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A Review of the Use of Electro-Motor Stimulation in

Human Muscles

The use of electrical stimulation in rehabili- TH ERESE LLOYD

tation is a long established procedure for the
management of a wide variety of musculo- Therese Lloyd, B.Phty (Hons), Grad. Dip. Sports
Physiotherapy (W.A.I.T.) is currently involved in re-
skeletal problems. This paper reviews important search in the area of electro-motor stimulation and
findings from studies on the electro-motor muscle function.
stimulation (EMS) of human muscles. It is par-
ticularly concerned with the results of EMS in GIOVANNI DE DOMENICO
normal subjects and in the rehabilitation set-
Giovanni De Domenico, MSc., M.C.S.P., Dip. T.P., is
ting, focusing on the stimulus parameters and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Physiotherapy at
training protocols used by various authors. A the Western Australian Institute of Technology.
brief account is also given of some of the phys-
iological effects of EMS on muscle. Attention GEOFFREY R. STRAUSS
is drawn to the urgent need for a more system-
Geoffrey Strauss, M.P.E., is a Lecturer in the School
atic approach to establish the optimal stimu- of Physiotherapy at the Western Australian Institute
lation and training parametef!B. These factors of Technology.
must be considered when evaluating studies
concerned with the efficacy of EMS-based KEVIN SINGER
rehabilitation programmes. Kevin Singer, Dip. P.E., Dip. P.T., is currently a post-
graduate student in the Department of Anatomy and
Human Biology at the University of Western Aus-
ThIS paper stems from an on-gOing research programme on muscle stImulatIon
whIch IS being undertaken In the Centre for Applied Research In ExercIse
Science and Rehabilitation at the Westem Australian Institute of Technology

Traditionally, electro-motor stimu- mer and Mendryk 1982, Currier and results. There is some evidence to sug-
lation (EMS) has been utilized by ther- Mann 1983, Owens and Malone 1983) gest that EMS can effectively develop
apists within the rehabilitation setting suggested that EMS may be superior muscle strength in weakened and nor-
as an adjunctive tool in the restoration to voluntary exercise in developing mal musculature but no definite con-
of function in innervated weak/atro- muscle strength in weakened muscu- clusions can be drawn regarding the
phied musculature and after denerva- lature and also in those muscles func- relative superiority of EMS or volun-
tion injuries or pathology. Once pa- tioning at normal strength levels. In- tary exercise in producing muscle
tients are capable of voluntary deed, Kots has claimed rapid and strength gains.
muscular control, strengthening pro- significant strength gains in highly Comparisons between studies are
grammes usually continue with vol- trained athletes undergoing EMS based difficult bezause of the lack of stand-
untary exercise. Resisted voluntary ex- programmes. ardization of training/testing proce-
ercise has been the traditional method A number of studies in the western dures and electrical stimulus para-
of strength training in muscles func- literature have investigated various ef- meters utilized. Indeed, the latter have
tioning at normal and reduced strength fects of EMS on neuromotor para- been largely ignored by many studies,
levels. In recent years however, re- meters and these are summarized in the focus of investigation being upon
searchers have shown renewed interest Table 1. These studies have not re- muscle contractile force, strength gain
in EMS in strength training, particu- ported successes of the magnitude and other physiological responses to
larly since the Russian investigator Kots claimed by the Russian investigators EMS. It is therefore not possible to
(cited in Halbach and Straus 1980, Kra- and have sometimes yielded conflicting deduce whether EMS should be used

18 The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

as a supplement to, or su];lstitute for, The wide range of electrical stimu- carrier frequency. There is little doubt
voluntary exercise, particularly when lators used in rehabilitation and re- that in response to a frequency (pulses
the most effective means of applying search may suggest that each type of or bursts) of less than about 15 Hz,
it remains to be established. If EMS stimulator is different, or that some the motor response will be of the twitch
can enhance the restoration of muscle stimulators have a unique current for- variety. At a frequency of about 20
function and the development of mus- mat. The electrical energy produced by Hz, and above, a gradually increasing
cle strength, then this has far reaching each stimulator is usually a mono- tetany occurs. The frequency at which
implications for the fields of rehabili- phasic (pulsating direct current) or bi- this becomes optimal is difficult to de-
tation, physical education and athletic phasic (alternating current) output and termine and probably differs between
performance and merits further inves- may be of low and/or medium fre- muscle groups. It is interesting to note
tigation. quency. At the present time no con- that the maximum ruing rates of motor
It is the purpose of this paper to sistent differences have been demon- units during a maximum voluntary
present and discuss some of the major strated between the ability of these two contraction are much lower than might
findings from the literature, in order types of output to induce muscle con- be thought. Bellemare et af (1983) stud-
to examine several important issues re- traction. As might be expected, each ied maximum firing rates in three mor-
lated to the use of EMS in human type of current has its advantages and phologically different muscles. Supra-
subjects. This review will not be con- disadvantages. maximal electrical stimulation
cerned with denervated muscle and will In general terms, the stimulus para- superimposed on maximum voluntary
discuss the literature under the follow- meters reflect the efficiency with which effort produced mean firing rates of
ing sections: motor and sensory nerves can be ac- 31.1 10.1 Hz, 29.9 8.6 Hz and
tivated (Wolf 1981, Stillwell 1983). At 10.7 2.9 Hz, for the biceps brachii,
the present time there are conflicting adductor pollicis and soleus muscles,
Stimulus Parameters reports concerning the optimal stimu- respectively. These findings suggest a
EMS Induced Contraction Force lus parameters for activating motor much lower limit to the firing fre-
EMS in Strength Training nerves to produce muscle contraction. quency of motor units. Allowing for
Strength Gains in Weak/Atro- The shape of the pulse does not seem extreme values, it seems likely that the
phied Muscle to be a critical factor although the rise maximum firing frequency during a
Strength Gains in Normal Muscle time is of some significance; it should maximum voluntary contraction will
Initial Status of Muscle normally be as fast as possible. The be considerably less than 100Hz. The
Training Parameters pulse charge (area under the curve) re- rationale for using stimulation far in
Training and testing flects the amount of electricity deliv- excess of this figure has yet to be es-
Physiological Responses in ered to the tissues and has important tablished.
Muscle to EMS safety implications (Alon et af 1983). The pulse duration is well known to
Muscle Fibre Hypertrophy Of equal importance is the concept affect the 'comfort' of stimulation and
Neural Factors of pulse frequency. This is a simple in general terms, the shorter the pulse
Enzymatic Activity concept to envisage when the current duration, the more comfortable the
Summary and Conclusions format consists of a train of individual stimulus (Alon et of 1983). The major
pulses. For example, in the typical low reason why medium frequency currents
frequency current of 50 Hz. However, are often felt to be more comfortable
Stimulus Parameters in many of the so-called medium fre- than other forms of stimulation relates
If EMS is to be utilized as a muscle quency currents, the frequency of the mainly to the fact that the carrier signal
strengthening technique then the opti- effective stimulus is less easy to deter- has a very short pulse duration eg a
mal stimulus parameters required to mine. The medium frequency signal is sine wave of 5000 Hz has a positive
produce the desired motor response commonly used as a carrier signal and and negative phase, each of 0.050 ms.
need to be established, since the object it is then simply interrupted to produce The classical intensity-duration curve
is to induce a strong tetanic contraction bursts of the original output. The num- shows that while shorter duration
with little or no discomfort. The elec- ber of bursts per second is usually in pulses (0.1 ms) enable the greatest se-
trical stimulus parameters that need to the low frequency range at about 50 lectivity of motor nerve stimulation
be considered are the pulse shape, Hz. Thus, there may not be such ob- without a painful response, short du-
charge, duration, frequency and inten- vious differences between low and me- ration pulses require a higher current
sity. At the present time, there are no dium frequency formats. The real dif- intensity to elicit a motor response.
systematic studies which relate all of ference between the low and medium Alon et af (1983) found the optimal
these stimulus parameters to force pro- frequency currents relates to the duty pulse duration range to be 0.02 ms to
duction in different human muscles. cycle ('on-off' ratio) rather than to the 0.2 ms in the triceps brachii with the

The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986 19

Table 1:
Summary of studies using EMS describing contraction torques, stimulus parameters and training
in human muscle.
Author Stimulator Muscle ~'S Intensrty Pulse Shape Pulse Pulse MTC MVIC% Tl'Ilning TI'IlNIng Results
Group mn F~ D::r EMS E~~+ -W-eek-s-5essions-"'-- Mode

1. Massey Isotron o 16 m MT MR CF 1000 - 9 27 EMS slg > Control

et al 00 13 m 9 27 PRE sig > All others
(1965) 6. 13 m 9 27 Isometnc sig > EMS &
o 10m Control
2. Curner Multltone + 12 m MT MR 25 2 10 EMS +
et al Isometnc 19%i
(1979) 11 m 10 Isometnc 21%i
14 m Control NS
3. Halbach & Juno- + 3m MT MV2SW 50 100 3 15 EMS 22%i
Straus Modulator 3m 3 15 Isokmetlc 42%i
4. Eriksson Grass Inst + 4m MT MR 200 05 4 15 EMS 12%i
et al Stimulator 4m 4 15 Isometnc 13%i
5 Romero TECA SP5 + 9f MT B 2000 025 EMS10
et al dom 11mb 21%i
(1982) nondom 11mb 31 % i
N 9_f -----Co-n-t-ro-I---N-S _
o 6. CUrrier Electrostlm + 8 MT SW CF 2500 01 5 15 EMS 14%i
R and Mann 180-2 MF 50 100
M (1983) 9 MT SW CF 2500 01 5 15 EMS +
MF 50 100 Isometnc 19% i
A 8 5 15 Isometnc 23%i
L 9 Control NS
7. Laughman Electrostlm + 20 MT SW CF 2500 0 1 ~ 33% 5 25 EMS 22% i
S et al 180-2 MF 50 100
U (1983) 19 MT SW CF 2500 0 1 5 25 Isometnc 18% i
B MF 50 100
19 Control 2%i
J m&f
C 8. McMlken Ian Stewart + 15 MT MR 75 01 3 10 EMS 22%i
et al (Galvanlcl m&f Isometnc 25% i
T (1983) FaradIc
S StImulator)
T 9. Owens & Electrostlm + 5 MT SW CF2500 o1 ~60% 10 10 EMS NS
Malone 180 MF 50 100 days
A (1983) 5 MT SW CF2500 01 10 EMS NS
MF 50 100 days
I Control NS
I 10. Smger Siemens + 5m MT MR 50 10 4 12 EMS 6%i
N et al
G 5m 4 12 Isometnc 15%i
5m Control NS
~ 11. Alon 28 MT BR 50 0125 4 EMS 81g Dlff
et al EMS +
U (1985) Isometnc 81g Dlff
o (Abstract) Isometnc 81g Dlff
I Control NS
E 12. Fahey Medtronlc + MT ABR 50 6 18 EMS 8%i
S et al StImulator 6 18 EMS 15%i
(1985) (3107) Control NS

13. Goonan Powerstlm # 4 B 72 02 4 20 EMS 118%1

et al 4 Contralateral
(1985) m&f foot 10%1
14. LUI & + 39 Sub ~50% 5 15 EMS(6reps) m21%i f15%i
Currier Max 5 15 EMS(8reps) m35%i f26 % i
(1985) 5 15 EMS(10reps) m22%i f35 % 1
(Abstract) m&f Control m 5%1 f 2%1
15. Mohr Intelect + 6f MT M Tw 50 <01 3 15 EMS 0.7% i
et al 500 5f MT Sp 3 15 Isometnc 15%1
(1985) 6f Control 1%1
16 Selkowitz Electrostim + 12 MT SW CF 2500 0.23 ~68% 4 28 EMS 44%1
(1985) 180-2 MF 50 10.0
12 Control 18%i
17. Soo & + 16 Sub 50 ~50% 5 10 EMS Sig Dlff
CUrrier m&f Max Right Quads R/L Quads
(1985) Control
(Abstract) Left Quad NS m/f
18. Stafanovska + 5 Sub SW CF 2500 0.23 ~ 50/0 3 15 EMS (S.W.) 13%i
& Vodovnlk Max MF 25 20.0
(1985) 5 (5%) MR 25 0.3 ~5% 3 15 EMS (M.Sq.) 25 % t
3 Control NS

20 The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

Recovery of normal
function in the
maJonty of cases
20 mans EMS/
~ 10-15 mans
Marked functional
compared with
Isometnc training
1 hr EMS/day
~ 10-15 mans/day

> 17 hrs EMS/day

17%~ 4 weeks
5O%~ after surgery
(values compared
to unoperated
~ 25 mans EMS/

60% ~ at 6 weeks
post surgery
80%~ compared
with pre-surgical
> 8 hrs EMS/day
8 Sanger B,ostlm 15 m MT BR 100 0075 4 28 EMS 22%t 15 mins
(1986) Myocare MR 50 025 EMS/day
Respond II B Sp 50 035

Author Stimulator Muscle SubjeCt's IntensIty Pulse Shape Pulse Pulse MTC MVIC%
Group Sex Duration EMS EMS+
mit Frem'~ (ms) Vol

Odla Myodyne + 8m MT KEY TO MUSCLE GROUP

(1982) Mk 2
Faradic M Sp 50 10 108 00 Shoulder
N S,nusoidal SW 50 100 91 6 Biceps
0 IDC MR ~15 1000 63 0 Triceps
R 2 Kramer Teca SP51T + 10 m MT ABR 100 10 93 99
0 Forearm
et al
Ultrapulsator 4
10 m
10 m
L Neuroton 627
3 Reisman Stirn 1 + 10 MT SW CF2500 02
C (1984) m&f MF 50 100 59
0 (Abstract) Stirn 2 AB 50 300 48
N Stirn 3 SB 50 250 59
T 4 Walmsley Electrostlm 14 m MT Mod SW CF 2500 0.23 87 94 m males
R et al 180-2 MF 50 100 f
males and females
A (1984) Nemectrodyn 8 + Amp CF 4000
MF 75
~46 86
T Ultrapulsator 5 A B Sp 50 02 84 98
I Multltone M Sp 60 0.2 ~68 94
0 5 De Intelect 500 14 f MT M Tw Sp 65 <01 47
N DomeniCO Vectorsurge BSR CF 0.025 58
& Strauss 10,000 154 SW Sine Wave
T (1968) MF 65 A Asymmetrical
0 ERBE 1M-1 + BSW CF 5000 0.05 58 S Symmetrical
MF 65 15.4 M
R Blostlm 24B5 B.S Mod 100 005 61 B
Q R Tw Twin
U Myocare 6285 BA. Mod 50 0.25 66 Sp Spike
E Austens 604 BS.Mod 65 0.05 70
R Rectangular
Mod Modified
Manldyne BA Sp 50 0.2 74
6 Strauss & Intelect 500 6 15 f MT M TwSp 65 <0.1 44
De ERBE 1M-1 0 Mod SW CF 5000 0.05 50
DomeniCO + MF 15.4 The ~ symbol denotes that values
(1986) have been extracted from these stud-
ies and are only approximate.

The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986 21

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

greatest non-painful contraction force De Domenico 1986) have compared were claimed with the low frequency
(torque) being elicited at 0.1 ms du- EMS induced torque elicited by differ- square wave.
ration. ent stimulus parameters with the torque Whether a valid comparison can be
Carrier frequencies above 5000 Hz produced in a maximum voluntary iso- made between different types of stim-
are considered to be most comfortable metric contraction (MVIC). ulator is often difficult to ascertain,
for motor stimulation (Vodovnik et at particularly when the duty cycle varies
Odia (1982) found mean EMS in-
1965). Moreno-Aranda and Seireg markedly. Even when the stimulation
duced torque to be higher for faradic
(1981) found that while muscle con- frequency may be similar, the amount
stimulation than either interrupted di-
tractile force was greatest for carrier of electrical energy delivered to the tis-
rect current or sinusoidal cutrent in the
frequencies in the 2500 to 5000 Hz sues can vary greatly.
quadriceps femoris muscle grou}f:
range, and that the 9000-10,000 Hz Walmsley et at (1984) compared two The two main factors reported to
range was associated with the least dis- low and two medium frequency stim- limit the maximum EMS induced
comfort and impedance to current torque are the stimulator output and
ulators with differing frequencies, pulse
flow, muscle contraction efficiency was subject tolerance. Kramer et af (1984)
shapes and durations. The mean torque
not appreciably reduced. This response induced in the quadriceps femoris mus- found all three stimulators to have in-
was observed for the finger flexors, cle group by the medium frequency sufficient intensity for some subjects
biceps brachii and calf muscles; how- and all subjects stimulated with the
Electrostim 180-2 and the low fre-
ever, the latter two muscles were stud- Seimens Neuroton identified stimula-
quency Ultrapulsator were superior to
ied in only one subject. It seems that tor output as the factor limiting greater
those induced by the Nemectrodyn and
pulses with shorter durations (around contractile force. A similar observation
Multitone units. De Domenico and
0.1 ms) should cause minimal discom- for this stimulator was reported by
Strauss (1986) reported the effects of
fort at intensities required to produce Singer et aJ (1983), where all subjects
seven different types of stimulator on
a strong tetanic contraction with com- attained the maximal intensity output
torque production in the quadriceps
fort being enhanced by frequencies in (80 rnA) after nine sessions. De Do-
femoris muscle group. The differences
the medium range. menico and Strauss (1986) also found
in the mean torque values induced by
Both low frequency and medium fre- that output was a limiting factor for
each type of stimulation were not sig-
quency generators have been used in one type of interferential generator and
nificant. The highest mean induced
studies on EMS induced contractile the high voltage stimulator.
torque was associated with the low fre-
force and strength training (Table 1). The second limiting factor, reported
quency (Minidyne) unit. Strauss and
As previouly pointed out, there is little in some studies, has been the sensory
De Domenico (1986) also compared
effective difference in force production discomfort associated with the stimulus
EMS induced torque in the elbow flex-
between the two generators although parameters of the different stimulators
ors and extensors, and quadriceps for
the medium frequency format may be (Currier and Mann 1984, Kramer et af
conventional interferential and high
associated with less discomfort. Me- 1984). Subject tolerance of the electri-
voltage stimulation (HVS), and found
dium frequency interferential current the mean EMS induced torque to be cal stimulus often determines the in-
is amplitude modulated to deliver the significantly lower than MVIC torque tensity that may be used to induce a
stimulus at rates similar to low fre- maximal contraction. This may be a
in both studies, with no significant dif-
quency generators (De Domenico and factor explaining the inability of the
ferences between the two stimulators.
Strauss 1985). The Electrostim 180-2 studies to produce significantly greater
stimulator, thought to duplicate the Kramer et at (1984) examined three
torque/strength gains than those
Russian current format, delivers a sinu- low frequency stimulators with differ- achieved with voluntary contraction.
soidal wave form with a carrier fre- ent pulse shapes and durations. The From the studies of EMS induced
quency of 1600 to 2500 Hz. The output mean torque induced by the TECA
contraction torque and strength train-
is then modulated by interruptions of SPS/T was significantly higher than
ing with EMS, it is evident that there
10 ms duration between current periods for the other two formats and was is considerable variation between sub-
of 10 ms (ie 10 ms on, 10 ms off) judged to be the most comfortable jects in the tolerance of stimulus in-
delivering a rate of fifty (50) bursts per stimulus. The lowest mean torque was tensity and contractile torque pro-
second (Walmsley et at 1984). produced by the Neuroton.
duced. It is not possible to relate this
Previous studies have generally used Stefanovska and Vodovnik (1985) directly to the particular electrical stim-
available stimulators and none have compared the strength training effect ulator used. Qdia (1983), Kramer et al
systematically explored the effects of of a low frequency (25 Hz) monophasic (1984), Walmsley et at (1984), and De
varying the stimulus parameters. Only square wave with a medium frequency Domenico and Strauss (1986) found a
a few studies (Odia 1982, Kramer et at (2500 Hz) sinusoidal waveform modu- wide range of torque values for all
1984, Walmsley et a11984, Strauss and lated at 25 Hz. Superior strength gains stimulators used.

22 The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

There is no definite trend for one to be drawn regarding the superiority menico (1986) compared MVIC torque
type of electrical stimulator or set of of any stimulator. and EMS induced contractile torque in
electrical stimulus parameters to be as- Selecting optimal stimulus charac- quadriceps femoris.
sociated with the least discomfort, teristics for strength training in weak- Odia (1982) found mean EMS in-
greatest contractile force or strength ened and normal musculature presents duced torque to be greater than for
gain, particularly as similar torques and the investigator with a complex task. MVIC only when faradic stimulation
strength gains have been reported for Present indications are that there is was used. Kramer et at (1984) com-
both medium and low frequency cur- likely to be considerable subject vari- pared mean MVIC torque, EMS in-
rents. While many of the studies have ation in response to electrical stimu- duced torque and torque produced with
used shorter duration pulses, compa- lation and optimization may relate EMS superimposed on MVIC. Results
rable EMS induced mean torque values more to the subject than the stimulus showed mean EMS induced torque to
have been reported for longer duration parameters themselves. The types of be significantly lower than mean MVIC
pulses (see Table 1) (Odia 1983, Kra- stimulus parameters have varied con- torque. In the superimposed condition,
mer et al 1984). siderably between studies, and have there was no significant difference be-
A further consideration in the ap- often been incompletely and variably tween mean MVIC torque and super-
plication of EMS is whether the par- described. Standardized nomenclature imposed torque. That is, the addition
ticular stimulus characteristics found to and training/testing protocols are re- of electrical stimulation to voluntary
produce the desired motor response in quired for valid between study com- effort did not produce significantly
one muscle group will be applicable to parisons. greater muscle tension.
other muscle groups. Moreno-Aranda While a number of studies have fo- Walmsley et al (1984) assessed mean
and Seireg (1981) and Strauss and De cused on duplicating the Russian cur- torque under the same three test con-
Domenico (1986) found considerable rent format with the Electrostim 180- ditions as Kramer et af (1984). Only
variation in EMS induced contraction 2, this represents only one possible under one condition were EMS induced
force between different muscle groups. method of stimulation. There is an ob- torque values similar to the MVIC
Such variation was also evident with vious need for investigation of various torques; when EMS was superimposed
differences in electrode size and posi- stimulus parameters before any con- on MVIC. Strauss and De Domenico
tion. The clinical effectiveness of dif- clusions regarding the efficacy of EMS (1986) also report mean EMS induced
ferent electrodes has been investigated as a strength training technique com- torque to be significantly less than
by Nelson et al (1980). It is apparent parable to, or superior to, voluntary MVIC torque in the flexors and exten-
that the type, size and placement of exercise can be drawn. sors of the elbow, and quadriceps fe-
electrodes affects the force of muscle moris muscle group.
contraction. Unfortunately, many Although none of the studies have
studies do not report these details. EMS Induced Contractile reproduced the results reported by Kots
The claim by Kots (1977) that Force (1977) it is evident from these studies
achievement of maximal motor unit re- According to Kots, the theory be- that it is possible to induce greater
cruitment with minimal discomfort is hind the success of EMS as a strength- torque with EMS than that produced
reflected in EMS induced torque being ening technique is that it produces by MVIC for some subjects (De Do-
significantly greater than maximal vol- maximal motor unit recruitment and menico and Strauss 1986). There seems
untary i~ometric torque, has not been thus a greater force of contraction than to be considerable between subject var-
substantiated in these studies. Whether a MVIC. iance in torque induced by EMS and
this reflects that the equipment avail- The studies of EMS induced torque, as previously outlined this does not
able is unable to provide the optimal methodology and results are summa- appear to be related <to the electrical
stimulus, or other factors related to the rized in Table 1. Kramer et al (1984) stimulus parameters used.
experimental protocol, is not clear. No report that only two studies have shown Walmsley et al (1984) concluded
particular stimulator has been shown mean EMS induced torque to be sig- from their study that only the Elec-
to produce consistently superior results nificantly greater than that of a MVIC. trostim 180-2 and the Ultrapulsator 5
to any other stimulator. The highest A 10-30 per cent greater torque was could produce sufficient torque for a
strength gains and mean training con- reported by Kots and Chuilon (1975) strength training effect. A minimum
traction intensity (010 MVIC) for nor- in the triceps and biceps brachii of contraction force requirement for mus-
mal subjects was reported by Selkowitz Sumo wrestlers and a 31 per cent cle strengthening in any training pro-
(1985) who used the Electrostim 180- greater torque in adductor pollicus was gram has been variously reported as
2. However, the considerable variation reported by Ikai et al (1967). Odia 35010 (Muller 1957), 60010 (Walmsley et
in experimental procedures between (1982), Kramer et at (1984), Walmsley a/1984), and 65010 (Owens and Malone
studies does not allow for conclusions et al (1984) and Strauss and De Do- 1983) of MVIC force.

The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986 23

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

The contractile torque produced by contraction in one particular session. developed. Providing the contraction
EMS during strength training studies The training contraction intensity of time is kept relatively short (less than
was reported by Laughman et of (1983), 5070 MVIC reported by Stefanovska and 10 sec) fatigue and the resulting force
Currier and Mann (1983), McMiken et Vodovnik (1985) seems to have been decrement are likely to be minimal.
of (1983), Owens and Malone (1983), calculated using an average of three Differences in motor unit recruit-
Selkowitz (1985), and Stefanovska and MVIC's measured during the first week ment sequence between electrically in-
Vodovnik (1985). These studies and of training. The remainder of the stud- duced and voluntary muscle contrac-
their results are presented in Table 1. ies have not quantified muscle con- tion is another factor to consider. In
No definite relationship between the traction intensity and report using the a voluntary contraction the sequence
magnitude of EMS induced contractile maximum tolerable intensity of stim- of recruitment begins with Type I tonic
torque and the strength gains produced ulus. Johnson et a/ (1977) and Halbach units and with requirements for in-
is apparent. Surprisingly Stefanovska and Straus (1980) found strength gains creased tension, Type II units are then
and Vodovnik (1985) used an extremely to be directly related to the highest recruited. There is asynchronous alter-
low training contraction intensity (5070 tolerated intensity of stimulus. nating motor unit activation which
of a MVIC) and found significant The failure of EMS to produce sig- minimizes fatigue while tension is
strength gains. The highest mean EMS nificantly greater muscle contractile maintained (Bourke 1980). EMS tends
induced torque in strength training was torque than MVIC may reflect the syn- to recruit the fast twitch fibres early in
reported by Selkowitz (1985) who ergistic and stabilizing activity of other the course of the rising stimulus. In-
found strength gains to be directly re- muscle groups contributing to the creasing intensity tends to activate these
lated to training contraction intensity. torque values during maximum vol- fibres since the eletrical thresholds of
This author has also reported the high- untary contractions. This would not their larger innervating axons are rel-
est strength gains for normal muscle, occur in EMS induced contractions. In atively low. There is a large and abrupt
comparable to those claimed by Kots. addition, Owens and Malone (1983) build up of tension which can be un-
However, these results may have been have demonstrated that current accom- comfortable. The fast twitch units are
affected by a non-representative base modation occurs with subsequent ap- also more prone to fatigue (Solomo-
line measurement suggested by the sin- plications, so that tolerance increases, now et 0/1983). Some interference with
gle pre-test assessment and the unu- facilitating an increase in contraction motor unit recruitment sequence might
sually high post-test result recorded by force. Thus results may, in part, reflect occur when EMS is superimposed on
the control group (18070 increase). The the number of pretest trials employed a volitional contraction. This may ex-
training effect (44070 increase in MVIC) in various studies. plain the findings of Walmsley et of
may also represent the contribution of Although EMS has not been shown (1984) that, for several subjects, su-
a high proportion of untrained female to produce higher torque levels than perimposing EMS on MVIC, resulted
subjects; a factor which Fahey et of voluntary contractions, other methods in a marked decrease in torque.
(1985) indicates may contribute to sig- of electrically inducing muscle con- The EMS induced torque values that
nificantly higher strength gains, com- tractions have done so (Edwards et af are required to produce a strength
pared with male subjects. In this study 1975, Jones et af 1979, Moritani et af training effect are not clearly indicated
and in the others monitoring EMS 1985a, 1985b). Moritani et af (1985a), from the available literature. The stud-
torque during training, the values have in a study comparing voluntary and ies of EMS induced torque have been
been expressed as a percentage of pre- electrically induced fatigue, showed restricted to normal muscle and the
training MVIC torque and thus may that the technique of direct stimulation optimal training contraction intensity
be artificially elevated. to the motor nerve trunk supplying the necessary for a training effect in weak-
McMiken et af (1983) report that muscles produced electrically induced ened/atrophied musculature may not
EMS induced torque was maintained torques equal to the torque produced be similar. Given the limitations dis-
at 80070 of MVIC during training but in voluntary contractions. Fatigue was cussed previously, an EMS induced
do not indicate if the pretraining MVIC shown to be a significant factor with contractile torque in normal muscle of
was used in this calculation or if a new stimulation delivered for long periods. approximately 50 to 75070 of MVIC can
MVIC was assessed at each session. In Stimulation at 20 Hz produced a lower be expected from the majority of stim-
addition, only Currier and Mann (1983) absolute force and much less force dec- ulators in use today.
and Selkowitz (1985) calculated train- rement over 60 seconds than stimula-
ing contraction intensity using torque tion at 50 and 80 Hz. In a related study,
values of each training contraction. Moritani et of (1985b) showed that brief EMS in Strength Training
Laughman et of (1983) calculated from periods of stimulation superimposed on The studies investigating EMS as a
one contraction of a session daily and a sustained and therefore fatiguing 60 strengthening modality, the training
Owens and Malone (1983) from one second MVIC did not increase the force protocol utilized and results reported

24 The Australian Journal of PhySiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

are summarized in Table 1. These stud- alacia patellae resulted in strength im- course, while this represents only one
ies have employed trainin~ programs provement ranging from 25-200070. study and particular method of train-
ranging from ten (10) to forty (40) ses- However, no control or exercise group ing and testing, it suggests an impor-
sions. Different studies have compared was used as a comparison to assess the tant role for more long term follow up
some or all of the following training relative efficacy of EMS. assessment on the effects of EMS. This
protocols: EMS only, voluntary exer- More recent studies (Lainey et at finding suggests that EMS may be
cise only, combined EMS and volun- 1983, Boutelle et a/ 1985, Morrissey et suited to the initial management of mo-
tary exercise, and no exercise or stimu- a/ 1985, Singer 1986) also report fa- tor re-education, as active exercise is
lation (control). Isometric, isotonic and vourable results with the use of EMS. the eventual objective in rehabilitation
isokinetic exercise training has been ex- Morrissey et at (1985) found EMS to programs.
amined. Percentage change in peak be effective in reducing muscle strength
torque from pre to post training tests loss during the post-operative cast im- Strength Gains in Normal Muscle
have been used to assess strength gains mobilization period following knee lig- The use of EMS to activate normal
within and between different training ament surgery. These authors reported muscle is a relatively new concept. Kots
groups. The method of testing has been that the decrease in quadriceps iso- (cited in Halbach and Straus, 1980)
isometric and/or isokinetic, and has metric torque post-immobilization, claimed that EMS training in normal
involved a variety of measuring de- compared to pre-operative test values, subjects resulted in increased isometric
vices; some more accurate than others. was significantly less for patients re- strength, increased power, decreased
ceiving EMS than for a control group time to accomplish strength gains, and
Strength Gains in Weak/Atrophied (no exercise, no EMS). Singer (1986) these changes also occurred in highly
Muscle described a significant increase in max- trained athletes (a 30-40070 improve-
In the rehabilitation setting, evidence imal voluntary isometric torque follow- ment in strength). It should be noted
suggests that EMS may retard muscle ing EMS training, in subjects with a here that the training/testing protocol
strength loss, increase muscle strengtp, residual quadriceps strength deficit fol- of the Russian studies is not well docu-
and when used alone, or in conjunction lowing long-standing knee injury/ sur- mented, and existing knowledge is
with voluntary exercise, may be more gery. based largely on information presented
effective in increasing muscle strength It is generally agreed that EMS is at a 1977 symposium at Concordia
than voluntary exercise alone. Eriksson effective in maintaining and improving University (Kramer and Mendryk
and Haggmark (1979) reported that muscle strength in weakened muscu- 1982). Other studies on normal healthy
following major knee ligament surgery, lature, but how much more effective it individuals seem to indicate that EMS
the patient group trained with isomet- is in relation to voluntary exercise can- alone, or in conjunction with voluntary
ric exercise in conjunction with EMS not be conclusively elucidated from exercise produces similar, or less,
demonstrated significantly better mus- these studies. Eriksson and Haggmark strength gains than voluntary exercise
cle function on clinical evaluation, than (1979) suggest that where EMS is used alone.
the group training with isometric ex- as a supplement to voluntary exercise, Romero et af (1982) and Selkowitz
ercise only. its beneficial effect is due to its re- (1985) assessed the effect of EMS only
A more objective measure by God- educative role in facilitating early vol- compared to a control group (no ex-
frey et at (1979) found that the strength untary muscle contraction and per- ercise no EMS). Romero et af (1982)
gains in subjects following knee sur- haps, also to pain relief (Hymes et a/ found on both isometric and isokinetic
gery/trauma were greater in the EMS 1974). testing, significantly greater strength
only training group than in the iso- In addition, the study by Morrissey gains for the EMS training group than
metric exercise only training group. et a/ (1985) suggests the advantage of for the control group. Selkowitz (1983)
This was significant only at low speed using EMS in early rehabilitation, in found that while both the EMS training
(3 rpm) on isokinetic testing, but the achieving strength gains and earlier group and control group showed sig-
average improvement was greater for progression to active voluntary exer- nificant increases in strength on iso-
the EMS group at all speeds tested (3, cise. Although the EMS trained group metric testing, that the increase for the
10,25 rpm). showed significantly less strength loss EMS group was significantly greater.
Evidence from Williams and Street at the end of the immobilization period, Currier et af (1979) and Currier and
(1976) and Johnson et at (1977) indi- follow up strength testing indicated that Mann (1983) compared isometric ex-
cates that EMS alone is effective in once both groups began the same vol- ercise alone and EMS in conjunction
increasing strength in weak/atrophied untary exercise rehabilitation program, with isometric exercise in the first study
musculature. Johnson et at (1977) that this strength difference became less and isometric exercise alone, EMS
found that EMS alone, applied to the apparent and at twelve weeks post-op- alone and EMS in conjunction with
quadriceps in patients with chondrom- eration was virtually non-existent. Of isometric exercise in the second study.

The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986 25

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

In both studies, all groups showed sig- performed at a variety of velocities and strength in the weakest subjects. Rom-
nificant strength gains when compared tested at a single velocity (120 0 /sec). ero et aJ (1982) found a significantly
to controls, with no significant differ- Massey et aJ (1965) and Mohr et al greater increase in strength in the non
ence in gains between the experimental (1985) found the least favourable re- dominant limb than in the dominant
groups, on isometric testing. Isokinetic sults for EMS. Massey et aJ (1965) limb of normals in response to EMS.
testing in the first study failed to reveal compared EMS of biceps brachii with Fahey et al (1985) demonstrated great-
any significant strength gain in any static, dynamic and recreational (con- est increases (twofold) for the sample
group. Similar results were obtained by trol) exercise groups. Significant comprising young women compared
Laughman et aJ (1983).These authors strength gains on isometric testing in with age matched men, suggesting that
found significant strength gains in both the EMS group was only evident when the pre-training status of subjects is an
EMS and isometric exercise groups compared to less than half of the cases important consideration.
compared to controls on isometric test- in the recreational group. Mohr et at The highest percentage strength gains
ing. There was no significant difference (1985) found no significant increases have been reported from weakened
in gain between the two training in strength for the EMS or control musculature as Table 4 illustrates. In
groups. This trend was again evident group while significant strength gains normal healthy muscle, strength gains
from the study of McMiken et aJ (1983) were evident in the isometric exercise in response to EMS, have in the main,
when comparing an isometric exercise training group. been found to be similar to or less than
training group with an EMS training Other parameters were assessed by those for voluntary exercise.
group. While both groups showed a Eriksson et at (1981). Height of a ver-
significant increase in strength there tical jump and endurance (repetitions Training Parameters
was no significant difference between at 50010 MVIC) in the EMS group were It has previously been discussed that
groups. EMS combined with voluntary evaluated. A significant increase in ver- the force of muscle contraction is an
exercise was more successful than ex- tical jump height using the EMS trained important factor in training intensity.
ercise alone in subjects with normal limb was found, but endurance re- Other parameters that must be defined
voluntary muscular control (Curriei' mained unchanged. No voluntary ex- in the training prescription are the con-
and Mann 1983). ercise group was used for comparison traction duration, number of repeti-
Eriksson et al (1981) compared EMS with these two parameters. tions and number of training sessions.
alone with slow velocity isokinetic ex- While some of the studies have re- Some consistency may be found in
ercise training alone, and found sig- vealed that EMS alone, or in conjunc- studies using the technique attributed
nificant strength improvement in both tion with voluntary exercise may pro- to Kots-l0 contractions of 10 second
groups. This improvement was evident duce strength gains similar to those duration with 50 seconds rest period
at all angular velocities and knee angles produced by voluntary exercise train- per session. Other studies have used a
assessed. There was no significant dif- ing, it is not possible to establish a case variety of contraction repetitions, con-
ference between the groups, but the for using EMS as a substitute for vol- traction durations and rest periods be-
greatest increase in strength for the iso- untary exercise in healthy individuals. tween contractions.
kinetic group was at the velocity used Some of the studies have yielded con- The number of training sessions has
in training, while the EMS group dem- flicting results and it is obvious that ranged from ten (10) to forty (40), and
onstrated improvements for isometric factors such as subject numbers, sex, these sessions have taken place daily,
and slow velocity isokinetic contrac- muscle group, electrode size and place- twice or three times weekly, over a
tions. ment, stimulus parameters, subject tol- differing number of weeks. No definite
Singer et aJ (1983) used 30 0 /sec iso- erance and compliance, precision in pattern emerges from the studies to
kinetic contractions in training and measuring a stable baseline criterion, indicate the superiority of anyone re-
testing and found less favourable re- personnel administering treatment (ex- gime over another.
sults for EMS. These authors com- aminer/subject), reliability and accu- Kots maintained that 20-25 sessions
pared EMS, isometric, isotonic and racy of testing, statistical analyses and were necessary for successful strength
isokinetic exercise training groups. All validity of the conclusions, need to be gain and perhaps the inability of Amer-
voluntary exercise groups showed sig- considered when interpreting these re- ican investigators to reproduce the
nificant strength gains compared to the sults. strength gains found by that researcher
EMS group. Halbach and Straus (1980) may reflect the fact that the majority
similarly found that isokinetic training Initial Status of Muscle employed fewer training sessions.
produced significantly greater strength Muscle strength gains following EMS However, Selkowitz (1985) reported the
gains than EMS, although both groups training appear to relate to their initial highest mean percentage strength gain
showed significant increases in strength. strength status. Johnson et al (1977) for the lowest total contraction time.
In this study isokinetic training was found greater increases in muscle A possible factor might be that this

26 The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

researcher also used the longest rest training, favourable results may not be (1979), and in the last study this in-
period (2 min) between contractions. likely if the concept of training speci- crease was significantly greater in the
Perhaps the longer rest period mini- ficity applies (Romero et af 1982). It combined EMS and isometric exercise
mizes the potential problem of fatigue is in those studies using isokinetic test- group than in the isometric exercise
or reduced muscle contractile force/ ing that conflicting results are evident. only group. Godfrey et af (1979), how-
efficiency. Isokinetic testing of EMS trained ever, was unable to demonstrate sig-
Where multimodal studies are un- groups has shown no strength gain nificant changes or relative differences
dertaken there is some difficulty in (Currier and Mann 1983), or gains at in girth in isometric exercise and EMS
equalizing the training intensity for dif- low velocity only (Romero et at 1982) training groups.
ferent training groups. This is simpler and gains at all speeds (Eriksson et af Although limb circumference may be
in EMS and voluntary isometric con- 1981). Apart from Eriksson's results a simple means of assessing morpho-
traction situations than it is in EMS, the strength gains for the EMS group logical changes, exercise may lead to
isotonic and isokinetic training proto- were less than for the isokinetic train- simultaneous reduction in subcuta-
cols. In the main, isometric training/ ing group (Halbach and Straus 1980, neous fat and an increase in myofi-
testing protocols have standardized the Singer et a/1983). The data of Eriksson brillar cross-sectional area, leaving girth
training intensity parameters between et af (1981) suggests strength gains that unchanged. Ultrasonography (Young
groups. However, the contractile force were not position dependent. et al 1983) or computed tomography
may have been the factor determining It must be pointed out that a 'learn- (Singer 1986) provide a more accurate
strength gains. This was only moni- ing factor' may contribute to strength assessment of any muscle morpholog-
tored and reported by some studies Q11 gains in any programme after famil- ical changes in response to EMS.
strength training and was lower than iarization with the test procedure; an Using these more accurate tech-
maximum voluntary isometric torque. important consideration when deter- niques, several studies have shown a
This might be an explanation for the mining the baseline strength criterion strong positive correlation between
smaller EMS induced strength gains (Kroll 1967). Few studies report exact- muscle cross-sectional area and maxi-
than those produced with voluntary ex- ing efforts to control for this early mum voluntary isometric torque (Ikai
ercise. However, as previously out- learning/training effect. and Fukunaga 1968, Maughan et of
lined, no definite relationship between 1983, Schantz et af 1983). However,
muscle contraction intensity and mus- on the basis of the wide variation in
cle strength gain with EMS training is Physiological Responses in area/torque ratios, Maughan et aJ
clear from these studies (see Table 1). Muscle to EMS (1983) concluded that muscle cross-sec-
The studies comparing EMS and Muscle Fibre Hypertrophy tional area was not a useful predictor
isotonic/isokinetic exercise outline the The adaptive changes occuring in of strength. The results of voluntary
training protocols used but whether the mammalian muscle tissue with exercise exercise training studies indicate that
training intensity is matched between have been reviewed by several authors increases in cross-sectional area are in-
groups is difficult to deduce. If a valid (Salmons and Henriksson 1981, How- sufficient to account for the increases
comparison is to be made between EMS ald 1982, McDonagh and Davies 1984). in strength. Singer (1986), using the
and voluntary exercise in developing Reference to these will provide useful computed tomography technique,
muscle strength then training intensity background information regarding the found no significant increases in cross-
needs to be standardized between adaptive changes expected with EMS- sectional area following a four week
groups. based programs. programme of daily EMS to weakened
As Moritani and de Vries (1979) quadriceps.
Training and Testing point out, it has been established that
It is often the case that the testing there is a strong relationship between Neural Factors
situation does not duplicate the train- muscle size and absolute strength and Early strength gains before any ap-
ing situation and this may be a factor muscle fibre hypertrophy and muscle preciable hypertrophic changes have
in explaining some of the variant strength development, in response to been demonstrated to occur in response
strength gains between studies. In ef- voluntary exercise training. In studies to voluntary exercise (Moritani and De
fect, EMS duplicates an isometric ex- on EMS, morphological changes in the Vries 1979, Young et af 1983) and have
ercise situation (Currier et ai, 1979) and stimulated muscle have generally been been attributed to a motor learning or
may be expected to produce position assessed by limb girth measurements. neurogenic component of strength
dependent increases in muscle strength Increases in girth in weak/atrophied training. A similar response to EMS
(Lindh 1979). Where isokinetic testing, musculature have been reported by training might occur and this concept
especially at high velocities, has been Williams and Street (1976), Johnson et is addressed by Singer (1986). Besides
used to evaluate EMS or isometric af (1977), and Eriksson and Haggmark the evidence for strength gains in the

The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986 27

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

absence of hypertrophy, observations ported following strength training. It trauma (Edstrom 1970), and EMS in-
on the specificity of training, cross- has been postulated that trained indi- duced increases in this enzyme may
transfer effect and changes in motor viduals are then able to increase their reflect the selective effect of training.
unit discharge patterns, are suggestive motor neuron excitability during a In normal healthy muscle Eriksson
of the role of neural factors in strength maximum voluntary contraction. This et af (1981) found that the acute effects
gains. neural adaptation to strength training of EMS were similar to those found
The training specificity principle im- has been investigated by examining in- for intense voluntary exercise and that
plies a role for neural factors. If in- creased activation levels of motor units after a period of EMS training there
creased development of muscle tension (Komi et af 1979, Moritani and de Vries were no significant changes in enzy-
through hypertrophic changes per se 1979), by the degree to which cef\ain matic activity or mitochondrial prop-
were solely responsible for increased reflex responses are potentiated during erties.
muscle strength, then strength per- maximum voluntary contractions (Mil-
formance should show improvement in ner-Brown et a/ 1979, Sale et af 1982)
any task, irrespective of the training and by increased motor unit synchron- Summary and Conclusions
method. This is not the case however, isation (Milner-Brown et a/ 1979, Wood Electro-motor stimulation has been
and it is well established for voluntary et a/ 1983). In the EMS studies, Singer shown to produce significant strength
exercise that strength gains from a par- (1986) investigated motor unit syn- gains in weakened musculature and in
ticular method of training are greatest chronization and reported similar re- muscle functioning at normal strength
when tested by that method, and not sponses to those observed for volun- levels. Significant increases in strength
with an unfamiliar testing method. This tary exercise training. have been found using EMS alone, or
has also generally been the case with Although the role of neural factors in conjunction with voluntary exercise.
studies using EMS (Romero et af 1982, in strength training following EMS is Some studies report no significant dif-
Currier and Mann 1983), although largely based on the results from stud- ferences in gains between experimental
Eriksson et af (1981) reported a ies on voluntary exercise programmes, groups suggesting that EMS alone was
carryover from EMS training at a ..sin- they undoubtedly contribute to the ob- as effective as voluntary exercise alone
gle joint angle, to isokinetic testing. served strength gains. Whether the un- or voluntary exercise in conjunction
EMS is most often used in a manner derlying mechanisms are similar in with EMS. Western studies have not
which simulates isometric exercise and nature and magnitude requires further demonstrated the successes claimed by
is therefore expected to yield position- investigation. Russian investigators but this may be
dependant increases in strength more due to the fact that the optimal stim-
readily. Enzymatic activity ulus and training parameters have not
The cross-transfer phenomenon, or Studies of enzymatic activity changes yet been established.
the transfer of training of a motor task with EMS following knee injury/sur- A major parameter concerned with
from the trained to the untrained limb, gery indicate that EMS may maintain the training intensity is the muscle con-
has been widely studied in relation to the oxidative and contractile capacity traction force. If EMS can overcome
motor skill (Sage 1984). The cross- of muscle. Analysis of the oxidative the 'force deficit' of voluntary con-
transfer of strength from the trained enzyme succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) traction, it might, on theoretical
to the contralateral untrained limb has and the glycolytic enzyme phospho- grounds, be considered a superior
been reported for voluntary exercise fructokinase revealed that EMS pre- strength training technique. However,
training programs (Hellebrandt et al vented a decrease in SDH (Eriksson studies of contraction torque have not
1947, Hellebrandt 1951, Coleman 1969, 1976), and EMS combined with vol- revealed EMS induced torque with
Moritani and de Vries 1979), and ob- untary exercise produced an increase EMS alone, or in the superimposed
served following EMS training (Laugh- in SDH compared to voluntary exercise condition, to be significantly greater
man et a/ 1983) and reported by Singer alone (Eriksson and Haggmark 1979). than that of MVIC. The studies reveal
(1986). The mechanism of the cross- The glycolytic enzyme activity re- considerable variation between subjects
transfer effect is yet to be elucidated. mained unchanged. An increase in in their response to EMS and it is pos-
The clinical implications are apparent myofibrillar ATPase (Curwin et aJ sible for some subjects to produce
when voluntary exercise, or the devel- 1980) was found in response to EMS greater contractile force with EMS than
opment of high levels of tension within combined with voluntary exercise, voluntary effort.
the muscle of one limb, is inappro- compared to a decrease in response to In the main, strength training studies
priate. voluntary exercise alone, while glyco- have proceeded without attempts to
Quantitative changes in electromy- gen concentration was similar in both optimise many of the training para-
ographical activity during maximum training situations. A decrease in SDH meters. Whether training intensity has
voluntary contractions have been re- is associated with atrophy following been equalised between EMS and ex-

28 The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

ercise training groups, thereby permit- De Domemco G and Strauss GR (1986), Maximum ments, European Journal of Applied PhYSI-
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A Review of Electro-Motor Stimulation

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30 The Australian Journal of PhYSiotherapy. Vol. 32, No.1, 1986

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