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Definiciones de pit
a large hole in the ground.
I do not see any risk of these pits becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
sinnimos: hole, ditch, trench, trough, hollow, excavation, cavity, crater, pothole, shaft
, mineshaft, sump
an area reserved or enclosed for a specific activity, in particular.
set someone or something in conflict or competition with.
a chance to pit herself against him
5 definiciones ms
Ver tambin
pit stop, bottomless pit, gravel pit, the pit, fire pit, snake pit, sump pit, pit
lane, orchestra pit, pit viper
Traducciones de pit
el pozo well, pit, shaft, hole, pool, cesspool
el hoyo hole, pit, hollow, dimple, depression, trough
el foso pit, moat, trench, ditch, socket
la fosa pit, fossa, fosse
el abismo abyss, chasm, gulf, pit, abysm, deepness
la boca mouth, pit
el hueso bone
la mina mine, quarry, pit, bonanza
la cantera quarry, pit
la picadura bite, sting, prick, pock, peck
la trampa trap, cheating, snare, cheat, trick, pitfall


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