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Facultad de Educacin
Reading / Session 1 (To be, Present simple))


1. Look at the photos. Do you recognize any words from this list?

English art exam drama maths Physical Education

history music timetable geography lunch science

2. Match the two columns with vocabulary and information.

a. Variety Lunch break

b. Obligatory Rules
c. Antonym of verb to finish Range
d. School period After-school
e. Doctors degree To graduate
f. Group that sings songs together To behave
g. To have a good discipline Choir
h. To finish school studies Private
i. Period of time to eat at school To begin
j. Extra-curricular Compulsory
k. Obligations and prohibitions PhD.
l. Opposite of state (schools) Term
m. To respect and accept To obey
Reading. Read the text and do the activities that follow.

Education in Britain
In Britain, education is compulsory between the ages of 5
and 16. At the age of five, children start primary school.
Then, at the age of eleven, they begin their secondary
education. Most children go to state schools, and only
about 7% attend fee-paying private schools.

A school year is divided into three terms. Most schools

work a five-day week and they are closed on Saturdays.
The day starts at nine and finishes between three and four.
There is a lunch break which usually lasts about an hour
and a quarter. A typical timetable includes English, science, Maths, History,
Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education (PE), and foreign languages. A lot of
schools offer a range of after-school activities such as choir, drama, and trips to
interesting places.

Young people must show respect for their teachers and obey school rules.
Students who dont behave can be excluded from school.

The main exams are GCSEs (school leaving exams at 16) and A-levels (University
entrance exams at 18). University students graduate after completing their first
degree, usually in three years. Many students then continue their studies for a
Masters degree, or a PhD.

1. Read the text and mark the sentences True or False

1. The students have 60 minutes for lunch

2. Education in Britain starts when the children are 5.
3. Students in Britain study three terms in the year.
4. When you are 16, you take the GCSE exams.
5. Classes start at 8:30 in the morning.
6. They study five days a week.
7. Students dont go to school on Saturday.
8. English is an after-school activity.
9. All the students study a Masters degree after school.
10. Some students can decide to study a Doctors degree.
11. In private schools students dont pay.
12. School in Britain finishes after 5.
13. Drama is an obligatory activity.
2. Correct the FALSE sentences now.

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________

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