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Hasyim Asari N : (131810401017)

Siti Fatimah : (131810401036)
Paramita pratiwi : (141810401013)
Reiyang vivi : (141810401026)
Iffah Ali Maziun : (141810401034)


Sea turtles are one of the Earth's most ancient creatures. The seven species that can be found
today have been around for 110 million years, since the time of the dinosaurs. The sea turtle's
shell, or "carapace" is streamlined for swimming through the water. Unlike other turtles, sea
turtles cannot retract their legs and head into their shells. Their color varies between yellow,
greenish and black depending on the species.

1. Morphology
Sea turtles are characterized by a large, streamlined shell.
The dorsal (top) side of the shell is called the carapace. Depending on species, the adult
carapace ranges in shape from oval to heart-shaped.
The ventral (bottom) side of the shell is called the plastron.
Sea turtles dont have teeth, but their jaws have modified into beaks suited to their
particular diet.
Sea turtles do not have an external ear opening.
They hear best at law frequence and their sense of smell is exelent, their vision in
underwater is good.

2. Habitat
Sea turtles move across three habitat types, depending on their life stage.
They lay eggs on beaches. Green sea turtles migrate long distances between feeding sites
and nesting sites to reach their spawning grounds.
Mature turtles often return to the exact beach from which they hatched. Females usually
mate every two to four years. Males, on the other hand, visit the breeding areas every
year, attempting to mate. Mating seasons vary between populations. For most sea turtles
in the Caribbean, mating season is from June to September. The French Guiana nesting
subpopulation nests from March to June. In the tropics, green turtles nest throughout the
year, although some subpopulations prefer particular times of the year. In Pakistan, India
Ocean turtles nest year-round, but prefer the months of July to December.
Adults frequent inshore bays, lagoons and shoals with lush seagrass meadows. Entire
generations often migrate between one pair of feeding and nesting areas. Green sea
turtles, Chelonia mydas, are classified as an aquatic species and are distributed around the
globe in warm tropical to subtropical waters.
3. Migration of sea turtles
Sea turtle migration is generally similar in every species. so the following
explanation of the migration of one species of turtle is green sea turtle (Chelonia
mydas). Chelonia mydas do migration after hatching. The turtle spawn on seashore. Baby
turtlr back to the sea for migrate used their insting see white line (waves line). Chelonia mydas
migrate because of foraging. Sea turtles are highly migratory and upon reaching sexual
maturity utilise broadly separated dispersed neritic foraging grounds and limited localised
nesting areas that drive regional distribution patterns. Migrations, often over hundreds of
kilometers,often c rossing national borders and pose a significant challenge to managers. This
challenge is particularly acute in the Pacific, which contains numerous small island nations and
thousands of kilometers of continental margins.
The green sea turtle migrations by C. mydas across the Coral Sea between their nesting
site and their feeding grounds . turtles foraging in New Caledonia nest in the Great Barrier Reef
(Australia) and vice versa. They are undertaken every few years by both males and females by
most sea turtles. Mature females commonly return from foraging grounds to the region of their
natal beach. Several explanations exist for turtles exhibiting this energetically costly movement
pattern from breeding to distant foraging grounds about 12002680 km away, despite viable
foraging habitat being available in the local vicinity
how can Chelonia mydas back to natal place?

Structure of Chelonia mydas head has organ that sensitife of magnetic field. The organ used to
be insting that can guiding the sea turtle back to natal place.

4. Conservasion
Sea turtle are one of the animal that have extinc status according by IUCN. And now amount
of sea turtles in the world around just 30 individuals. This is happen because so many ilegal
hunting and trading about sea turtles.
Some efforts were made to preserve sea turtles :
a We must keep the sea always clean
Marine poluttion can make sea tuttles immune susceptible to patogen. And also the
gabbage such as fishing lines, balloons, and plastic bags can be eaten by sea turtles, often
resulting in injury or death.
b Dont consume the sea turtles eggs
Consume sea turtles eggs can reduce the prospective baby sea turtles that can hatch. From
100 eggs produces, only 1-2 eggs can survive to adult. And than, sea turtle eggs have a very
high protein, so its not good for healthy.
c Dont buy everythings product from sea turtle body
Buying a product from the sea turtles body can add to amount of ilegal hunting.
d Give a information about sea turtles
Giving information to all people or children about the importance of sea turtle for natural
balance .

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