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PE R S PE C TI V E The Demise of the Physical Exam

scope to my patients chests, but tant professor of medicine at Albert Ein- practice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999;
stein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y. |159:1119-24.
I do so often simply out of hab- 4. Metlay JP, Kapoor WN, Fine MJ. Does
it. But when I teach physical di- this patient have community-acquired pneu-
1. St Clair EW, Oddone EZ, Waugh RA, Co-
agnosis, I exhort my students to monia? Diagnosing pneumonia by history
rey GR, Feussner JR. Assessing housestaff
and physical examination. JAMA 1997;
learn it well. As Mr. Abbott taught diagnostic skills using a cardiology patient
me, you never know when the simulator. Ann Intern Med 1992;117:751-6.
5. Wipf JE, Lipsky BA, Hirschmann JV, et al.
2. Mangione S, Nieman LZ. Cardiac auscul-
physical exam will hold the vi- Diagnosing pneumonia by physical examina-
tatory skills of internal medicine and family
tion: relevant or relic? Arch Intern Med
tal clue. practice trainees: a comparison of diagnos-
tic proficiency. JAMA 1997;278:717-22. [Erra-
Dr. Jauhar is the director of the Heart Fail- tum, JAMA 1998;279:1444.]
ure Program, Long Island Jewish Medical 3. Idem. Pulmonary auscultatory skills dur-
Center, New Hyde Park, N.Y., and an assis- ing training in internal medicine and family

The Stethoscope and the Art of Listening

Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D.

M any physicians cling to As-

clepioss staff as the quint-
essential insignia of our craft, no
the pharmaceutical-industry rep-
resentatives who clogged the cor-
ridors of my medical school dur-
reigned as the international cen-
ter for all things medical. Draw-
ing from a system of hospitals
doubt debating endlessly whether ing the 1980s, routinely tempting affording limitless access to what
it should have one or two ascend- medical students with coveted was then referred to as clinical
ing snakes. Some doctors cherish freebies that are now strictly and material, the Paris medical school
instead the symbolism of the white deservedly prohibited. Just before boasted a talented faculty that
coats they don daily, which impart graduating, however, I did the represented the vanguard of
a hygienic air. Still others tightly honorable thing and purchased medicine.
clutch their beaten black-leather a top-of-the-line doctors stetho- One of the brightest stars in
doctors bags, once indispensable scope, with all the bells and dia- this firmament was the man cred-
accessories for bygone house calls. phragms, which I still own. Alas, ited with creating the stethoscope,
But with all due respect to I do not use it much these days, Ren Thophile Hyacinthe Lan-
these and a host of other treasured but I still cling to the clinical con- nec (17811826). Long before he
tokens, I contend that the stetho- ceit that I can distinguish between assumed the position of chief of
scope best symbolizes the prac- a diastolic murmur and a split service at the teeming Necker Hos-
tice of medicine. Whether absent- second heart sound. pital in 1816, Lannec became ad-
mindedly worn around the neck Long before Hippocrates (ca. ept at a technique called percus-
like an amulet or coiled gunsling- 460380 B.C.) taught his disciples sion, which involves striking the
er-style in the pocket, ever ready the importance of listening to chest with ones fingertips in
for the quick draw, the stetho- breath sounds, references to its search of pathologic processes.
scope is much more than a tool usefulness appeared in the Ebers Leopold Auenbrugger, the physi-
that allows us to eavesdrop on the papyrus (ca. 1500 B.C.) and the cian-in-chief of Viennas Holy Trin-
workings of the body. Indeed, it Hindu Vedas (ca. 15001200 B.C.). ity Hospital, first described the
embodies the essence of doctor- Nevertheless, it was not until the method in his 1761 treatise Inven-
ing: using science and technology early 19th century that physicians tum novum, but it was largely ig-
in concert with the human skill began to explore in a systematic nored until 1808, when Lannecs
of listening to determine what way the precise clinical meanings professor and Napoleons favorite
ails a patient. of both breath and heart sounds physician, Jean-Nicolas Corvisart,
Many doctors will gladly bore by correlating data gathered dur- translated Auenbruggers text into
you with the details of their first ing patient examinations with French and began teaching it to
stethoscope, and I feel compelled what was ultimately discovered his students and colleagues.
to make a disclosure of sorts. Mine on the autopsy table.1 Yet neither percussion nor the
was actually a gift from one of This was the period when Paris time-honored technique of listen-

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PE R S PE C T IV E The Stethoscope and the Art of Listening

ing to breath sounds by placing find how well he could perceive sociated heart sounds and vari-
an ear against a patients chest the action of the heart in a man- ous murmurs.4
satisfied Lannecs demand for ner much more clear and distinct Initially, his magnum opus,
diagnostic precision. He was es- than [he had] ever been able to De lAuscultation Mdiate, published
pecially critical of physicians in- do by the immediate application in 1819, caused hardly a stir in
ability to hear muffled sounds of the ear.2 the medical world even at the
emerging from the chest of an Between 1816 and 1819, Lan- price of 13 francs, with a stetho-
obese person, and he balked at nec experimented with a series of scope thrown in for an extra
what he described as the disgust- hollow tubes that he fashioned 3 francs. By the late 1820s, how-
ing hygiene of his patients, many out of cedar or ebony, arriving at a ever, the book had been reprinted
of whom were unwashed or lice- model approximately 1 ft in length and translated into other languag-
ridden. and 1.5 in. in diameter, with a es and had managed to triumph
We do know that one day in the 1/4-in. central channel. He would over poor publicity and distribu-
fall of 1816, Lannec was sched- name his invention the stetho- tion. This success, combined with
uled to examine a young woman the gradual acceptance of the
who had been laboring under stethoscope by practicing physi-
general symptoms of diseased cians, allowed Lannec to revolu-
heart.2 He was running late, ac- tionize clinical medicine.5
cording to the most charming ver- Although historians of medi-
sion of the tale, and so took a cal technology consider the gold-
shortcut through the courtyard en age of the stethoscope to have
of the Louvre, where a group of run from the publication of Lan-
laughing children playing atop a necs treatise to the death of Sir
pile of old timber caught his at- William Osler in 1919, the tool
tention. Lannec became especially continues to be of great clinical
entranced by a pair of youngsters value to those who take the time
toying with a long, narrow wood- to learn how to use it. But as with
en beam. While one child held the all technological advances, its
beam to his ear, the other tapped days were numbered from the
nails against the opposite end; all start. To be sure, the stethoscope
had a jolly good time transmitting has not yet achieved quaintness,
sound.3 Whether or not this in- like the medieval physicians urine
structive event ever occurred, Lan- flask, but it is safe to assume that
nec would later record that his scope, derived from the Greek it, too, will someday be relegated
invention was inspired by the stethos, meaning chest, and skopein, to a museum shelf.
science of acoustics and, in partic- meaning to observe. Yet even the stethoscopes pre-
ular, the fact that sound is con- A superb flautist who often dicted obsolescence is instructive
veyed through certain solid bod- used music to console himself and cautionary. After all, its cre-
ies, as when we hear the scratch during his own long and ulti- ation initiated an irreversible trend
of a pin at one end of a piece of mately losing battle against tu- in medicine by physically separat-
wood, on applying our ear to the berculosis, Lannec pursued his ing diagnosing physicians from
other.2 studies with a vigor that belied their patients, albeit only by the
Fortunately, all can agree that the frailty of his frame. He be- length of a hollow tube. Today,
what eventually transpired was came the first physician to distin- with our advanced capabilities for
one of the great Eureka! mo- guish reliably among bronchiec- noninvasive imaging and a host
National Library of Medicine.

ments in the history of medicine. tasis, emphysema, pneumothorax, of other techniques that afford
On entering his patients room, lung abscess, hemorrhagic pleu- stunningly accurate glimpses into
Lannec asked for a quire of pa- risy, and pulmonary infarcts. He the human body, that distance
per and rolled it into a cylinder. also opened the door to our mod- has grown exponentially. Perhaps,
Placing it against the patients ern understanding of cardiac then, as a reminder of how sep-
chest, the doctor was amazed to maladies by describing their as- aration can alter the enduring

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Copyright 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C TI V E The Stethoscope and the Art of Listening

task of physicians listening diseases at the University of Michigan Med- graphical history of medicine. New York:
ical School, Ann Arbor, where he directs the W.W. Norton, 1933:283-90.
to our patients we ought to Center for the History of Medicine. 4. Nuland SB. Doctors: the biography of
hang on to our stethoscopes a bit medicine. New York: Vintage Books/Ran-
longer than practical usefulness 1. Bishop PJ. Evolution of the stethoscope. dom House, 1995:200-37.
J R Soc Med 1980;73:448-56. 5. Duffin J. To see with a better eye: a life of
dictates. 2. Laennec RTH. A treatise on diseases of R.T.H. Laennec. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
the chest. J. Forbes, trans. London: Under- University Press, 1998.
Dr. Markel is a professor of the history of med- wood, 1821:284-5.
icine and of pediatrics and communicable 3. Sigerist HE. The great doctors: a bio-

Focus on rese arch

Stroke and Neurovascular Protection

Gregory J. del Zoppo, M.D.
Related article, page 588

N eurons are extremely sensi-

tive cells, whose function,
like that of all cells, can be in-
ticularly sensitive neurons from
the hippocampus of rodents in
experimental models of ische-
A general assessment of the
causes of the failure of neuro-
protectants to realize their
fluenced by changes in their en- mic stroke. Many of these neu- promise in the clinic points to
vironment. Using pumps to reg- roprotectant agents have been the complexity of postischemic
ulate the internal and external further tested in prospective clini- brain injuries. Ischemia initiates
electrolyte milieu, neurons keep cal trials involving patients with inflammation, increases micro-
toxic calcium ions outside the ischemic stroke. The notion has vascular permeability (which
cell but allow the cell membrane been that giving patients such produces tissue edema), and
to transmit signals electrically. agents within hours after the causes local hemorrhage, in ad-
If changes in the environment onset of symptoms could pre- dition to having direct effects
damage the membranes or if the serve the function of neurons on cells. Ischemic stroke has
energy-driven pumps fail, calci- and reduce the extent of injury such effects because it is really a
um ions can enter the neuron to the brain tissue or allow time vascular disorder affecting neu-
and permanently disable it. Lo- for reperfusion strategies, such ronal function. Because neurons
cal oxygen deprivation, such as as the use of recombinant tissue constitute less than 5 percent of
that which occurs during ische- plasminogen activator, to work. the cells in cerebral gray matter,
mic stroke, can lead rapidly to Most such agents, however, have ischemia affects not only neu-
transient or permanent injury of failed to show any beneficial ac- rons but also astrocytes and
neurons by affecting the cells tivity in patients with stroke. other glial cells that support the
energy requirements, pump func- The disappointing results of neurons, the axons of neurons
tion, membrane integrity, or im- this line of research reflect our that relay their signals to other
mediate environment. still insufficient understanding cells, and the microvessels that
For many years, biomedical of the evolution of ischemic in- supply oxygen and nutrients to
researchers have hoped that jury in the brain. They are also them. Neurons and microvessels
agents could be developed for the partially attributable to unfore- respond equally rapidly to the
treatment of stroke that would seen limitations in how the mod- ischemic insult.1
prevent the influx of calcium by ulation of channel properties in These observations have led
blocking the regulated pores and ischemic neurons might translate recently to a shift in perspective
ion channels, preserving mem- into tissue protection; problems from a focus on the neurons alone
brane integrity, or inhibiting the with the design or conduct of to a focus on the complex of neu-
cell pathways that lead to cell clinical trials, including delay in rons, the microvessels that sup-
injury or death. Many such agents treatment; and the complexity of ply them, and the supportive cells
have been shown to decrease in- cerebral ischemia in both exper- (astrocytes, other glial cells, and
jury to cultured neurons or par- imental models and humans. resident inflammatory cells). This

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