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Chair: Arif Susanto and

Topographic Map Analysis to Determine Arjuno-Welirang Volcano Stratigraphy and Implication for Geothermal Exploration (Apriani L., Mulyana R. S., Chalik C. A., and Nugroho I. A.)
Geothermal Heat Loss Calculation: An Android Mobile Application in Geothermal Exploration (Haryanto A., Hutami R. T., Ramadhan Q. S. and Maulana D. T.)
Permeability Zone Analysis Based on Electrical Borehole Image Log, A Case Study of Vertical Fault at a Transtensional Structure Pattern Geothermal Field Muara Laboh, West Sumatera
(Agustin F., Sapiie B., Abdullah C. I., Dyaksa D. A. and Agustinus M.)
The Occurrences of Hot Spring Manifestations in Pohon Batu Area, West Ceram (Hakim A. R., Draniswari W. A. and Setiawan D. I.)


Chair: Anggie Rengganis

Remote Sensing Study to Determine Geothermal Working Area Using Optic and Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Products in Merangin, Jambi, Indonesia
(Nugroho I. A., Kurniawahidayati B. and Mulyana R. S.)
Reassessment of Geothermal System on the Southern Slope of the Buyan-Bratan Caldera, Bali, Indonesia
(Taguchi S., Okamura K., Arita E., Itoi R., Harijoko A., Warmada I W. and Watanabe K.)
Determining Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI) Threshold Value to Identify Surface Manifestations, Case Study; Cimanggu Area, West Java (Satriana J., Apriani L. and Hafidz
Preliminary Study of Songa-Wayaua Geothermal Prospect Area Using Volcanostratigraphy and Remote Sensing Analysis (Asokawaty R., Nugroho I., Satriana J. and Hafidz M.)


Chair: Fikri Adam Dermawan and

Elevated Mercury Content from Geothermal Sources in Wae Sano Area, Manggarai Barat Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesia (Widiatmoko F. R., Hadi M. N., Kusnadi D. and
Chang Y.)
A Mineral Analysis Workflow for Drill Cuttings at the Wellsite: Applications to Geothermal Resource Exploration, Appraisal and Development (Hamilton P. J., Hillier S. and Harris C.)
Fluid-Rock Geochemical Interaction for Modelling Calibration in Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia (Deon F., Barnhoorn A., Lievens C., Ryannugroho R. and Imaro T.)


Chair: Fiorenza Deon

Invited Speaker: Geothermal Well Targetting Approaches in the Exploration Stage (Herwin Azis from Supreme Energy)
Review of Subduction and Its Association with Geothermal System in Sumatera-Java (Ladiba A. F., Putriyana L., Sibarani B. and Soekarno H.)
Preliminary Study of Non-Volcanic Geothermal Potential as Transition from Petroleum to Geothermal Exploration at Cipari Area, Central Java (Nahli K., Orizavica V. and Radityo D.)

09:00 SESSION BAGUS SATREPS Collaboration
Chair: Syafrizal

Research Progress of the BAGUS Project by Kyoto University Team (Koike K.)
Research Progress of the BAGUS Project by ITB Team (Notosiswoyo S. and Nurheryawan M.)
Characterization of Fracture System in the Wayang Windu Area Using Radon-Gas Concentration and Remote Sensing Analyses (Kubo T.)
Special Correlation Between Soil Magnetic Susceptibility in Horizontal and Vertical Direction to the Surface Geological Condition at Wayang Windu Area, West Java (Heriawan M. N.,
Sumaryono B., Septafiandra B. and Bijaksana S.)


Chair: Nursanty Elisabeth Banjarnahor

The Geothermal Direct Use Utilization to Develop Sustainable Shore Economy in Parangtritis (Prasetyo R. M. and Rekinagara I. H.)
Smart Geo-Energy Village Development by Using Cascade Direct Use of Geothermal Energy in Bonjol, West Sumatera (Prasetya N., Lubis D. E. U, Raharjo
D., Saptadji N. M. and Pratama H. B.)
Study of Geothermal Utilization for Thermophilic Operation in Biogas Production in Pangalengan, Indonesia (Syarifudin, Kurnia N. M. I. and Ahmad M. N.)
Study of Geothermal Utilization for Curing Process in Lightweight Concrete Production in Pangalengan, Indonesia (Kurnia N. M. I., Syarifudin and Ahmad M. N.)


Chair: Bonar Marbun

Invited Speaker: Commercial Issue and Field Management of Ijen Geothermal Field (Wisnu Subroto from Medco Energy)
Slim Hole Drilling and Testing Strategies (Nielson D. L., Garg S. K. and Goranson C.)
Innovative Casing Drilling Technology Improved the Ability to Set the Casing Deeper Through the Problematic Zone in Indonesia Geothermal Operation (Setiawan B., Noviasta B. and
Falhum H. M.)


Chair: Dimas Taha Maulana

Drilling Fluid Density Modelling for Predicting Equivalent Static Density in Geothermal Well (Wakhyudin A., Setiawan D. and Marjuan O. D.)
The First Point The Bit Rotary Steerable System Application Worldwide in a Geothermal Field in Indonesia (Kurnia A. Z., Bao J. F., Noviasta B., Ardianto D. T., Mardiana M. R. Y.,
Scagliarini S., Acuna M. C. and Napitupulu G.)
Invited Speaker: Geothermal Deep Slim Hole Drilling (Bayu Cahyo Nugroho from Integra Oilfield Services)
Optimized Practices Avoided Stuck Pipe Associated with Drilling Paleosol (Widianto D. R., Sofian J., Kelley B. and Hanson J.)

Chair: Zuher Syihab and Famela Nurlaela

Application of Experimental Design in Geothermal Resources Assessment of Ciwidey-Patuha, West Java, Indonesia (Ashat A. and Pratama H. B.)
Coupling Flow-Geomechanical Model for Stimulation of Fractured Geothermal Fields (Pizzocolo, F. and Fokker, P.A.)
Invited Speaker: Reservoir Modelling: Use and Limitation (John O'Sullivan from University of Auckland)


Chair: Sutopo

Invited Speaker: Reservoir Simulation to Optimize Development of Chevron's Geothermal Fields (Riza Pasikki from Chevron Geothermal Indonesia)
Probabilistic Approach of Resource Assessment in Kerinci Geothermal Field Using Numerical Simulation Coupling with Monte Carlo Simulation (Hidayat I., Sutopo and Pratama H. B.)
A New Geothermal Modelling Workflow Using Leapfrog and TOUGH2 (OSullivan J., Archer R., OSullivan M., Krom T. and Williams B.)


Chair: Nenny Miryani Saptadji and Rangga Aji Nugraha

Study of Sustainable Production in Two-Phase Liquid Dominated With Steam Cap Underlying Brine Reservoir by Numerical Simulation (Pratama H. B. and Saptadji N. M.)
Reassessment of ITB Research Contribution to Power Plant Performance Improvement (Hendrarsakti J., Nugroho Y. B. A, Banjarnahor N. E., Alfandi A. and Abdurrachman G.)
Invited Speaker: The Future of Geothermal Energy Utilization and Technology of Low and Medium Enthalpy (Taufan Surana from BPPT)


Chair: Heru Berian Pratama

Probabilistic Approach: Backpressure Turbine for Geothermal Vapor-Dominated System (Ahmad A. A., Guwowijoyo F. X. and Pratama H. B.)
An Evaluation of ORC Bottoming Units for Single Flash Geothermal Power Plants (Kaypakoglu B. and Barbon U.)
Geothermal Well Productivity Characterization Using PTS Flowing Survey: A Case Study of Vapour Dominated Geothermal Field in West Java, Indonesia (Kurniawan I., Ahmad M. N. and
Nizami M.)
Collaborative Project Management Changes the Delivery of Geothermal Wells (Kelley M., Jenkins T., Villarreal J., Slocum S. and Thomas C.)
Make-Up Wells Drilling Cost in Calculation in Financial Model for a Geothermal Project (Purwaningsi F. O., Husnie R., Afuar W. and Abdurrahman G.)

Chair: Ferry Rahman Aries

Invited Speaker: Recent Technologies and Application of Geophysics in Geothermal (Yunus Daud from Universitas Indonesia)
Mode and Orientation Comparation of Magnetutelluric Data Inversion for Structures Identification Volcanic Area: A Study Case-Mt. Tangkuban Parahu (Muhammad N. R., Gazali I.,
Syaifuddin F. and Triyono S.)
Subsurface Seismic and Anisotropy Structure Revealed By Using Delay Time and Shear Wave Splitting Tomography in KHP Geothermal Field (Palgunadi K. H., Nugraha A. D., Sule M. R.,
Ryannugroho R., Jousset P., Erbas K. and Kusnadi Y.)


Chair: Alessandro Putera

Application of MT and CSAMT for Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia (Grandis H. and Sumintadireja P.)
Enhancement of Subsurface Geologic Structure Model Based On Gravity, Magnetotelluric, and Well Data in Kamojang Geothermal Field (Kamah M. Y., Armando A., Rahmani D. L. and
Paramitha S.)
Invited Speaker: Micro-earthquake Observation Using Dense Seismometer Network around Geothermal Field in Southern Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Current Status: Geo-
tomographic Inversion to Delineate 3D Seismic Velocity (Andri Dian Nugraha from Institut Teknologi Bandung)


Chair: Prihadi Sumintadireja

A New Idea: The Possibilities of Offshore Geothermal System in Indonesia Marine Volcanoes (Prabowo T. R., Fauziyyah F., Suryantini and Bronto S.)
Conceptual Model of EM-AFS Geothermal Field Based On Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Data (Muharoroh E. and Setiawan A. F.)
Study of Rock Microstructure Based On SEM-EDX and XRD Characterization to Evaluate Arjuno-Welirang Geothermal Potential (Annisa H. N., Mahsa A., Veronica S., Malihati N. and
Hartono K. R.)
Determining Volcanic Material Distribution, Geological Structure and Surface Manifestation Using Optical and Sar Remote Sensing in Papandayan Geothermal Field (Kurniawahidayati B.,
Nugroho I. A. and Mulyana R. S.)

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