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EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

Name: Grade Level: CCSS Math Strand:

Aaesha Abdulla 5 girls and boys Number and OperationsFractions
H00300151, privet school PYP
RAK academy
CCSS Standards: Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Unite 4, lesson 5 ordering the
fraction with unlike denominator.
Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):
At the end of lesson students will be able to :
Ordering unlike fraction from least to greatest by using common denominator rule.

teacher Non

student None.
worksheets/ Drill ordering fraction worksheet
teacher Marker, boards, pen and comments paper.
student Bekatcho activity, Hanging out Landry activity, pencil
technology Presentation

other ---

Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Ordering Arrange a set of

fraction fractional numbers
from least to greatest
or from greatest to
least. It is a sub topic
that comes under
fractions in
arithmetic which in
turn falls under
Students Prior Knowledge:

Students may know how to find lest common denominator but they dont know how to ordering them,

Possible Problems :
Students may talking together during other pupils present.
Solutions for the Possible Problems:
Using group points.

H00300151 Aaesha Abdulla

EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

Overgeneralizes the idea that the bigger the denominator, the smaller the part by
ignoring numerators when comparing fractions
Solutions for Misconceptions:
Ordeing fraction have bigger denominater but it is smaller than other fraction

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): Time

The teacher will play with students bekatcho game which is teacher will 5
select one students to act bekatcho character. The students who will act minutes
bekatcho will chose students to answer the comparing fraction with unlike
2 3
denominator. The question will be in presentation. The question is . For
3 4
choosing students to answer this question students will say bekatcho who
do you want? , and the student who act bekatcho will say I want will .
(Name of students that he/she want it.
Teacher will play with students broken phone game to know the learning
objective. Teacher will going to divide the class in tow section one group will
have the first part of the obejective and another section will have the second 3
part of the learning objective. Teacher will going to whisper the massage for minutes
one student, then students need to pass the massage between the students.

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 15

Teacher will going to explanation the rule by using 2 samples, Students will
going to listen to the teacher and ask if they have any question.
1 3 1
The 2 samples are: 1. , ,
2 4 6
2 3 1
2. , ,
8 4 2
May I will need to give third sample if the students still confused.
Teacher will going to give each group 3 fractions, rope and hunger, students
will need to order the fraction and hanging the shirt on the rope. When the
students will finish the need to fold their hand and sit quietly waiting the
teacher to come and check the answer.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 10


1. The teacher will give students worksheet (drill). Students will going
to answer the question.

If there any more times teacher will give students 1 extra worksheets.

H00300151 Aaesha Abdulla
EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

Hanging out game

Presentation was revision about comparing fraction with unlike denominators.

H00300151 Aaesha Abdulla

EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

This is my hanging out game activity it was in core I did it in group however If I did this activity
again I will keep impairs because I found it will me more interesting and more effective if it is

H00300151 Aaesha Abdulla

EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

This is the worksheet that I use it in the assessment, I think it is good

worksheet, however next time I will try to find another way to do assessment
to make it more creativity.

What is special in this lesson?

In this lesson I found myself improve a lot in different areas such as,
classroom management and time management. Also I found my lesson plan
was detailed and specific which helps my MST and MCT understand what I

H00300151 Aaesha Abdulla

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