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Review your pre-proposal by giving tick () in column Yes or No.

1 Table of Content
2 Title Clear ( not ambiguous)
Interesting /updated issues
Not more than 20 words
3 Background Short explanation about the topic /title
Tell why the topic are interesting
Rise a general theory /language/social phenomena
Empirical study from experts/former researchers
Explain why the study is relevant to be discussed (the gap
between theory and fact)
Leading to the problem
4 Research Form : question
Problems/questions Formulate the problems/questions based on : level of
significance, level of difficulties
Expressed them by using appropriate question words
5 Aims of study The aims must be related to the problem being formulated .
The aims must be in away with the research
6 Scope of discussion Relate this to the aims and make it in the form of points (1, 2,
Limit the discussion in terms of data and theory.
The statements are not in the form of questions
7 Research Method
Data Source Answer the question :

WHAT kind of data,

WHO produced the data,
WHEN /WHERE the data were produced,
WHY the data were chosen.
Method and Technique Explain clearly the method applied
of Collecting Data Explain the steps/techniques used in collecting the data
Method and Technique Explain clearly the method applied
of Analyzing Data Qualitative
Mixed method (qua-quant/quant-qua)
Explain the steps/ techniques used in analyzing the data

8 Literature Review review 3 skripsi/thesis/dissertation,

review 2 international articles
Summary ; title/topic, Aims, Method/theory, Result/Finding

Critical Thinking : Strength, Weakness and Relevance to

the study.
9 Concept Put relevance concept referring to the topics
10 Theoretical base/ Explain the main theory clearly
theoretical Framework Explain supporting theory applied (if any)
Explanation consists of
Who proposes this theory,
name of theory, mention the year and the writer,
Describe the ideas of this theory, how it is relevant to the

11 Bibliography based on the guidelines (Harvard styles)

alphabetically ordered
all references are included
at least 15 exp of relevant books/references
Paper HVS 80 g, A4
Cover Title : font 16
Unud Logo : 4 cm
Name of student : font 12
Student number
Department : font 14
Font 12 pt, Time New Romans
Space Double spaces
Margin Top : 4 cm;.
bottom : 3 cm;.
Left : 4 cm;
Right : 3 cm.

Page number Top right for the rest of the pages

Bottom center for sub-title page
Example for writing bibliography.

Buku atau monograf.

Kirkwood, B.R. 1998. Essentials of Medical Statistics. Second Edition. Oxford : Blackwell Science.

Buku dengan editor, dan bab dengan pengarang tersendiri.

Hillman, S. 1998. Iron Deficiencies and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. In : Fauci, A.S., Braunwald, E.,Isselbacher,
K.J.,Wilson, J.D.,editors. Harrison;s Principle of Internal Medicine. 14th. Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.p.634-647.

Pengarang tidak disebutkan namanya:

Anonim.1998.Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pemberantasan Penyakit Gondok. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan R.I.

Elliot, D.C. 1980. Bench Scale Research in Biomass Liquefaction by the CO-stem Process. Can. J. Chem. Eng, 58:730-
Majalah dengan suplemen
Autzky, W.E.,Despres, D.,Rudolf, G.1993. Recombinant Interferon Beta in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Semin.
Hematol; 30 (Suppl.3):14-16.

Thesis / Disertasi
Swamardika, I.B.A.2001. Penggunaan Filter Layar Monitor Menurunkan Beban Kerja dan Meningkatkan Produksi
Operator Komputer (tesis). Denpasar: Universitas Udayana.
Kaplan, S.J. 1995. Post-Hospital Home Health Care: the Elderly Access and Utilization (dissertation). St. Louis (MO):
Washington University.

Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah

Suega, I.K. 1997. Aspek Imunologi Anemia Aplastik. Naskah Lengkap Kongres Nasional ke-VIII Perhimpunan
Hematologi dan Transfusi Darah Indonesia (PHTDI). Surabaya 11-13 Oktober.

Artikel dalam format elektronik (Internet)

Morse, S.S. 1995. Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Disease. Emerg. Infect. Dis. (serial online), Jan-Mar., (cited
1996 Jun. 51. Available from: URL:http:/www.cdc.gov./ncidod/EID/eid.htm.

Artikel surat kabar

Joesoef, D. 1968. Mendambakan Utopia. Kompas 8 Januari, hal: 14, kol.4.

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