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Phase 1 - "Prep"

Fase 1 - "Preparao"
Phase 2 - "Process" Phase 3 "Mix" Phase 4 - "Finalize"

|| IT
Configurao e preparao da sesso de mistura.
Mix session setup & preparation. initial processing to fix any problems & bring out the best in the Turning a collection of instruments into a great sounding song Final touches & real-world referencing. Acoomplishing the final
various instruments. Accomplishing the first 4 Key Objectives of Mixing. Key Objective of Mixing "Format Heady for Mastering.

1. Session Settings
1. Configuraes da Sesso 1. Check Phase 1. Final Arrangement & 1. Prepare for Mastering
Make sure se
esto corretas.
theconfiguraes bsicas
basic session settings da sesso
are correct. Check the mix for phase alignment.
Composition The mix is the bridge between recording 8i mastering. We must
make sure that the mix is ready to be mastered.
This is the last opportunity we have to make any final
- Taxa Sample rate & bit depth
de amostragem Minimum 24bit,de
e profundidade 44.1 kHz- Mnimo 24
bits 0 Check the phase relationship between multi-miked arrangement or composition choices.
instruments e.g. Drums, acoustic guitar, etc. O Leave headroom Peak master level should be around
bits, 44,1 kHz
Buffer settings High buffer for more processing power -6dB, & NO higherthan -3dB
- Configuraes do buffer - buffer alto para mais poder de O Check the phase relationship between any tracks that have 0 The composition I song is complete
been doubled e.g. Bass, Kick, etc. 0 Use a brickwall limiter to test how well your mix holds
Match metronome to the song's tempo up to limiting
- Corresponde ao metrnomo ao ritmo da msica U Fix any arrangement issues
O Turn on delay compensation
- Ativar compensao de atraso O Optimize the arrangement
2. Fix
There are 6 things that we must fix in our mixes if we want 2. Export
2. Vision 2. Viso them to sound professional. These are the '6 Mix Fixes : We must make sure that we export correctly or else ALL our
Sua viso is what
o que drives
controla EVERY
cada decision
deciso no mix. in the mix.
Viso Vision
simplesmente 2. Emotional Experience hard work could be undermined.
Existem 4 fases que cada mistura deve passar para issobre
simply aboutidia
ter uma having an voc
do que ideaquer
of what
que you wantparea.
a msica the song to 0 1. EQ problems Lack or excess frequencies The mix should enhance & support the emotional vision of the
sound like.
transformar uma matria-prima song. These are the '5 Powerful Ways to Amplify Emotion : 0 Export at the same quality as the mix session, or higher
O 2. Tuning problems Autotune, Pitch Shift, Chorus.
Sesso de gravao em uma excelente mistura de som, eu - Obter uma "viso" para o que voc quer que a Fleverb, EQ
There are 4 phases that every mix must go through to turn a raw 0 Get a vision for what you want the song to sound like 0 Check tops 8i tails make sure they're clean
recordingisso de The
session into a 4great
sounding mix, I call this The 4 Phase msica parea 1. Groove There's a dominant rhythm throughout the
0 3. Timing issues Cut out sections & put on the grid song
Frmula de mistura
Mixing Formula. These are". Estas so as 4 fases:
the 4 phases: - Escolha
0 2 -2 3- 3faixas
Choose de tracks
reference referncia para inspirao
for inspiration
2. Focus The focal point is clear throughout the song
0 4. Musical mistakes Copy a note or part from another
Fase 1 Prep: As
1 - Preparao: soonque
Assim ascomeamos
we start mixing, time oistempo
a misturar, not onnoour side.
do nosso lado. 3. Story The sound builds & grows with the song
We need to trabalhar
work aso mais rpido
fast as possvel
possible so para
that que no possamos
we don"t perder o VIBE
lose the VIBE . s. Noise at glitches - Digital glitches, Edits. Clipping,
3. Real-world Referencing
EXCITEMENT da msica. Ento,So
of the song. antes mesmo
before we de
Ou mistura, h alguns aspectos que devemos preparar
even getnointo
or mixing, there are a couple of aspects that we must prepare
processing 3. Routing & Grouping Background noise 4. Distinctive There's something unique or interesting Referencing is one of the MOST important parts of the
antecipadamente. Routing is about making sure the sound is going where it's mixing process We must test our mix on MULTIPLE
beforehand. 0 6. Deal-breakers Redo. Flesample, Re-amp. Replace 5. Congruence - The sound 8i the song are aligned systems to hear how it translates.
supposed to. Grouping is about batching similar instruments to
Fase 2 - Processo: a Fase 2 trata de obter os vrios instrumentos make the mix more manageable.
Para 2 - Process:
parecer perto de Phase 2 is about
como voc deseja.getting the various
Estamos instruments
principalmente focados
0 Check the mix on multiple playback systems Car,
emto Mix
sound close2toehow
Drivers you want
3 - "Fix" them to. We're
e "Enhance". Queremosmainlyconsertar
on Mix Headphones, HiFi, Boombox, etc.
0 Check to make sure that all routing is correct
que2soa andmal.
3 "Fix" and Enhance. Weinstrumentos
want to fix anything that o melhor
neles. Nabad.
E melhorar
3 -enhance
The Mix,the
os vrios
ento nos instruments
para trazer
to bring
emout the best
faz-los 0 Create a master buss
3.Enhance 3. Sounds Good Technically 0 Note any changes & go back to Phase 3 if necessary
in them. Juntos
funcionar In Phaseem3 contexto.
- The Mix, we'll then focus on making them work We now want to do the initial enhancement of all the Great mixes "sound good technically. The way we make a
Obter in context. inicial fora do caminho faz a msica MUITO
o processamento individual instruments as well as the mix buss. There are 4 mix sound good oomes down to the "5 Drivers of Mixing 1
Q Create master group busses (optional)
Mais rpido e mais fcil de misturar porque os sons j esto no ways we can enhance something:
Getting 'ethe apenas
Ballpark initial processing out ofdethefaz-los
uma questo way makes the song
trabalhar MUCH
juntos em
quicker and easier to mix because the sounds are already in the 0 Create sub groups for multi-tracked instruments that 1. Balance Setting the levels of the various Mix complete
Contexto da mistura geral. you want to process together
ballpark and then its just a matter of making them work together in 1. EQ Optimizing the EQ spectrum instruments in a mix
context of the overall mix. We've accomplished The 5 Key Objectives of Mixing
2. Fix Fixing anything that sounds bad
2. Dynamics Compressor, Limiter. Expander, Gate
3. Enhance Optimizing the sound for each instrument & 1. Final Arrangement & Composition
3 Mix:
3 - Mistura:
1 e 2 Phase
1 and
3 isfinalmente
3 onde
2 have
a maior parte
where wechegamos
nally geta realmente
most of
do material
to actuallyMISTAR
the technical
tcnico fora do Destuff
MIX thea cano.
modo of agora
4. Effects 3. Augment Triggering, Layering. ADT the overall mix
way so nos concentrar
that we can emnowtornar
focusa CANO
on makingo melhor
the SONG que pode ser. it can be.
the best Set up some basic master effects channels that you're likely to 4. Shape Using EQ & dynamics to make the various 2. Emotional Experience
O objetivo da Fase 3 realizar 0 4. Uniqueness & FX Any other tool or technique that instruments fit together better in a mix
The goal of Phase 3 is toos primeiros 4the
accomplish objetivos
first 4 principais de Misturando
key objectives of para need for the mix.
que mixing
estejamos prontos para a Fase 4. enhances the sound 0 5. Space The mix has depth 8i width 3. Sounds Good Technically
so that were ready for Phase 4.

. Setup any initial master effects channels 4. Sonic Consistency

4 - Finalizar:
4 Finalize: a quarta
The fourth e and
final etapa
stage ofde mistura
mixing is to para
"Finalizar". Oncevez wereque
relatively happyrelativamente
estamos with the mix (no one is evercom a
felizes O Create at least one reverb and one delay channel . 5. Format Heady mi Mastering
TOTALLY happy with the mix ;] J there are a few things we must do to
finish(ningum sempre
it off and accomplish the 5th and final Key Objective of Mixing, 4. Sonic Consistency
which is to getfeliz com
the mix in a aFormat
ReadyJ for
algumas coisas que Move on to Phase 3. Sonic Consistency is about making sure the mix has a well
devemos fazer para balanced frequency spectrum 8i appropriate dynamics.
Just because weve finalized the mix does NOT mean that its done!
Once e realize
weve exportedo 5 eit, final 'Objetivo-chave
we must daplayback
test it on real-world Mistura', systems
Que to
hear how a mistura
it holds up.em We ummay "Formato
then need toPronto para
go back to the mix 0 1. Frequency Spectrum Complete & well balanced
phase to make any adjustments until it sounds right and all 5 Key
Masterizao". Move on to Phase 2. overall frequency spectrum
Objectives have been accomplished.
S porque finalizamos o mix no significa que seja feito! 0 2. Translates The mix translates well to other systems
Uma vez que a exportamos, devemos test-lo em sistemas de
reproduo do mundo real 0 3. Dynamics Appropriate dynamics for the song 8i style
Para ouvir como isso sustenta. Podemos ento voltar para a
Fase para fazer os ajustes at que parea direito e todas as 5
Objetivos foram realizados.
Move on to Phase 4.

2014 Pro Sound Formula Pty. j1)f0SOtl(ifOl'|'\lUiB.COlT1

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