.
This helps to simplify expenditure epligotis open and mucus.
e) Control breaths, then breathe slowly two times.
f) Repeat the above techniques cough up mucous to the back of
the throat
g) After the batukkan and remove mucus / phlegm.

Postsurgical Deep Coughing

Step 1:
1) Sitting in the corner of a bed or chair, also can lie on your back
with knees slightly flexed
2) Hold / hold pillow or rolled towel against the wound operating
with both hands
3) Breathe normally

Step 2:
1) Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose.
2) Then exhale fully through the mouth, Repeat for the second

3) For the third time, Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose,
Fill your lungs until they felt full as possible.

Step 3:
1) Cough Right 2-3 times in a row. Try to remove the air from the
lungs pleasant possible when coughing.
2) Relax and breathe as usual
3) Repeat the above action.


In conclusion of effection cough is to make the breath is more

effective and make relaxtionof airway. effective cough function to make

a sputum help to take out from the airway or make the airway is free for

sputum. the sputum make the airway function is not free, make the

breathe is more not effective. if the airway is not free, this will make a

trouble in the lungs and make the breathe is not relax. the effective cough

is very help to people with trouble of airway, breathe, and cough. many

people didnt know the way of effective cough, but the function of

effective cough is very important. effective cough is the way without we

must take out our money. just need education and the true way. every

people certainly ever had a trouble is relax, and the one of way to make

relax is with effective cough. the effective cough is not to resolve the

trouble, but the effective cough just make a relax if people have a trouble

with the breath.


Yoga aditama T. patofisioli batuk, Jakarta :

bagian pulmonologi FK UI,Unit paru RS

persahabatan, Jakarta.1993.

F. denis . global physiology and pathophysiology of

cough. CHEST January 2006 vol. 129 no.1 suppl



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