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Journal of Applied Bacteriology 1985, 58, 517-524 1564/04/84

Production and storage of Rhizobium leguminosarum cell

concentrates for use as inoculants

J . MEADE,P. H I C G I N S& F. O'GARADepartment of Microbiology, University College,

Cork, Ireland

Received 18 April 1984 and accepted 8 October 1984

M E A D E ,J . , HIGGINS,P. & O'GARA,F . 1985. Production and storage of

Rhizobium leguminosarum cell concentrates for use as inoculants. Journal of Applied
Bacteriology 58, 517-524.
Recovery of Rhizobium leguminosurum cells by centrifugation after growth in an
industrial fermenter was 100-fold higher when cells were grown on yeast extract (5
g/l) as sole source of carbon and nitrogen when compared with the yields recovered
when cells were grown in standard mannitol-yeast extract medium. Methods of
storing concentrated suspensions of R. leguminosarum were investigated. Freeze-
drying caused a marked decrease in viable cell numbers. Viable cell numbers of
bacterial concentrates stored in peat decreased steadily from 10"-10'* cfu/g to lo9
cfu/g or less during 26 weeks storage at room temperature or at 4C. Cell concen-
trates stored in 40% glycerol at -20C maintained viable numbers higher than
10" cfu/ml during a 76 week storage period.

Leguminous plants can be rendered self- making inoculants which maintains constant
sufficient for some or all of their nitrogen viable numbers over long periods, would be
requirements by symbiotic association with root desirable for several reasons. Concentrated
nodule bacteria. Soils may contain no rhizobia preparations of cells can be produced well in
or high proportions of inefficient or non- advance of seasonal demands and cell counts
nitrogen fixing rhizobia (Peterson & Loynachan standardized (Porter 1969). Stocks of concen-
1981). In these circumstances, in order to derive trated cells can be stored and transported easily
maximum benefit from symbiotic nitrogen fix- from the fermentation plant to the site of inocu-
ation, inoculation of seed or soils with efficient lant manufacture or application. They can be
natural or genetically engineered rhizobial used in the manufacture of different types of
strains is desirable. inoculants, e.g. soil inoculants (both granular
Successful inoculant production requires the and liquid), seed inoculants, peat based, freeze
use of competitive nitrogen-fixing strains and dried or liquid. Frozen concentrates of Rhizo-
also the most efficient use of available pro- bium strains have been used in the preparation
duction technology. The maintenance of high of inoculants particularly in North America
viable numbers of Rhizobium between pro- (Porter 1969). Considering the advantages they
duction and application is also an important offer, however, there is little information avail-
factor in the successful use of inoculants. able on the survival of concentrated rhizobial
Current practice involves the addition of rhizo- suspensions.
bial cells to protective carriers, usually peat, In this study, the industrial-scale production
which prolong rhizobial viability during storage and concentration of an inoculant strain of Rhi-
(Roughley & Vincent 1967; Strijdom & Des- zobium leguminosarum was investigated and the
chodt 1976). Such preparations generally feasibility of storing rhizobial concentrates (i) by
contain a minimum of 109cfu/g on manufacture freeze drying, (ii) in peat and (iii) in glycerol at
(Thompson 1980). A concentrated culture for - 20C was assessed.
518 J . Meade et al.
Materials and methods The phosphate buffer concentration of the
medium was increased in some experiments
RHIZOBIAL STRAIN from (g/l) KH,PO,, 0.3 to 0.45; Na,HPO,, 0.3
to 0.45.The medium was autoclaved in situ in
A streptomycin (100 Fg/ml) resistant derivative the fermenter. The final pH of all media was
of R. leyuminosarum C53 (obtained from D. 66-6.8. The inoculum (2%) was grown in MSY
Phillips, University of California, Davis, USA) or yeast extract (YE) for 3 d at 30C. Aeration
was used in all experiments. in the fermenter was at the rate of 0.5 l/l/min.
Cultures were harvested after 40 h at 30C.

The basal salts medium of OGara & Shanmu- RECOVERY O F CELLS

gam (1976) was used in all growth experiments. Celis were recovered from the growth medium
Cultures were routinely grown on the above in laboratory experiments by centrifugation at
medium (MSY) containing (g/l): mannitol, 1 ; 7000 g for 15 min using a Beckmann model
and yeast extract (Difco) 1. The final pH of the J-21C centrifuge. Cultures from the 200 1 fer-
medium was 6.8. Agar was added (15 g/l) for a menter were harvested in a continuous centri-
solid medium. fuge (Sharples). The resulting suspension was
further centrifuged in the laboratory and
resuspended in 500 ml of MSY. The viable cell
density was estimated by plate count.
Agar cultures were used to inoculate liquid
media (10 ml) in screw capped bottles (25 ml)
which were incubated at 30C in a rotary incu- -

bator for 48 h. In different experiments, the Cells grown in yeast extract medium (1 1) were
mannitol concentration was increased (to 5 g/l) harvested and resuspended in different freeze
or was replaced by industrial grade molasses drying media (ca 5 ml) as follows: (1) MSY;
sugar at concentrations of (v/v) 0.1%,0.5% or MSY + 0.5 g peat, MSY + 40% glycerol, skim
1.00/;,. Industrial grade yeast extract (1 g/1 or 5 milk (10%) reconstituted in distilled water.
g/l) served as sole source of carbon and nitrogen Samples of each suspension were serially diluted
in some experiments. and viable numbers determined. The suspen-
Extracellular polysaccharide production was sions were freeze dried for 24 h in a Modulyo
assessed visually using cultures streaked on the freeze drier (Edwards, UK). The freeze dried
various test media (15 g/l agar) and incubated concentrates were resuspended immediately and
for 3 d at 30C. viable cell numbers were determined.
Growth was followed by measuring the
increase in absorbance at 420 nm in liquid cul-
tures (100 ml) inoculated from freshly grown
MSY cultures (2% inoculum). Viable numbers Peat, obtained as fine dust, was brought to p H
(after 45 h growth) were determined by spread- 6 5 by addition of Ca (OH), and autoclaved for
plating serial dilutions of culture samples on 2 h at 121C (1c-30 g lots). Larger lots were
MSY agar containing streptomycin (100 pg/ml). autoclaved for a total of 4 h in covered beakers
Colonies were counted following incubation for or screw capped cans. To make peat concen-
3 d at 30C. trates, concentrated suspensions of YE grown
cells (200 ml) from the fermenter were mixed
with peat dust (100 g). The resulting paste with
( 2 0 0 1) an initial moisture level of 60% (w/w) was dis-
tributed in polyethylene bags which were heat
Rhizohium leguminosarum was grown in basal sealed and stored at 4C.
salts medium containing mannitol (5 g/l) and Peat inoculants were made by harvesting
industrial grade yeast extract (1 g/l). In some laboratory grown cultures, resuspending in
experiments, industrial grade yeast extract (5 g/l) MSY and adding 20 ml of suspension to 10 g of
served as sole source of carbon and nitrogen. peat dust. Inoculants were incubated in tinfoil at
Rhizobium inoculant Concentrates 519
30C for 3-5 weeks, resulting in a moisture level nitrogenase activity by the standard acetylene
of 40--45% (w/w), and subsequently stored in reduction assay. In a separate experiment, a
sealed bags or screw capped bottles at 4C or peat based inoculant which had been held for 20
room temperature. Samples were taken at weeks at 4C was similarly tested.
appropriate intervals from separate inoculant
preparations and viable numbers were deter-
P R O D u c T Io N O F Rhizobium leguminosarum

Laboratory scale cultures were harvested and The growth of R. leguminosarum in an industrial
concentrated in MSY medium (5 ml). Glycerol fermenter (200 1) and the subsequent recovery of
was added to give a final concentration of 40% cells were studied to determine optimum condi-
(v/v). The suspensions were stored at 4C and tions for the production of cell concentrates for
sampled at approximate two-weekly intervals. use in inoculant manufacture. Mannitol-yeast
In experiments with fermenter grown cells (YE), extract broth (MSY) is a standard growth
concentrated suspensions (100 ml) in MSY were medium for rhizobia and growth experiments in
mixed with glycerol to give a final glycerol con- the fermenter indicated that MSY supported
centration of 40% (v/v). These suspensions were high growth yields of R. leguminosarum (3 x lo9
stored in screw capped polypropylene bottles at cfu/ml) over a 40 h incubation period. The
- 20C. Samples taken from individual concen- recovery yield of viable cells from the culture
trates at suitable intervals were diluted (1 : 100) medium, using a continuous centrifugation
in MSY. Subsequent ten-fold dilutions were system, was very low, however, with less than
made in Ringer's solution and viable numbers 1% of the cells being recovered (Table 1). In
were determined. contrast, high recovery yields were obtained
when the same centrifugation conditions were
employed to harvest either Bacillus or Luclo-
bacillus cells. Attempts to recover MSY-grown
Seeds of Pisum sativurn were surface sterilized by R. leguminosarurn cells from the growth medium
washing in alcohol (95%) for 5 min followed by by filtration were also unsuccessful and resulted
calcium hypochlorite (7 g/100 ml, filtered) for 15 in extensive clogging of the filtration apparatus.
min. Seeds were rinsed 8 times in sterile distilled Rhizobium species are known to produce large
water and germinated on plant medium agar in amounts of extracellular polysaccharide under
the dark. The plant medium composition was as certain growth conditions (Humphrey &
follows (g/l): KCl, 0.125; K H z P 0 4 , 0.05; Vincent 1959; Ghai et 01. 1981). The appearance
MgSO, .7H,O, 0.05; CaSO,, 2 H z 0 , , 0.05; and of R. leguminosarurn colonies on MSY agar indi-
trace elements as for rhizobial basal salts cated that this strain produced large amounts of
medium. The medium was adjusted to pH 7 and polysaccharide. In addition, culture filtrates
autoclaved. Germinated seedlings (two per pot) were viscous and this may have contributed to
were added to pots of autoclaved sand and the inability to recover R . leguminosurum cells
perlite (1 : 1 ratio by weight). by centrifugation. Attempts were made, there-
A suspension of R. leguminosarum cells in fore, to find alternative growth substrates
glycerol (40?41),which had been held at -20C capable of supporting high growth yields of R.
for 18 weeks, was harvested and the cells leguminosarum without significant poly-
washed in plant medium. Pots were inoculated saccharide production and which would also be
to give cu 10'" cells per pot. A fresh MSY cost-effective. When molasses was substituted
culture was harvested and the cells washed in for mannitol in a range of concentrations (1-10
plant medium and used to inoculate a separate g/l), high cell yields ( > 1 x lo9 cfuiml) were
set of pots (cu 10'" cells per pot) in a control obtained. Observation of cultures grown on
experiment. The pots were placed under artifi- molasses-yeast extract agar indicated, however,
cial light (14 h illumination, 10 h darkness) and that considerable amounts of polysaccharide
watered with sterile plant medium. After 7 were produced. In contrast, no evidence of poly-
weeks, plants were assessed for nodulation and saccharide production was observed in agar oul-
5 20 J . Meade et al.
Table 1. Etrect of growth medium on growth yield, final pH and recovery
yield of Rhizobium leguminosarum cultured in a fermenter (200 1)
Growth yield Recovery yield
Growth medium (cfu/ml) Final pH* ("/.I
Mannitol yeast extract 3 109 5.5 0.6
Yeast extract 2.4 109 8.5 70 10
(0.6 g/l phosphate) ( k 0.4)
Yeast extract 8.1 x 109 8.0 63 + 12
(0.9 ail Dhowhate) ( + 1.9)

Values for mannitol yeast extract medium are the results of one experi-
ment. Every other value is the mean of two individual experiments. Three
dilutions of each sample were plated in duplicate.
* Initial pH of the medium was 6.8.

tures where yeast extract (5 g/l) served as the concentration of YE medium was increased
sole source of carbon and nitrogen. Growth (from 0.6 g/l to 0.9 g/l) in the 200 1 fermenter, a
experiments using a small scale fermenter (5 1) three fold increase in growth yield occurred
indicated that high cell yields could be obtained (Table 1).
with yeast-extract medium (YE) after 40 h of
incubation. Observation of culture samples cen-
S T O R A G E O F Rhizobium leguminosarum
trifuged in the laboratory (7000 g for 15 min)
indicated that R. leguminosarum cells could be
pelleted effectively when grown in this medium. The survival of high cell densities (5 x 10"
Therefore, it was decided to test the yeast- cfu/ml) of R. leguminosarum was examined in
extract medium under industrial-scale condi- order to find a method of prolonging the 'shelf-
tions. As expected, the YE medium supported life' of inoculum concentrates. Firstly, the effect
high growth yields in the 200 1 fermenter and of freeze drying on concentrated suspensions of
the majority of the cells were recoverable from R. leguminosarum was investigated (Table 2). A
the culture medium using the continuous cen- considerable drop (100 fold) in viable cell
trifugation system (Table 1). In contrast to the numbers was observed upon reconstitution of
MSY condition, there was an approximate 100- suspensions freeze dried in MSY medium. The
fold improvement in recovery yields in repeated use of additives such as peat (10 w/v) or glycerol
experiments. A significant increase in the pH of (40 v/v) in the suspending medium during freeze
the YE culture occurred during growth in the drying aided higher recovery of cells. The best
200 I fermenter. Laboratory experiments indi- results were obtained when MSY was replaced
cated that increasing the phosphate buffer con- by skim-milk (10% w/v) as the suspending
centration in the growth medium resulted in medium, when only a seven-fold decrease in
higher cell yields. When the phosphate buffer viable cell numbers was observed.

Table 2. The effect of freeze-drying in different media on viable cell numbers of Rhizo-
bium leauminosarum

Viable numbers (cfuiml) Decrease in

viable numbers
Freeze drying medium Pre-freeze drying On reconstitution (n-fold)
Mannitol yeast extract 9.6 x 10" 9.2 x lo8 104
(k0.2) ( f 0.4)
Mannitol yeast extract 6.1 x 10" 3.7 x 109 16.5
+ Peat (10%) (k0.5) (kO.3)
Mannitol yeast extract 6.3 x 10" 2.2 109 28.6
+ glycerol (40%,) ( k 0.4) (ko.3)
Skim-milk (10%) 6.3 x 10" 8.8 x lo9 7.2
(f 0 3 lf0.5) ~

Each value is a mean value obtained by plating each of two samples in duplicate.
Rhizobium inoculant concentrates 521
Peat is well known as a suitable carrier of employed. In subsequent experiments it was
rhizobial cells (Strijdom & Deschodt 1976). It shown that peat supported the growth and sur-
was decided to assess the effect of storage in vival of R . leguminosarum when low initial cell
peat on the survival of very high cell densities densities were used, indicating that the peat
(> 10" cfu/g) of R. leguminosarum. When peat itself was not toxic to the cells. When a suspen-
and suspensions of fermenter grown cells were sion of cells was mixed with peat to give an
mixed and stored at 4C in sealed containers at initial cell density of 1.5 x lo7 cfu/g, cell
a n initial moisture level of 60%, it wss found numbers increased to 1.5 x lo9 cfu/g during a
that viability declined steadily from 10"-10'2 10 d period at 30C. During subsequent storage
cfu/g to 107-10s cfu/g in different experiments at room temperature, viable cell numbers
over 26 weeks of storage (Fig. la). Peat concen- declined slowly from 1.5 x 10' cfu/g to 1 x lo8
trate dried at 30C to a moisture content cfu/g over 36 weeks (Fig. lb). Viable cell
numbers of 2.7 x lo7 cfu/g were observed in
these suspensions after one year at room tem-
perature. There was no net increase in viable
numbers in peat suspensions containing initial
viable numbers of 8.6 x lo9 cfu/g and 4 x 10"
cfu/g during incubation at 30C. The survival
rate over 35 weeks at room temperature was
good and a 10 fold decrease in cell numbers
\0 from 2 x 10" cfu/g to 1.5 x lo9 cfu/g was
observed (Fig. lb). Peat suspensions held at 4C
c maintained constant viable numbers (2 x lo9
a 7- I I I I I I
cfu/g) over 35 weeks.
Glycerol, a t high concentrations is often used
as a protective agent in the frozen storage of
liquid culture stocks. The effect of glycerol (400/,
v/v) on rhizobial viability at two temperatures,
4C and -2o"C, was assessed. Broth cultures
( 2 x lo9 cfu/ml) of R. leguminosarum generally
begin to show a decrease in viable cell numbers
after storage for 4 d. It was found that cell sus-
pensions containing glycerol (40%) retained
constant viable numbers ( 2 x 10" cfu/ml) for 14
d after which a million-fold decrease occurred
over an eight week period (Fig. 2). However,
when high cell densities (1.2 x 10" cfu/ml) were
Storage time (weeks)
stored at -20C in glycerol (40%) viable
Fig. 1. Survival of Rhizobium leguminosarum in peat numbers remained constant for 32 weeks and

at (a) 4C: 0 , peat inoculants containing initially only decreased ten fold during a further period
9.1 x 10" cfu/g; A, inoculants containing initial cell
densities of 9.0 x lo9 cfu/g; (b) room temperature: 0 , of 42 weeks. Thus cell numbers declined from
inoculants containing 5.0 x 10" cfu/g initially; A, 1.2 x 10'' cfu/ml to 3.2 x 10" cfu/ml over a
inoculants containing 6 x 10" cfu/g initially; ino- period of one and a half years at - 20C.
culants containing 1.5 x lo7 cfu/g initially. Values are
the mean of duplicate experiments and standard
errors of mean values were less than 10%. N O D U L A T I O N A N D NITROGEN FIXATION
BY STORED Rhizobium leguminosarum
between 4&45% and stored at room tem-
perature also showed a similar decline in viable It is essential that the important characters of
cell numbers over a 26 week period (Fig. Ib). nodule formation and nitrogen fixation should
Thus, the protective effect on rhizobial viability not be altered by storage of rhizobia destined
usually associated with peat was not apparent for inoculant manufacture. Therefore nodu-
when cell densities greater than 10'l cfu/g were lation tests were done using pea seedlings culti-
522 J . Meade et al.
12 Yeast extract is generally used as the source of
nitrogen, vitamins and growth factors for rhizo-
/ I bial growth (Date 1972; Burton 1979). In this
2 study, however, yeast extract was used suc-
$ 10 cessfully, both in laboratory culture and in an
industrial fermenter, as the sole source of
g 9 carbon, energy and nitrogen for the growth of
> R . leyuminosurum. Yeast extracts generally
contain a variety of amino acids (Burton 1979)

g 8
and it has been known for some time (Lillich &
7 Elkan 1971) that Rhizohium spp. are capable of
utilizing amino acids as an energy source.
6 Therefore, it appears that R . leguminosurum can
obtain all its carbon and energy requirements
5 for growth from amino acids supplied as an
undefined mixture but this substrate does not
Storage time (weeks) favour polysaccharide production. From a com-
Fig. 2. Survival of Rhizobium leguminosarum in sus- mercial viewpoint, yeast extract represents a
pensions containing glycerol (40% v/v) at -20C ( 0 ) relatively inexpensive but efficient growth sub-
and 4C (A).Values are the mean of two individual strate for the large-scale production of R . leyu-
experiments. Three dilutions of each sample were
plated in duplicate. Standard errors of mean values
minosarum. It supports high viable numbers and
were less than 10%. favours efficient separation of cells from the
culture medium. It has been reported, however,
that some yeast extract preparations in concen-
vated under controlled conditions. As expected, trations greater than 0.35% depressed viability
peat storage did not affect nodulation and nitro- and produced distorted cells in some Rhizobium
gen fixation of rhizobia when used as a storage strains (Skinner et al. 1977). Thus high concen-
carrier at 4C. Glycerol concentrates which had trations of yeast extract may not be generally
maintained constant viable numbers (ca 10 suitable for the commercial growth of some Rhi-
cfu/ml) for 18 weeks at -20C were assessed for zohium spp.
nodulation and nitrogen fixation. Glycerol- The production of extracellular poly-
stored cells were inoculated into pots containing saccharides from sugars is known to occur in
pea seedlings. A suspension of freshly grown Rhizohium spp. (Ghai et al. 1981) and results in
(MSY) cells of similar cell density was used as the formation of mucoid colonies on agar
an inoculum in a control experiment. The medium. It has been noted, in this study and
average number of nodules per plant for peas elsewhere (Fraser 1975), that the production of
inoculated with stored R. leguminosarum cells polysaccharides increases the viscosity of culture
was 51 18 (0.16 f 0.04 g fresh wt per plant) media. The increased viscosity leads to ineff-
compared with 56 f 30 (0.14 f 0.04 g fresh wt cient separation of cells from culture media by
per plant) nodules per plant for peas inoculated centrifugation (Elsworth 1962). This probably
with freshly grown cells. Rates of nitrogen fix- accounts for the failure to recover cells grown
ation, measured by acetylene reduction, were on MSY, which supported polysaccharide pro-
not impaired in nodules formed by glycerol duction, and for the considerable improvement
stored cells (7.2 f 4.5 pmol C,H, reduced/h/g in recovery yields when yeast extract alone was
fresh wt) when compared to rates obtained with the growth medium. Freeze-drying has been
nodules formed by freshly-grown cells (3.7 & 2 used successfully in the long term storage of
pmol C2H, reduced/h/g fresh wt). Thus storage stock cultures (Dye 1982) and in the production
in glycerol (40% v/v) at -20C for 18 weeks did of inoculants (McLeod & Roughley 1961;
not cause any significant loss of symbiotic activ- Kremer & Peterson 1983). It is not widely used
ity in cells of R. leguminosarum under the labor- for this purpose, however, although it has the
atory conditions used. advantage of producing a concentrated inocu-
Rhizobium inoculant concentrates 523
lant with a long shelf-life particularly at higher (Stadhouders et al. 1971). Glycerol concentra-
temperatures. Results obtained in this study tions in the region of 10-15% were mentioned
indicate that freeze-drying produces an imme- in these reports. It has been postulated that
diate and significant decrease in cell numbers. damage to cells by freezing is probably caused
As much as 99% (MSY) of cells may be lost by an increase in the electrolyte concentration
between freeze-drying and reconstitution. The in the cell when water is removed as ice (Smith
use of protective agents in the suspending 1961). Glycerol seems to prevent or to minimize
medium favours the survival of high cell this process. The results of this study show that
numbers, though this protection varies with the R . leguminosarum concentrates can be stored
particular medium used. Skim milk seemed to successfully at -20C in glycerol (40%). Cells
offer best protection of the media tested. Closer stored in this way can be resuspended easily and
investigation of factors such as the type of sus- retain their symbiotic properties in laboratory
pending medium, conditions of storage and tests under controlled conditions. It is accepted
most favourable cell densities may further in the case of inoculation studies that there may
improve the feasibility of preserving cell concen- be inherent limitations in extrapolating results
trates by freeze-drying. It should be noted, of laboratory plant tests to practical field situ-
however, that freeze-dried inoculants have not ations. Preliminary results from field inoculation
has widespread success and are poor inoculants experiments, however, indicate that there is no
in less than ideal conditions. significant decrease in the establishment rate of
Peat is still the carrier of choice in the major- R. leguminosarum in nodules when glycerol con-
ity of legume inoculants currently produced centrates are used in place of an inoculum of
(Strijdom & Deschodt 1976). A good quality fresh cells (unpublished data). Furthermore, it is
inoculant would contain ca lo9 cfu/g (Thomson accepted that storage of Rhizobium strains as
1980). The growth of R. leguminosarum in peat glycerol stocks does not result in the detectable
observed in this study when low initial cell den- loss of the symbiotic plasmid(s) which harbour
sities were used, is in agreement with the obser- the nodulation and nitrogenase genes, (e.g.
vations of others (Roughley & Vincent 1967, Tichy & Lotz 1981). In practical terms the widc
Burton 1979). Survival rates of R. leyumino- acceptance of glycerol concentrates would be
sarum in peat at both room temperature and dependent on the successful testing of such
4C were also as expected. The peat used in this preparations using a variety of Rhizobium
study, did not apparently contain any substance, strains and a range of environmental field con-
such as large amounts of sodium chloride ditions. From a commercial viewpoint, it is easy
(Steinborn & Roughley 1974), which would to achieve a temperature of -20C using
impede rhizobial growth or accelerate cell death mechanical cooling and freezing procedures and
during storage. But high cell densities declined that would cost considerably less than, for
very rapidly both at room temperature and at example, storage in liquid nitrogen. It therefore
4 C. It may be that there is a maximum cell seems that storage at -20C in glycerol rep-
density which can be accommodated in peat resents a feasible method for holding large
carriers and that very high cell densities cannot batches of R. leguminosarum concentrates for
avail of the protective effect exerted by peat. The long periods without loss of viability. Further
protective action of peat is greater when cells study is required to determine if other rhizobial
are grown in it. Based on these results, peat does strains behave similarly under these conditions.
not appear to represent a suitable carrier for This work was supported in part by NBST
rhizobial concentrates. grants 72/79, 74/81, HEIC 23/80 and EEC con-
Glycerol is well known as a cryoprotective tract No. GB1.5.030 EIR.
agent (Precht et al. 1973), effective in the frozen
storage of micro-organisms. It has been used
successfully in the storage of bacteria, though
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nitrogen (Breese & Sharpe 1980) and at - 76C strains containing plasmid DNA in liquid nitrogen.
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