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Prezado aluno,
Este material compreende parte do contedo da disciplina. Assim, no
deve ser a nica fonte de consultas em seus estudos. O contedo dessa apostila ser
complementado com o livro Ingls Instrumental para Informtica- Mdulo 1 de Lgia
Razera Gallo

A- Estratgias de leitura conscientizao

Millor Fernandes- Fbulas Fabulosas Ed. Notcias

Ele foi cavando, foi cavando, cavando, pois sua profisso - xeruxuo - era cavar. Mas, de
repente, na distrao do ofcio que xabava, percebeu que cavara de mais. Tentou sair da
xeru e no conseguiu. Levantou o olhar para cima e viu que, sozinho, no conseguiria
sair. Xabrou. Ningum atendeu. Xabrou mais forte. Ningum veio. Enrouqueceu de
xabrar, cansou de esbravejar, desistiu com a noite. Sentou-se no fundo da xeru,
desesperado. A noite chegou, subiu, fez-se o silncio das horas tardas. Bateu o bruo da
madrugada e, na noite escura, no se ouvia mais um som humano, embora o bronguo
estivesse cheio dos pipilos e coaxares naturais dos matos. S pouco depois da meia-
noite que l vieram uns passos. Deitado no fundo da xeru o xeruxuo gritou. Os passos
se aproximaram. Uma cabea bria apareceu l em cima, perguntou o que havia: "O que
que h?" O xeruxuo ento gritou, desesperado: "Tire-me daqui, por favor." Estou com
um bruo terrvel!" "Mas coitado!" - condoeu-se o cracriole. "Tem toda razo de estar
com bruo. Algum tirou a droma toda de cima de voc, meu pobre mortinho!". E,
pegando a prunta, encheu-a de droma e ps-se a cobri-lo cuidado
Moral: Nos momentos graves preciso verificar muito bem para quem se apela"1.
Extrado de Resource Package CEPRIL/LAEL/PUC-SP

I- Aps ler o texto responda?

1) Que tipo de texto voc leu?
2) A que classes gramaticais (verbo, substantivo, adjetivo, etc...) pertencem as formas
abaixo retiradas do texto e que significado voc forneceu para os seguintes os termos?
1) xeruxuo ______________________ 5) prunta
2) xabava _______________________ 6) bronguo
3) xeru _________________________ 6) xabrou
4) droma 7) bruo

3) Na sua opinio, como foi possvel para voc "adivinhar" o significado dos itens?



For each of the nouns in Column A decide whether the correct plural form is in
Column B or Column C


1- virus viruses virii
2- expansion card expansion cards expansions cards
3- appendix appendixes appendices
4-Key keies keys
5-Asterisk asterisks asterixes
6- pixel pixelae pixels
7- axis axes axises
8- directory directories directorys
9- criterion criteria criterions
10- bureau bureaus bureaux
11- formula formulae formulas
12- font fontes fonts

II- NOUNS: Words connected with computing

There are 12 nouns connected with computing in the box below. Use them to complete
the sentences. The first has been done as an example.

a) Database b) fault c) field d)model e)modem f)password

g)plaintext h) platform i) procedure j) utility k)virus l)Connector

1-The sales department keeps the information about the company's clients in a database.
2- The user has to key in the _______before he can access the network.
3- The ________connects to one of the serial ports in your computer.
4- The _________at the end of the cable will fit any standard serial port.
5- The employee record has a _______________for age.
6- This is the latest _____________________
7- This _________sorts all the files into alphabetical order.
8- A lost file cannot be found without a file recovery____________
9- The technical staff are trying to correct a programming __________
10-The messages were sent as ______________by telephone.
11- This software will only work on the IBM PC ________________
12- If your PC is infected with a ___________your data is at risk.

III- Word association: missing links

Each of the sets of four words below can be linked by one other word. All the terms are
relating to computing. What are the missing words? Write in the 5th column. The first
one has been done for you as an example.

1-mechanical bus pointer driver mouse
2- relational on-line engine language
3- floppy backup formatting drive
4- laser ink-jet buffer quality
5- touch text saver capture
6- data disk sharing transfer

IV- Word formation:

1) Nouns

Rewrite the sentences below, changing the verbs (which are in bold) to nouns.
Example: The two systems interact. = There's interaction between the two systems.
1- The transaction was recorded in 1- There is ___________________________
the database. _____________________________________
2- This system is easy to install 2- The________________________________
.3- This screen flickers slightly. 3- There's _________________________
4- The new PC will be launched in 4- The_____________________________
January. 5- There was __________________________
5- The system failed when I booted up _____________________________________
this morning. 6- The factory has ______________________
6- The factory is equipped for _____________________________________
computer controlled production. 7- A maths co-processor is _______________
7- A maths co-processor enhances ____________________________________
your system. 8- You'll have to make __________________
8- You'll have to compare the results ____________________________________
of the two programs. 9- . This is our _________________________
9- This is our system for storing client ______________________________________
records. 10 Only privileged users have ____________
10- Only privileged users can access ___________________________________
this information. 11- ____________________is sometimes
11- It is sometimes possible to possible._____________________________
recover data from a corrupted disk. 12- File___________________________
12- The files are retrieved 13- Jack is responsible for ____________
automatically. ___________________________________
13- Jack is responsible for 14-Something's wrong? There's_________
maintaining the system. ___________________________________
14- Something's wrong: the keyboard
doesn't respond.

2) adjectives

The italicised words in the sentences in Column A are all nouns. What are the adjective
forms? Complete the sentences in Column B using the correct adjective forms.
1- She asked about the IBM compatibility 1- She asked whether the hardware was
of the hardware. IBM- ___________________
2- The board has total confidence in the 2- The board is totally_______________
effectiveness of the new system.

3- The sophistication of the new package is 3- The new package is remarkably
remarkable. __________________________
4- We checked the validity of the password. 4- We checked that the password
5- He commented on the was__________________
electroluminescence of the TV screen 5- He commented that the TV screen
coating. coating is ________________________
6- The keyboarders are finding that the 6- The keyboarders are finding that the
manuscript lacks legibility. manuscript is hardly ______________
7- What is the difference between these two 7- What makes these two products
products? _______________________
8- He is doubtful about the efficiency of the 8- He is doubtful about whether the new
new networking system. networking system is ______________
9- We have the printer capability to ________________
produce high-quality colour images. 9- Our printer is ___________________
10- They reported that there was data 10- They reported that the data on the
corruption on the disk. disk was _________________________


Exercise 1: English often uses prefixes to create opposites. There are several
different prefixes that are used. Choose the right prefix for each of the adjectives
below and write them into the table. The first one has been done for you: a password
that is INNACURATE is not correct (ACCURATE).

Accurate active direct justified modulated

authorized correct protected legal formatted
compatible detected legible literate

Use 8 of the adjectives to complete the sentences. The first one has been done for
you as an example.
1-It is impossible to copy to an unformatted disk.
2- The input was ____________, so the output is also incorrect.
3- They tried to link the two systems, but they found they were _____________
4- The programming error was _____________for some time.

5- If the manuscript is __________, send it back to the author to have it typed.

6- There are still numerous people in this country who are ____________
7- He entered an _________password.
8- Passwords are used to prevent ________ access to the data.

Os exerccios de vocabulrio foram adaptados do seguinte livro:

RILEY, David. Check your Vocabulary for Computing a Workbook for Users. Ed. GREASBY,
Liz. Middlesex: Peter Collin Publishing, 1995

A-Reading Activity 1

What is Java Technology?

You are here because you've probably heard of the word "Java" in some form and want
to know more.

Let's start with the big picture:

1. The Java platform is based on the power of networks and the idea that the same
software should run on many different kinds of computers, consumer gadgets, and other
devices. Since its initial commercial release in 1995, Java technology has grown in
popularity and usage because of its portability. The Java platform allows you to run the
same Java application on lots of different kinds of computers. Any Java application can
easily be delivered over the Internet, or any network, without operating system or
hardware platform compatibility issues. For example, you could run a Java technology
based application on a PC, a Machintosh computer, a network computer, or even new
technologies like Internet screen phones. Furthermore, the Java platform was designed
to run programs securely on networks, which means that it integrates safely with the
existing systems on your network.

2. The idea is simple: Java technology-based software can work just about everywhere.
Java technology components don't care what kind of computer, phone, TV, or operating
system they run on. They just work on any kind of compatible device that supports the
Java platform.

3. Java technology allows programmers and users to do new things with Web pages that
were not possible before. With Java technology, the Internet and private networks
become your computing environment. For example, users can securely access their
personal information and applications when they're far away from the office by using
any computer that's connected to the Internet; soon they'll be able to access tailored

applications from a mobile phone base on the Java platform, or even use smart cards as
a pass key to everything from the cash machine to ski lifts.

4. The Java platform is being built into next-generation telephones, TV set-top boxes,
smart cards that fit in your wallet, and many other consumer and business devices. Java
technology-based software includes: programs written in the Java programming
language can run directly on your computer (without requiring a browser), or on
servers, on large mainframe computers, or other devices.

5. For example, Java technology-based software running on servers in large companies

monitors transactions and ties together data from existing computer systems. Other
companies are using Java technology-based software on their internal Web sites to
streamline communication and the flow of information between departments, suppliers
and customers.

6. Programs written in the Java programming language run on so different kinds of

systems thanks to a component of the platform called the Java virtual machine or
"JVM" - a kind of translator that turns general Java platform instructions into tailored
commands that make the devices do their work.
Interested in learning more about Java technology? Read on!
Feature stories about Java technology

New to Java Programming Center


The Java Tutorial


I- Comprehension exercises

01. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Justifique traduzindo com partes do

a) possvel rodar uma aplicao baseada na tecnologia Java em um PC.


b. With the Java technology programmers and users can do things with Web pages
they could not do before.

c. Algumas empresas esto usando software baseado na tecnologia java em seus Web
sites internos com a finalidade de facilitar a comunicao e o fluxo de informao
exclusivamente entre os departamentos.

02. Answer the questions according to the text and translate your answers:

a. Qual o componente da plataforma responsvel por permitir que programas escritos na

linguagem Java de programao possam rodar em diferentes tipos de sistemas?

b. O que aconteceu em 1995 no que se refere tecnologia Java?


c. Why has the Java technology become popular?


03. REFERENCE WORD EXERCISES: What do the words in bold refer to?

a. Since its initial commercial release in 1995, Java technology has grown in popularity
and usage (paragraph 1):

b . which means that it integrates safely with the existing systems on your network.
(paragraph 1):

c. Other companies are using Java technology-based software on their internal Web
sites (paragraph 5):


Encontre as palavras abaixo no texto e fornea as razes (roots or stems) das mesmas:
a. fornecedores: _______________________ root ______________________
b. diretamente: ________________________ root ______________________
c. seguramente: ______________________ root ______________________
d. popularidade: ______________________ root ______________________

e. operacional: _______________________ root ______________________


Match the words below with their meaning:
a. gadgets (1)problemas
b. allows (2)dispositivo
c. issues (3)possibilita
d. device (4)aparelhos
e. streamline (5)organizar

I- Relative clauses
Look at the sentences taken from the text:
Java platform was designed to run programs securely on networks, which means that
it integrates safely with the existing systems on your network.
by using any computer that's connected to the Internet
"JVM" - a kind of translator that turns general Java platform instructions into tailored
commands that make the devices do their work.

Grammar Box
The teacher who is responsible for the computer center has just arrived (who refers
to a person. We could also use that).
The microprocessor is a chip, which processes the information provided by the
software (which refers to a thing, not a person. We could also use that).
Based on Infotech - English for computer users - by Santiago / Remacha Esteras

The words in bold are called relative pronouns. Based on the grammar box complete
the sentences with suitable relative pronouns
1. That's the CPU _______________I'd like to buy.
2. The microprocessor coordinates the activities _________ take place in the computer
3. Last night I met someone _________ works for GM as a computer programmer.
4. The teacher _____ is in charge of the English classes is not very young.

B- Pronunciation Practice

Regular verbs add -ed to form the past simple in the affirmative form. The -ed is
pronounced in three different ways: / t /, /id/ or /d/. Listen to the verbs below
pronounced by your teacher and place them in the right column.

Developed asked described Decided produced

supplied Watched generated published Persuaded
programmed combined Scaled interpreted arranged

/d/ /id/ /t/

Reading Activity 2: A) Job Ads

Information Technology / IT Sales Rep
Information Technology / IT Sales Terrific 100k potential! Employees are our most
important resource. We want you to be happy with the opportunities you discover with
us, and realize that we appreciate you as a valuable member of our team. Remaining
an industry leader and achieving our goals for the future requires exceptional people
who share our vision and our commitment to excellence.
We are seeking dynamic individuals to deliver excellent service to our customers
while maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor. Industry experience
preferred but there are entry level positions available, training will be provided!
Call (866) 291-1330 Ext 1100
As a sales rep you will earn income from a substantial base salary plus big time
commissions! Your salary will depend upon your experience and availability.
Employees can expect to make as much as 100K plus in the first year alone!
Experience in the following areas are a plus but not required:
Customer service
Technology Sales
Many opportunities are currently available. Shifts are flexible and easy to fit with your
current schedule. Positions include comprehensive benefits.

Information Systems Network Administrator
Company: Henry County Medical Center
Henry County Medical Center is seeking a Network Administrator for our Information
Systems Department. Position is responsible for installation, configuration, and
maintenance for all enterprise LAN/WAN data communications, other
applications (EMC SAN, Centera, Microsoft clustering) and server hardware. This
position reports directly to the Director of Information Systems.
Interested candidates must possess strong knowledge of multiple network
topologies and protocols including CISCO routing/switching, static routes, Ethernet,
TCP, DHCP, DNS, WINS, FPT, VLANS and wireless. Must have a BS degree in
Computer Science or related field and 5-year, enterprise level experience in a
distributed networking environment with at least 20 servers.
We provide an excellent benefit and salary package including health, vision, dental,
and retirement. Interested candidates should send a resume or apply in person.
Henry County Medical Center
PO Box 1030
Paris, TN 38242


I-. Em cada um dos anncios acima h palavras-chaves, ou seja, palavras que

geralmente se repetem na maioria dos textos de um Anncio de Emprego. Voc
encontrar abaixo, algumas dessas palavras. Relacione-as aos significados direita:
1. degree a) fluncia
2. experience b) procurar
3. resource c) candidatar-se
4. fluency d) compromisso
5. resume e) atualmente
6. to seek / to look for f) currculo
7. commitment g) experincia
8- available h) recurso
9. provided i) graduao
10. required j) disponvel
11. apply for k) exigido
12. currently l) fornecido

II- Qual a forma correspondente, em portugus, a estas frases retiradas de anncios de

1. High standard college.
2. Availability to full time work.
3. Previous experience at similar position is required.
4. Fluent communication skills in English are a must.
5. The candidate must have an economics background university degree.
6. The candidate must have very good written and verbal communication skills.
7. If you are interested in working for a leading company that supports its employees
professional and personal growth ...

Reading activity 3:

B) Letter of application

(Activity adapted from Basic English for Computing by Eric H. Glendinning and
John McEwan)

Read the letter of application and answer the questions that follow:

Rua Estela 268

So Paulo-SP
Cep:999 222 393
30 June, 2005

Mr. Scott,
Personnel Manager,
65 Parkhill Street,
London SW2 3DE

Dear Mr Scott,
I am writing to apply for the position of Senior Programmer which was advertised on 15
June in O Estado de So Paulo.
I have worked as a computer programmer for the last three years. After graduation I (4)
worked for a year with GM and I have now been with intelligent Software for two
years. I design systems in COBOL for use in large retail chains. These have been very
successful and we have won several new contracts in the UK and Europe on the strength
of my team's success.
Last year I spent three months in Spain testing our programmes and also made several
shorts visits to Italy so I have a basic knowledge of Spanish and Italian. I would now
welcome the opportunity to learn about a new industry.
I enclose my curriculum vitae and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Green
Peter Green

I- Comprehension questions:

1) Quem o remetente da carta?


2) Para quem a carta?
3) Qual o objetivo da pessoa ao escrever a carta?

4) Que emprego o remetente tem h trs anos?


5) Quando o remetente viajou Espanha? Quanto tempo ficou l?


6) Que outro pas o remetente menciona?


II- Letter layout: Questions

1) Onde o remetente escreve o seu endereo?


2) Onde o remetente escreve o endereo do destinatrio?


3) Como o remetente inicia e termina a carta?



1) What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences?

a. I've worked for a year as a senior Programmer.

b. I worked for a year as a senior programmer.

2) Complete the sentences with for, since or ago.

1. I've been looking for a job ______ April.

2. They've use a fax machine ______ the past two years.
3. Kate Jackson studied computer science _____ three years.
4. I got married six years _______.
5. She's been working for this company ______1990.



A. Match the following questions with the most appropriate answers:

Questions Answers
a. "OK. What jobs are you interested in?" 1. "Well I suppose I'm quite good with
b. "OK. How would you describe people. Um ...I like working with people
yourself, anyway. I like a challenge. I'm
David?" patient,um ... practical ...um ..."
c. "Right. And what work have you done 2. "I'd really like to work outside. Er...
before?" maybe travel a bit. I speak French, so I'd
d. "Right, now, first of all, whats your like to use that too."
surname and how old are you?" 3. "My full name is David Macintosh and
e. "And what qualifications have you I'm 25."
got?" 4. "Mostly temporary work since I
graduated. Er, ... I haven't doneanything
Texto retirado do livro Accelerate related to Geography at all. I was a
Intermediate (Patricia Lodge, Beth Wright postman for six months, er ... a porter in a
e Watson) hospital, that was quite good, I liked
working with the people there, and at the
moment I'm working part-time in a library,
er ... but I've been looking for full-time
work for over six months, and er ... I'm not
sure what career I want, which is why I've
come here."
5. "Er ... I did 'A' levels at the local
comprehensive, then I
did a university degree in Geography."

B. Tick the personality traits and abilities you think are important to be a good
professional in your area:


Ambitious polite helpful efficient intelligent
reliable creative interested practical outgoing
dynamic enthusiastic idealistic competent hard-working
fast realistic formal careful patient

speak well type well organize prepare reports plan projects
act with write well make decisions deal with convince
diplomacy people people
deal with deal with listen to people speak many
money numbers languages

C. Complete the dialogues with the given answers. Then practice the short pieces
of conversation in pairs.

Dialogue 1
sounds haven't did you go make have you ever

A: And (01) _______________ to college?

B: No, just secondary school.
A: I see. Now let me tell you a little about the job. We (02) ___________ television sets
here and also car radios.
B: That (03) _____________ interesting.
A: (04) __________________ in a factory?
B: No I (05) _____________.

Dialogue 2

come speak went have you worked do you

worked speak

A: So you (01) ________________to college in Ireland, did you?

B: That's right.
A: Now most of our guests (02) ____________from Europe. (03)__________any
B: I (04) __________ a little French and Spanish.
A: Very good. (05)______________ in a hotel before?
B: I (06) ________________in a small hotel for three months once in the summer.

Dialogue 3
do have you left haven't sell do you like

A: Could you tell me about your education?

B: I (01) _____________school last month.
A: I see. Now in this shop we (02) _________ mostly to tourists. (03)
_____________meeting people?
B: Yes, I (04) ________.
A: Good. (05) _________________any experience working in a shop?
B: No, I (06) ______________.


I- Read the text INTERVIEW TIPS and answer the questions below:


Keys to a Successful Interview

There is a technique to successful interviewing. Our intent is to provide you with tools
to sharpen your interview skills and give you an advantage in today's employment

The Importance of an Interview

In most cases the decision on whether or not you are hired will be based on your
interview. Other factors, such as your rsum and recommendations also play an
important role.

Be Prepared
A well-prepared candidate is more likely to impress an interviewer with his or her
alertness, competence and confidence. Don't waste this opportunity to sell your self! Do
your homework before going on an interview. Ask your ESP consultant for details about
the company and the position.
Research yourself before you go into an interview. Know the kinds of things you are
good at and the things that may need some work, experiences you have had in the past,
and what kind of boss and company you would like to work for.

Commonly Asked Questions (Frequently Asked Questions)

"What do you hope to gain from this position?"
"What do you have to offer this company?"
Sell yourself into the job. Keep your responses directed to the company and connect
your self to the position you are applying for.

"How can we benefit from your skills?"

Relate past experiences with responsibilities of the position you are applying for. Give
thorough, detailed examples of what you did on a project and parallel that experience to
the needs of the position, and the company.

"What are your likes and dislikes about your current position?"
"Why are you leaving your current job?"
Keep negatives to a minimum. Talk about what you want to move to, rather than what
you want to move from. The interviewer is looking for a logical and well thought-out
reason for the proposed change. Give an answer that is mature and thoughtful, and avoid
common responses.

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
Know your strengths and weaknesses. Make your weaknesses work for you by
preparing a response to include the nature of the weakness and plans you have to
overcome it. Interviewers do not expect you to disqualify yourself for the job. Give a
neutral or positive response. Do not leave them with a negative impression.
Strengths should be supported and not just a positive comment about yourself. Support
your strengths with examples that benefit the company. Use examples to show your use
of good judgment, ability to overcome difficult situations, and determination.

"Where do you want to be five years from now?"

Interviewers want to know that you are looking toward the future and you have goals
that are consistent with what they can provide. It is good to incorporate your interest in
the position with your future goals.

"Do you have any questions for us?"

Be prepared for this question at either the beginning or the end of an interview. Ask a
question that pertains to you, not something vague or abstract. Make sure the question is
easy to answer. Help the interviewer focus on your key strengths.
Example: "Given my mainframe background and 3 years of Cobol development
experience, how do you see me best fitting in with your company?"

Final Recommendations
Be polite and calm Speak positively about your abilities. Be
Be enthusiastic about the position confident, but not arrogant.
Emphasize the positive about former Sit properly, avoid nervous habits or
experiences chewing gum.
Never criticize past employers or co- Refrain from overuse of cologne or
workers. perfume; some people may be allergic.

1. Qual o objetivo do texto?

2. Quais os fatores que podem influenciar na contratao de um funcionrio?
3. With a friend answer one of the questions in the text about yourself and in English, as
if you were in an interview, bearing in mind the hints given in the text. Use the space
near each question or a spare piece of paper to do so.

4. Find these words in the text and indicate their roots

a) Pontos fortes_________________________________
b) pontos fracos_________________________________
c) recomendaes________________________________
d) julgamento___________________________________
e) apropriadamente_______________________________
f) entusiasmado__________________________________
g) determinao__________________________________
h) empregadores__________________________________


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