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direction internalDegreesOfFreedom

scalar vibrationalBalance

direction internalDegreesOfFreedom

scalar vibrationalBalance2

direction internalDegreesOfFreedom

//- Generate a random part of vibrational energy

scalar equipartitionVibrationalEnergy
scalar temperature,
direction vibrationalDegreesOfFreedom,
scalar vit

//- Generate a status of dissociation

scalar dissociationFactor
direction vibrationalDegreesOfFreedom

// From the Maxwellian distribution:

//- Average particle speed
inline scalar maxwellianAverageSpeed
scalar temperature,
scalar mass
) const;

inline scalarField maxwellianAverageSpeed

scalarField temperature,
scalar mass
) const;

//- RMS particle speed

inline scalar maxwellianRMSSpeed
scalar temperature,
scalar mass
) const;

inline scalarField maxwellianRMSSpeed

scalarField temperature,
scalar mass
) const;

//- Most probable speed

inline scalar maxwellianMostProbableSpeed
scalar temperature,
scalar mass
) const;

inline scalarField maxwellianMostProbableSpeed

scalarField temperature,
scalar mass
) const;

// Sub-models

//- Return reference to binary elastic collision model

inline const BinaryCollisionModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&
binaryCollision() const;

//- Return non-const reference to binary elastic collision model

inline BinaryCollisionModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&

//- Return reference to toatal collision energy model

inline const TotalCollisionEnergyModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&
totalCollision() const;

//- Return non-const reference to toatal collision energy model

inline TotalCollisionEnergyModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&

//- Return reference to wall interaction model

inline const WallInteractionModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&
wallInteraction() const;

//- Return non-const reference to wall interaction model

inline WallInteractionModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&

//- Return reference to wall interaction model

inline const InflowBoundaryModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&
inflowBoundary() const;

//- Return non-const reference to wall interaction model

inline InflowBoundaryModel<DSMCCloud<ParcelType>>&

// Check

//- Total mass in system

inline scalar massInSystem() const;

//- Total linear momentum of the system

inline vector linearMomentumOfSystem() const;

//- Total linear kinetic energy in the system

inline scalar linearKineticEnergyOfSystem() const;

//- Total internal energy in the system

inline scalar internalEnergyOfSystem() const;

//- Total vibrational energy in the system

inline scalar vibrationalEnergyOfSystem() const;

//- Print cloud information

void info() const;

//- Dump particle positions to .obj file

void dumpParticlePositions() const;

//- Remove particle from cloud and delete //Edited shesh

void deleteParticle(parcelType&);

// Cloud evolution functions

//- Add new parcel

void addNewParcel
const vector& position,
const vector& U,
const scalar Ei,
const scalar Kf,
const scalar vibES,
const scalar dissF,
const scalar SLER,
const scalar SLER2,
const scalar NSLEV,
const scalar NSLEV2,
const label celli,
const label tetFacei,
const label tetPtI,
const label typeId
//- Evolve the cloud (move, collide)
void evolve();

//- Clear the Cloud

inline void clear();

// Mapping

//- Remap the particles to the correct cells following mesh change
virtual void autoMap(const mapPolyMesh&);

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