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Internet based final exam in 2 calculus:

Edited at 4am 31.7.2017.

s is your student number. k = s mod 10000. T = s mod 100. m = s mod 35. a = s mod 25.

L = s mod 10. 2 = 10 . e = s mod 8. m7 = s mod 7. m6 = s mod 6. m5 = s mod 5. m4 = s mod 4.
m3 = s mod 3. m2 = s mod 2. u = s + 10000.

Cartesian coordinates:

1. Are the points collinear?

(a,m),(L,T),(s,a) Explain.
2. Are the points collinear?
(a,m,T),(L,T,m),(s,L,a) Explain.

3. Are the points coplanar?

(a,m,T),(L,T,m),(s,L,a),(m,a,T) Explain.


4. Calculate sin()
5. Find sin( + )

Differential equations:

Euler method:

6. Solve y = y/T, y(0) = 1/k using m2 + 2 unitary steps.

Calculate error at every point.
Integration techniques:

7. Heaviside method:

1 2 + 1 + 1 1 1 1
() = = + +
( 1 )( 1 )( 1 ) ( 1 ) ( 1 ) ( 1 )
L1 = L
m1 = m
n1 = s
a1 = a
b1 = k
c1 = T

Find A1, B1, C1.

Calculate ()

PDE types:
8. Determine the type of the partial differential equation.
0: -6Hxx + 7Hxt 5Htt +675Hx 34Ht + 54356 = 0
1: 39Hxx + 23Hxt 305Htt - 6567Hx +56465Ht - 67467 = 0

Partial differential equations:

8.1. Solve:

m2 = 0: the Heat Transfer Equation:


m2 = 1: Maxwells Equations:

Maxwell equations are the mathematical equations that describe how electric and magnetic fields are
created by electric charges and electric currents and in addition they give relationships between these
fields. The equations are named after the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who published them
(in a somewhat old-fashioned notation) in 1865. The Maxwell equations are still considered to be valid,
even in quantum electrodynamics where the electromagnetic fields are reinterpreted as quantum
mechanical operators satisfying canonical commutation relations, see the article quantization of the
electromagnetic field.

8.2. Series and numerical integration.

m6 = 0: Give Taylor series truncation error in Lagrange form.
m6 = 1: Give left rectangles rule formula and integration error bound.
m6 = 2: Give right rectangles rule formula and integration error bound.
m6 = 3: Give mid rectangles rule formula and integration error bound.
m6 = 4: Give trapezoidal rule formula and integration error bound.
m6 = 5: Give Simpson rule formula and integration error bound.

8.3. Solve y + y/s + uy = Tsin(kx + e), y(0) = 0, y(0) = 1.

= + + , curl V = , div V = . , grad S = S

m5 = 0: Explain Nabla operator.

Nabla, is an operator used in mathematics, in particular in vector calculus, as a vector differential

operator, usually represented by the nabla symbol . When applied to a function defined on a one-
dimensional domain, it denotes its standard derivative as defined in calculus. When applied to a field (a
function defined on a multi-dimensional domain), del may denote the gradient (locally steepest slope) of
a scalar field (or sometimes of a vector field, as in the NavierStokes equations), the divergence of a
vector field, or the curl (rotation) of a vector field, depending on the way it is applied.

m5 = 1: Explain divergence.
m5 = 2: Explain curl.
m5 = 3: Explain gradient.
m5 = 4: Explain Maxwell Equations.

m3 = 0: Give example of elliptic partial differential equation.

Explore what happens when we solve Poisson's equation for the same boundary conditions as
given in Example 1 for values of g between 0 and 4.

uxx + uyy = g

Using n = m = 32, Figure 4 shows the approximations for values of g starting with Laplace's
equation and going to g = 4.
The solutions to the Poisson equation for values of g [0, 4].

What Poisson's equation is dictating is that locally, the solution will look like x2 + y2.

m3 = 1: Give example of parabolic partial differential equation.

m3 = 2: Give example of hyperbolic partial differential equation.

8.6. Calculate
m3 = 0: curl(grad)
m3 = 1: div(curl)
m3 = 2: div(grad)

i, j, k are unitary vectors along x, y and z respectively.

8.7. Find these dot-products:

m4 = 0: ij =
m4 = 1: jj =
m4 = 2: kj =
m4 = 3: ki=

8.8. Find these cross-products:

m4 = 0: ij =
m4 = 1: jj =
m4 = 2: kj =
m4 = 3: ki=

8.9. Integral transforms:


m4 = 0: Explain Abel transform

m4 = 1: Explain Fourier transform.

The Fourier Transform is a tool that breaks a waveform (a function or signal) into an alternate
representation, characterized by sine and cosines. The Fourier Transform shows that any waveform can
be re-written as the sum of sinusoidal functions.

m4 = 2: Explain Fourier sine transform

m4 = 3: Explain Fourier cosine transform

8.10. Show that maximum power losses in a circuit when internal and external resistances are equal.
Prove the maximum.

Find the maximum of () = (+)2

What have you learned?

8.11. What have you learned in my calculus 2 class?

9. Explain your project.

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