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A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte:
Tipologia Nmero Cotao
Domnios Competncias
de itens de itens (em pontos)
Lexis Competncia lingustica 5 53 pontos
competncia lexical SELEO
Free time
competncia gramatical Associao /
activities: sports
competncia semntica correspondncia
Grammar competncia ortogrfica Completamento

Past Simple / Past Competncia pragmtica

Continuous competncia funcional
Competncia sociolingustica

Competncia lingustica 2 22 pontos

competncia lexical SELEO
competncia gramatical V/F
competncia semntica Resposta curta
competncia ortogrfica

Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /
Competncia sociolingustica

Competncia lingustica 1 25 pontos

competncia lexical SELEO
competncia gramatical Resposta restrita
competncia semntica ou extensa
competncia ortogrfica

Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /

Critrios Gerais de Classificao

Todos os itens apresentam critrios especficos de classificao organizados por nveis de desempenho. A cada um
desses nveis atribuda uma nica pontuao. Para a generalidade dos itens, so considerados de um a cinco nveis
(N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada num dos
outros nveis apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado.
Para a atividade C, so considerados de um a cinco nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1), em cada parmetro
competncia pragmtica e competncia lingustica.
Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada num dos outros nveis
apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado. Esto previstos nveis de desempenho intercalares no
classificada com zero pontos qualquer resposta que no atinja o nvel 1 de desempenho.
Nos itens de seleo, qualquer resposta indicada de forma equvoca, por exemplo, fornecendo mais elementos do
que o(s) pedido(s), classificada com zero pontos.
Nos itens de construo, atribuda a classificao de zero pontos a respostas que no correspondam ao solicitado,
independentemente da qualidade do texto produzido.

Alguns dos itens de escolha mltipla, de associao / correspondncia e de resposta curta podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de
completamento. Alguns dos itens de resposta curta e de resposta restrita podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de transformao.
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Date: ____/____/____ Mark: ___________________ Teacher: _______________________

The final task you are expected to complete is

to write an email about your free time.
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.

1 Look at the pictures and identify the different leisure activities. Match the pictures with the words
from the box.

Playing basketball Canoeing Playing an instrument

Bungee jumping Going to the cinema Horse riding
Playing chess Playing tennis Watching TV

a) ____________________ b) ____________________ c) ____________________

d) ___________________ e) ___________________ f) ___________________

g) ___________________ h) ___________________ i) ___________________



2 Which activities can you do indoors and outdoors? Fill in the table with the activities from 1.
Add two more for each one.

Indoor Activities Outdoor Activities

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

10 3 Read the descriptions of some sports. What is the word for each one? The
first letter is already there.
a) You can go down a mountain quite
fast by doing this. S ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
b) This sport needs an oval ball. R ____ ____ ____ ____
c) You need a bike to do this sport. C ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
d) Your boat needs some wind for this sport. S ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
e) If you do this sport, first practise on easy hills. C ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

15 4 Build sentences using the correct form of the Past Simple.

a) She / win / the game, but she / not / play / well.
b) What / you / do / yesterday? you / go / to / school?
c) you / enjoy / the festival? it / be / interesting?
d) We / walk / to the park and then we / play / tennis.
e) The boys / be / at school / but / they / not / go / to classes.


5 Read this note written by Simon. There are six verb tenses mistakes. Can you find them and
correct them?

Dear Tom,
Last Saturday I go to Fun Park with a) ______________________________
my friend Peter. It is a beautiful day
because the sun is shining. The Park b) ______________________________
was very interesting and there are c) ______________________________
many things which we could do.
When we buy some sweets, we see d) ______________________________
Paula. e) ______________________________
Next time you can come with me.
Best, f) ______________________________

Read the following text carefully.

Do young people today make good use of their leisure

Leisure time can be well spent in many different ways. Popular
options among the young are playing video games and watching
television. While other activities like sports, social gatherings and reading
are available to them, many parents feel that they spend too much time
on these indoor games and screens and prefer them to be more active.
Nowadays, the younger generation has a greater choice of leisure
activities than the previous one. Among such activities are television and
video games. Some social experts and families are concerned about the
health of teenagers who overindulge in these activities. Some reports say
that sitting too long in front of television could lead to problems with their
eyes and back. On the other hand, some medical experts believe that some video games can improve the dexterity of
the player and this could help his or her future career as perhaps, a doctor or pilot. In addition, watching television
keeps young people informed about what is happening locally as well as globally. This can enhance teenagers'
inquisitive minds and encourage them to track of challenging local and international issues. While such benefits are
welcome, there are also dangers in exposing them to violence, crimes and explicit scenes on some television series
which can have a negative impact on younger personalities.
Alternatively, there are many activities which have positive results in terms of social, physical and educational
values. For example, walking, jogging and trekking in a park to improve their physical strength or provide an
opportunity to observe nature and environment. Furthermore, spending time with family, relatives and friends outdoors
enriches their social lives. As a result, they could be more interactive and responsible socially.
http://www.studymode.com/essays/ (adapted and abridged)


1 Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? Quote from the text to support
your answer.
a) Teenagers like playing video games.

b) Too much TV contributes to poor sight.
c) Video games reduce the skill of doing things.
d) If you watch TV, you are not in touch with the world.

10 2 Answer the questions on the text.

a) How can teens spend their free time more productively?
b) What are the advantages of watching TV?
c) What activities are there to improve physical strength?
d) Why is it important to spend time with family and friends?

Now write an email (around 80 words) to a new friend and tell him / her about your free time. You
may use the input from activities A and B.
Organize your email according to the following topics:
What do you usually do in your free time?
What are your favourite activities at home?
Do you do any sport?
Do you think you are too busy? Why / Why not?

S ________________________________________________________________________________


1 Liga 12 imagens com as respetivas 8 1 Identifica corretamente as 4 afirmaes 12
atividades. de acordo com o texto. Na transcrio do
Chave: a) Playing chess; b) Canoeing; texto pode escrever com incorrees de
N3 c) Watching TV; d) Playing tennis; grafia no impeditivas da compreenso.
e) Playing an instrument; f) Horse riding; g) Chave: a) T Popular options among the
Going to the cinema; young are playing video games.
h) Playing basketball; i) Bungee jumping. b) T Some reports say that sitting too
N3 long in front of television could lead to
N2 6 problems with their eyes.
c) F some medical experts believe that
Liga 4 imagens com as respetivas 4 some video games can improve the
atividades. dexterity of the player.
d) F In addition, watching television
2 Completa a tabela com todas as 10 keeps young people informed about what
informaes pedidas. is happening around locally as well as
Exemplo de resposta: globally.
Indoors Playing chess; Going to the
N2 6
N3 cinema; Watching TV; Playing basketball;
Playing an instrument (Playing video
games; Cooking). Identifica corretamente apenas 1 3
Outdoors Bungee jumping; Playing afirmao de acordo com o texto. Na
Tennis; Canoeing; Horse riding; N1 transcrio do texto pode escrever com
(Gardening; Skateboarding). incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
compreenso. Erra ou omite as restantes.
N2 7
2 Responde corretamente a 4 questes de 10
Completa a tabela sem as informaes 4 acordo com informao do texto e com
adicionais. correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
incorrees de grafia e pontuao no
3 Completa as 5 palavras adequadamente. 10 impeditivas da compreenso.
N3 Chave: a) skiing; b) rugby; c) cycling; Exemplo de resposta: a) Teens can
d) sailing; e) climbing. spend their free time in many different
ways. They can play video games, watch
TV, doing some sports, reading. b) The
N2 7
N4 advantages of television are some. It
keeps young people informed about what
N1 Completa 2 palavras adequadamente. 4 is happening around locally as well as
globally and that could enhance
4 Escreve as frases com correo 15 teenagers' inquisitive mind and encourage
gramatical. Pode escrever com algumas them to track of challenging local and
incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da international issues. c) Walking, jogging
compreenso. and trekking in a park improve physical
Chave: a) She won the game, but she strength.
didnt play well. d) Spending time with family, relatives and
N3 b) What did you do yesterday? Did you go friends outdoors enriches our social lives.
to school?
c) Did you enjoy the festival? Was it Responde corretamente a 3 questes de 8
interesting? acordo com informao do texto e com
d) We walked to the park and then we N3 correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
played tennis. incorrees de grafia e pontuao no
e) The boys were at school but they didnt impeditivas da compreenso.
go to classes.
Responde corretamente a 2 questes de 6
N2 10 acordo com informao do texto e com
N2 correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
Escreve apenas uma frase com correo 5 incorrees de grafia e pontuao no
gramatical. Pode escrever com algumas impeditivas da compreenso.
incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
compreenso. Responde a 2 questes com informao 4
parcialmente correta. Pode escrever com
5 Identifica e corrige 6 tempos verbais. 10 N1
incorrees de grafia e pontuao no
N3 Chave: a) went; b) was; c) was shining; d) impeditivas da compreenso.
there were; e) were buying; f) saw.

N2 7

N1 Identifica e corrige 2 tempos verbais. 4


Competncia Pragmtica

1 Escreve um e-mail, respeitando o tema dado, 15

fornecendo pormenores e destacando aspetos
relevantes. O discurso claro e coerente, ainda
que com recurso a um nmero limitado de
mecanismos de coeso. Respeita os limites de

palavras indicados.

N4 12

Escreve um e-mail simples, incluindo alguns 9

pormenores relevantes. O discurso
globalmente claro e coeso, ainda que possam
registar-se incoerncias. A articulao das ideias
geralmente linear. Pode no respeitar os limites
de palavras indicados.

N2 6

Escreve um e-mail simples, abordando o tema de 3

forma genrica e recorrendo a repeties e
pormenores pouco relevantes. Utiliza frases
elementares, mas estrutura deficientemente o
texto. Pode no respeitar os limites de palavras

Competncia Lingustica*

1 Escreve um e-mail corretamente estruturado. 10

Utiliza de forma geralmente adequada
vocabulrio variado, embora possa ocorrer
pontualmente uma escolha de palavras menos
correta. Revela bom domnio gramatical, com
alguns lapsos, raros e no sistemticos. A
ortografia razoavelmente correta, com erros
apenas em vocbulos menos correntes, em que
se pode notar a influncia da lngua materna.
A pontuao adequada.

N4 8

Escreve um e-mail simples onde revela domnio 6

lingustico suficiente para articular as ideias de
forma compreensvel e com pouca ambiguidade.
O vocabulrio relativamente pobre, mas
consegue suprir limitaes com recurso a
N3 circunlocues e outros mecanismos de
substituio. O controlo gramatical suficiente
para permitir a compreenso do que pretende
A ortografia aceitvel e a pontuao


Escreve um e-mail simples, utilizando padres

frsicos muito elementares. Emprega estruturas
simples, com tendncia a misturar tempos e a
esquecer-se de fazer concordncias. Utiliza
vocabulrio muito elementar.
A pontuao nem sempre adequada.
* A competncia lingustica s ser avaliada se o aluno
tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto,
pelo menos, no nvel 1 da competncia pragmtica



A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte.

Tipologia Nmero de Cotao

Domnios Competncias
de itens itens (em pontos)
Lexis Competncia lingustica 7 47 pontos
competncia lexical SELEO
Food / healthy
competncia gramatical Associao /
habits / eating
places competncia semntica correspondncia
competncia ortogrfica Completamento
Grammar Competncia pragmtica Resposta restrita
competncia funcional
degrees Competncia sociolingustica
Modal verbs
(giving advice) Competncia lingustica 3 28 pontos
competncia lexical SELEO
competncia gramatical R/W
competncia semntica Completamento
competncia ortogrfica Associao
Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /
Competncia sociolingustica

Competncia lingustica 1 25 pontos

competncia lexical SELEO
competncia gramatical Resposta restrita
competncia semntica ou extensa
competncia ortogrfica
Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /

Critrios Gerais de Classificao

Todos os itens apresentam critrios especficos de classificao organizados por nveis de desempenho. A cada um
desses nveis atribuda uma nica pontuao. Para a generalidade dos itens, so considerados de um a cinco
nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada
num dos outros nveis apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado.
Para a atividade C, so considerados de um a cinco nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1), em cada parmetro
competncia pragmtica e competncia lingustica.
Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada num dos outros nveis
apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado. Esto previstos nveis de desempenho intercalares no
classificada com zero pontos qualquer resposta que no atinja o nvel 1 de desempenho.
Nos itens de seleo, qualquer resposta indicada de forma equvoca, por exemplo, fornecendo mais elementos do
que o(s) pedido(s), classificada com zero pontos.
Nos itens de construo, atribuda a classificao de zero pontos a respostas que no correspondam ao solicitado,
independentemente da qualidade do texto produzido.

Alguns dos itens de escolha mltipla, de associao / correspondncia e de resposta curta podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de
completamento. Alguns dos itens de resposta curta e de resposta restrita podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de transformao.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Date: ____/____/____ Mark: ___________________ Teacher: _______________________

The final task you are expected to complete is
to write a text about your food habits.
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.

6 1 Look at the picture. Choose six vegetables and six pieces of fruit and write them in the right
column below.

Fruit Vegetables
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

2 Why is it important to eat vegetables and fruit? Write about 30 words.

EDITORE ____________________________________________________________________________

3 Where can we eat or drink this? Write the names of the eating places.

a) _____________________ b) ______________________ c) ______________________

d) ______________________ e) ______________________ f) ______________________

6 4 Match the first part of the word in column A to the second part in column B. The words are all
about food and drink. Follow the example: meat

a) me ple _______________
b) but ce _______________
c) wat ton _______________
d) di rot _______________
e) jui ta _______________
f) car at _______________
g) pas ato _______________
h) tom ter _______________
i) car er _______________
j) ap sh _______________

5 Complete the chart.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

a) healthy the healthiest

b) good the best

c) bad worse

d) sweet the sweetest

e) hot the hottest

f) popular more popular

6 Complete the sentences with the right adjective degree. More than one answer is possible.
a) Eating healthy food can make all teens feel ____________________ (good) about their bodies.
b) The __________________ (important) thing is to eat well and to do physical exercise.
c) Youll feel ____________________ (happy) if you accept the way you look.
d) You should be ____________________ (careful) about what you eat if your doctor says your diet
should be ____________________ (healthy).

7 Imagine one of your friends is getting fat. Give him / her four tips to be healthier. Use you should /
shouldnt / you must
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________________


Read the following text.
27-29 September 2013
Real Food Harvest Festival, Southbank Centre

Real Food Harvest Festival 2013

After a great summer season it is now time to reap the rewards of all that
sunshine and get into the spirit of Harvest time! Celebrating the seasonal
bounty of this time of year, we can kick back and enjoy the merriment of a
traditional Harvest Festival with music, entertainment and great feasts!
The Real Food Harvest Festival brings together 150 of the best artisan food
producers; a mouthwatering selection of the most creative street food; top
chefs, including Valentine Warner, Stevie Parle and Jos Pizarro; live animals
and music in a celebration of extraordinary food!
From the 27th-29th September, the festival takes over the whole Southbank
10 Centre site in the heart of London, from the riverside Queens Walk all the way
round the Royal Festival Hall and Southbank Centre Square.
From hand-made chocolates to the finest artisan cheeses, chutneys,
proper sausages, olive oils, charcuterie, regional specialties and delights and
the most creative street food vendors the Real Food Harvest Festival
15 celebrates the very best, passion-driven, sustainably and ethically produced
The Real Food Harvest Festival is run in association with Southbank Centre, the UKs largest and most important
arts and cultural centre and all Real Food Festivals are free to attend.

1 Answer the questions according to the text.
a) What kind of event is it? ___________________________________________________
b) Where does it take place? _________________________________________________
c) When is it? _____________________________________________________________
d) What food can you have there? _____________________________________________

2 Are these sentences 'Right' or 'Wrong'? Circle the correct option.
a) The festival is at the beginning of September.
1. Right 2. Wrong
b) We can enjoy ourselves with music, entertainment and food.
1. Right 2. Wrong
c) The festival brings together 150 top chefs.
1. Right 2. Wrong
d) This food festival usually lasts three days.
1. Right 2. Wrong

e) People can taste a great variety of foods.

1. Right 2. Wrong
f) The Real Food Festival celebrates the very best fast food.
1. Right 2. Wrong
g) Everyone can attend this festival.

1. Right 2. Wrong

8 3 Match the expressions in the columns according to their meaning in the text.
a) reap (l. 1) 1. involving the use of natural products
b) merriment (l. 3) 2. thick sweet sauces
c) mouthwatering (l. 6) 3. people who are selling something
d) chutneys (l. 12) 4. enjoyment
e) vendors (l. 14) 5. looks or smells very good
f) sustainably (l. 15) 6. collect

Write a text (around 80 words) about your favourite restaurant. You may use the input from
Activities A and B. Organize your text according to the following topics:
What it is;
How often you go there;
When you usually go there;
Who you go with;
Your favourite dish;
What kinds of other food you like eating most;
Is it healthy or unhealthy? Why?



1 Indica 6 frutos e 6 vegetais corretamente. 6 Escreve 2 conselhos com correo 2
N3 Exemplos: Fruit Orange; lemon; cherry; gramatical. Pode escrever com
strawberry; pear; apple. Vegetables Potatoes; N1
incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
broccoli; carrots; peas; onion; cucumber. comunicao.
N2 4

N1 Indica 3 frutos e 3 vegetais corretamente. 2 ATIVIDADE B

1 Responde s 4 questes do texto. Pode 10
2 Responde pergunta justificando-a 10 escrever com incorrees lingusticas no
coerentemente. Podem ocorrer algumas impeditivas da compreenso.
incorrees lingusticas sem, contudo, Exemplo: a) Its a food festival;
N2 comprometer a mensagem. N3 b) Southbank Centre London; c) 27-29
Exemplo: As far as Im concerned, eating fruit September 2013; d) Handmade
and vegetables is very important for our health. chocolates; chutneys; proper sausages;
They help prevent many diseases. In addition, olive oils; charcuterie; regional specialties
they contribute to healthy bones and teeth. and delights; street food.
Exprime uma opinio justificando-a 5 N2 7
coerentemente. Podem ocorrer bastantes
incorrees lingusticas sem, contudo,
Responde a 1 questo do texto. Pode 4
comprometer a mensagem.
N1 escrever com incorrees lingusticas no
impeditivas da compreenso.
3 Identifica corretamente 6 lugares. 7
N3 Chave: a) Cafeteria; b) Pizzeria; 2 Seleciona 7 ou 6 opes corretas. 10
c) Burger house/bar; d) Self-Service; N3 Chave: a) Wrong; b)Right; c)Wrong;
e) Tea room; e) Chinese Restaurant. d) Right; e) Right; f) Wrong; g) Right.
N2 5 N2 7

N1 Identifica corretamente 3 lugares. 3 N1 Seleciona 3 ou 2 opes corretas. 4

4 Associa corretamente 9 ou 8 palavras. 6 3 Associa corretamente 6 ou 5 significados. 8

N3 Chave: b) butter; c) water; d) dish; Chave: a) 6; b) 4; c) 5; d) 2; e) 3; f) 1.
e) juice; f) carton; g) pasta; h) tomato;
i) carrot; j) apple. N2 5
N2 4
N1 Associa corretamente 2 ou 1 significados. 2
N1 Associa corretamente 2 palavras. 2

5 Completa a tabela corretamente com 6 graus dos 6

N2 adjetivos.
Chave: a) healthier; b) better; c) the worst; d)
sweeter; e) hotter; f) the most popular.

Completa a tabela corretamente com 3 graus dos 3


6 Completa as 5 frases com os graus dos adjetivos 8

N3 Exemplo: a) good/better; b) most important; c)
happier; d) careful/more careful;

N2 5

Completa 2 frases com os graus dos adjetivos 2


7 Escreve 4 conselhos com correo gramatical. 4

Pode escrever com incorrees de grafia no
impeditivas da comunicao.
N2 Exemplos: a) You should have breakfast every
day; b) You shouldnt drink fizzy drinks; c) You
must eat at least four meals a day; d) You should
eat fruit and vegetables.

Competncia Pragmtica 6

1 Escreve um texto, respeitando o tema dado, 15

fornecendo pormenores e destacando aspetos
relevantes. O discurso claro e coerente, ainda
que com recurso a um nmero limitado de

mecanismos de coeso. Respeita os limites de
palavras indicados.

N4 12

Escreve um texto simples, incluindo alguns 9

pormenores relevantes. O discurso
globalmente claro e coeso, ainda que possam
registar-se incoerncias. A articulao das ideias
geralmente linear. Pode no respeitar os limites
de palavras indicados.

N2 6

Escreve um texto simples, abordando o tema de 3

forma genrica e recorrendo a repeties e
pormenores pouco relevantes. Utiliza frases
elementares, mas estrutura deficientemente o
texto. Pode no respeitar os limites de palavras

Competncia Lingustica*

1 Escreve um texto corretamente estruturado. 10

Utiliza de forma geralmente adequado
vocabulrio variado, embora possa ocorrer
pontualmente uma escolha de palavras menos
correta. Revela bom domnio gramatical, com
alguns lapsos, raros e no sistemticos. A
ortografia razoavelmente correta, com erros
apenas em vocbulos menos correntes, em que
se pode notar a influncia da lngua materna. A
pontuao adequada.

N4 8

Escreve um texto simples onde revela domnio 6

lingustico suficiente para articular as ideias de
forma compreensvel e com pouca ambiguidade.
O vocabulrio relativamente pobre, mas
consegue suprir limitaes com recurso a
N3 circunlocues e outros mecanismos de
substituio. O controlo gramatical suficiente
para permitir a compreenso do que pretende
A ortografia aceitvel e a pontuao

N2 4

Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padres 2

frsicos muito elementares. Emprega estruturas
simples, com tendncia a misturar tempos e a
esquecer-se de fazer concordncias. Utiliza
vocabulrio muito elementar.
A pontuao nem sempre adequada.

*A competncia lingustica s ser avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado


EDITORE o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo menos, no nvel 1

AREAL da competncia pragmtica.

A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte.

Tipologia Nmero Cotao
Domnios Competncias
de itens de itens (em pontos)
Lexis Competncia lingustica 5 47 pontos
competncia lexical SELEO
Fashion, clothes,
competncia gramatical Associao /
fashion styles,
trends competncia semntica correspondncia
competncia ortogrfica Completamento
Grammar Competncia pragmtica Resposta restrita
competncia funcional
Verb tenses
(miscellaneous) Competncia sociolingustica
Competncia lingustica 2 28 pontos
competncia lexical SELEO
competncia gramatical Resposta curta /
competncia semntica restrita
competncia ortogrfica Completamento
Competncia pragmtica Associao
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /
Competncia sociolingustica

Competncia lingustica 1 25 pontos

competncia lexical SELEO
competncia gramatical Resposta restrita
competncia semntica ou extensa
competncia ortogrfica
Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /

Critrios Gerais de Classificao

Todos os itens apresentam critrios especficos de classificao organizados por nveis de desempenho. A cada um
desses nveis atribuda uma nica pontuao. Para a generalidade dos itens, so considerados de um a cinco
nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada
num dos outros nveis apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado.
Para a atividade C, so considerados de um a cinco nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1), em cada parmetro
competncia pragmtica e competncia lingustica.
Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada num dos outros nveis
apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado. Esto previstos nveis de desempenho intercalares no
classificada com zero pontos qualquer resposta que no atinja o nvel 1 de desempenho.
Nos itens de seleo, qualquer resposta indicada de forma equvoca, por exemplo, fornecendo mais elementos do
que o(s) pedido(s), classificada com zero pontos.
Nos itens de construo, atribuda a classificao de zero pontos a respostas que no correspondam ao solicitado,
independentemente da qualidade do texto produzido.

Alguns dos itens de escolha mltipla, de associao / correspondncia e de resposta curta podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de
completamento. Alguns dos itens de resposta curta e de resposta restrita podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de transformao.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Date: ____/____/____ Mark: ___________________ Teacher: _______________________

The final task you are expected to complete is

to write a text for a forum about fashion and fashion styles
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.

10 1 Look at the following pictures. Complete the table with names of clothes, footwear and
accessories. Choose six for each column.

Men / Boys Women / Girls

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

10 2 Describe in as much detail as possible what Brian and Helen are wearing.
Brian Helen

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
3 Circle the odd one out.
a) shirt, T-shirt, cardigan, sweater, boots
b) scarf, wool hat, overcoat, wrist warmers, gloves
c) belt, skinny jeans, leggings, trousers, knickers
d) boots, trainers, hoody, shoes, sandals
e) dress, skirt, socks, polo neck, jacket
f) nail polish, lipstick, eye shadow, perfume, hairpin
g) earrings, buttons, bracelet, ring, necklace
h) striped, checked, trendy, flowery, spotted

4 Use some words from the exercise above in this
description of the clown.
Danny the Clown is wearing two different coloured
a)________________ and a pair of b)__________________
trousers. His c)__________________ are red. He is also wearing a
white d)__________________ and a e)__________________ bow
tie. His jacket has two yellow f)__________________. He has a
g)______________________ on his head. He looks rather funny!

5 Here are some mistakes with the verb tenses. Correct the sentences.
There is one correct sentence.
a) Now she wearing skinny jeans.
b) I dont buy a T-shirt yesterday.
c) At the moment they are buying some clothes in the shopping centre.
d) What you doing? I eating an orange.
e) The girl have been a model for 2 years.
f) Young people usually wears jeans.
g) Have you ever be to a fashion show?
h) She dont like wearing dresses.
i) I have just buy that wonderful skirt I wanted.
j) Claire always change clothes. Now she is wear a pink polo neck.

Read the following text.

SNEAKERS* The worlds

favourite footwear
Sneakers go back a long way. In the late 18th century, people wore rubber-soled
shoes called plimsolls, but they were pretty crude for one thing, there was no right
foot or left foot. Around 1892, the US Rubber Company came up with more
comfortable rubber sneakers with canvas tops, called Keds. By 1917, these sneakers
5 began to be mass produced. They got the nickname sneakers because they were so
quiet, a person wearing them could approach someone silently (sneak up on them!).
That same year, Marquis Converse produced the first shoe made just for
basketball, called Converse All-Stars. In 1923, an Indiana hoops star named Chuck
Taylor endorsed the shoes, and they became known as Chuck Taylor All-Stars. These
10 are the best-selling basketball shoes of all time.
Sneakers went international in 1924. Thats when a German man named Adi Dassler created a sneaker that he
named after himself: Adidas. This brand became the most popular athletic shoe in the world. Adis brother Rudi started
up another famous sports shoe company in the same town. He called his brand Puma.
During the first half of the 20th century, sports shoes were worn mostly to play sports. But in the 1950s, kids began
15 wearing them as fashion statements.
Sales of sneakers really took off in 1984, when Michael Jordan signed a contract to wear a Nike shoe called Air
Jordan the most famous sneaker ever made. As companies like Nike, Reebok and Adidas competed, they changed
the way sneakers looked, adding wild colours and doing away with laces. Sneakers began to be produced for every
sport, including walking, skateboarding and cross training.

*sneakers American English

trainers British English

http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0932723.html (abridged and adapted)

1 Youve just read an article about the history of sneakers. Write questions for the answers.
a) _________________________________________________________________________
In the late 18th century.
b) _________________________________________________________________________
Rubber sneakers with canvas tops.
c) _________________________________________________________________________
By 1917.
d) _________________________________________________________________________
Because they were so quiet.
e) _________________________________________________________________________
Adi Dassler.
f) _________________________________________________________________________
Yes, they changed the way sneakers looked.


2 What do these words refer to?

a) they (l. 2)__________________ d) this (l. 13)__________________
b) them (l. 7)_________________ e) them (l. 17)_________________
c) he (l. 13)___________________ f) they (l. 20)__________________

Trendy teens is an online forum for teenagers to debate different topics. Join this forum and
share your opinion about todays topic: the way teens get dressed, their fashion styles and trends.
Dont forget to mention your tastes concerning footwear, clothes, accessories, brands, colours
and patterns.
Write a text about 80 words.


1 Seleciona 12 a 10 itens corretamente. 10 1 Formula corretamente 6 a 5 questes de 16
Exemplos: acordo com informao do texto e com
N3 Women/Girls Dress; Shoes; Cardigan; Boots; correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
Handbag; Jacket; Leather jacket; Top. incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
Men/Boys Cap; Gloves; Belt; Beanie; Trainers; compreenso, usando palavras suas.
Denim Jacket; Scarf. Chave: a) When did people begin wearing

N2 7 N3 / wear rubber soled shoes /plimsolls? b)
What did Rubber Company come out? c)
When did sneakers begin to be mass
N1 Seleciona 4 a 5 itens corretamente. 4 produced? d) Why did these shoes get the
nickname sneakers? e) Who created a
2 Descreve cada um dos jovens de acordo com o 10 sneaker called Adidas? f) Did companies
que pedido. Podem ocorrer algumas like Nike, Reebok and Adidas change the
incorrees lingusticas no impeditivas da way sneakers looked?
Exemplo de resposta: Brian is wearing blue Formula corretamente 4 a 3 questes de 10
N2 jeans, a T-shirt with white and blue stripes, a acordo com informao do texto e com
black jacket and white trainers. Hes rather correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
casual. incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
Helen is wearing black skinny trousers, a loose compreenso, usando palavras suas. Erra
white top, a fitted blazer, high heel boots and a ou omite as restantes.
black hat.
Shes rather chic and trendy. Formula corretamente 2 questes de 4
acordo com informao do texto e com
Descreve de forma incompleta cada um dos 5 correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
N1 jovens. Podem ocorrer algumas incorrees N1
incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
lingusticas no impeditivas da compreenso. compreenso, usando palavras suas. Erra
ou omite as outras questes.
3 Identifica corretamente 8 ou 7 palavras 8
estranhas. Identifica corretamente 6 referentes. Pode 12
N3 Chave: a) Boots; b) Overcoat; c) Belt; escrever com incorrees de grafia no
d) Hoody; e) Socks; f) Hairpin; impeditivas da compreenso.
g) Buttons; h) Trendy. N3 Chave: a) plimsolls; b) sneakers; c) Adi
N2 5 Assler; d) Adidas; e) sports shoes;
f) Companies like Nike, Reebok and
N1 Identifica corretamente 3 palavras. 2
N2 8
4 Completa o texto com 7 ou 6 palavras corretas. 7
Pode faz-lo com incorrees de grafia no
N3 impeditivas da compreenso. Identifica corretamente 2 referentes. Pode 4
Chave: 1. Jacket; 2. Checked; 3. Shoes; 4. Shirt N1 escrever com incorrees de grafia no
5. Striped; 6. Buttons; 7. Wool Hat. impeditivas da compreenso.

N2 5

Completa o texto com 3 palavras corretas. Pode 3

N1 faz-lo com incorrees de grafia no impeditivas
da compreenso

5 Identifica 12 a 10 tempos verbais errados e 12

corrige com correo gramatical. Pode escrever
com incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
N3 comunicao.
Chave: a) is wearing; b) didnt buy;
c) Correct; d) are you doing? / am eating; e) has
been; f) wear; g) have you ever been; h) doesnt
like; i) have just bought; j) changes / is wearing.

N2 9

Identifica 6 a 5 tempos verbais errados e corrige 6

com correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da



Competncia Pragmtica

Escreve um texto de opinio, respeitando o 15

tema dado, fornecendo pormenores e
destacando aspetos relevantes. O discurso
claro e coerente, ainda que com recurso a um
nmero limitado de mecanismos de coeso.
Respeita os limites de palavras indicados.

N4 12

Escreve um texto de opinio simples, incluindo 9

alguns pormenores relevantes. O discurso
globalmente claro e coeso, ainda que possam
registar-se incoerncias. A articulao das
ideias geralmente linear. Pode no respeitar
os limites de palavras indicados.

N2 6

Escreve um texto simples, abordando o tema 3

de forma genrica e recorrendo a repeties
e pormenores pouco relevantes. Utiliza frases
elementares, mas estrutura deficientemente o
texto. Pode no respeitar os limites de
palavras indicados.

Competncia Lingustica*

Escreve um texto de opinio corretamente 10

estruturado. Utiliza de forma geralmente
adequada vocabulrio variado, embora possa
ocorrer pontualmente uma escolha de palavras
menos correta. Revela bom domnio gramatical,
com alguns lapsos, raros e no sistemticos. A
ortografia razoavelmente correta, com erros
apenas em vocbulos menos correntes, em que
se pode notar a influncia da lngua materna. A
pontuao adequada.

N4 8

Escreve um texto de opinio simples onde 6

revela domnio lingustico suficiente para
articular as ideias de forma compreensvel e
com pouca ambiguidade. O vocabulrio
relativamente pobre, mas consegue suprir
N3 limitaes com recurso a circunlocues e
outros mecanismos de substituio. O controlo
gramatical suficiente para permitir a
compreenso do que pretende comunicar. A
ortografia aceitvel e a pontuao

N2 4

Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padres 2

frsicos muito elementares. Emprega
estruturas simples, com tendncia a misturar
tempos e a esquecer-se de fazer
N1 concordncias. Utiliza vocabulrio muito
elementar. A pontuao nem sempre

*A competncia lingustica s ser avaliada se o aluno tiver

tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo menos, no
nvel 1 da competncia pragmtica.


A estrutura do teste sintetiza-se no quadro seguinte.

Tipologia Nmero de Cotao
Domnios Competncias
de itens itens (em pontos)
Lexis Competncia lingustica 5 46 pontos
competncia lexical SELEO

competncia gramatical Associao /
media, TV
competncia semntica correspondncia
Grammar competncia ortogrfica Completamento
Competncia pragmtica
If clauses (type competncia funcional
0 and 1)
Competncia sociolingustica
Relative clauses
Competncia lingustica 2 29 pontos
competncia lexical
competncia gramatical
competncia semntica
competncia ortogrfica
R / W / NS
Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /
Competncia sociolingustica

Competncia lingustica 1 25 pontos

competncia lexical CONSTRUO
competncia gramatical Resposta restrita
competncia semntica ou extensa
competncia ortogrfica
Competncia pragmtica
competncia discursiva
competncia funcional /

Critrios Gerais de Classificao

Todos os itens apresentam critrios especficos de classificao organizados por nveis de desempenho. A cada um
desses nveis atribuda uma nica pontuao. Para a generalidade dos itens, so considerados de um a cinco
nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada
num dos outros nveis apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado.
Para a atividade C, so considerados de um a cinco nveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1), em cada parmetro
competncia pragmtica e competncia lingustica.
Qualquer resposta que no corresponda ao nvel mais elevado descrito integrada num dos outros nveis
apresentados, de acordo com o desempenho observado. Esto previstos nveis de desempenho intercalares no
classificada com zero pontos qualquer resposta que no atinja o nvel 1 de desempenho.
Nos itens de seleo, qualquer resposta indicada de forma equvoca, por exemplo, fornecendo mais elementos do
que o(s) pedido(s), classificada com zero pontos.
Nos itens de construo, atribuda a classificao de zero pontos a respostas que no correspondam ao solicitado,
independentemente da qualidade do texto produzido.

S Alguns dos itens de escolha mltipla, de associao / correspondncia e de resposta curta podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de
completamento. Alguns dos itens de resposta curta e de resposta restrita podem apresentar-se sob a forma de tarefas de transformao.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Date: ____/____/____ Mark: ___________________ Teacher: _______________________

The final task you are expected to complete is

to write a short text about your TV viewing habits.
Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.

1 Group the following words under each heading. Some may belong to more than one group.

Keyboard editor laptop sites journalist screen

remote control headlines tabloid blog magazine
soap opera social networks cartoons mouse
presenter microphone news article password
music competition sitcom news

Press Internet Television

2 Complete the diagram about the advantages and disadvantages of TV.



3 Complete the sentences.
a) TV sometimes annoys me if ________________________________________________
b) If I watch too much TV, I ___________________________________________________
c) TV can be good if _________________________________________________________

4 Fill in the gaps with words or expressions from the box.
favourite main character switch friends
sports programmes fond of news
watch enjoy every day investigations

Apart from BBC NEWS, My (e)_______________ TV

I hate all the programme is "How I met your
(a)______________ and I hate Mother". I like it because it is funny
(b)______________, with and I (f)__________ myself a lot. I
football being the one I hate watch it (g)________________.
the most. I (c)______________ The series follows the
medical series a lot, like (h)_______________ Ted Mosby,
"Greys Anatomy" and "Medical and his group of (i)_____________
Emergency", but sometimes I in Manhattan. I am also
just have to stop and (j)________________ "Criminal
(d)_________________ the TV Minds" and "CSI:NY".
off because its so boring! The show follows the
(k)_________________ of a team
Ted, 14 of NYPD forensic scientists and
police officers identified as Crime
Scene Investigators.
Mia, 13

10 5 Join the two sentences. Use who, which, whose.

a) We saw a film on TV. It was really interesting.
b) A director is a person. He directs films.
c) An editor is a person. His job is the edition of a newspaper.
d) Cartoons are a type of TV programme. They amuse most children.
e) "Glee" is a music show. Its main characters sing very well.


Read the following text.

MTNY and B & H

launch search for teen reporter
Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in New York is hosting an open casting call in
search of a new entertainment reporter for the award-winning TV news show Teen Kids
News. Kids aged 13 to 19 are invited to an audition on Sunday, February 12 from
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the attraction in the newly installed B&H television studio in the
heart of Times Square.
Seated at a news desk among wax figures of famous journalists such as Anderson
Cooper, Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters, each applicant will be given the chance to
10 read on-camera a pre-written 15-second story for a panel of judges. The producers
of Teen Kids News and Madame Tussauds will choose the teen who has the right stuff to
become the shows next entertainment reporter.
15 All teens auditioning are encouraged to register in advance on Madame Tussauds
websit: http://bit.ly/MTNYRegister and if younger than 18, teens must be accompanied by
a parent or guardian. The selected teen reporter will be given the opportunity to work with
a professional news crew and cover a story for a future program. The great thing about
hosting auditions at Madame Tussauds B&H studio, said Alan J. Weiss, co-executive
producer of Teen/Kids News, is that well be able to give the kids a true sense of what it's
like to be on the show.
The B&H TV Studio at Madame Tussauds New York is an authentic, working TV studio.
Guests have the opportunity to sit behind a news desk and read a selection of stories (or
create their own) from a teleprompter and receive a link to download their recorded video so
25 that it can be uploaded to YouTube and/or Facebook and shared with friends and family.
It will give some kids the opportunity to showcase their talent, said Manny Steigman, B&H Director of Marketing.
http://www.teenkidsnews.com/index.php/about/awards-and-testimonials/2-uncategorised/246-tv-reporter-audition (adapted and abridged)

15 1 Read paragraphs one and two and complete the following sentences.
a) An open audition will take place on ___________________________________________
b) The casting is in __________________________________________________________
c) You can go to this audition if you are between __________________________________
d) Each applicant will have ____________________________________________________
e) This pre-written story lasts __________________________________________________


2 Read paragraphs four and five. Are the sentences below 'Right', 'Wrong' or 'Not stated'?
a) Teens have to register before the audition takes place.
1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Not stated
b) All teens must be accompanied by a parent.

1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Not stated
c) The selected teen will have the chance to interview famous people.
1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Not stated
d) They will find out what a true show is like.
1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Not stated
e) Guests can only read selected stories.
1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Not stated
f) The teens receive the stories some days before recording them.
1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Not stated

You have to present a written assignment in your English class about your TV viewing habits.
Write a text between 50-80 words.
How many hours a day you watch TV;
Which programmes you like;
What makes you choose a programme;
If you watch TV alone or with your family;
Three advantages and three disadvantages of TV.



1 Insere 22 a 18 palavras corretamente. 12 1 Completa corretamente as 5 frases de 15
Chave: Press: editor; journalist; headlines; acordo com informao do texto e com
tabloid; magazine; news article. correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
N3 Internet: keyboard; laptop; sites; screen; blog; incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
social networks; mouse; microphone; password. compreenso, usando palavras suas.
TV: screen; remote control; soap opera; N3 Chave: a)12 February; b) Madame
cartoons; presenter; microphone; music Tussauds New York/in the newly installed
competition; sitcom; news. B&H TV studio in the heart of Times
Square; c)13-19 years old; d) to read on-
N2 Insere 17 a 11 palavras corretamente. 8 camera a pre-written story;
e) 15 seconds.
N1 Insere 10 a 7 palavras corretamente. 4
N2 9
2 Completa o diagrama com 4 pros e 4 cons. 8
Podem ocorrer algumas incorrees de grafia Completa corretamente apenas 1 frase de 3
no impeditivas da compreenso. acordo com informao do texto e com
Exemplo de resposta: Pros: keeps us informed; correo gramatical. Pode escrever com
N3 source of recreation; broadens our horizons; events N1
incorrees de grafia no impeditivas da
are more vivid. compreenso, usando palavras suas. Erra
Cons: shows violence; students neglect school ou omite as outras questes.
activities; prevents us from communication;
viewers become passive. 2 Seleciona corretamente as 6 opes. 14
N3 Chave: a) Right; b) Wrong; c) Not stated; d)
N2 5 Right; e) Wrong; f) Not stated.

Completa o diagrama com 1 pros e 1 cons. 2 N2 9

N1 Podem ocorrer algumas incorrees de grafia
no impeditivas da compreenso. N3 Seleciona corretamente as 6 opes. 4

3 Completa as 3 frases adequadamente e com 6

correo gramatical.
N3 Exemplos: a) it shows too many adverts. b) wont
have time to do my homework. c) it has a variety
of programmes.

N2 4

Completa 1 frase adequadamente e com 2

correo gramatical.

4 Completa o texto com 11 ou 10 palavras 10

corretas. Pode faz-lo com incorrees de grafia
no impeditivas da compreenso.
N3 Chave: Ted: a) news; b) sports programmes; c)
watch; d) switch;
Mia: e) favourite; f) enjoy; g) every day; h) main
character; i) friends;
j) fond of; k) investigations.

N2 7

Completa o texto com 4 palavras corretas. Pode 4

N1 faz-lo com incorrees de grafia no impeditivas
da compreenso.

5 Liga corretamente as 5 frases inserindo o 10

pronome relativo adequado.
Chave: a) We saw a film on TV which was really
interesting. b) A director is a person who directs
N3 films. c) An editor is a person whose job is the
edition of a newspaper. d) Cartoons are a type of
TV programme which amuses the children. e)
"Glee" is a music show whose main characters
sing very well.

N2 6

Liga corretamente apenas 1 frase inserindo o 2

pronome relativo adequado.

Competncia Pragmtica

Escreve um texto, respeitando o tema dado, 15

fornecendo pormenores e destacando aspetos
relevantes. O discurso claro e coerente, ainda
que com recurso a um nmero limitado de
mecanismos de coeso. Respeita os limites de

palavras indicados.

N4 12

Escreve um texto simples, incluindo alguns 9

pormenores relevantes. O discurso globalmente
claro e coeso, ainda que possam registar-se
incoerncias. A articulao das ideias
geralmente linear. Pode no respeitar os limites de
palavras indicados.

N2 6

Escreve um texto simples, abordando o tema de 3

forma genrica e recorrendo a repeties e
pormenores pouco relevantes. Utiliza frases
elementares, mas estrutura deficientemente o
texto. Pode no respeitar os limites de palavras

Competncia Lingustica*

Escreve um texto corretamente estruturado. Utiliza 10

de forma geralmente adequado vocabulrio
variado, embora possa ocorrer pontualmente uma
escolha de palavras menos correta. Revela bom
N5 domnio gramatical, com alguns lapsos, raros e no
sistemticos. A ortografia razoavelmente correta,
com erros apenas em vocbulos menos correntes,
em que se pode notar a influncia da lngua
materna. A pontuao adequada.

N4 8

Escreve um texto simples onde revela domnio 6

lingustico suficiente para articular as ideias de
forma compreensvel e com pouca ambiguidade.
O vocabulrio relativamente pobre, mas
consegue suprir limitaes com recurso a
circunlocues e outros mecanismos de
substituio. O controlo gramatical suficiente
para permitir a compreenso do que pretende
comunicar. A ortografia aceitvel e a pontuao

N2 4

Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padres

frsicos muito elementares. Emprega estruturas
simples, com tendncia a misturar tempos e a
esquecer-se de fazer concordncias. Utiliza
vocabulrio muito elementar. A pontuao nem
sempre adequada.

*A competncia lingustica s ser avaliada se o aluno tiver

S tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo menos, no
nvel 1 da competncia pragmtica.

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