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RESPONSABLE: Arq. Lourdes La Moth, Tel.: 6673-7196

UBICACIN: Urb. La Valdeza, Lote C2, Corregimiento Guadalupe,

Distrito La Chorrera, Provincia Panam Oeste.

PRESENTADO POR: Oscar Samaniego, Ingeniero Civil.

IDONEIDAD: 2015-006-017


Esta memoria tcnica tiene como alcance el clculo estructural de una

edificacin de un nivel, el cual tendr un uso de Plaza Comercial para locales y un


Los clculos estructurales se realizan de acuerdo con los parmetros

exigidos por el Reglamento para el Diseo Estructural en la Repblica de Panam


ndice de figuras . iii

ndice de tablas . iv
1-. Introduccin . 5
2-. Localizacin . 5
3-. Descripcin del Tipo de Estructura .. 6
4-. Propiedades de los Materiales .. 6
4.1 Hormign . 6
4.2 Acero de refuerzo . 6
4.3 Acero Estructural . 7
5-. Estudio de Suelo . 7
6-. Anlisis Estructural . 7
6.1 Criterio utilizados para el anlisis .. 7
6.2 Anlisis elstico . 7
6.3 Sistema de cargas de gravedad para el anlisis .. 9
6.4 Evaluacin Ssmica . 9
6.5 Combinaciones de carga . 13
6.6 Resultados del anlisis estructural . 13
6.6.1 ndice de ladeo permitido . 19
7-. Plancha Base .... 83
8-. Sistema de fundaciones 112
9-. Viga Ssmica 117
10-. Losas 123
10.1 Losa metaldeck 123
10.2 Losa solida sobre piso 125
11-. Escalera ......................... 125
11.1 Detalle del clculo 126
12-. Techo .. 127
11.1 Colocacin de arriostres 127
13-. Bibliografa .. 130

Figura 6.1 / 6.2 Modelo estructural utilizado Nave A / Nave B. 8

Figura 6.3 Espectro de respuesta . 10
Figura 6.4 / 6.5 Envigado de entrepiso o losa Nave A / Nave B .. 14
Figura 6.6 / 6.7 Envigado de techo Nave A / Nave B .... 15
Figura 6.8 / 6.9 Vista 3D de la Estructura - Nave A / Nave B... 16
Figura 6.10 Diagrama de fuerzas axiales de la Est. Nave A ...... 17
Figura 6.11 Diagrama de fuerzas cortantes de la Est. Nave A ...... 17
Figura 6.12 Diagrama de momentos flectores de la Est. Nave A ...... 17
Figura 6.13 Diagrama de fuerzas axiales de la Est. Nave B ...... 18
Figura 6.14 Diagrama de fuerzas cortantes de la Est. Nave B ...... 18
Figura 6.15 Diagrama de momentos flectores de la Est. Nave B ...... 18
Figura 6.16 / 6.17 Numeracin de nodos en la base Nave A / Nave B . 20
Figura 8.1 Detalle tpico de fundacin .... 113
Figura 8.2 Planta de fundacin Nave A . 113
Figura 8.3 Planta de fundacin Nave B . 114
Figura 8.4 Esfuerzo mximo sobre el suelo Nave A .. 114
Figura 8.5 Esfuerzo mximo sobre el suelo Nave B ..... 115
Figura 8.6 Verificacin de punzonado Nave A ..... 115
Figura 8.7 Verificacin de punzonado Nave B ..... 116
Figura 8.8 rea de acero de ref. en zapatas por banda Nave A ... 116
Figura 8.9 rea de acero de ref. en zapatas por banda Nave B ... 117
Figura 9.1 / 9.2 Diag. de fuerzas axiales en V.S. - Nave A / Nave B.. 118
Figura 9.3 / 9.4 Diag. de fuerzas cortantes en V.S. - Nave A / Nave B. 119
Figura 9.5 / 9.6 Diag. de momento flector en V.S. - Nave A / Nave B. 120
Figura 9.7 / 9.8 Diag. de momento torsor en V.S. - Nave A / Nave B. 121
Figura 9.9 / 9.10 rea de acero por envolvente Nave A / Nave B. 122
Figura 10.1 Cargas admisibles en sofito metlico..... 123
Figura 10.2 Inst. de malla electrosoldada sobre dados de concreto.. 124
Figura 10.3 Detalle de instalacin de conectores de corte .. 124
Figura 11.1 Detalle de armado de escalera metlica .. 127
Figura 12.1 Detalle de instalacin de tensores de techo .. 128
Figura 12.2 Detalle de sist. de arriost. de las carriolas en techo tpico. 128
Figura 12.3 / 12.4 Detalle de planta techo Nave A / Nave B .. 129


Tabla 6.1 Distribucin de fuerzas ssmicas por nivel - Nave A. 12

Tabla 6.2 Distribucin de fuerzas ssmicas por nivel - Nave B. 12
Tabla 6.3 Combinaciones de cargas para el diseo
estructural de edificaciones segn ASCE 7-10 ... 13
Tabla 6.4 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de sismo en X Nave A.. 19
Tabla 6.5 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de sismo en Y Nave A.. 19
Tabla 6.6 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de sismo en X Nave B.. 19
Tabla 6.7 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de sismo en Y Nave B.. 19
Tabla 6.8 Tabla de reacciones en junta base Nave A...... 21
Tabla 6.9 Tabla de reacciones en junta base Nave B...... 54

Este documento presenta la memoria tcnica del diseo estructural de una

edificacin de un solo nivel, estar divida en dos naves por medio de una junta
de construccin. La primera nave posee un rea de 923,00m2, en la misma
funcionara un local comercial y un rea destinada para depsito. La segunda
nave tiene un rea de 735,00m2, la cual se desglosara en 8 locales
comerciales. Cabe destacar que cada local comercial contara con una sala
Para el diseo estructural se utilizaron las cargas de diseo recomendadas por
el Reglamento para el Diseo Estructural en la Repblica de Panam (REP-
04), detalladas en la seccin 6, Anlisis Estructural de este documento.
La edificacin en cuestin se modelo usando como herramienta de trabajo el
programa ETABS versin V15.2., para el anlisis de fundaciones se modelo
usando como herramienta de trabajo el programa SAFE versin V12, se
implement una resistencia del suelo calculada de 1.80 kg/cm2. Dicho valor fue
extrado del estudio de suelo elaborado en la finca por la empresa ESTUDIO
El sistema estructural a utilizar es marcos en acero estructural, losa de
metaldeck (para el rea destinada como depsito). El sistema de fundaciones
se utilizara zapatas aisladas cuadradas de concreto reforzado. El techo es de
carriolas con cubierta de zinc acanalado esmaltado a dos aguas o pendiente.
Este documento se divide de la siguiente manera: localizacin regional del
proyecto, descripcin del tipo de estructura, propiedades de los materiales,
anlisis estructural, diseo de losas, diseo de zapatas, diseo de escalera,
datos de entrada utilizados en el modelo estructural introducido en el programa
ETABS V15.2 / SAFE V12., datos de salida de diseo del programa ETABS
V15.2 / SAFE V12.


La edificacin se encuentra localizada en la Urb. La Valdeza, Lote C2,

Corregimiento Guadalupe, Distrito La Chorrera, Provincia Panam Oeste.

El sistema estructural de la edificacin en estudio es de columnas y vigas

metlicas. El nivel de techo contara con vigas metlicas y correas tipo carriolas
calibre 16 las cuales darn soporte a la cubierta de zinc acanalado esmaltado
calibre 26. Dicho techo ser a dos aguas. Para el caso del rea destinada para
depsito, el sistema estructural ser de columnas y vigas metlicas y el
sistema de losa de entrepiso ser de tipo metaldeck con concreto vaciado
reforzado con malla electrosoldada. Esta losa tendr acceso a travs de una
escalera metlica planteada en el plano. (Ver plano E2)
El sistema de fundaciones estar conformado por zapatas aisladas y unidas a
travs de vigas ssmicas. Todo el sistema de fundaciones ser de concreto
La estructura diseada es de categora II de acuerdo con la Tabla 1-1
Clasificacin de Edificios y Otras Estructuras para Cargas de Viento y Sismo

4.1 Hormign

A resistencia del concreto del sistema de fundaciones es de fc = 3.500 psi

(250 kg/cm2).
El concreto deber ser dosificado y evaluado de acuerdo al ACI-2111 y ACI-
214. Los ensayos para la evaluacin debern estar conformes con los
requisitos establecidos en las normas ASTM C31, ASTM C39 y ASTM C42,
entre otras.
4.2 Acero de Refuerzo

Se utilizara acero de refuerzo que cumpla con los requerimientos de ASTM

A615. El acero para cortante consistir de estribos #3 G-40, 280 MPa (40.000
psi), mientras que el resto del acero ser G-60, 420 MPa (60.000 psi).
4.3 Acero Estructural.

Los perfiles metlicos sern de alta resistencia ASTM A572 Grado 50,
cumpliendo con las especificaciones ASTM A500 Grado C.


Se utiliz para este proyecto una capacidad portante del suelo de 1.80 Kg/cm2,
dicho valor es el resultado arrojado por el estudio de suelo realizado por la


6.1 Criterios utilizados para el anlisis.

a) Las cargas de gravedad fueron definidas de acuerdo al peso

propio de los elementos existentes (columnas, vigas, correas,
cubiertas, otros.), el uso actual de la estructura y las provisiones
del Reglamento para el Diseo Estructural en la Repblica de
Panam (REP_04).
b) El anlisis de cargas laterales se realiz siguiendo las provisiones
ssmicas y cargas de viento del Reglamento para el Diseo
Estructural en la Repblica de Panam (REP_04).

6.2 Anlisis elstico.

Modelo en 3D:
Se elabor un modelo de la estructura en tres dimensiones (3D), de
acuerdo a la informacin existente en los planos proporcionados para
esta evaluacin.
La edificacin consta de planta baja y techo, solo para el rea de
depsito contara con un nivel de losa de metaldeck.
Este anlisis tiene como objetivo revisar el comportamiento de la
estructura para niveles de resistencia y servicialidad, as definir los
elementos necesarios para dicha edificacin.
En cuanto al criterio de servicialidad, la estructura debe cumplir con
el desplazamiento inelstico permisible (a) de 0.02xhsx debido a la
demanda ssmica, para el grupo II de exposicin ssmica, de acuerdo
al Reglamento para el Diseo Estructural de la Repblica de Panam

Figura 6.1 Modelo Estructural utilizado para el diseo Nave A

Figura 6.2 Modelo Estructural utilizado para el diseo Nave B

6.3 Sistema de cargas de gravedad para el anlisis.

Sistema de Cargas de Gravedad en Cubierta:

Carga Permanente: Kg/m2

Lamina de zinc acanalado esmalt. 4
Otros (ducto mec., lmparas) 5
Total (sin peso propio) 9
Carga Variable Techo con Acceso
para fines de mantenimiento: Kg/m2
Carga por Viento: Kg/m2

El peso propio es calculado directamente por el programa ETABS.

6.4 Evaluacin Ssmica.

El anlisis de carga lateral que se realiz para la revisin estructural
contemplo los siguientes parmetros:
Tipo de Suelo Suelo tipo D

Fa = Factor de sitio basado en aceleracin Fa = 1,178

Fv = Factor de sitio relacionado con la velocidad Fv = 1,776

Av = Aceleracin pico efectiva relativa a la velocidad Av = 0,805

Aa = Aceleracin pico efectiva Aa = 0,312

R = Factor de modificacin de respuesta R = 4,50

Cd = Factor de amplificacin de respuesta

de desplazamiento Cd = 4,00

Ca = Coeficiente ssmico, basado en el tipo de suelo y

el valor Aa Ca = 0,948

Cv = Coeficiente ssmico, basado en el tipo de suelo y

el valor Av Cv = 0,554

Ct = Coeficiente que depende del tipo de marco o

Sistema estructural. Para marcos de
momento ordinario de acero Ct = 0.035

Cu = Coeficiente del lmite superior calculado con

Cv = 0,554 Cu = 1,20

Grupo de exposicin de amenaza ssmica Grupo II

i = Desplazamiento horizontal entre pisos permisible i = 0.025hn

hn = Altura de la edificacin total Nave A hn = 8,90m

Nave B hn = 9,45m



Periodo de Transicin:
2.5*Ca / R = 1.2*Cv / R*T2/3
T = (1.2*Cv / 2.5*Ca)2/3
T = 0.422 seg

Figura 6.3 Espectro de Respuesta


Periodo de Resistencia Periodos Calculados del Programa
Modulo A ETABS
TR Cu (CT*(3,28*hn ) ) T eje x = 0.349seg
TR 1,20*(0,035*(3.28*8,90 ) ) T eje y = 0.208seg
TR 0,44seg
Cortantes en la Base Eje X: Cortantes en la Base Eje Y:
Dinmico Dinmico
Vx = 1.187,58 kgf Vy = 1.451,32 kgf


Periodo de Resistencia Periodos Calculados del Programa
Modulo B ETABS
TR Cu (CT*(3,28*hn ) ) T eje x = 0.37seg
TR 1,20*(0,035*(3.28*9,45 ) ) T eje y = 0.325seg
TR 0,46seg
Cortantes en la Base Eje X: Cortantes en la Base Eje Y:
Dinmico Dinmico
Vx = 2.638,60 kgf Vy = 3.249,21 kgf

La distribucin de cargas laterales por piso, se efectu en forma automtica

con el programa ETABS 15.2. En este caso existen dos opciones para
1.- Usar la opcin de fuerzas definidas por el usuario, dndole al
modelo el coeficiente Cs de respuesta ssmica y el coeficiente K
(exponente) para la forma de distribucin vertical de la horizontal.
2.- La otra opcin es utilizando la prescripcin BOCA-96, para lo cual
se tendra que asignar al programa Av = Cv, Aa = Ca, con S=1, ya que el tipo
de suelo est incorporado en los coeficientes Av y Aa. La distribucin
manual o automtica de la fuerza lateral por piso est dada por:
Cvx = Factor de distribucin lateral.
V = Fuerza lateral total de diseo o el esfuerzo cortante en la base del
wi y wx = Parte de la carga de gravedad total del edificio (W) ubicada o
asignada al nivel i o x.
Hi y hx = Altura desde la base al nivel i o x.
K = Exponente relacionado con el periodo del edificio, segn lo siguiente:
Para edificios con un periodo de 0.5 segundos o menos, k=1.
Para edificios con un periodo de 2.5 segundos o ms, k=2
Para edificios con un periodo entre 0.5 y 2.5 segundos, k ser igual a
2 o se determinara mediante interpolacin entre 1 y 2.

TABLE: Story Forces Nave A

Story Location
Case/Combo kgf kgf kgf kgf-m kgf-m kgf-m
Story1 Sx Max Bottom 0.00 1,187.58 0.00 9,655.06 0.00 10,186.87
Story1 Sy Max Bottom 0.00 0.00 1,451.32 38,040.41 11,662.02 0.00

Tabla 6.1 Distribucin de Fuerzas por Nivel Nave A

TABLE: Story Forces Nave B

Story Location
Case/Combo kgf kgf kgf kgf-m kgf-m kgf-m
Story1 Sx Max Bottom 0.00 2,638.60 4.18 28,185.48 26.64 16,071.55
Story1 Sy Max Bottom 0.00 4.18 3,249.21 112,331.97 20,263.58 16.44

Tabla 6.2 Distribucin de Fuerzas por Nivel Nave B

6.5 Combinaciones de cargas.
Las combinaciones de cargas se encuentran resumidas en la Tabla 6.2,
segn las recomendaciones de la ASCE 7 10 y el REP_2004, donde:
DEAD es la carga muerta o permanente
SCP es la carga muerta superpuesta
LIVE es la carga viva o variable
Lr es la carga viva o variable en el techo
Wx es la carga debida al viento en sentido X
Wy es la carga debida al viento en sentido Y
Sx es la carga debida al sismo en sentido X
Sy es la carga debida al sismo en sentido Y


COMB1 1.40 1.40
COMB2 1.20 1.20 1.60 0.50
COMB3 1.20 1.20 0.50 1.60
COMB4 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.50 1.00
COMB5 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.50 1.00
COMB6 1.20 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.30
COMB7 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.30 1.00
COMB8 0.90 0.90 1.00
COMB9 0.90 0.90 1.00
COMB10 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.30
COMB11 0.90 0.90 0.30 1.00

Tabla 6.3 Combinaciones de cargas para el Diseo Estructural de Edificaciones segn ASCE 7-

6.6 Resultados del anlisis estructural.

El ndice de ladeo permisible del edificio para las direcciones X y Y, tiene

un valor mximo de 0,02 h; segn las provisiones del Reglamento para el
Diseo Estructural en Panam, REP_2004.
Se presenta a continuacin planta con los elementos que conforman la
estructura evaluada:

Figura 6.4 Envigado del Entrepiso Nave A

Figura 6.5 Envigado del Entrepiso Nave B

Figura 6.6 Envigado del Techo Nave A

Figura 6.7 Envigado del Techo Nave B

Figura 6.8 Vista 3D de los Prticos Nave A

Figura 6.9 Vista 3D de los Prticos Nave B


Figura 6.10 Diagrama de Fuerzas Axiales Nave A

Figura 6.11 Diagrama de Fuerzas de Corte Nave A

Figura 6.12 Diagrama de Momentos Flectores Nave A

Figura 6.13 Diagrama de Fuerzas Axiales Nave B

Figura 6.14 Diagrama de Fuerzas de Corte Nave B

Figura 6.15 Diagrama de Momentos Flectores Nave B

A continuacin, se presentan los resultados de los desplazamientos
elsticos e inelsticos, as como el ladeo y el ndice de ladeo por cada nivel.

Calculo de Drift en la Direccin "X" - Nave A

Desplazamiento Desplazamiento ndice de
Altura Load Ladeo x
Nivel Elstico en el Piso Inelstico en el Ladeo x /
(cm) Case/Combo (cm)
i (cm) Piso i (cm) h
Techo 890 Sx 0.000426 0.00170
0.00170 0.000002
PB 0 Sy 0.000000 0.00000

Tabla 6.4 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de Sismo en la direccin X Nave A

Calculo de Drift en la Direccin "Y" - Nave A

Desplazamiento Desplazamiento ndice de
Altura Load Ladeo x
Nivel Elstico en el Piso Inelstico en el Ladeo x /
(cm) Case/Combo (cm)
i (cm) Piso i (cm) h
Techo 890 Sy 0.000099 0.00040
0.00040 0.0000004
PB 0 Sy 0.000000 0.00000

Tabla 6.5 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de Sismo en la direccin Y Nave A

Calculo de Drift en la Direccin "X" - Nave B

Desplazamiento Desplazamiento ndice de
Altura Load Ladeo x
Nivel Elstico en el Piso Inelstico en el Ladeo x /
(cm) Case/Combo (cm)
i (cm) Piso i (cm) h
Techo 945 Sx 0.000420 0.0017
0.0017 0.0000018
PB 0 Sy 0.000000 0.0000

Tabla 6.6 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de Sismo en la direccin X Nave B

Calculo de Drift en la Direccin "Y" - Nave B

Desplazamiento Desplazamiento ndice de
Altura Load Ladeo x
Nivel Elstico en el Piso Inelstico en el Ladeo x /
(cm) Case/Combo (cm)
i (cm) Piso i (cm) h
Techo 945 Sy 0.000265 0.0011
0.0011 0.0000011
PB 0 Sy 0.000000 0.0000

Tabla 6.7 Calculo de Drift bajo la carga de Sismo en la direccin Y Nave B

La siguiente figura indica las etiquetas o numeracin de los nodos en la
base de la edificacin y la respectiva tabla de reacciones:

Figura 6.16 Labels o Numeracin de Nodos en la base de la estructura Nave A

Figura 6.17 Labels o Numeracin de Nodos en la base de la estructura Nave B

Reaccin en la Base - Nave A
Nivel Load Case/Combo
kgf kgf kgf kgf-m kgf-m kgf-m
Base 115 Dead 100.91 4 1235.88 -6.32 18.1 0.08
Base 115 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 115 Lr 78.2 -4.61 554.29 0.54 -1.29 0.37
Base 115 Scp 428.01 130.72 4041.33 -155.8 315.75 0.11
Base 115 Sx Max 248.02 1.74 598.49 2.31 22.9 0.03
Base 115 Sy Max 37.45 83.36 253.49 215.04 3.34 0.17
Base 115 Wx1 -770.76 1.09 -1215.4 -1.77 -165.97 2.03
Base 115 Wx2 567.1 -2.25 1163.49 2.96 52.28 -0.03
Base 115 Wy1 -21.98 -366.58 -267.57 334.61 5.06 -0.27
Base 115 Wy2 287.27 628.33 1748.53 -1571.9 24.93 -1.09
Base 115 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 740.48 188.6 7388.09 -226.96 467.4 0.26
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 673.8 159.35 6609.79 -194.27 399.98 0.41
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 374.43 154.83 6611.8 -194.56 315.59 1.83
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 1043.36 153.16 7801.26 -192.19 424.71 0.81
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 748.82 -29.01 7085.73 -26.37 401.1 0.68
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 903.44 468.44 8093.78 -979.63 411.03 0.27
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -96.97 160.44 5394.36 -196.03 234.02 2.44
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 1240.9 157.1 7773.28 -191.31 452.26 0.39
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 651.81 -207.23 6342.22 140.34 405.04 0.14
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 961.06 787.68 8358.32 -1766.2 424.91 -0.68
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 893.95 188.4 7007.19 -127.71 424.53 0.31
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 375.45 134.92 5658.11 -261.36 376.72 0.14
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 746.55 245.54 6765.68 21.19 410.84 0.4
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 522.85 77.78 5899.61 -410.27 390.41 0.05
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 893.95 188.4 7007.19 -127.71 424.53 0.31
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 375.45 134.92 5658.11 -261.36 376.72 0.14
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 746.55 245.54 6765.68 21.19 410.84 0.4
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 522.85 77.78 5899.61 -410.27 390.41 0.05
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -294.74 122.34 3534.05 -147.67 134.5 2.2
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1043.12 118.99 5912.97 -142.94 352.75 0.14
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 454.04 -245.34 4481.91 188.7 305.53 -0.1
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 763.29 749.57 6498.01 -1717.8 325.4 -0.92
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 735.27 147.99 5424.02 -79.08 324.38 0.25
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 216.77 94.5 4074.95 -212.73 276.56 0.09
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 587.87 205.12 5182.52 69.83 310.68 0.35
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 364.17 37.37 4316.45 -361.63 290.25 -0.01
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 735.27 147.99 5424.02 -79.08 324.38 0.25
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 216.77 94.5 4074.95 -212.73 276.56 0.09
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 587.87 205.12 5182.52 69.83 310.68 0.35
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 364.17 37.37 4316.45 -361.63 290.25 -0.01
Base 115 ENVOLVENTE Max 1240.9 787.68 8358.32 188.7 467.4 2.44
Base 115 ENVOLVENTE Min -294.74 -245.34 3534.05 -1766.2 134.5 -0.92
Base 119 Dead 100.91 -4 1235.88 6.32 18.1 -0.08
Base 119 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 119 Lr 78.2 4.61 554.29 -0.54 -1.29 -0.37
Base 119 Scp 428.01 -130.72 4041.33 155.8 315.75 -0.11
Base 119 Sx Max 248.02 1.74 598.49 2.31 22.9 0.03
Base 119 Sy Max 37.45 83.36 253.49 215.04 3.34 0.17
Base 119 Wx1 -770.76 -1.09 -1215.4 1.77 -165.97 -2.03
Base 119 Wx2 567.1 2.25 1163.49 -2.96 52.28 0.03
Base 119 Wy1 -55.75 -73.57 -226.29 129.5 -4.28 0.28
Base 119 Wy2 -215 928.27 -1202.3 -1776.3 -26.75 -1.2
Base 119 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 740.48 -188.6 7388.09 226.96 467.4 -0.26
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 673.8 -159.35 6609.79 194.27 399.98 -0.41
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 374.43 -154.83 6611.8 194.55 315.59 -1.83
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 1043.36 -153.16 7801.26 192.19 424.71 -0.81
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 731.94 -191.07 7106.37 258.42 396.43 -0.68
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 652.31 309.86 6618.34 -694.45 385.2 -1.42
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -96.97 -160.44 5394.36 196.03 234.02 -2.44
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 1240.9 -157.1 7773.28 191.31 452.26 -0.39
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 618.04 -232.92 6383.51 323.77 395.7 -0.13
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 458.79 768.92 5407.45 -1582 373.24 -1.61
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 893.95 -134.92 7007.19 261.36 424.53 -0.14
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 375.45 -188.4 5658.11 127.71 376.72 -0.31
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 746.55 -77.78 6765.68 410.27 410.84 -0.05
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 522.85 -245.54 5899.61 -21.19 390.41 -0.4
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 893.95 -134.92 7007.19 261.36 424.53 -0.14
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 375.45 -188.4 5658.11 127.71 376.72 -0.31
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 746.55 -77.78 6765.68 410.27 410.84 -0.05
Base 119 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 522.85 -245.54 5899.61 -21.19 390.41 -0.4
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -294.74 -122.34 3534.05 147.67 134.5 -2.2
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1043.12 -118.99 5912.97 142.94 352.75 -0.14
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 420.27 -194.82 4523.2 275.4 296.19 0.11
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 261.02 807.03 3547.14 -1630.4 273.72 -1.37
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 735.27 -94.5 5424.02 212.73 324.38 -0.09
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 216.77 -147.99 4074.95 79.08 276.56 -0.25
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 587.88 -37.37 5182.52 361.63 310.68 0.01
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 364.17 -205.12 4316.45 -69.83 290.25 -0.35
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 735.27 -94.5 5424.02 212.73 324.38 -0.09
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 216.77 -147.99 4074.95 79.08 276.56 -0.25
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 587.88 -37.37 5182.52 361.63 310.68 0.01
Base 119 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 364.17 -205.12 4316.45 -69.83 290.25 -0.35
Base 119 ENVOLVENTE Max 1240.9 807.03 7801.26 410.27 467.4 0.11
Base 119 ENVOLVENTE Min -294.74 -245.54 3534.05 -1630.4 134.5 -2.44
Base 125 Dead 3.64 0 1066.91 0 -6.54 0
Base 125 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 125 Lr 21.62 0 785.03 -7E-05 -8.69 0
Base 125 Scp 4.62 0 3795.88 0 -2.33 0
Base 125 Sx Max 0.41 0 137.99 0 11.13 0
Base 125 Sy Max 0 61.31 0 128.06 0 0.00034
Base 125 Wx1 -1000.1 0 -162.49 0 -1720.6 0
Base 125 Wx2 0.75 0 148.94 0 14.55 0
Base 125 Wy1 -11.09 -36.26 -382.09 66.47 8.65 -0.04
Base 125 Wy2 9.82 448.81 306.36 -927.68 3.83 -0.04
Base 125 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 11.57 0 6807.91 0 -12.42 0
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 20.73 0 6227.87 0 -14.99 0
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -455.53 5.9E-05 7010.16 -0.0001 -884.87 0
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 44.89 5.4E-05 7165.88 -0.0001 -17.28 0
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 38.97 -18.13 6900.36 33.23 -20.23 -0.02
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 49.42 224.41 7244.58 -463.84 -22.64 -0.02
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -979.35 0 6065.38 0 -1735.6 0
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 21.48 0 6376.81 0 -0.44 0
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 9.64 -36.26 5845.78 66.47 -6.34 -0.04
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 30.55 448.81 6534.22 -927.68 -11.17 -0.04
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 10.33 18.39 5973.34 38.42 0.48 0.0001
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 9.51 -18.39 5697.36 -38.42 -21.77 -0.0001
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 10.04 61.31 5876.75 128.06 -7.31 0.00034
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 9.8 -61.31 5793.96 -128.06 -13.98 -0.0003
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 10.33 18.39 5973.34 38.42 0.48 0.0001
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 9.51 -18.39 5697.36 -38.42 -21.77 -0.0001
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 10.04 61.31 5876.75 128.06 -7.31 0.00034
Base 125 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 9.8 -61.31 5793.96 -128.06 -13.98 -0.0003
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -992.64 0 4214.03 0 -1728.6 0
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 8.19 0 4525.46 0 6.57 0
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -3.65 -36.26 3994.43 66.47 0.67 -0.04
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 17.26 448.81 4682.87 -927.68 -4.16 -0.04
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 7.85 18.39 4514.5 38.42 3.14 0.0001
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 7.03 -18.39 4238.53 -38.42 -19.11 -0.0001
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 7.56 61.31 4417.91 128.06 -4.65 0.00034
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 7.32 -61.31 4335.12 -128.06 -11.32 -0.0003
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 7.85 18.39 4514.5 38.42 3.14 0.0001
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 7.03 -18.39 4238.53 -38.42 -19.11 -0.0001
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 7.56 61.31 4417.91 128.06 -4.65 0.00034
Base 125 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 7.32 -61.31 4335.12 -128.06 -11.32 -0.0003
Base 125 ENVOLVENTE Max 49.42 448.81 7244.58 128.06 6.57 0.00034
Base 125 ENVOLVENTE Min -992.64 -61.31 3994.43 -927.68 -1735.6 -0.04
Base 148 Dead -73.38 250.87 1874.48 -721.75 -2.18 0.42
Base 148 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 148 Lr -19.16 1103.47 2953.95 -3189.5 -0.79 1.85
Base 148 Scp -166.01 245.08 5523.72 -708.1 -46.89 0.37
Base 148 Sx Max 252.14 79.83 661.97 241.19 26.89 0.14
Base 148 Sy Max 32.21 28.83 73.08 137.4 3.86 0.12
Base 148 Wx1 -630.18 122.75 1274.24 -343.56 -65.06 -0.12
Base 148 Wx2 561.14 -84.54 -1225 255.41 61.45 -0.15
Base 148 Wy1 50.35 -1981.2 -2393.3 3707.61 4.19 -1.67
Base 148 Wy2 241.72 483.36 -144.41 -1818.7 28.43 1.54
Base 148 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -335.13 694.33 10357.5 -2001.8 -68.7 1.11
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -296.84 1146.87 10354.8 -3310.6 -59.28 1.87
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -633 2422.06 14241.3 -6990.9 -92.67 3.84
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -37.34 2318.42 12991.7 -6691.4 -29.42 3.83
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -292.73 1370.07 12407.5 -4965.3 -58.05 3.07
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -197.05 2602.37 13532 -7728.4 -45.93 4.67
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -927.02 1269.62 11629.1 -3654.2 -124.34 1.75
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 264.3 1062.34 9129.84 -3055.2 2.17 1.72
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -246.48 -834.36 7961.54 397.02 -55.09 0.2
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -55.11 1630.24 10210.4 -5129.3 -30.85 3.41
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -25.46 683.62 9561.73 -1433.4 -30.85 1.12
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -549.06 506.66 8193.95 -1998.2 -86.93 0.77
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -179.41 647.92 9149.51 -1506.1 -46.97 1.11
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -395.11 542.36 8606.17 -1925.6 -70.81 0.79
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -25.46 683.62 9561.73 -1433.4 -30.85 1.12
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -549.06 506.66 8193.95 -1998.2 -86.93 0.77
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -179.41 647.92 9149.51 -1506.1 -46.97 1.11
Base 148 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -395.11 542.36 8606.17 -1925.6 -70.81 0.79
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -845.63 569.1 7932.62 -1630.4 -109.22 0.59
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 345.7 361.82 5433.41 -1031.5 17.28 0.56
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -165.09 -1534.9 4265.1 2420.74 -39.98 -0.96
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 26.28 929.72 6513.97 -3105.6 -15.73 2.25
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 46.36 534.83 7342.27 -1004.5 -16.13 0.89
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -477.25 357.88 5974.49 -1569.3 -72.21 0.53
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -107.6 499.13 6930.05 -1077.1 -32.25 0.87
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -323.29 393.58 6386.71 -1496.6 -56.09 0.55
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 46.36 534.83 7342.27 -1004.5 -16.13 0.89
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -477.25 357.88 5974.49 -1569.3 -72.21 0.53
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -107.6 499.13 6930.05 -1077.1 -32.25 0.87
Base 148 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -323.29 393.58 6386.71 -1496.6 -56.09 0.55
Base 148 ENVOLVENTE Max 345.7 2602.37 14241.3 2420.74 17.28 4.67
Base 148 ENVOLVENTE Min -927.02 -1534.9 4265.1 -7728.4 -124.34 -0.96
Base 151 Dead -73.38 -250.87 1874.48 721.75 -2.18 -0.42
Base 151 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 151 Lr -19.16 -1103.5 2953.95 3189.53 -0.79 -1.85
Base 151 Scp -166.01 -245.08 5523.72 708.1 -46.89 -0.37
Base 151 Sx Max 252.14 79.83 661.97 241.19 26.89 0.14
Base 151 Sy Max 32.21 28.83 73.08 137.4 3.86 0.12
Base 151 Wx1 -630.18 -122.75 1274.24 343.56 -65.06 0.12
Base 151 Wx2 561.14 84.54 -1225 -255.41 61.45 0.15
Base 151 Wy1 -36.8 447 -446.48 -1406 -3.59 0.79
Base 151 Wy2 -267.59 857.12 3094.84 -1022.2 -29.59 0.59
Base 151 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -335.13 -694.33 10357.5 2001.8 -68.7 -1.11
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -296.84 -1146.9 10354.8 3310.59 -59.28 -1.87
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -633 -2422.1 14241.3 6990.85 -92.67 -3.84
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -37.34 -2318.4 12991.7 6691.36 -29.42 -3.83
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -336.31 -2137.2 13380.9 6116.06 -61.94 -3.51
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -451.7 -1932.1 15151.6 6307.97 -74.94 -3.61
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -927.02 -1269.6 11629.1 3654.15 -124.34 -1.75
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 264.3 -1062.3 9129.84 3055.18 2.17 -1.72
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -333.64 -699.88 9908.33 1904.58 -62.87 -1.08
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -564.43 -289.76 13449.7 2288.4 -88.87 -1.28
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -25.46 -506.66 9561.73 1998.24 -30.85 -0.77
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -549.06 -683.62 8193.95 1433.42 -86.93 -1.12
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -179.41 -542.36 9149.51 1925.59 -46.97 -0.79
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -395.11 -647.92 8606.17 1506.07 -70.81 -1.11
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -25.46 -506.66 9561.73 1998.24 -30.85 -0.77
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -549.06 -683.62 8193.95 1433.42 -86.93 -1.12
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -179.41 -542.36 9149.51 1925.59 -46.97 -0.79
Base 151 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -395.11 -647.92 8606.17 1506.07 -70.81 -1.11
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -845.63 -569.1 7932.62 1630.43 -109.22 -0.59
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 345.7 -361.82 5433.41 1031.46 17.28 -0.56
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -252.24 0.64 6211.9 -119.14 -47.75 0.08
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -483.03 410.76 9753.22 264.68 -73.76 -0.12
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 46.36 -357.88 7342.27 1569.28 -16.13 -0.53
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -477.25 -534.83 5974.49 1004.46 -72.21 -0.89
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -107.6 -393.58 6930.05 1496.63 -32.25 -0.55
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -323.29 -499.13 6386.71 1077.11 -56.09 -0.87
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 46.36 -357.88 7342.27 1569.28 -16.13 -0.53
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -477.25 -534.83 5974.49 1004.46 -72.21 -0.89
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -107.6 -393.58 6930.05 1496.63 -32.25 -0.55
Base 151 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -323.29 -499.13 6386.71 1077.11 -56.09 -0.87
Base 151 ENVOLVENTE Max 345.7 410.76 15151.6 6990.85 17.28 0.08
Base 151 ENVOLVENTE Min -927.02 -2422.1 5433.41 -119.14 -124.34 -3.84
Base 180 Dead -4.26 5.34 1283.35 -6.97 -5.76 -0.16
Base 180 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 180 Lr -2.94 -6.85 992.76 5.61 -5.04 -0.69
Base 180 Scp 8.07 127.96 6633.15 -151.87 9.45 -0.15
Base 180 Sx Max 13.15 0.07 3.52 0.16 26.57 0.05
Base 180 Sy Max 1.91 43.83 88.86 113.02 3.89 0.04
Base 180 Wx1 -31.13 -0.23 9.24 0.39 -62.35 0.03
Base 180 Wx2 32.14 -0.08 -5.95 0.18 64.19 0.06
Base 180 Wy1 4.24 -812.53 -851.7 851.01 7.82 0.59
Base 180 Wy2 13.86 564.44 716.58 -1351.5 28.06 -0.18
Base 180 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 5.34 186.61 11083.1 -222.38 5.17 -0.43
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 3.1 156.53 9996.19 -187.8 1.91 -0.72
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -15.69 148.89 11092.9 -181.44 -34.81 -1.46
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 15.94 148.96 11085.3 -181.54 28.46 -1.45
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1.99 -257.26 10662.4 243.88 0.27 -1.18
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 6.8 431.22 11446.5 -857.39 10.4 -1.57
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -28.03 156.3 10005.4 -187.42 -60.44 -0.68
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 35.24 156.45 9990.24 -187.63 66.1 -0.66
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 7.34 -656 9144.48 663.21 9.73 -0.13
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 16.96 720.97 10712.8 -1539.3 29.97 -0.9
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 18.3 173.17 9529.98 -156.55 32.16 -0.31
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -9.15 146.74 9469.63 -224.67 -23.3 -0.43
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 10.43 203.8 9589.72 -77.55 16.29 -0.32
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1.28 116.11 9409.89 -303.67 -7.43 -0.43
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 18.3 173.17 9529.98 -156.55 32.16 -0.31
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -9.15 146.74 9469.63 -224.67 -23.3 -0.43
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 10.43 203.8 9589.72 -77.55 16.29 -0.32
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.28 116.11 9409.89 -303.67 -7.43 -0.43
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -27.7 119.74 7134.09 -142.57 -59.03 -0.24
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 35.57 119.89 7118.91 -142.78 67.51 -0.22
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 7.67 -692.56 6273.15 708.05 11.14 0.31
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 17.29 684.4 7841.43 -1494.5 31.39 -0.46
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.15 133.18 7155.03 -108.9 31.05 -0.22
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -10.29 106.75 7094.68 -177.02 -24.41 -0.34
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 9.29 163.81 7214.77 -29.9 15.18 -0.22
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.43 76.12 7034.94 -256.02 -8.53 -0.33
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.15 133.18 7155.03 -108.9 31.05 -0.22
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -10.29 106.75 7094.68 -177.02 -24.41 -0.34
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 9.29 163.81 7214.77 -29.9 15.18 -0.22
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.43 76.12 7034.94 -256.02 -8.53 -0.33
Base 180 ENVOLVENTE Max 35.57 720.97 11446.5 708.05 67.51 0.31
Base 180 ENVOLVENTE Min -28.03 -692.56 6273.15 -1539.3 -60.44 -1.57
Base 184 Dead -4.26 -5.34 1283.35 6.97 -5.76 0.16
Base 184 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 184 Lr -2.94 6.85 992.76 -5.61 -5.04 0.69
Base 184 Scp 8.07 -127.96 6633.15 151.87 9.45 0.15
Base 184 Sx Max 13.15 0.07 3.52 0.16 26.57 0.05
Base 184 Sy Max 1.91 43.83 88.86 113.02 3.89 0.04
Base 184 Wx1 -31.13 0.23 9.24 -0.39 -62.35 -0.03
Base 184 Wx2 32.14 0.08 -5.95 -0.18 64.19 -0.06
Base 184 Wy1 -1.33 -215.33 -10.38 441.13 -2.92 -0.38
Base 184 Wy2 -16.8 1171.85 338.28 -1768.9 -33.14 0.13
Base 184 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 5.34 -186.61 11083.1 222.38 5.17 0.43
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 3.1 -156.53 9996.19 187.8 1.91 0.72
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -15.69 -148.89 11092.9 181.44 -34.81 1.46
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 15.94 -148.96 11085.3 181.54 28.46 1.45
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -0.79 -256.67 11083 402.19 -5.09 1.29
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -8.53 436.92 11257.4 -702.84 -20.2 1.54
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -28.03 -156.3 10005.4 187.42 -60.44 0.68
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 35.24 -156.45 9990.24 187.63 66.1 0.66
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 1.77 -371.86 9985.81 628.93 -1.01 0.34
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -13.7 1015.32 10334.5 -1581.1 -31.23 0.85
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 18.3 -146.74 9529.98 224.67 32.16 0.43
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -9.15 -173.17 9469.63 156.55 -23.3 0.31
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 10.43 -116.11 9589.72 303.67 16.29 0.43
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1.28 -203.8 9409.89 77.55 -7.43 0.32
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 18.3 -146.74 9529.98 224.67 32.16 0.43
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -9.15 -173.17 9469.63 156.55 -23.3 0.31
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 10.43 -116.11 9589.72 303.67 16.29 0.43
Base 184 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.28 -203.8 9409.89 77.55 -7.43 0.32
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -27.7 -119.74 7134.09 142.57 -59.03 0.24
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 35.57 -119.89 7118.91 142.78 67.51 0.22
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 2.1 -335.3 7114.47 584.09 0.4 -0.1
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -13.37 1051.88 7463.13 -1626 -29.82 0.41
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.15 -106.75 7155.03 177.02 31.05 0.34
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -10.29 -133.18 7094.68 108.9 -24.41 0.22
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 9.29 -76.12 7214.77 256.02 15.18 0.33
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.43 -163.81 7034.94 29.9 -8.53 0.22
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.15 -106.75 7155.03 177.02 31.05 0.34
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -10.29 -133.18 7094.68 108.9 -24.41 0.22
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 9.29 -76.12 7214.77 256.02 15.18 0.33
Base 184 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.43 -163.81 7034.94 29.9 -8.53 0.22
Base 184 ENVOLVENTE Max 35.57 1051.88 11257.4 628.93 67.51 1.54
Base 184 ENVOLVENTE Min -28.03 -371.86 7034.94 -1626 -60.44 -0.1
Base 190 Dead -1.47 0 970.49 0 -20.29 0
Base 190 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 190 Lr -7.73 -7E-05 1553.88 0.00014 -93.38 0
Base 190 Scp -1.73 0 3993.21 0 -20.89 0
Base 190 Sx Max 0.32 0 5.1 0 15.51 0
Base 190 Sy Max 0 32.27 0 67.41 0 0.00381
Base 190 Wx1 -1.74 0 8.47 0 -19.2 0
Base 190 Wx2 2.64 0 -5.3 0 24.78 0
Base 190 Wy1 4.45 -124.11 -739.3 240.67 52.91 0.00144
Base 190 Wy2 -2.51 387.41 635.78 -789.02 -32.43 0.01
Base 190 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -4.47 0 6949.17 0 -57.65 0
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -7.7 0 6733.37 8.8E-05 -96.11 0
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -17.07 -0.0001 8446.88 0.00025 -208.43 0
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -14.87 -0.0001 8439.99 0.00024 -186.44 0
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -13.97 -62.06 8072.99 120.34 -172.37 0.00072
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -17.45 193.7 8760.53 -394.51 -215.05 0.01
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -9.44 -5E-05 6741.84 0.00011 -115.3 0
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -5.05 0 6728.07 7.7E-05 -71.32 0
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -3.24 -124.11 5994.07 240.67 -43.19 0.00144
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -10.21 387.41 7369.15 -789.02 -128.54 0.01
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -3.52 9.68 5961.53 20.22 -33.91 0.00114
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -4.15 -9.68 5951.34 -20.22 -64.92 -0.0011
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -3.74 32.27 5957.96 67.41 -44.76 0.00381
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -3.93 -32.27 5954.9 -67.41 -54.07 -0.0038
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -3.52 9.68 5961.53 20.22 -33.91 0.00114
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -4.15 -9.68 5951.34 -20.22 -64.92 -0.0011
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -3.74 32.27 5957.96 67.41 -44.76 0.00381
Base 190 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.93 -32.27 5954.9 -67.41 -54.07 -0.0038
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -4.62 0 4475.79 0 -56.26 0
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -0.23 0 4462.02 0 -12.28 0
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 1.58 -124.11 3728.02 240.67 15.85 0.00144
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -5.39 387.41 5103.1 -789.02 -69.49 0.01
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -2.56 9.68 4472.42 20.22 -21.55 0.00114
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.19 -9.68 4462.23 -20.22 -52.57 -0.0011
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -2.78 32.27 4468.85 67.41 -32.41 0.00381
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.97 -32.27 4465.79 -67.41 -41.71 -0.0038
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -2.56 9.68 4472.42 20.22 -21.55 0.00114
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.19 -9.68 4462.23 -20.22 -52.57 -0.0011
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.78 32.27 4468.85 67.41 -32.41 0.00381
Base 190 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.97 -32.27 4465.79 -67.41 -41.71 -0.0038
Base 190 ENVOLVENTE Max 1.58 387.41 8760.53 240.67 15.85 0.01
Base 190 ENVOLVENTE Min -17.45 -124.11 3728.02 -789.02 -215.05 -0.0038
Base 213 Dead -0.6 4.99 1243.47 -6.29 -1.43 0.06
Base 213 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 213 Lr -1.31 -7.87 972.04 8.16 -3.67 0.26
Base 213 Scp -12.23 127.76 6612.3 -151.34 -15.23 0.06
Base 213 Sx Max 12.46 0.03 0.61 0.05 25.77 0.03
Base 213 Sy Max 1.82 55.82 113.44 143.89 3.78 0.01
Base 213 Wx1 -29.42 0.02 -1.72 -0.03 -59.94 0.00027
Base 213 Wx2 33.48 0.02 1.82 -0.05 67.82 -0.03
Base 213 Wy1 2.75 -813.81 -840.52 856.22 6.35 -0.18
Base 213 Wy2 13.02 555.07 708.03 -1327.2 26.81 0.1
Base 213 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -17.96 185.85 10998.1 -220.69 -23.33 0.16
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -16.05 155.36 9912.94 -185.09 -21.84 0.26
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -32.19 146.71 10981.3 -176.13 -55.85 0.55
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -0.74 146.71 10983.1 -176.14 8.03 0.53
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -16.11 -260.2 10561.9 252 -22.7 0.46
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -10.98 424.24 11336.2 -839.73 -12.47 0.6
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -45.46 155.38 9911.22 -185.11 -81.77 0.27
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 17.44 155.39 9914.76 -185.14 45.98 0.24
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -13.3 -658.44 9072.42 671.14 -15.48 0.08
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -3.03 710.44 10621 -1512.3 4.97 0.36
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -2.38 176.07 9461.56 -145.94 6.9 0.17
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -28.4 142.53 9392.28 -232.38 -46.9 0.1
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -9.83 215.13 9540.54 -45.26 -8.49 0.16
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -20.95 103.47 9313.3 -333.07 -31.51 0.12
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -2.38 176.07 9461.56 -145.94 6.9 0.17
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -28.4 142.53 9392.28 -232.38 -46.9 0.1
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -9.83 215.13 9540.54 -45.26 -8.49 0.16
Base 213 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -20.95 103.47 9313.3 -333.07 -31.51 0.12
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -40.96 119.49 7068.47 -141.9 -74.94 0.1
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 21.94 119.5 7072.01 -141.93 52.82 0.07
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -8.8 -694.33 6229.67 714.35 -8.65 -0.08
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 1.47 674.55 7778.22 -1469.1 11.81 0.2
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.46 136.25 7104.83 -98.65 11.9 0.14
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -24.55 102.7 7035.55 -185.09 -41.9 0.07
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -5.98 175.31 7183.81 2.03 -3.49 0.12
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -17.1 63.65 6956.57 -285.78 -26.51 0.08
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.46 136.25 7104.83 -98.65 11.9 0.14
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -24.55 102.7 7035.55 -185.09 -41.9 0.07
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -5.98 175.31 7183.81 2.03 -3.49 0.12
Base 213 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -17.1 63.65 6956.57 -285.78 -26.51 0.08
Base 213 ENVOLVENTE Max 21.94 710.44 11336.2 714.35 52.82 0.6
Base 213 ENVOLVENTE Min -45.46 -694.33 6229.67 -1512.3 -81.77 -0.08
Base 217 Dead -0.6 -4.99 1243.47 6.29 -1.43 -0.06
Base 217 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 217 Lr -1.31 7.87 972.04 -8.16 -3.67 -0.26
Base 217 Scp -12.23 -127.76 6612.3 151.34 -15.23 -0.06
Base 217 Sx Max 12.46 0.03 0.61 0.05 25.77 0.03
Base 217 Sy Max 1.82 55.82 113.44 143.89 3.78 0.01
Base 217 Wx1 -29.42 -0.02 -1.72 0.03 -59.94 -0.0003
Base 217 Wx2 33.48 -0.02 1.82 0.05 67.82 0.03
Base 217 Wy1 -1.54 -218.19 -1.07 449.99 -2.93 0.14
Base 217 Wy2 -14.33 1162.75 324.62 -1745.7 -30.34 -0.06
Base 217 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -17.96 -185.85 10998.1 220.69 -23.33 -0.16
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -16.05 -155.36 9912.94 185.09 -21.84 -0.26
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -32.19 -146.71 10981.3 176.13 -55.85 -0.55
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -0.74 -146.71 10983.1 176.14 8.03 -0.53
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -18.26 -255.8 10981.7 401.11 -27.34 -0.48
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -24.65 434.67 11144.5 -696.71 -41.05 -0.58
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -45.46 -155.38 9911.22 185.11 -81.77 -0.27
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 17.44 -155.39 9914.76 185.14 45.98 -0.24
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -17.59 -373.55 9911.87 635.08 -24.76 -0.13
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -30.38 1007.39 10237.6 -1560.6 -52.17 -0.32
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -2.38 -142.53 9461.56 232.38 6.9 -0.1
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -28.4 -176.07 9392.28 145.94 -46.9 -0.17
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -9.83 -103.47 9540.54 333.07 -8.49 -0.12
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -20.95 -215.13 9313.3 45.26 -31.51 -0.16
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -2.38 -142.53 9461.56 232.38 6.9 -0.1
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -28.4 -176.07 9392.28 145.94 -46.9 -0.17
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -9.83 -103.47 9540.54 333.07 -8.49 -0.12
Base 217 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -20.95 -215.13 9313.3 45.26 -31.51 -0.16
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -40.96 -119.49 7068.47 141.9 -74.94 -0.1
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 21.94 -119.5 7072.01 141.93 52.82 -0.07
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -13.09 -337.67 7069.13 591.87 -17.93 0.04
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -25.88 1043.28 7394.81 -1603.8 -45.34 -0.16
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.46 -102.7 7104.83 185.09 11.9 -0.07
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -24.55 -136.25 7035.55 98.65 -41.9 -0.14
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -5.98 -63.65 7183.81 285.78 -3.49 -0.08
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -17.1 -175.31 6956.57 -2.03 -26.51 -0.12
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.46 -102.7 7104.83 185.09 11.9 -0.07
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -24.55 -136.25 7035.55 98.65 -41.9 -0.14
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -5.98 -63.65 7183.81 285.78 -3.49 -0.08
Base 217 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -17.1 -175.31 6956.57 -2.03 -26.51 -0.12
Base 217 ENVOLVENTE Max 21.94 1043.28 11144.5 635.08 52.82 0.04
Base 217 ENVOLVENTE Min -45.46 -373.55 6956.57 -1603.8 -81.77 -0.58
Base 223 Dead -0.94 0 959.84 0 -18.21 0
Base 223 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 223 Lr -4.88 9.6E-05 1441.23 -0.0002 -82.63 0
Base 223 Scp -1.08 0 3968.13 0 -18.48 0
Base 223 Sx Max 0.72 0 1.86 0 16.07 0
Base 223 Sy Max 0 41.08 0 85.8 0 0.0016
Base 223 Wx1 -1.25 0 -2.22 0 -17.27 0
Base 223 Wx2 3.11 0 2.17 0 30.24 0
Base 223 Wy1 2.64 -126.27 -677.09 245.44 46.69 0.00461
Base 223 Wy2 -1.88 380.59 591.91 -774.81 -29.69 0.01
Base 223 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.82 0 6899.16 -7E-05 -51.37 0
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -4.86 7.6E-05 6634.18 -0.0002 -85.34 0
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -10.85 0.00018 8218.42 -0.0004 -184.87 0
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -8.66 0.00018 8220.62 -0.0004 -161.12 0
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -8.9 -63.13 7880.99 122.72 -152.89 0.00231
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -11.16 190.3 8515.49 -387.4 -191.08 0.00481
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -6.11 7.8E-05 6631.96 -0.0002 -102.62 0
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -1.74 7.4E-05 6636.35 -0.0002 -55.11 0
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -2.21 -126.27 5957.09 245.44 -38.66 0.00461
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -6.74 380.59 7226.09 -774.81 -115.03 0.01
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1.7 12.32 5915.43 25.74 -27.96 0.00048
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.14 -12.32 5911.71 -25.74 -60.1 -0.0005
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -2.2 41.08 5914.12 85.8 -39.21 0.0016
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.63 -41.08 5913.01 -85.8 -48.85 -0.0016
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1.7 12.32 5915.43 25.74 -27.96 0.00048
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.14 -12.32 5911.71 -25.74 -60.1 -0.0005
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.2 41.08 5914.12 85.8 -39.21 0.0016
Base 223 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.63 -41.08 5913.01 -85.8 -48.85 -0.0016
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -3.07 0 4432.95 0 -50.3 0
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1.3 0 4437.34 0 -2.79 0
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 0.83 -126.27 3758.09 245.44 13.66 0.00461
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -3.7 380.59 5027.08 -774.81 -62.71 0.01
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1.1 12.32 4437.03 25.74 -16.95 0.00048
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.53 -12.32 4433.32 -25.74 -49.09 -0.0005
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -1.6 41.08 4435.73 85.8 -28.2 0.0016
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.03 -41.08 4434.62 -85.8 -37.84 -0.0016
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1.1 12.32 4437.03 25.74 -16.95 0.00048
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.53 -12.32 4433.32 -25.74 -49.09 -0.0005
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.6 41.08 4435.73 85.8 -28.2 0.0016
Base 223 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.03 -41.08 4434.62 -85.8 -37.84 -0.0016
Base 223 ENVOLVENTE Max 1.3 380.59 8515.49 245.44 13.66 0.01
Base 223 ENVOLVENTE Min -11.16 -126.27 3758.09 -774.81 -191.08 -0.0016
Base 246 Dead 1.97 5.05 1289.41 -6.42 1.58 0.02
Base 246 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 246 Lr -3.13 -8.35 1077.2 8.26 -6.46 0.07
Base 246 Scp 74.92 127.28 7034.64 -150.85 91.79 0.02
Base 246 Sx Max 12.47 0.00114 2.29 0.01 25.82 0.02
Base 246 Sy Max 1.81 55.83 113.32 143.91 3.76 0.01
Base 246 Wx1 -28.85 -0.01 4.5 0.01 -58.98 0.01
Base 246 Wx2 36.25 -0.0041 -4.24 0.01 73.27 -0.03
Base 246 Wy1 4.31 -862.83 -924.11 897.77 8.59 -0.02
Base 246 Wy2 12.76 598.26 763.25 -1431.9 26.29 0.07
Base 246 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 107.65 185.26 11653.7 -220.18 130.72 0.05
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 90.71 154.62 10527.5 -184.59 108.81 0.08
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 72.84 145.44 11714.6 -175.5 72.22 0.17
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 105.4 145.44 11710.3 -175.5 138.35 0.15
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 89.43 -285.97 11250.3 273.38 106.01 0.15
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 93.65 444.57 12094 -891.45 114.86 0.2
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 61.86 154.62 10532 -184.58 49.83 0.09
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 126.96 154.62 10523.2 -184.58 182.08 0.06
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 95.03 -708.2 9603.35 713.18 117.41 0.06
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 103.47 752.88 11290.7 -1616.5 135.1 0.15
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 105.29 175.55 10025.2 -145.55 138.99 0.07
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 79.26 142.05 9952.57 -231.9 85.1 0.02
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 97.82 214.63 10102.9 -44.82 123.55 0.06
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 86.73 102.96 9874.85 -332.63 100.53 0.03
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 105.29 175.55 10025.2 -145.55 138.99 0.07
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 79.26 142.05 9952.57 -231.9 85.1 0.02
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 97.82 214.63 10102.9 -44.82 123.55 0.06
Base 246 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 86.73 102.96 9874.85 -332.63 100.53 0.03
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 40.35 119.09 7496.14 -141.53 25.05 0.04
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 105.46 119.09 7487.4 -141.53 157.3 0.01
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 73.52 -743.73 6567.53 756.23 92.63 0.01
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 81.97 717.36 8254.89 -1573.4 110.32 0.1
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 82.22 135.85 7527.93 -98.37 110.98 0.06
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 56.19 102.35 7455.36 -184.72 57.08 0.01
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 74.75 174.93 7605.65 2.36 95.54 0.05
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 63.66 63.27 7377.63 -285.45 72.52 0.02
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 82.22 135.85 7527.93 -98.37 110.98 0.06
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 56.19 102.35 7455.36 -184.72 57.08 0.01
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 74.75 174.93 7605.65 2.36 95.54 0.05
Base 246 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 63.66 63.27 7377.63 -285.45 72.52 0.02
Base 246 ENVOLVENTE Max 126.96 752.88 12094 756.23 182.08 0.2
Base 246 ENVOLVENTE Min 40.35 -743.73 6567.53 -1616.5 25.05 0.01
Base 250 Dead 1.97 -5.05 1289.41 6.42 1.58 -0.02
Base 250 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 250 Lr -3.13 8.35 1077.2 -8.26 -6.46 -0.07
Base 250 Scp 74.92 -127.28 7034.64 150.85 91.79 -0.02
Base 250 Sx Max 12.47 0.00114 2.29 0.01 25.82 0.02
Base 250 Sy Max 1.81 55.83 113.32 143.91 3.76 0.01
Base 250 Wx1 -28.85 0.01 4.5 -0.01 -58.98 -0.01
Base 250 Wx2 36.25 0.00409 -4.24 -0.01 73.27 0.03
Base 250 Wy1 -1.24 -226.4 -14.53 463.12 -2.34 0.06
Base 250 Wy2 -15.74 1247.51 380 -1878.8 -32.24 0.02
Base 250 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 107.65 -185.26 11653.7 220.18 130.72 -0.05
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 90.71 -154.62 10527.5 184.59 108.81 -0.08
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 72.84 -145.44 11714.6 175.5 72.22 -0.17
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 105.4 -145.44 11710.3 175.5 138.35 -0.15
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 86.65 -258.64 11705.1 407.07 100.54 -0.13
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 79.4 478.31 11902.4 -763.88 85.59 -0.15
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 61.86 -154.62 10532 184.58 49.83 -0.09
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 126.96 -154.62 10523.2 184.58 182.08 -0.06
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 89.47 -381.02 10512.9 647.72 106.47 -0.02
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 74.97 1092.89 10907.5 -1694.2 76.58 -0.06
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 105.29 -142.05 10025.2 231.9 138.99 -0.02
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 79.26 -175.55 9952.57 145.55 85.1 -0.07
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 97.82 -102.96 10102.9 332.63 123.55 -0.03
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 86.73 -214.63 9874.85 44.82 100.53 -0.06
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 105.29 -142.05 10025.2 231.9 138.99 -0.02
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 79.26 -175.55 9952.57 145.55 85.1 -0.07
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 97.82 -102.96 10102.9 332.63 123.55 -0.03
Base 250 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 86.73 -214.63 9874.85 44.82 100.53 -0.06
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 40.35 -119.09 7496.14 141.53 25.05 -0.04
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 105.46 -119.09 7487.4 141.53 157.3 -0.01
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 67.96 -345.5 7477.11 604.67 81.69 0.03
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 53.47 1128.41 7871.64 -1737.2 51.79 -0.01
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 82.22 -102.35 7527.93 184.72 110.98 -0.01
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 56.19 -135.85 7455.36 98.37 57.08 -0.06
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 74.75 -63.27 7605.65 285.45 95.54 -0.02
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 63.66 -174.93 7377.63 -2.36 72.52 -0.05
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 82.22 -102.35 7527.93 184.72 110.98 -0.01
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 56.19 -135.85 7455.36 98.37 57.08 -0.06
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 74.75 -63.27 7605.65 285.45 95.54 -0.02
Base 250 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 63.66 -174.93 7377.63 -2.36 72.52 -0.05
Base 250 ENVOLVENTE Max 126.96 1128.41 11902.4 647.72 182.08 0.03
Base 250 ENVOLVENTE Min 40.35 -381.02 7377.63 -1737.2 25.05 -0.17
Base 256 Dead -0.87 0 967.8 0 -17.57 0
Base 256 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 256 Lr 1.08 -7E-05 1614.66 0.00014 -62.6 0
Base 256 Scp 0.24 0 4010.67 0 -14.04 0
Base 256 Sx Max 1.13 0 0.53 0 17.94 0
Base 256 Sy Max 0 41.08 0 85.81 0 0.00195
Base 256 Wx1 -1.27 0 0.77 0 -17.13 0
Base 256 Wx2 4.31 0 -0.4 0 37.78 0
Base 256 Wy1 -0.24 -129.91 -763.08 251.78 37.05 -0.02
Base 256 Wy2 1.26 410.63 666.59 -836.17 -19.79 -0.01
Base 256 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -0.88 0 6969.86 0 -44.26 0
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -0.21 -5E-05 6781.49 0.00011 -69.24 0
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 0.34 -0.0001 8558 0.00026 -146.67 0
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 3.13 -0.0001 8557.42 0.00026 -119.21 0
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 0.85 -64.95 8176.08 125.89 -119.58 -0.01
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 1.61 205.32 8890.91 -418.08 -148 -0.01
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1.49 -5E-05 6782.26 0.00011 -86.37 0
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 4.1 -5E-05 6781.09 0.00011 -31.46 0
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.46 -129.91 6018.41 251.78 -32.19 -0.02
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 1.04 410.63 7448.08 -836.17 -89.03 -0.01
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 0.37 12.33 5974.69 25.74 -19.99 0.00058
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.88 -12.33 5973.63 -25.74 -55.88 -0.0006
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -0.42 41.08 5974.32 85.81 -32.55 0.00195
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1.09 -41.08 5974 -85.81 -43.32 -0.0019
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 0.37 12.33 5974.69 25.74 -19.99 0.00058
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.88 -12.33 5973.63 -25.74 -55.88 -0.0006
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.42 41.08 5974.32 85.81 -32.55 0.00195
Base 256 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.09 -41.08 5974 -85.81 -43.32 -0.0019
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1.84 0 4481.39 0 -45.58 0
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 3.75 0 4480.22 0 9.33 0
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -0.81 -129.91 3717.54 251.78 8.59 -0.02
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 0.69 410.63 5147.21 -836.17 -48.24 -0.01
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 0.56 12.33 4481.15 25.74 -10.51 0.00058
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.69 -12.33 4480.09 -25.74 -46.4 -0.0006
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -0.23 41.08 4480.78 85.81 -23.07 0.00195
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -0.9 -41.08 4480.46 -85.81 -33.84 -0.0019
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 0.56 12.33 4481.15 25.74 -10.51 0.00058
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.69 -12.33 4480.09 -25.74 -46.4 -0.0006
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.23 41.08 4480.78 85.81 -23.07 0.00195
Base 256 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -0.9 -41.08 4480.46 -85.81 -33.84 -0.0019
Base 256 ENVOLVENTE Max 4.1 410.63 8890.91 251.78 9.33 0.00195
Base 256 ENVOLVENTE Min -1.88 -129.91 3717.54 -836.17 -148 -0.02
Base 279 Dead -4.46 5.03 1289.69 -6.38 -6.51 0.03
Base 279 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 279 Lr -2.61 -8.45 1080.46 8.46 -6.4 0.15
Base 279 Scp -75.52 127.26 7037.15 -150.8 -92.5 0.03
Base 279 Sx Max 12.55 0.0012 2.02 0.01 25.93 0.03
Base 279 Sy Max 1.81 54.37 110.35 140.1 3.77 0.01
Base 279 Wx1 -28.55 0.01 -3.98 -0.01 -58.36 0.00464
Base 279 Wx2 39.93 0.02 4.13 -0.05 80.24 -0.03
Base 279 Wy1 3.62 -862.44 -926.45 896.73 8.12 -0.1
Base 279 Wy2 12.56 599.12 769.52 -1434.1 25.85 0.03
Base 279 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -111.96 185.2 11657.6 -220.05 -138.62 0.08
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -97.27 154.51 10532.4 -184.39 -122.01 0.15
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -114.42 145.22 11719 -175.08 -158.24 0.31
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -80.18 145.22 11723 -175.11 -88.94 0.29
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -98.33 -286 11257.7 273.28 -125 0.26
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -93.86 444.77 12105.7 -892.14 -116.13 0.32
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -125.82 154.52 10528.5 -184.39 -180.38 0.15
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -57.35 154.53 10536.6 -184.44 -41.77 0.12
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -93.65 -707.93 9605.99 712.34 -113.9 0.04
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -84.71 753.63 11302 -1618.5 -96.17 0.18
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -82.88 175.05 10027.3 -146.58 -91.75 0.11
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -109.06 142.43 9957.09 -230.66 -145.88 0.04
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -90.39 213.11 10103.2 -48.52 -107.26 0.09
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -101.55 104.37 9881.26 -328.72 -130.37 0.05
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -82.88 175.05 10027.3 -146.58 -91.75 0.11
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -109.06 142.43 9957.09 -230.66 -145.88 0.04
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -90.39 213.11 10103.2 -48.52 -107.26 0.09
Base 279 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -101.55 104.37 9881.26 -328.72 -130.37 0.05
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -100.53 119.06 7490.18 -141.47 -147.47 0.06
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -32.05 119.07 7498.29 -141.52 -8.87 0.03
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -68.35 -743.38 6567.71 755.26 -80.99 -0.05
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -59.41 718.17 8263.68 -1575.6 -63.26 0.09
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -58.89 135.37 7529.28 -99.43 -62.04 0.09
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -85.07 102.74 7459.04 -183.5 -116.17 0.02
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -66.4 173.43 7605.11 -1.36 -77.56 0.07
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -77.55 64.69 7383.21 -281.56 -100.66 0.03
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -58.89 135.37 7529.28 -99.43 -62.04 0.09
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -85.07 102.74 7459.04 -183.5 -116.17 0.02
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -66.4 173.43 7605.11 -1.36 -77.56 0.07
Base 279 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -77.55 64.69 7383.21 -281.56 -100.66 0.03
Base 279 ENVOLVENTE Max -32.05 753.63 12105.7 755.26 -8.87 0.32
Base 279 ENVOLVENTE Min -125.82 -743.38 6567.71 -1618.5 -180.38 -0.05
Base 283 Dead -4.46 -5.03 1289.69 6.38 -6.51 -0.03
Base 283 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 283 Lr -2.61 8.45 1080.46 -8.46 -6.4 -0.15
Base 283 Scp -75.52 -127.26 7037.15 150.8 -92.5 -0.03
Base 283 Sx Max 12.55 0.00121 2.02 0.01 25.93 0.03
Base 283 Sy Max 1.81 54.37 110.35 140.1 3.77 0.01
Base 283 Wx1 -28.55 -0.01 -3.98 0.01 -58.36 -0.0046
Base 283 Wx2 39.93 -0.02 4.13 0.05 80.24 0.03
Base 283 Wy1 -1.06 -226.14 -15.84 462.33 -1.92 0.07
Base 283 Wy2 -14.94 1248.45 377.7 -1881.2 -31.48 -0.08
Base 283 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -111.96 -185.2 11657.6 220.06 -138.62 -0.08
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -97.27 -154.51 10532.4 184.39 -122.01 -0.15
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -114.42 -145.22 11719 175.09 -158.24 -0.31
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -80.18 -145.23 11723 175.11 -88.94 -0.29
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -100.67 -258.29 11713 406.24 -130.02 -0.27
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -107.62 479.01 11909.8 -765.49 -144.8 -0.35
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -125.82 -154.52 10528.5 184.39 -180.38 -0.15
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -57.35 -154.53 10536.6 184.44 -41.77 -0.12
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -98.33 -380.66 10516.6 646.71 -123.93 -0.08
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -112.22 1093.94 10910.1 -1696.8 -153.5 -0.23
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -82.88 -142.43 10027.3 230.66 -91.75 -0.04
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -109.06 -175.05 9957.09 146.58 -145.88 -0.11
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -90.39 -104.37 10103.2 328.72 -107.26 -0.05
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -101.55 -213.11 9881.26 48.52 -130.37 -0.09
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -82.88 -142.43 10027.3 230.66 -91.75 -0.04
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -109.06 -175.05 9957.09 146.58 -145.88 -0.11
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -90.39 -104.37 10103.2 328.72 -107.26 -0.05
Base 283 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -101.55 -213.11 9881.26 48.52 -130.37 -0.09
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -100.53 -119.06 7490.18 141.47 -147.47 -0.06
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -32.05 -119.07 7498.29 141.52 -8.87 -0.03
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -73.03 -345.2 7478.32 603.79 -91.03 0.01
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -86.92 1129.39 7871.85 -1739.7 -120.59 -0.14
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -58.89 -102.74 7529.28 183.5 -62.04 -0.02
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -85.07 -135.37 7459.04 99.43 -116.17 -0.09
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -66.4 -64.69 7605.11 281.56 -77.56 -0.03
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -77.55 -173.43 7383.21 1.36 -100.66 -0.07
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -58.89 -102.74 7529.28 183.5 -62.04 -0.02
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -85.07 -135.37 7459.04 99.43 -116.17 -0.09
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -66.4 -64.69 7605.11 281.56 -77.56 -0.03
Base 283 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -77.55 -173.43 7383.21 1.36 -100.66 -0.07
Base 283 ENVOLVENTE Max -32.05 1129.39 11909.8 646.71 -8.87 0.01
Base 283 ENVOLVENTE Min -125.82 -380.66 7383.21 -1739.7 -180.38 -0.35
Base 288 Dead -1.17 0 966.83 0 -18.11 0
Base 288 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 288 Lr -10.71 -7E-05 1613.56 0.00016 -94.82 0
Base 288 Scp -2.33 0 4010.4 0 -21.15 0
Base 288 Sx Max 1.55 0 0.68 0 19.57 0
Base 288 Sy Max 0 40 0 83.53 0 0.0021
Base 288 Wx1 -1.19 0 -0.35 0 -16.7 0
Base 288 Wx2 5.95 0 0.96 0 47.1 0
Base 288 Wy1 5.47 -129.63 -762.12 251.2 52.74 0.02
Base 288 Wy2 -4.51 411.29 667.25 -837.55 -35.95 0.03
Base 288 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -4.91 0 6968.13 5.5E-05 -54.96 0
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -9.56 -6E-05 6779.47 0.00013 -94.52 0
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -21.94 -0.0001 8554.21 0.0003 -207.18 0
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -18.36 -0.0001 8554.86 0.0003 -175.28 0
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -18.6 -64.82 8173.33 125.6 -172.46 0.01
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -23.59 205.65 8888.01 -418.77 -216.8 0.01
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -10.75 -6E-05 6779.12 0.00012 -111.22 0
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -3.61 -6E-05 6780.42 0.00012 -47.42 0
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -4.09 -129.63 6017.35 251.2 -41.78 0.02
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -14.07 411.29 7446.71 -837.55 -130.47 0.03
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -2.66 12 5973.37 25.06 -27.54 0.00063
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -5.76 -12 5972 -25.06 -66.68 -0.0006
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -3.74 40 5972.89 83.53 -41.24 0.0021
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -4.67 -40 5972.48 -83.53 -52.98 -0.0021
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -2.66 12 5973.37 25.06 -27.54 0.00063
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -5.76 -12 5972 -25.06 -66.68 -0.0006
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -3.74 40 5972.89 83.53 -41.24 0.0021
Base 288 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.67 -40 5972.48 -83.53 -52.98 -0.0021
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -4.35 0 4479.17 0 -52.03 0
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.8 0 4480.47 0 11.77 0
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 2.31 -129.63 3717.4 251.2 17.41 0.02
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -7.66 411.29 5146.76 -837.55 -71.28 0.03
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1.61 12 4480.2 25.06 -15.76 0.00063
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -4.7 -12 4478.83 -25.06 -54.9 -0.0006
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -2.69 40 4479.72 83.53 -29.46 0.0021
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.62 -40 4479.31 -83.53 -41.2 -0.0021
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1.61 12 4480.2 25.06 -15.76 0.00063
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -4.7 -12 4478.83 -25.06 -54.9 -0.0006
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.69 40 4479.72 83.53 -29.46 0.0021
Base 288 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.62 -40 4479.31 -83.53 -41.2 -0.0021
Base 288 ENVOLVENTE Max 2.8 411.29 8888.01 251.2 17.41 0.03
Base 288 ENVOLVENTE Min -23.59 -129.63 3717.4 -837.55 -216.8 -0.0021
Base 312 Dead -1.29 5.09 1241.99 -6.46 -2.77 0.02
Base 312 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 312 Lr -3.55 -7.39 952.68 7.34 -7.95 0.11
Base 312 Scp 6.28 127.88 6598.77 -151.54 7.91 0.02
Base 312 Sx Max 12.74 0.00133 0.6 0.00206 26.19 0.03
Base 312 Sy Max 1.84 59.36 120.72 153.04 3.8 0.01
Base 312 Wx1 -28.65 -0.0008 1.22 0.00075 -58.32 0.00441
Base 312 Wx2 43.51 -0.19 1.52 0.35 86.95 -0.11
Base 312 Wy1 4.55 -814.34 -822.63 857.49 9.5 -0.01
Base 312 Wy2 12.61 551.79 698.15 -1318.7 25.76 0.01
Base 312 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 6.97 186.16 10977.1 -221.21 7.2 0.07
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 4.2 155.87 9885.25 -185.93 2.2 0.11
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -14.03 147.74 10933.8 -177.86 -35.7 0.24
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 22.05 147.65 10934 -177.68 36.94 0.18
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 2.57 -259.43 10521.9 250.89 -1.79 0.23
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 6.6 423.64 11282.3 -837.2 6.34 0.24
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -24.45 155.87 9886.47 -185.93 -56.12 0.12
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 47.71 155.68 9886.77 -185.59 89.16 0.00233
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 8.75 -658.47 9062.63 671.56 11.7 0.1
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 16.82 707.67 10583.4 -1504.6 27.96 0.13
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 19.27 177.37 9445.73 -143.69 33.51 0.09
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -7.32 141.76 9372.1 -235.52 -21.16 0.02
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 11.64 218.92 9529.81 -36.56 17.84 0.08
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 0.32 100.21 9288.02 -342.65 -5.49 0.04
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 19.27 177.37 9445.73 -143.69 33.51 0.09
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -7.32 141.76 9372.1 -235.52 -21.16 0.02
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 11.64 218.92 9529.81 -36.56 17.84 0.08
Base 312 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 0.32 100.21 9288.02 -342.65 -5.49 0.04
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -24.17 119.67 7057.91 -142.2 -53.69 0.05
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 47.99 119.48 7058.2 -141.86 91.59 -0.07
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 9.03 -694.67 6234.06 715.29 14.13 0.03
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 17.1 671.47 7754.83 -1460.9 30.39 0.06
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.78 137.48 7093.5 -96.29 31.96 0.08
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -8.81 101.87 7019.87 -188.12 -22.7 0.01
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 10.14 179.03 7177.58 10.84 16.29 0.07
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.18 60.32 6935.79 -295.24 -7.03 0.02
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.78 137.48 7093.5 -96.29 31.96 0.08
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -8.81 101.87 7019.87 -188.12 -22.7 0.01
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 10.14 179.03 7177.58 10.84 16.29 0.07
Base 312 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.18 60.32 6935.79 -295.24 -7.03 0.02
Base 312 ENVOLVENTE Max 47.99 707.67 11282.3 715.29 91.59 0.24
Base 312 ENVOLVENTE Min -24.45 -694.67 6234.06 -1504.6 -56.12 -0.07
Base 317 Dead -1.29 -5.09 1241.99 6.46 -2.77 -0.02
Base 317 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 317 Lr -3.55 7.39 952.68 -7.34 -7.95 -0.11
Base 317 Scp 6.28 -127.88 6598.77 151.54 7.91 -0.02
Base 317 Sx Max 12.74 0.00133 0.6 0.00206 26.19 0.03
Base 317 Sy Max 1.84 59.36 120.72 153.04 3.8 0.01
Base 317 Wx1 -28.65 0.00082 1.22 -0.0008 -58.32 -0.0044
Base 317 Wx2 43.51 0.19 1.52 -0.35 86.95 0.11
Base 317 Wy1 -1.03 -218.12 1.26 450.21 -1.76 0.11
Base 317 Wy2 -15.86 1159.15 314.67 -1736.6 -32.74 -0.07
Base 317 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 6.97 -186.16 10977.1 221.21 7.2 -0.07
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 4.2 -155.87 9885.25 185.93 2.2 -0.11
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -14.03 -147.74 10933.8 177.85 -35.7 -0.24
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 22.05 -147.64 10934 177.68 36.94 -0.18
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -0.22 -256.8 10933.8 402.96 -7.42 -0.18
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -7.63 431.83 11090.5 -690.45 -22.91 -0.27
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -24.45 -155.87 9886.47 185.93 -56.12 -0.12
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 47.71 -155.68 9886.77 185.59 89.16 -0.0023
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 3.17 -373.99 9886.52 636.15 0.44 -0.0019
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -11.66 1003.28 10199.9 -1550.7 -30.54 -0.18
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 19.27 -141.76 9445.73 235.52 33.51 -0.02
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -7.32 -177.37 9372.1 143.69 -21.16 -0.09
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 11.64 -100.21 9529.81 342.65 17.84 -0.04
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 0.32 -218.92 9288.02 36.56 -5.49 -0.08
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 19.27 -141.76 9445.73 235.52 33.51 -0.02
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -7.32 -177.37 9372.1 143.69 -21.16 -0.09
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 11.64 -100.21 9529.81 342.65 17.84 -0.04
Base 317 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 0.32 -218.92 9288.02 36.56 -5.49 -0.08
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -24.17 -119.67 7057.91 142.2 -53.69 -0.05
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 47.99 -119.48 7058.2 141.86 91.59 0.07
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 3.45 -337.79 7057.95 592.42 2.87 0.07
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -11.38 1039.48 7371.35 -1594.4 -28.11 -0.11
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.78 -101.87 7093.5 188.12 31.96 -0.01
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -8.81 -137.48 7019.87 96.29 -22.7 -0.08
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 10.14 -60.32 7177.58 295.24 16.29 -0.02
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.18 -179.03 6935.79 -10.84 -7.03 -0.07
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.78 -101.87 7093.5 188.12 31.96 -0.01
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -8.81 -137.48 7019.87 96.29 -22.7 -0.08
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 10.14 -60.32 7177.58 295.24 16.29 -0.02
Base 317 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.18 -179.03 6935.79 -10.84 -7.03 -0.07
Base 317 ENVOLVENTE Max 47.99 1039.48 11090.5 636.15 91.59 0.07
Base 317 ENVOLVENTE Min -24.45 -373.99 6935.79 -1594.4 -56.12 -0.27
Base 320 Dead -0.99 0 961.62 0 -17.36 0
Base 320 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 320 Lr -4.83 0.00013 1437.64 -0.0003 -75.87 0
Base 320 Scp -1.04 0 3967.3 -6E-05 -16.97 0
Base 320 Sx Max 1.8 0 0.03 0 20.72 0
Base 320 Sy Max 0 43.7 0 91.27 0 0.0026
Base 320 Wx1 -1.16 0 0.1 0 -16.47 0
Base 320 Wx2 8.01 0 2.1 0 57.17 0
Base 320 Wy1 2.5 -126.51 -676.16 245.96 43.4 -0.0038
Base 320 Wy2 -1.54 378.07 586.81 -769.56 -26.81 0.01
Base 320 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.85 0 6900.5 -1E-04 -48.08 0
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -4.86 0.0001 6633.53 -0.0002 -79.14 0
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -10.75 0.00025 8214.99 -0.0005 -170.84 0
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -6.16 0.00025 8215.99 -0.0005 -134.02 0
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -8.92 -63.25 7876.86 122.98 -140.9 -0.0019
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -10.94 189.03 8508.34 -384.78 -176.01 0.00473
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -6.02 0.0001 6633.63 -0.0002 -95.62 0
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 3.16 0.0001 6635.63 -0.0002 -21.98 0
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -2.36 -126.51 5957.38 245.95 -35.74 -0.0038
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -6.39 378.07 7220.34 -769.56 -105.95 0.01
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.65 13.11 5914.74 27.38 -20.49 0.00078
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -4.24 -13.11 5914.68 -27.38 -61.92 -0.0008
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1.9 43.7 5914.72 91.27 -34.99 0.0026
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.98 -43.7 5914.7 -91.27 -47.42 -0.0026
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.65 13.11 5914.74 27.38 -20.49 0.00078
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -4.24 -13.11 5914.68 -27.38 -61.92 -0.0008
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.9 43.7 5914.72 91.27 -34.99 0.0026
Base 320 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.98 -43.7 5914.7 -91.27 -47.42 -0.0026
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -2.99 0 4436.13 -6E-05 -47.38 0
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 6.18 0 4438.14 -6E-05 26.26 0
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 0.67 -126.51 3759.88 245.95 12.5 -0.0038
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -3.37 378.07 5022.84 -769.56 -57.72 0.01
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.04 13.11 4436.06 27.38 -10.19 0.00078
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.63 -13.11 4436 -27.38 -51.62 -0.0008
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -1.29 43.7 4436.04 91.27 -24.69 0.0026
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.37 -43.7 4436.02 -91.27 -37.12 -0.0026
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.04 13.11 4436.06 27.38 -10.19 0.00078
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.63 -13.11 4436 -27.38 -51.62 -0.0008
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.29 43.7 4436.04 91.27 -24.69 0.0026
Base 320 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.37 -43.7 4436.02 -91.27 -37.12 -0.0026
Base 320 ENVOLVENTE Max 6.18 378.07 8508.34 245.95 26.26 0.01
Base 320 ENVOLVENTE Min -10.94 -126.51 3759.88 -769.56 -176.01 -0.0038
Base 332 Dead -1.56 5.04 1265.55 -6.4 -3.23 0.02
Base 332 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 332 Lr -5.62 -8.46 1073.83 8.51 -10.79 0.05
Base 332 Scp 21.46 127.48 6762.23 -151.08 26.61 0.01
Base 332 Sx Max 13.12 0.01 3.2 0.02 26.66 0.03
Base 332 Sy Max 1.88 44.62 91.06 115.11 3.86 0.03
Base 332 Wx1 -29.22 0.01 -6.5 -0.01 -58.9 0.00361
Base 332 Wx2 49.17 1.16 -10.29 -2.2 96.4 0.38
Base 332 Wy1 6.5 -536.95 -848.87 474.42 12.1 0.02
Base 332 Wy2 12.7 465.06 644.75 -1125.1 25.76 -0.07
Base 332 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 27.87 185.53 11238.9 -220.47 32.73 0.05
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 21.08 154.79 10170.3 -184.72 22.66 0.07
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 0.29 145.49 11348.2 -175.36 -18.66 0.13
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 39.48 146.07 11346.3 -176.45 58.99 0.31
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 18.14 -122.99 10927 61.86 16.84 0.14
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 21.24 378.02 11673.8 -737.92 23.67 0.09
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -8.14 154.8 10163.7 -184.72 -36.24 0.07
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 70.24 155.95 10160 -186.92 119.06 0.44
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 27.57 -382.16 9321.37 289.71 34.76 0.08
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 33.77 619.86 10815 -1309.9 48.42 -0.0023
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 37.57 172.42 9663.85 -154.42 55.87 0.08
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 10.2 145.63 9602.81 -223.52 0.24 0.00345
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 29.7 203.65 9725.35 -73.86 39.91 0.07
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 18.07 114.4 9541.31 -304.09 16.2 0.01
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 37.57 172.42 9663.85 -154.42 55.87 0.08
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 10.2 145.63 9602.81 -223.52 0.24 0.00345
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 29.7 203.65 9725.35 -73.86 39.91 0.07
Base 332 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 18.07 114.4 9541.31 -304.09 16.2 0.01
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -11.3 119.27 7218.49 -141.74 -37.86 0.03
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 67.08 120.42 7214.71 -143.93 117.44 0.41
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 24.41 -417.69 6376.12 332.69 33.14 0.05
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 30.61 584.33 7869.75 -1266.9 46.8 -0.04
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 31.6 132.66 7255.52 -107.18 48.86 0.07
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 4.23 105.87 7194.47 -176.28 -6.78 -0.01
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 23.73 163.89 7317.02 -26.62 32.9 0.06
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 12.1 74.64 7132.97 -256.84 9.19 -0.0047
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 31.6 132.66 7255.52 -107.18 48.86 0.07
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 4.23 105.87 7194.47 -176.28 -6.78 -0.01
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 23.73 163.89 7317.02 -26.62 32.9 0.06
Base 332 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 12.1 74.64 7132.97 -256.84 9.19 -0.0047
Base 332 ENVOLVENTE Max 70.24 619.86 11673.8 332.69 119.06 0.44
Base 332 ENVOLVENTE Min -11.3 -417.69 6376.12 -1309.9 -37.86 -0.04
Base 334 Dead -1.56 -5.04 1265.55 6.4 -3.23 -0.02
Base 334 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 334 Lr -5.62 8.46 1073.84 -8.51 -10.79 -0.05
Base 334 Scp 21.46 -127.48 6762.23 151.08 26.61 -0.01
Base 334 Sx Max 13.12 0.01 3.2 0.02 26.66 0.03
Base 334 Sy Max 1.88 44.62 91.06 115.11 3.86 0.03
Base 334 Wx1 -29.22 -0.01 -6.5 0.01 -58.9 -0.0036
Base 334 Wx2 49.17 -1.16 -10.29 2.2 96.4 -0.38
Base 334 Wy1 -0.86 -102.09 -124.64 178.25 -1.47 0.08
Base 334 Wy2 -17.97 913.33 469.6 -1434.4 -35.46 -0.1
Base 334 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 27.87 -185.53 11238.9 220.47 32.73 -0.05
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 21.08 -154.79 10170.3 184.72 22.66 -0.07
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 0.29 -145.49 11348.2 175.36 -18.66 -0.13
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 39.48 -146.07 11346.3 176.46 58.99 -0.31
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 14.47 -196.53 11289.2 264.48 10.05 -0.09
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 5.91 311.17 11586.3 -541.85 -6.94 -0.18
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -8.14 -154.8 10163.7 184.72 -36.24 -0.07
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 70.24 -155.95 10160 186.92 119.06 -0.44
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 20.22 -256.88 10045.6 362.97 21.19 0.02
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 3.11 758.53 10639.9 -1249.7 -12.8 -0.17
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 37.57 -145.63 9663.85 223.53 55.87 -0.0034
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 10.2 -172.42 9602.81 154.42 0.24 -0.08
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 29.7 -114.4 9725.35 304.09 39.91 -0.01
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 18.07 -203.65 9541.31 73.86 16.2 -0.07
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 37.57 -145.63 9663.85 223.53 55.87 -0.0034
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 10.2 -172.42 9602.81 154.42 0.24 -0.08
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 29.7 -114.4 9725.35 304.09 39.91 -0.01
Base 334 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 18.07 -203.65 9541.31 73.86 16.2 -0.07
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -11.3 -119.27 7218.49 141.74 -37.86 -0.03
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 67.08 -120.43 7214.71 143.93 117.44 -0.41
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 17.05 -221.35 7100.36 319.98 19.57 0.05
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -0.05 794.06 7694.6 -1292.7 -14.41 -0.13
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 31.6 -105.87 7255.52 176.28 48.86 0.01
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 4.23 -132.66 7194.47 107.18 -6.78 -0.07
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 23.73 -74.64 7317.02 256.84 32.9 0.00469
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 12.1 -163.89 7132.98 26.62 9.19 -0.06
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 31.6 -105.87 7255.52 176.28 48.86 0.01
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 4.23 -132.66 7194.47 107.18 -6.78 -0.07
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 23.73 -74.64 7317.02 256.84 32.9 0.00469
Base 334 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 12.1 -163.89 7132.98 26.62 9.19 -0.06
Base 334 ENVOLVENTE Max 70.24 794.06 11586.3 362.97 119.06 0.05
Base 334 ENVOLVENTE Min -11.3 -256.88 7100.36 -1292.7 -37.86 -0.44
Base 337 Dead -0.93 0 965.59 0 -17.03 0
Base 337 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 337 Lr -2.52 -0.0004 1583.96 0.00077 -68.02 0
Base 337 Scp -0.55 -8E-05 4000.6 0.00017 -15.26 0
Base 337 Sx Max 1.93 0 0.85 0 21.54 0
Base 337 Sy Max 0 32.87 0 68.67 0 0.00385
Base 337 Wx1 -1.15 0 -0.38 0 -16.35 0
Base 337 Wx2 11.04 0 -7.43 0 68.74 0
Base 337 Wy1 1.17 -48.56 -741.41 88.24 39.14 -0.01
Base 337 Wy2 -0.2 323.2 676.31 -660.05 -22.67 0.00324
Base 337 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.07 -0.0001 6952.66 0.00027 -45.22 0
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -3.04 -0.0003 6751.4 0.00061 -72.77 0
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -6.39 -0.0007 8493.58 0.00146 -155.76 0
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -0.29 -0.0007 8490.05 0.00144 -113.22 0
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -5.23 -24.28 8123.06 44.12 -128.01 -0.01
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -5.91 161.6 8831.92 -330.02 -158.92 0.00162
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -4.18 -0.0003 6751.03 0.00061 -89.12 0
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 8 -0.0003 6743.97 0.00058 -4.03 0
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -1.87 -48.56 6009.99 88.24 -33.62 -0.01
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -3.23 323.2 7427.72 -660.05 -95.43 0.00324
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 0.15 9.86 5960.27 20.6 -17.22 0.00116
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.71 -9.86 5958.57 -20.6 -60.29 -0.0012
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1.2 32.87 5959.68 68.67 -32.3 0.00385
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.36 -32.87 5959.17 -68.67 -45.22 -0.0038
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 0.15 9.86 5960.27 20.6 -17.22 0.00116
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.71 -9.86 5958.57 -20.6 -60.29 -0.0012
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.2 32.87 5959.68 68.67 -32.3 0.00385
Base 337 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.36 -32.87 5959.17 -68.67 -45.22 -0.0038
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -2.48 -8E-05 4469.19 0.00017 -45.42 0
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 9.71 -7E-05 4462.13 0.00014 39.67 0
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -0.16 -48.56 3728.16 88.24 10.08 -0.01
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -1.53 323.2 5145.88 -660.05 -51.73 0.00324
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 0.6 9.86 4470.42 20.6 -7.53 0.00116
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.26 -9.86 4468.71 -20.6 -50.6 -0.0012
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -0.75 32.87 4469.82 68.67 -22.61 0.00385
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.91 -32.87 4469.31 -68.67 -35.53 -0.0038
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 0.6 9.86 4470.42 20.6 -7.53 0.00116
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.26 -9.86 4468.71 -20.6 -50.6 -0.0012
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.75 32.87 4469.82 68.67 -22.61 0.00385
Base 337 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.91 -32.87 4469.31 -68.67 -35.53 -0.0038
Base 337 ENVOLVENTE Max 9.71 323.2 8831.92 88.24 39.67 0.00385
Base 337 ENVOLVENTE Min -6.39 -48.56 3728.16 -660.05 -158.92 -0.01
Base 349 Dead -12.68 5.37 977.19 -6.83 -17.02 0.05
Base 349 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 349 Lr 0.11 -3.03 401.77 2.89 -4.03 0.32
Base 349 Scp -276.39 131.12 3975.15 -155.43 -338.49 0.07
Base 349 Sx Max 10.67 0.00449 12.76 0.04 23.65 0.06
Base 349 Sy Max 1.51 3.46 6.61 8.81 3.4 0.03
Base 349 Wx1 -24.12 -0.03 25.1 0.03 -52.58 0.01
Base 349 Wx2 218.94 -0.95 -12.48 1.88 201.18 -2.63
Base 349 Wy1 0.89 -402.85 -356.99 441.3 5.45 -0.28
Base 349 Wy2 10.39 258.96 309.62 -616.84 22.88 -0.05
Base 349 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -404.69 191.08 6933.27 -227.17 -497.71 0.16
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -346.82 162.27 6143.69 -193.27 -428.63 0.3
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -358.76 158.92 6598.19 -190.08 -459.35 0.65
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -237.23 158.46 6579.4 -189.15 -332.47 -0.67
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -346.26 -42.49 6407.15 30.56 -430.34 0.51
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -341.51 288.41 6740.45 -498.51 -421.62 0.62
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -370.94 162.24 6168.79 -193.24 -481.21 0.3
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -127.88 161.31 6131.21 -191.39 -227.44 -2.33
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -345.93 -240.58 5786.71 248.03 -423.18 0.02
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -336.43 421.23 6453.32 -810.11 -405.75 0.25
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -335.75 164.83 5957.55 -192.04 -401.94 0.2
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -358 162.74 5928.06 -197.39 -451.28 0.07
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -342.17 167.25 5953.25 -185.9 -416.12 0.18
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -351.59 160.32 5932.36 -203.53 -437.1 0.09
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -335.75 164.83 5957.55 -192.04 -401.94 0.2
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -358 162.74 5928.06 -197.39 -451.28 0.07
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -342.17 167.25 5953.25 -185.9 -416.12 0.18
Base 349 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -351.59 160.32 5932.36 -203.53 -437.1 0.09
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -284.28 122.81 4482.2 -146.01 -372.54 0.11
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -41.22 121.88 4444.63 -144.15 -118.77 -2.53
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -259.27 -280.01 4100.12 295.27 -314.51 -0.18
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -249.77 381.79 4766.73 -762.88 -297.08 0.06
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -249.03 123.88 4471.85 -143.36 -295.29 0.17
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -271.28 121.79 4442.36 -148.71 -344.63 0.04
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -255.45 126.3 4467.54 -137.22 -309.46 0.15
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -264.87 119.37 4446.66 -154.85 -330.45 0.06
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -249.03 123.88 4471.85 -143.36 -295.29 0.17
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -271.28 121.79 4442.36 -148.71 -344.63 0.04
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -255.45 126.3 4467.54 -137.22 -309.46 0.15
Base 349 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -264.87 119.37 4446.66 -154.85 -330.45 0.06
Base 349 ENVOLVENTE Max -41.22 421.23 6933.27 295.27 -118.77 0.65
Base 349 ENVOLVENTE Min -404.69 -280.01 4100.12 -810.11 -497.71 -2.53
Base 351 Dead -12.68 -5.37 977.19 6.83 -17.02 -0.05
Base 351 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 351 Lr 0.11 3.03 401.77 -2.89 -4.03 -0.32
Base 351 Scp -276.39 -131.12 3975.15 155.43 -338.49 -0.07
Base 351 Sx Max 10.67 0.00449 12.76 0.04 23.65 0.06
Base 351 Sy Max 1.51 3.46 6.61 8.81 3.4 0.03
Base 351 Wx1 -24.12 0.03 25.1 -0.03 -52.58 -0.01
Base 351 Wx2 218.94 0.95 -12.48 -1.88 201.18 2.63
Base 351 Wy1 -0.81 -115.81 21.57 244.92 -1.37 0.08
Base 351 Wy2 -10.32 550.28 115.98 -817.04 -26.27 -0.32
Base 351 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -404.69 -191.08 6933.27 227.17 -497.71 -0.16
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -346.82 -162.27 6143.69 193.27 -428.63 -0.3
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -358.76 -158.92 6598.19 190.07 -459.35 -0.65
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -237.23 -158.46 6579.4 189.14 -332.47 0.67
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -347.11 -216.84 6596.42 312.55 -433.75 -0.61
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -351.86 116.21 6643.63 -218.44 -446.2 -0.81
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -370.94 -162.24 6168.79 193.24 -481.21 -0.3
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -127.88 -161.31 6131.21 191.38 -227.44 2.33
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -347.63 -278.08 6165.26 438.19 -430 -0.22
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -357.15 388.01 6259.67 -623.78 -454.89 -0.62
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -335.75 -162.74 5957.55 197.39 -401.94 -0.07
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -358 -164.83 5928.06 192.04 -451.28 -0.2
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -342.17 -160.32 5953.25 203.53 -416.12 -0.09
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -351.59 -167.25 5932.36 185.89 -437.1 -0.18
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -335.75 -162.74 5957.55 197.39 -401.94 -0.07
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -358 -164.83 5928.06 192.04 -451.28 -0.2
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -342.17 -160.32 5953.25 203.53 -416.12 -0.09
Base 351 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -351.59 -167.25 5932.36 185.89 -437.1 -0.18
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -284.28 -122.81 4482.2 146 -372.54 -0.11
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -41.22 -121.88 4444.63 144.15 -118.77 2.53
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -260.97 -238.65 4478.67 390.95 -321.33 -0.03
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -270.48 427.44 4573.08 -671.01 -346.22 -0.43
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -249.03 -121.79 4471.85 148.71 -295.29 -0.04
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -271.28 -123.88 4442.36 143.36 -344.63 -0.17
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -255.45 -119.37 4467.54 154.85 -309.46 -0.06
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -264.87 -126.3 4446.66 137.22 -330.45 -0.15
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -249.03 -121.79 4471.85 148.71 -295.29 -0.04
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -271.28 -123.88 4442.36 143.36 -344.63 -0.17
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -255.45 -119.37 4467.54 154.85 -309.46 -0.06
Base 351 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -264.87 -126.3 4446.66 137.22 -330.45 -0.15
Base 351 ENVOLVENTE Max -41.22 427.44 6933.27 438.19 -118.77 2.53
Base 351 ENVOLVENTE Min -404.69 -278.08 4442.36 -671.01 -497.71 -0.81
Base 354 Dead -1.64 0 936.19 0 -18.89 0
Base 354 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 354 Lr -29.21 0.00031 617.45 -0.0006 -144.37 0
Base 354 Scp -6.38 6.8E-05 3759.33 -0.0001 -32.15 0
Base 354 Sx Max 2.16 0 3.01 0 21.24 0
Base 354 Sy Max 0 2.51 0 5.21 0 0.00406
Base 354 Wx1 -1.09 0 1.54 0 -16.07 0
Base 354 Wx2 1013.04 0 2.05 0 1783.91 0
Base 354 Wy1 14.4 -69.11 -287.76 135.48 76.94 0.07
Base 354 Wy2 -13.48 176.67 243.27 -359.33 -60.78 0.09
Base 354 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -11.23 0.00011 6573.72 -0.0002 -71.44 0
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -24.23 0.00025 5943.35 -0.0005 -133.42 0
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -56.9 0.00058 6623.31 -0.0012 -300.27 0
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 450.17 0.00058 6623.57 -0.0012 599.72 0
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -49.16 -34.55 6478.66 67.74 -253.76 0.04
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -63.1 88.34 6744.17 -179.66 -322.62 0.04
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -25.32 0.00024 5944.89 -0.0005 -149.49 0
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 988.81 0.00023 5945.4 -0.0005 1650.49 0
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -9.83 -69.11 5655.59 135.48 -56.49 0.07
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -37.71 176.67 6186.61 -359.33 -194.2 0.09
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -7.47 0.75 5637.63 1.56 -40 0.00122
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -11.79 -0.75 5631.61 -1.56 -82.47 -0.0012
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -8.98 2.51 5635.53 5.21 -54.87 0.00406
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -10.27 -2.51 5633.72 -5.21 -67.61 -0.0041
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -7.47 0.75 5637.63 1.56 -40 0.00122
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -11.79 -0.75 5631.61 -1.56 -82.47 -0.0012
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -8.98 2.51 5635.53 5.21 -54.87 0.00406
Base 354 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -10.27 -2.51 5633.72 -5.21 -67.61 -0.0041
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -8.31 6.8E-05 4227.51 -0.0001 -62 0
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1005.82 5.7E-05 4228.01 -0.0001 1737.98 0
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 7.18 -69.11 3938.21 135.48 31.01 0.07
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -20.7 176.67 4469.23 -359.33 -106.71 0.09
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -5.06 0.75 4228.98 1.56 -24.69 0.00122
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -9.38 -0.75 4222.95 -1.56 -67.17 -0.0012
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -6.57 2.51 4226.87 5.21 -39.56 0.00406
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -7.87 -2.51 4225.06 -5.21 -52.3 -0.0041
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -5.06 0.75 4228.98 1.56 -24.69 0.00122
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -9.38 -0.75 4222.95 -1.56 -67.17 -0.0012
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -6.57 2.51 4226.87 5.21 -39.56 0.00406
Base 354 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -7.87 -2.51 4225.06 -5.21 -52.3 -0.0041
Base 354 ENVOLVENTE Max 1005.82 176.67 6744.17 135.48 1737.98 0.09
Base 354 ENVOLVENTE Min -63.1 -69.11 3938.21 -359.33 -322.62 -0.0041
Base 129 Dead -1.88 0.41 1030.59 -0.68 -13.47 -0.01
Base 129 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 129 Lr -5.48 1.11 573.4 -1.64 -55 -0.07
Base 129 Scp -1.22 -6.57 3888.07 7.52 -12.61 -0.02
Base 129 Sx Max 2.22 0.21 12.7 0.24 12.86 0.00344
Base 129 Sy Max 0.12 64.25 60.04 131.54 0.3 0.00167
Base 129 Wx1 -869.57 0.26 -12.96 -0.15 -1366 1.89
Base 129 Wx2 3.21 -0.5 17.99 0.61 17.67 0.0043
Base 129 Wy1 5.84 -41.09 -629.45 74 33.69 0.09
Base 129 Wy2 -0.8 466.75 -353.78 -947.9 -17.87 0.00071
Base 129 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -4.34 -8.62 6886.11 9.58 -36.52 -0.03
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -6.46 -6.84 6189.09 7.39 -58.8 -0.06
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -447.28 -5.48 6813.35 5.52 -802.29 0.8
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -10.89 -5.86 6828.83 5.9 -110.46 -0.14
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -9.58 -26.16 6505.1 42.59 -102.45 -0.1
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -12.89 227.76 6642.94 -468.36 -128.23 -0.15
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -876.04 -6.58 6176.12 7.24 -1424.8 1.82
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -3.26 -7.34 6207.08 8 -41.12 -0.06
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.63 -47.93 5559.63 81.39 -25.11 0.02
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -7.26 459.91 5835.31 -940.51 -76.66 -0.06
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1.47 12.09 5933.1 47.91 -18.35 -0.02
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -5.98 -26.87 5871.67 -31.5 -44.25 -0.03
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -2.94 56.92 5966.23 139.82 -27.14 -0.02
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -4.51 -71.7 5838.53 -123.41 -35.46 -0.03
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1.47 12.09 5933.1 47.91 -18.35 -0.02
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -5.98 -26.87 5871.67 -31.5 -44.25 -0.03
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.94 56.92 5966.23 139.82 -27.14 -0.02
Base 129 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.51 -71.7 5838.53 -123.41 -35.46 -0.03
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -872.37 -5.28 4413.83 6.01 -1389.5 1.87
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 0.41 -6.05 4444.78 6.76 -5.8 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 3.05 -46.64 3797.33 80.16 10.21 0.07
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -3.59 461.2 4073.01 -941.75 -41.34 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.54 13.94 4457.5 45.86 -10.52 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -5.05 -25.02 4396.07 -33.55 -36.42 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -2.01 58.76 4490.64 137.77 -19.31 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.58 -69.85 4362.94 -125.46 -27.63 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.54 13.94 4457.5 45.86 -10.52 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -5.05 -25.02 4396.07 -33.55 -36.42 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.01 58.76 4490.64 137.77 -19.31 -0.02
Base 129 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.58 -69.85 4362.94 -125.46 -27.63 -0.02
Base 129 ENVOLVENTE Max 3.05 461.2 6886.11 139.82 10.21 1.87
Base 129 ENVOLVENTE Min -876.04 -71.7 3797.33 -941.75 -1424.8 -0.15
Base 131 Dead -1.88 -0.41 1030.59 0.68 -13.47 0.01
Base 131 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 131 Lr -5.48 -1.11 573.4 1.63 -55 0.07
Base 131 Scp -1.22 6.57 3888.07 -7.52 -12.61 0.02
Base 131 Sx Max 2.22 0.21 12.7 0.24 12.86 0.00344
Base 131 Sy Max 0.12 64.25 60.04 131.54 0.3 0.00167
Base 131 Wx1 -869.57 -0.26 -12.96 0.15 -1366 -1.89
Base 131 Wx2 3.21 0.5 17.99 -0.61 17.67 -0.0043
Base 131 Wy1 6.13 -35.54 15.23 64.3 40.53 -0.02
Base 131 Wy2 4.66 470.27 904.35 -954.62 -2.04 0.04
Base 131 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -4.34 8.62 6886.11 -9.58 -36.52 0.03
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -6.46 6.84 6189.09 -7.39 -58.8 0.06
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -447.28 5.48 6813.35 -5.52 -802.29 -0.8
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -10.89 5.86 6828.83 -5.9 -110.46 0.14
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -9.43 -12.16 6827.44 26.56 -99.03 0.14
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -10.17 240.75 7272 -482.9 -120.32 0.17
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -876.04 6.58 6176.12 -7.24 -1424.8 -1.82
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -3.26 7.34 6207.08 -8 -41.12 0.06
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.33 -28.71 6204.32 56.91 -18.27 0.05
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -1.81 477.11 7093.43 -962.02 -60.84 0.11
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1.47 26.87 5933.1 31.5 -18.35 0.03
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -5.98 -12.09 5871.67 -47.91 -44.25 0.02
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -2.94 71.7 5966.23 123.41 -27.14 0.03
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -4.51 -56.92 5838.53 -139.82 -35.46 0.02
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1.47 26.87 5933.1 31.5 -18.35 0.03
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -5.98 -12.09 5871.67 -47.91 -44.25 0.02
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.94 71.7 5966.23 123.41 -27.14 0.03
Base 131 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.51 -56.92 5838.53 -139.82 -35.46 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -872.37 5.28 4413.83 -6.01 -1389.5 -1.87
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 0.41 6.05 4444.78 -6.76 -5.8 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 3.34 -30 4442.02 58.15 17.05 0.00209
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 1.86 475.81 5331.14 -960.78 -25.52 0.06
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.54 25.02 4457.5 33.55 -10.52 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -5.05 -13.94 4396.07 -45.86 -36.42 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -2.01 69.85 4490.64 125.46 -19.31 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.58 -58.76 4362.94 -137.77 -27.63 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.54 25.02 4457.5 33.55 -10.52 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -5.05 -13.94 4396.07 -45.86 -36.42 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.01 69.85 4490.64 125.46 -19.31 0.02
Base 131 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.58 -58.76 4362.94 -137.77 -27.63 0.02
Base 131 ENVOLVENTE Max 3.34 477.11 7272 125.46 17.05 0.17
Base 131 ENVOLVENTE Min -876.04 -58.76 4362.94 -962.02 -1424.8 -1.87
Base 144 Dead 2.53 0.12 941.8 -0.3 -5.65 0.08
Base 144 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 144 Lr 10.28 2.63 1345.65 -3.71 -28.2 0.36
Base 144 Scp 2.26 -8.27 4091.09 9.57 -6.39 0.08
Base 144 Sx Max 0.14 0.03 2.74 0.05 10.53 0.04
Base 144 Sy Max 0.93 33.83 35.24 69.26 2.23 0.01
Base 144 Wx1 -2.63 -0.04 4.27 0.08 -17.54 0.01
Base 144 Wx2 1.07 -0.03 -2.89 0.06 17.1 -0.04
Base 144 Wy1 -8.57 -137.09 -1430.3 259.68 10.63 -0.23
Base 144 Wy2 4.23 398.47 -270.61 -800 -6.9 0.13
Base 144 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 6.71 -11.42 7046.04 12.98 -16.86 0.22
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 10.89 -8.48 6712.29 9.27 -28.56 0.37
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 20.88 -5.61 8194.64 5.23 -68.35 0.78
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 22.73 -5.6 8191.06 5.22 -51.03 0.75
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 17.91 -74.13 7477.35 135.03 -54.26 0.66
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 24.31 193.65 8057.2 -394.81 -63.03 0.84
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 8.26 -8.52 6716.56 9.35 -46.09 0.39
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 11.96 -8.51 6709.4 9.33 -11.46 0.33
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 2.32 -145.57 5281.98 268.95 -17.92 0.14
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 15.12 389.99 6441.67 -790.73 -35.46 0.51
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 6.17 0.39 6052.77 31.96 -3.25 0.23
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 5.34 -19.97 6026.15 -9.7 -25.66 0.15
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 6.72 24.05 6075.52 80.4 -9.07 0.21
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 4.78 -43.63 6003.4 -58.15 -19.85 0.17
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 6.17 0.39 6052.77 31.96 -3.25 0.23
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 5.34 -19.97 6026.15 -9.7 -25.66 0.15
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.72 24.05 6075.52 80.4 -9.07 0.21
Base 144 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 4.78 -43.63 6003.4 -58.15 -19.85 0.17
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 1.68 -7.38 4533.87 8.42 -28.38 0.16
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 5.39 -7.37 4526.71 8.4 6.26 0.1
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -4.26 -144.43 3099.29 268.02 -0.21 -0.08
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 8.54 391.12 4258.98 -791.66 -17.75 0.28
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 4.73 2.84 4542.9 29.18 0.36 0.19
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 3.9 -17.52 4516.29 -12.49 -22.04 0.1
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 5.28 26.5 4565.66 77.62 -5.45 0.16
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 3.35 -41.18 4493.54 -60.93 -16.23 0.13
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 4.73 2.84 4542.9 29.18 0.36 0.19
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 3.9 -17.52 4516.29 -12.49 -22.04 0.1
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.28 26.5 4565.66 77.62 -5.45 0.16
Base 144 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 3.35 -41.18 4493.54 -60.93 -16.23 0.13
Base 144 ENVOLVENTE Max 24.31 391.12 8194.64 268.95 6.26 0.84
Base 144 ENVOLVENTE Min -4.26 -145.57 3099.29 -791.66 -68.35 -0.08
Base 146 Dead 2.53 -0.12 941.8 0.3 -5.65 -0.08
Base 146 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 146 Lr 10.28 -2.63 1345.65 3.71 -28.2 -0.36
Base 146 Scp 2.26 8.27 4091.09 -9.57 -6.39 -0.08
Base 146 Sx Max 0.14 0.03 2.74 0.05 10.53 0.04
Base 146 Sy Max 0.93 33.83 35.24 69.26 2.23 0.01
Base 146 Wx1 -2.63 0.04 4.27 -0.08 -17.54 -0.01
Base 146 Wx2 1.07 0.03 -2.89 -0.06 17.1 0.04
Base 146 Wy1 -5.9 -125.57 -0.01 239.81 15.32 0.21
Base 146 Wy2 0.36 405.08 1583.21 -812.98 -18.33 -0.1
Base 146 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 6.71 11.42 7046.04 -12.98 -16.86 -0.22
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 10.89 8.48 6712.29 -9.27 -28.56 -0.37
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 20.88 5.61 8194.64 -5.23 -68.35 -0.78
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 22.73 5.6 8191.06 -5.22 -51.03 -0.75
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 19.24 -57.2 8192.5 114.71 -51.92 -0.67
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 22.38 208.13 8984.11 -411.68 -68.74 -0.82
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 8.26 8.52 6716.56 -9.35 -46.09 -0.39
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 11.96 8.51 6709.4 -9.33 -11.46 -0.33
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 4.99 -117.09 6712.27 230.53 -13.24 -0.17
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 11.25 413.56 8295.5 -822.25 -46.89 -0.47
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 6.17 19.97 6052.77 9.7 -3.25 -0.15
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 5.34 -0.39 6026.15 -31.96 -25.66 -0.23
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 6.72 43.63 6075.52 58.15 -9.07 -0.17
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 4.78 -24.05 6003.4 -80.4 -19.85 -0.21
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 6.17 19.97 6052.77 9.7 -3.25 -0.15
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 5.34 -0.39 6026.15 -31.96 -25.66 -0.23
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.72 43.63 6075.52 58.15 -9.07 -0.17
Base 146 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 4.78 -24.05 6003.4 -80.4 -19.85 -0.21
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 1.68 7.38 4533.87 -8.42 -28.38 -0.16
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 5.39 7.37 4526.71 -8.4 6.26 -0.1
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1.59 -118.23 4529.58 231.46 4.47 0.06
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 4.68 412.43 6112.81 -821.32 -29.18 -0.24
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 4.73 17.52 4542.9 12.49 0.36 -0.1
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 3.9 -2.84 4516.29 -29.18 -22.04 -0.19
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 5.28 41.18 4565.66 60.93 -5.45 -0.13
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 3.35 -26.5 4493.54 -77.62 -16.23 -0.16
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 4.73 17.52 4542.9 12.49 0.36 -0.1
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 3.9 -2.84 4516.29 -29.18 -22.04 -0.19
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.28 41.18 4565.66 60.93 -5.45 -0.13
Base 146 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 3.35 -26.5 4493.54 -77.62 -16.23 -0.16
Base 146 ENVOLVENTE Max 22.73 413.56 8984.11 231.46 6.26 0.06
Base 146 ENVOLVENTE Min -1.59 -118.23 4493.54 -822.25 -68.74 -0.82
Base 222 Dead -0.74 0.05 941.77 -0.15 -12.19 0.05
Base 222 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 222 Lr -3.71 2.01 1269.31 -2.66 -55.19 0.21
Base 222 Scp -0.8 -8.4 4074.05 9.79 -12.21 0.05
Base 222 Sx Max 1.22 0.01 1 0.02 14.37 0.03
Base 222 Sy Max 0.22 43.07 44.69 88.16 0.59 0.00184
Base 222 Wx1 -1.83 0.00173 -1.4 -0.0039 -15.41 0.02
Base 222 Wx2 2.21 0.01 1.1 -0.02 22.93 -0.04
Base 222 Wy1 3.12 -138.87 -1362 263.79 33.77 -0.11
Base 222 Wy2 -0.29 391.25 -272.32 -785.22 -15.87 0.09
Base 222 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.16 -11.69 7022.15 13.48 -34.16 0.13
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -3.71 -9.01 6653.64 10.23 -56.87 0.21
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -8.7 -6.8 8049.18 7.3 -125.29 0.45
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -6.69 -6.8 8050.43 7.29 -106.12 0.42
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -6.23 -76.24 7368.89 139.19 -100.7 0.39
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -7.93 188.82 7913.72 -385.31 -125.52 0.49
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -5.54 -9.01 6652.24 10.22 -72.28 0.23
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -1.5 -9 6654.74 10.21 -33.94 0.17
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.59 -147.89 5291.66 274.01 -23.1 0.1
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -4 382.23 6381.32 -775 -72.74 0.3
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.56 2.91 6033.39 38.02 -14.73 0.15
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.14 -22.95 6004.58 -14.91 -43.83 0.08
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1.27 33.05 6063.98 99.72 -24.37 0.12
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.44 -53.09 5973.99 -76.6 -34.18 0.1
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.56 2.91 6033.39 38.02 -14.73 0.15
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.14 -22.95 6004.58 -14.91 -43.83 0.08
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.27 33.05 6063.98 99.72 -24.37 0.12
Base 222 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.44 -53.09 5973.99 -76.6 -34.18 0.1
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -3.22 -7.51 4512.84 8.66 -37.36 0.1
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 0.82 -7.5 4515.34 8.65 0.97 0.04
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 1.73 -146.39 3152.26 272.46 11.82 -0.03
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -1.68 383.73 4241.92 -776.56 -37.83 0.17
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.1 5.41 4528.64 35.13 -7.41 0.12
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.68 -20.44 4499.84 -17.8 -36.51 0.05
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -0.81 35.55 4559.23 96.83 -17.05 0.1
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.98 -50.58 4469.25 -79.49 -26.86 0.07
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.1 5.41 4528.64 35.13 -7.41 0.12
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.68 -20.44 4499.84 -17.8 -36.51 0.05
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.81 35.55 4559.23 96.83 -17.05 0.1
Base 222 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.98 -50.58 4469.25 -79.49 -26.86 0.07
Base 222 ENVOLVENTE Max 1.73 383.73 8050.43 274.01 11.82 0.49
Base 222 ENVOLVENTE Min -8.7 -147.89 3152.26 -776.56 -125.52 -0.03
Base 226 Dead -0.74 -0.05 941.77 0.15 -12.19 -0.05
Base 226 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 226 Lr -3.71 -2.01 1269.31 2.66 -55.19 -0.21
Base 226 Scp -0.8 8.4 4074.05 -9.79 -12.21 -0.05
Base 226 Sx Max 1.22 0.01 1 0.02 14.37 0.03
Base 226 Sy Max 0.22 43.07 44.69 88.16 0.59 0.00184
Base 226 Wx1 -1.83 -0.0017 -1.4 0.00391 -15.41 -0.02
Base 226 Wx2 2.21 -0.01 1.1 0.02 22.93 0.04
Base 226 Wy1 1.45 -128.15 15.71 245.29 29.5 0.12
Base 226 Wy2 -2.25 398.21 1521.81 -798.78 -23.16 -0.06
Base 226 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.16 11.69 7022.15 -13.48 -34.16 -0.13
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -3.71 9.01 6653.64 -10.23 -56.87 -0.21
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -8.7 6.8 8049.18 -7.3 -125.29 -0.45
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -6.69 6.8 8050.43 -7.29 -106.12 -0.42
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -7.07 -57.28 8057.73 115.34 -102.83 -0.38
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -8.91 205.91 8810.78 -406.69 -129.17 -0.47
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -5.54 9.01 6652.24 -10.22 -72.28 -0.23
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -1.5 9 6654.74 -10.21 -33.94 -0.17
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -2.26 -119.14 6669.35 235.06 -27.37 -0.09
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -5.96 407.23 8175.45 -809 -80.04 -0.28
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.56 22.95 6033.39 14.91 -14.73 -0.08
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.14 -2.91 6004.58 -38.02 -43.83 -0.15
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1.27 53.09 6063.98 76.6 -24.37 -0.1
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.44 -33.05 5973.99 -99.72 -34.18 -0.12
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.56 22.95 6033.39 14.91 -14.73 -0.08
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.14 -2.91 6004.58 -38.02 -43.83 -0.15
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.27 53.09 6063.98 76.6 -24.37 -0.1
Base 226 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.44 -33.05 5973.99 -99.72 -34.18 -0.12
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -3.22 7.51 4512.84 -8.66 -37.36 -0.1
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 0.82 7.5 4515.34 -8.65 0.97 -0.04
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 0.06 -120.64 4529.95 236.62 7.55 0.04
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -3.64 405.73 6036.05 -807.44 -45.12 -0.15
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.1 20.44 4528.64 17.8 -7.41 -0.05
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.68 -5.41 4499.84 -35.13 -36.51 -0.12
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -0.81 50.58 4559.23 79.49 -17.05 -0.07
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.98 -35.55 4469.25 -96.83 -26.86 -0.1
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.1 20.44 4528.64 17.8 -7.41 -0.05
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.68 -5.41 4499.84 -35.13 -36.51 -0.12
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.81 50.58 4559.23 79.49 -17.05 -0.07
Base 226 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.98 -35.55 4469.25 -96.83 -26.86 -0.1
Base 226 ENVOLVENTE Max 0.82 407.23 8810.78 236.62 7.55 0.04
Base 226 ENVOLVENTE Min -8.91 -120.64 4469.25 -809 -129.17 -0.47
Base 241 Dead -0.13 0.05 947.05 -0.17 -10.57 0.05
Base 241 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 241 Lr 3.4 2.38 1424.89 -3.2 -35.84 0.19
Base 241 Scp 0.79 -8.63 4113.33 10.05 -7.92 0.04
Base 241 Sx Max 1.22 0.00014 0.28 0.00108 15.87 0.04
Base 241 Sy Max 0.2 43.07 44.9 88.16 0.66 0.00213
Base 241 Wx1 -1.99 -0.003 0.41 0.00375 -15.53 0.01
Base 241 Wx2 2.19 0.00097 -0.25 -0.0002 26.74 -0.06
Base 241 Wy1 -2.93 -143.39 -1526.9 271.46 17.3 -0.11
Base 241 Wy2 0.94 422.17 -292.77 -847.51 -12.68 0.08
Base 241 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 0.91 -12.02 7084.53 13.84 -25.89 0.13
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 2.48 -9.11 6784.9 10.26 -40.12 0.21
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 5.23 -6.5 8352.48 6.74 -87.31 0.42
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 7.32 -6.5 8352.15 6.74 -66.18 0.39
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 4.76 -78.2 7588.83 142.47 -70.9 0.36
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 6.69 204.58 8205.89 -417.01 -85.89 0.46
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 0.49 -9.12 6785.31 10.27 -55.65 0.22
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 4.68 -9.11 6784.65 10.26 -13.38 0.15
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.45 -152.51 5258.01 281.73 -22.82 0.1
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 3.42 413.05 6492.13 -837.24 -52.8 0.28
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 2.06 2.62 6086.2 38.31 -6.12 0.15
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -0.5 -23.22 6058.71 -14.59 -38.26 0.07
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1.35 32.77 6117.44 100.02 -16.77 0.13
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 0.22 -53.37 6027.48 -76.3 -27.62 0.1
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 2.06 2.62 6086.2 38.31 -6.12 0.15
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -0.5 -23.22 6058.71 -14.59 -38.26 0.07
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.35 32.77 6117.44 100.02 -16.77 0.13
Base 241 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 0.22 -53.37 6027.48 -76.3 -27.62 0.1
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1.4 -7.73 4554.76 8.9 -32.18 0.1
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.78 -7.73 4554.1 8.9 10.09 0.02
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -2.34 -151.12 3027.45 280.36 0.65 -0.02
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 1.53 414.44 4261.58 -838.61 -29.33 0.16
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.87 5.19 4568.09 35.35 -0.58 0.13
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -0.69 -20.65 4540.6 -17.55 -32.72 0.04
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1.16 35.34 4599.33 97.06 -11.22 0.1
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 0.02 -50.79 4509.36 -79.26 -22.07 0.07
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.87 5.19 4568.09 35.35 -0.58 0.13
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -0.69 -20.65 4540.6 -17.55 -32.72 0.04
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.16 35.34 4599.33 97.06 -11.22 0.1
Base 241 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 0.02 -50.79 4509.36 -79.26 -22.07 0.07
Base 241 ENVOLVENTE Max 7.32 414.44 8352.48 281.73 10.09 0.46
Base 241 ENVOLVENTE Min -2.34 -152.51 3027.45 -838.61 -87.31 -0.02
Base 242 Dead -0.13 -0.05 947.05 0.17 -10.57 -0.05
Base 242 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 242 Lr 3.4 -2.38 1424.89 3.2 -35.84 -0.19
Base 242 Scp 0.79 8.63 4113.33 -10.05 -7.92 -0.04
Base 242 Sx Max 1.22 0.00014 0.28 0.00109 15.87 0.04
Base 242 Sy Max 0.2 43.07 44.9 88.16 0.66 0.00213
Base 242 Wx1 -1.99 0.00301 0.41 -0.0038 -15.53 -0.01
Base 242 Wx2 2.19 -0.001 -0.25 0.00016 26.74 0.06
Base 242 Wy1 -0.39 -131.67 15.88 251.26 25.01 0.12
Base 242 Wy2 2.69 429.45 1693.33 -861.74 -9.28 -0.05
Base 242 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 0.91 12.02 7084.53 -13.84 -25.89 -0.13
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 2.48 9.11 6784.9 -10.26 -40.12 -0.21
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 5.23 6.5 8352.48 -6.74 -87.31 -0.42
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 7.32 6.5 8352.15 -6.74 -66.18 -0.39
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 6.03 -59.33 8360.21 118.89 -67.04 -0.36
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 7.57 221.22 9198.94 -437.61 -84.18 -0.44
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 0.49 9.12 6785.31 -10.27 -55.65 -0.22
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 4.68 9.11 6784.65 -10.26 -13.38 -0.15
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 2.09 -122.55 6800.78 241 -15.1 -0.09
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 5.17 438.56 8478.23 -872 -49.4 -0.26
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 2.06 23.22 6086.2 14.59 -6.12 -0.07
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -0.5 -2.62 6058.71 -38.31 -38.26 -0.15
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1.35 53.37 6117.44 76.3 -16.77 -0.1
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 0.22 -32.77 6027.48 -100.02 -27.62 -0.13
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 2.06 23.22 6086.2 14.59 -6.12 -0.07
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -0.5 -2.62 6058.71 -38.31 -38.26 -0.15
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.35 53.37 6117.44 76.3 -16.77 -0.1
Base 242 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 0.22 -32.77 6027.48 -100.02 -27.62 -0.13
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1.4 7.73 4554.76 -8.9 -32.18 -0.1
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.78 7.73 4554.1 -8.9 10.09 -0.02
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 0.19 -123.94 4570.22 242.37 8.37 0.03
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 3.28 437.17 6247.68 -870.63 -25.93 -0.13
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.87 20.65 4568.09 17.55 -0.58 -0.04
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -0.69 -5.19 4540.6 -35.35 -32.72 -0.13
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1.16 50.79 4599.33 79.26 -11.22 -0.07
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 0.02 -35.34 4509.36 -97.06 -22.07 -0.1
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.87 20.65 4568.09 17.55 -0.58 -0.04
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -0.69 -5.19 4540.6 -35.35 -32.72 -0.13
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.16 50.79 4599.33 79.26 -11.22 -0.07
Base 242 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 0.02 -35.34 4509.36 -97.06 -22.07 -0.1
Base 242 ENVOLVENTE Max 7.57 438.56 9198.94 242.37 10.09 0.03
Base 242 ENVOLVENTE Min -1.4 -123.94 4509.36 -872 -87.31 -0.44
Base 261 Dead -0.5 0.04 947.06 -0.16 -11.25 0.05
Base 261 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 261 Lr -5.77 2.36 1428.8 -3.16 -59.17 0.24
Base 261 Scp -1.23 -8.64 4114.21 10.06 -12.88 0.05
Base 261 Sx Max 1.35 0.00107 0.13 0.00278 17.52 0.05
Base 261 Sy Max 0.24 41.92 43.66 85.82 0.66 0.00218
Base 261 Wx1 -1.95 0.00276 -0.15 -0.0033 -15.22 0.01
Base 261 Wx2 2.03 0.01 0.00078 -0.02 31.06 -0.08
Base 261 Wy1 4.78 -143.11 -1532.5 270.85 38.1 -0.13
Base 261 Wy2 -0.03 422.84 -294.22 -848.89 -14.53 0.1
Base 261 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.42 -12.04 7085.77 13.87 -33.78 0.14
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -4.96 -9.14 6787.91 10.31 -58.54 0.24
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -12.28 -6.54 8359.51 6.83 -131.24 0.51
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -10.29 -6.54 8359.59 6.82 -108.1 0.46
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -8.91 -78.1 7593.34 142.26 -104.58 0.44
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -11.32 204.87 8212.48 -417.61 -130.9 0.55
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -6.91 -9.14 6787.76 10.31 -73.76 0.26
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -2.93 -9.13 6787.91 10.29 -27.48 0.16
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.18 -152.24 5255.4 281.16 -20.44 0.11
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -4.99 413.7 6493.69 -838.58 -73.07 0.34
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.65 2.26 6086.74 37.64 -11.23 0.17
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.49 -22.89 6060.28 -13.86 -46.67 0.07
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1.43 31.61 6117.22 97.71 -23.04 0.14
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.71 -52.24 6029.81 -73.93 -34.87 0.11
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.65 2.26 6086.74 37.64 -11.23 0.17
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.49 -22.89 6060.28 -13.86 -46.67 0.07
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.43 31.61 6117.22 97.71 -23.04 0.14
Base 261 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.71 -52.24 6029.81 -73.93 -34.87 0.11
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -3.51 -7.73 4554.98 8.91 -36.94 0.11
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 0.48 -7.73 4555.14 8.9 9.35 0.01
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 3.22 -150.84 3022.62 279.77 16.38 -0.04
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -1.59 415.1 4260.91 -839.97 -36.25 0.19
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.13 4.84 4568.36 34.66 -3.99 0.14
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.98 -20.32 4541.91 -16.83 -39.44 0.04
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -0.91 34.19 4598.84 94.73 -15.8 0.11
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.2 -49.66 4511.43 -76.9 -27.63 0.08
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.13 4.84 4568.36 34.66 -3.99 0.14
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.98 -20.32 4541.91 -16.83 -39.44 0.04
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.91 34.19 4598.84 94.73 -15.8 0.11
Base 261 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.2 -49.66 4511.43 -76.9 -27.63 0.08
Base 261 ENVOLVENTE Max 3.22 415.1 8359.59 281.16 16.38 0.55
Base 261 ENVOLVENTE Min -12.28 -152.24 3022.62 -839.97 -131.24 -0.04
Base 262 Dead -0.5 -0.04 947.06 0.16 -11.25 -0.05
Base 262 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 262 Lr -5.77 -2.36 1428.8 3.16 -59.17 -0.24
Base 262 Scp -1.23 8.64 4114.21 -10.06 -12.88 -0.05
Base 262 Sx Max 1.35 0.00107 0.13 0.00278 17.52 0.05
Base 262 Sy Max 0.24 41.92 43.66 85.82 0.66 0.00218
Base 262 Wx1 -1.95 -0.0028 -0.15 0.0033 -15.22 -0.01
Base 262 Wx2 2.03 -0.01 0.00078 0.02 31.06 0.08
Base 262 Wy1 1.25 -131.41 17.86 250.71 28.26 0.14
Base 262 Wy2 -5.43 430.13 1700.04 -863.14 -31.41 -0.07
Base 262 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -2.42 12.04 7085.77 -13.87 -33.78 -0.14
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -4.96 9.14 6787.91 -10.31 -58.54 -0.24
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -12.28 6.54 8359.51 -6.83 -131.24 -0.51
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -10.29 6.54 8359.59 -6.82 -108.1 -0.46
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -10.68 -59.16 8368.52 118.52 -109.5 -0.43
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -14.01 221.61 9209.61 -438.4 -139.34 -0.54
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -6.91 9.13 6787.76 -10.3 -73.76 -0.26
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -2.93 9.13 6787.91 -10.29 -27.48 -0.16
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -3.71 -122.27 6805.78 240.4 -30.28 -0.11
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -10.38 439.26 8487.96 -873.45 -89.95 -0.31
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.65 22.89 6086.74 13.86 -11.23 -0.07
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -3.49 -2.26 6060.28 -37.64 -46.67 -0.17
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1.43 52.24 6117.22 73.93 -23.04 -0.11
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.71 -31.61 6029.81 -97.71 -34.87 -0.14
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.65 22.89 6086.74 13.86 -11.23 -0.07
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -3.49 -2.26 6060.28 -37.64 -46.67 -0.17
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1.43 52.24 6117.22 73.93 -23.04 -0.11
Base 262 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.71 -31.61 6029.81 -97.71 -34.87 -0.14
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -3.51 7.73 4554.98 -8.91 -36.94 -0.11
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 0.48 7.73 4555.14 -8.9 9.35 -0.01
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -0.3 -123.67 4573 241.79 6.54 0.04
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -6.98 437.86 6255.18 -872.06 -53.12 -0.17
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -0.13 20.32 4568.36 16.83 -3.99 -0.04
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.98 -4.84 4541.91 -34.66 -39.44 -0.14
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -0.91 49.66 4598.84 76.9 -15.8 -0.08
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -2.2 -34.19 4511.43 -94.73 -27.63 -0.11
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -0.13 20.32 4568.36 16.83 -3.99 -0.04
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.98 -4.84 4541.91 -34.66 -39.44 -0.14
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -0.91 49.66 4598.84 76.9 -15.8 -0.08
Base 262 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.2 -34.19 4511.43 -94.73 -27.63 -0.11
Base 262 ENVOLVENTE Max 0.48 439.26 9209.61 241.79 9.35 0.04
Base 262 ENVOLVENTE Min -14.01 -123.67 4511.43 -873.45 -139.34 -0.54
Base 278 Dead -0.34 0.07 941.57 -0.19 -10.66 0.05
Base 278 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 278 Lr -1.04 2.09 1254.85 -2.81 -45.41 0.2
Base 278 Scp -0.16 -8.37 4070.8 9.74 -9.81 0.05
Base 278 Sx Max 1.4 0.00013 0.04 5E-05 18.54 0.05
Base 278 Sy Max 0.25 45.81 47.59 93.78 0.77 0.00234
Base 278 Wx1 -1.95 -0.0007 0.06 0.00083 -15.07 0.01
Base 278 Wx2 3.3 -0.04 1.26 0.08 38.3 -0.09
Base 278 Wy1 -0.02 -139.13 -1342.5 264.36 24.65 -0.12
Base 278 Wy2 1.16 388.67 -267.17 -779.92 -11.45 0.09
Base 278 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -0.7 -11.63 7017.31 13.37 -28.66 0.13
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -1.11 -8.92 6642.26 10.06 -47.27 0.21
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -3.23 -6.62 8022.62 6.96 -104.76 0.45
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -0.6 -6.64 8023.22 7 -78.07 0.4
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -2.26 -76.19 7351.34 139.14 -84.9 0.38
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1.67 187.71 7889.01 -383 -102.95 0.48
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -3.06 -8.92 6642.32 10.06 -62.34 0.23
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 2.19 -8.96 6643.52 10.14 -8.97 0.13
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -1.14 -148.05 5299.77 274.41 -22.62 0.09
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 0.05 379.75 6375.09 -769.87 -58.72 0.31
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 0.88 3.78 6029.16 39.6 -5.79 0.17
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.07 -23.71 6000.52 -16.67 -43.33 0.06
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 0.07 35.84 6062.44 105.24 -18.23 0.13
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1.27 -55.77 5967.24 -82.32 -30.9 0.09
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 0.88 3.78 6029.16 39.6 -5.79 0.17
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.07 -23.71 6000.52 -16.67 -43.33 0.06
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 0.07 35.84 6062.44 105.24 -18.23 0.13
Base 278 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.27 -55.77 5967.24 -82.32 -30.9 0.09
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -2.4 -7.47 4511.19 8.6 -33.49 0.1
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.85 -7.52 4512.39 8.68 19.88 -0.0027
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -0.47 -146.61 3168.63 272.95 6.23 -0.04
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 0.72 381.19 4243.96 -771.33 -29.87 0.18
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.03 6.27 4525.45 36.73 0.35 0.14
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.92 -21.22 4496.81 -19.54 -37.19 0.03
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 0.22 38.33 4558.73 102.37 -12.09 0.1
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.12 -53.28 4463.53 -85.18 -24.76 0.07
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.03 6.27 4525.45 36.73 0.35 0.14
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.92 -21.22 4496.81 -19.54 -37.19 0.03
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 0.22 38.33 4558.73 102.37 -12.09 0.1
Base 278 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.12 -53.28 4463.53 -85.18 -24.76 0.07
Base 278 ENVOLVENTE Max 2.85 381.19 8023.22 274.41 19.88 0.48
Base 278 ENVOLVENTE Min -3.23 -148.05 3168.63 -771.33 -104.76 -0.04
Base 280 Dead -0.34 -0.07 941.57 0.19 -10.66 -0.05
Base 280 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 280 Lr -1.04 -2.09 1254.85 2.81 -45.41 -0.2
Base 280 Scp -0.16 8.37 4070.8 -9.74 -9.81 -0.05
Base 280 Sx Max 1.4 0.00013 0.04 5E-05 18.54 0.05
Base 280 Sy Max 0.25 45.81 47.59 93.78 0.77 0.00234
Base 280 Wx1 -1.95 0.00073 0.06 -0.0008 -15.07 -0.01
Base 280 Wx2 3.3 0.04 1.26 -0.08 38.3 0.09
Base 280 Wy1 1.26 -128.3 9.76 245.65 27.82 0.12
Base 280 Wy2 -1.96 395.61 1497.61 -793.42 -21.16 -0.05
Base 280 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -0.7 11.63 7017.31 -13.37 -28.66 -0.13
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -1.11 8.92 6642.26 -10.06 -47.27 -0.21
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -3.23 6.62 8022.62 -6.96 -104.76 -0.45
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -0.6 6.64 8023.22 -7 -78.07 -0.4
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -1.62 -57.53 8027.47 115.86 -83.31 -0.38
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -3.23 204.43 8771.4 -403.67 -107.8 -0.47
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -3.06 8.92 6642.32 -10.06 -62.34 -0.23
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 2.19 8.96 6643.52 -10.14 -8.97 -0.13
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 0.15 -119.38 6652.02 235.59 -19.45 -0.1
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -3.07 404.53 8139.87 -803.48 -68.43 -0.27
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 0.88 23.71 6029.16 16.67 -5.79 -0.06
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -2.07 -3.78 6000.52 -39.6 -43.33 -0.17
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 0.07 55.77 6062.44 82.32 -18.23 -0.09
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1.27 -35.84 5967.24 -105.24 -30.9 -0.13
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 0.88 23.71 6029.16 16.67 -5.79 -0.06
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -2.07 -3.78 6000.52 -39.6 -43.33 -0.17
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 0.07 55.77 6062.44 82.32 -18.23 -0.09
Base 280 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.27 -35.84 5967.24 -105.24 -30.9 -0.13
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -2.4 7.47 4511.19 -8.6 -33.49 -0.1
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.85 7.52 4512.39 -8.68 19.88 0.00274
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 0.81 -120.83 4520.88 237.05 9.4 0.03
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -2.41 403.08 6008.74 -802.02 -39.58 -0.14
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.03 21.22 4525.45 19.54 0.35 -0.03
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.92 -6.27 4496.81 -36.73 -37.19 -0.14
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 0.22 53.28 4558.73 85.18 -12.09 -0.07
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1.12 -38.33 4463.53 -102.37 -24.76 -0.1
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.03 21.22 4525.45 19.54 0.35 -0.03
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.92 -6.27 4496.81 -36.73 -37.19 -0.14
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 0.22 53.28 4558.73 85.18 -12.09 -0.07
Base 280 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1.12 -38.33 4463.53 -102.37 -24.76 -0.1
Base 280 ENVOLVENTE Max 2.85 404.53 8771.4 237.05 19.88 0.03
Base 280 ENVOLVENTE Min -3.23 -120.83 4463.53 -803.48 -107.8 -0.47
Base 302 Dead -0.22 0.06 946.59 -0.18 -10.27 0.05
Base 302 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 302 Lr 1.74 2.33 1425.65 -3.12 -37.32 0.19
Base 302 Scp 0.43 -8.43 4109.89 9.81 -8.08 0.05
Base 302 Sx Max 1.38 0.0019 0.17 0.0047 19.11 0.06
Base 302 Sy Max 0.43 34.46 35.83 70.55 1.39 0.00358
Base 302 Wx1 -1.94 0.00429 -0.18 -0.005 -14.97 0.01
Base 302 Wx2 -5.12 0.3 -5.63 -0.55 25.96 -0.18
Base 302 Wy1 -2.09 -57.15 -1553.5 101.01 18.42 -0.11
Base 302 Wy2 2.98 332.49 -248.08 -669.48 -7.25 0.1
Base 302 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 0.3 -11.72 7079.07 13.49 -25.69 0.13
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1.13 -8.89 6780.6 10 -40.68 0.21
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 2.07 -6.32 8348.72 6.57 -89.21 0.43
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 0.48 -6.17 8345.99 6.3 -68.75 0.33
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1.99 -34.9 7572.06 57.08 -72.52 0.37
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 4.53 159.92 8224.77 -328.16 -85.35 0.47
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -0.81 -8.88 6780.42 10 -55.64 0.22
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -4 -8.59 6774.97 9.45 -14.72 0.03
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.97 -66.04 5227.11 111.01 -22.26 0.09
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 4.1 323.6 6532.52 -659.47 -47.93 0.3
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.76 0.29 6078.69 32.73 -2.5 0.17
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.26 -20.39 6056.86 -9.61 -41.54 0.05
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1.1 24.41 6103.65 82.12 -14.89 0.13
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -0.59 -44.51 6031.89 -58.99 -29.15 0.09
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.76 0.29 6078.69 32.73 -2.5 0.17
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.26 -20.39 6056.86 -9.61 -41.54 0.05
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.1 24.41 6103.65 82.12 -14.89 0.13
Base 302 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -0.59 -44.51 6031.89 -58.99 -29.15 0.09
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1.75 -7.53 4550.65 8.67 -31.48 0.1
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -4.93 -7.24 4545.2 8.12 9.44 -0.09
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1.9 -64.69 2997.34 109.68 1.9 -0.03
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 3.17 324.95 4302.75 -660.8 -23.76 0.18
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.7 2.8 4561.75 29.84 3.01 0.14
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.32 -17.88 4539.91 -12.5 -36.04 0.02
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1.04 26.92 4586.71 79.23 -9.39 0.1
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -0.65 -42 4514.95 -61.88 -23.64 0.06
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.7 2.8 4561.75 29.84 3.01 0.14
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.32 -17.88 4539.91 -12.5 -36.04 0.02
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.04 26.92 4586.71 79.23 -9.39 0.1
Base 302 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -0.65 -42 4514.95 -61.88 -23.64 0.06
Base 302 ENVOLVENTE Max 4.53 324.95 8348.72 111.01 9.44 0.47
Base 302 ENVOLVENTE Min -4.93 -66.04 2997.34 -660.8 -89.21 -0.09
Base 304 Dead -0.22 -0.06 946.59 0.18 -10.27 -0.05
Base 304 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 304 Lr 1.74 -2.33 1425.65 3.12 -37.32 -0.19
Base 304 Scp 0.43 8.43 4109.89 -9.81 -8.08 -0.05
Base 304 Sx Max 1.38 0.0019 0.17 0.0047 19.11 0.06
Base 304 Sy Max 0.43 34.46 35.83 70.55 1.39 0.00358
Base 304 Wx1 -1.94 -0.0043 -0.18 0.00498 -14.97 -0.01
Base 304 Wx2 -5.12 -0.3 -5.63 0.55 25.96 0.18
Base 304 Wy1 0.41 -48.44 58.04 86.27 25.75 0.11
Base 304 Wy2 -0.99 336.81 1668.71 -678.36 -17.51 -0.04
Base 304 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 0.3 11.72 7079.07 -13.49 -25.69 -0.13
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1.13 8.89 6780.6 -10 -40.68 -0.21
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 2.07 6.32 8348.72 -6.57 -89.21 -0.43
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 0.48 6.17 8345.99 -6.3 -68.75 -0.33
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 3.25 -17.89 8377.83 36.56 -68.86 -0.37
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 2.54 174.73 9183.16 -345.75 -90.48 -0.44
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -0.81 8.88 6780.42 -10 -55.64 -0.22
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -4 8.59 6774.97 -9.45 -14.72 -0.03
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 1.54 -39.55 6838.64 76.27 -14.93 -0.09
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 0.13 345.7 8449.31 -688.36 -58.19 -0.25
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.76 20.39 6078.69 9.61 -2.5 -0.05
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.26 -0.29 6056.86 -32.73 -41.54 -0.17
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1.1 44.51 6103.65 58.99 -14.89 -0.09
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -0.59 -24.41 6031.89 -82.12 -29.15 -0.13
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.76 20.39 6078.69 9.61 -2.5 -0.05
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.26 -0.29 6056.86 -32.73 -41.54 -0.17
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.1 44.51 6103.65 58.99 -14.89 -0.09
Base 304 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -0.59 -24.41 6031.89 -82.12 -29.15 -0.13
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1.75 7.53 4550.65 -8.67 -31.48 -0.1
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -4.93 7.24 4545.2 -8.12 9.44 0.09
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 0.6 -40.9 4608.87 77.6 9.23 0.03
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -0.8 344.35 6219.54 -687.03 -34.03 -0.12
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1.7 17.88 4561.75 12.5 3.01 -0.02
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.32 -2.8 4539.91 -29.84 -36.04 -0.14
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1.04 42 4586.71 61.88 -9.39 -0.06
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -0.65 -26.92 4514.95 -79.23 -23.64 -0.1
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1.7 17.88 4561.75 12.5 3.01 -0.02
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.32 -2.8 4539.91 -29.84 -36.04 -0.14
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.04 42 4586.71 61.88 -9.39 -0.06
Base 304 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -0.65 -26.92 4514.95 -79.23 -23.64 -0.1
Base 304 ENVOLVENTE Max 3.25 345.7 9183.16 77.6 9.44 0.09
Base 304 ENVOLVENTE Min -4.93 -40.9 4514.95 -688.36 -90.48 -0.44
Base 315 Dead -1.19 0.23 917.27 -0.39 -12.72 0.05
Base 315 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 315 Lr -20.84 0.9 516.06 -1.23 -97.79 0.3
Base 315 Scp -4.55 -6.67 3876.37 7.68 -21.12 0.07
Base 315 Sx Max 1.8 0.00229 0.48 0.01 20.3 0.05
Base 315 Sy Max 0.47 2.63 2.44 5.36 1.48 0.00373
Base 315 Wx1 -1.98 -0.02 0.57 0.02 -15.05 0.01
Base 315 Wx2 874.22 -0.25 3.84 0.48 1404.24 -1.98
Base 315 Wy1 17.91 -75.32 -545.63 144.5 73.34 -0.16
Base 315 Wy2 -0.88 181.67 -121.55 -364.2 -16.15 0.14
Base 315 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -8.03 -9.02 6711.1 10.2 -47.37 0.16
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -17.3 -7.28 6010.4 8.12 -89.5 0.29
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -41.22 -6.3 6578.36 6.77 -204.59 0.62
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 396.89 -6.42 6580 7 505.06 -0.38
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -31.27 -43.95 6305.26 79.02 -160.39 0.53
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -40.66 84.54 6517.3 -175.33 -205.14 0.68
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -19.28 -7.3 6010.97 8.14 -104.55 0.3
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 856.92 -7.53 6014.25 8.6 1314.74 -1.69
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 0.61 -82.6 5464.78 152.63 -16.16 0.12
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -18.18 174.38 5888.86 -356.07 -105.65 0.43
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -4.94 -6.94 5753.59 10.36 -19.86 0.19
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -8.83 -8.52 5751.16 7.12 -61.35 0.08
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -5.87 -5.11 5754.96 14.1 -33.03 0.16
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -7.89 -10.36 5749.79 3.38 -48.18 0.12
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -4.94 -6.94 5753.59 10.36 -19.86 0.19
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -8.83 -8.52 5751.16 7.12 -61.35 0.08
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -5.87 -5.11 5754.96 14.1 -33.03 0.16
Base 315 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -7.89 -10.36 5749.79 3.38 -48.18 0.12
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -7.15 -5.82 4314.85 6.58 -45.51 0.12
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 869.06 -6.05 4318.12 7.03 1373.79 -1.88
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 12.75 -81.12 3768.65 151.06 42.89 -0.06
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -6.04 175.87 4192.73 -357.64 -46.6 0.24
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -3.22 -5.01 4315.49 8.17 -9.71 0.16
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -7.11 -6.59 4313.07 4.94 -51.2 0.05
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -4.15 -3.17 4316.87 11.91 -22.88 0.12
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -6.17 -8.42 4311.69 1.2 -38.03 0.08
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -3.22 -5.01 4315.49 8.17 -9.71 0.16
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -7.11 -6.59 4313.07 4.94 -51.2 0.05
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -4.15 -3.17 4316.87 11.91 -22.88 0.12
Base 315 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -6.17 -8.42 4311.69 1.2 -38.03 0.08
Base 315 ENVOLVENTE Max 869.06 175.87 6711.1 152.63 1373.79 0.68
Base 315 ENVOLVENTE Min -41.22 -82.6 3768.65 -357.64 -205.14 -1.88
Base 322 Dead -1.19 -0.23 917.27 0.39 -12.72 -0.05
Base 322 Live 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base 322 Lr -20.84 -0.9 516.06 1.23 -97.79 -0.3
Base 322 Scp -4.55 6.67 3876.37 -7.68 -21.12 -0.07
Base 322 Sx Max 1.8 0.0023 0.48 0.01 20.3 0.05
Base 322 Sy Max 0.47 2.63 2.44 5.36 1.48 0.00373
Base 322 Wx1 -1.98 0.02 0.57 -0.02 -15.05 -0.01
Base 322 Wx2 874.22 0.25 3.84 -0.48 1404.24 1.98
Base 322 Wy1 3.65 -70.22 -5.21 135.62 33.35 0.16
Base 322 Wy2 -19.68 185.12 622.88 -370.82 -69.63 -0.1
Base 322 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -8.03 9.02 6711.1 -10.2 -47.37 -0.16
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -17.3 7.28 6010.41 -8.12 -89.5 -0.29
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -41.22 6.3 6578.36 -6.78 -204.59 -0.62
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 396.89 6.42 6580 -7.01 505.06 0.38
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -38.4 -28.82 6575.47 61.04 -180.39 -0.53
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -50.07 98.85 6889.51 -192.18 -231.88 -0.66
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -19.28 7.3 6010.97 -8.14 -104.55 -0.3
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 856.92 7.53 6014.25 -8.6 1314.74 1.69
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -13.65 -62.94 6005.2 127.5 -56.15 -0.12
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -36.98 192.4 6633.28 -378.94 -159.13 -0.38
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -4.94 8.52 5753.59 -7.12 -19.86 -0.08
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -8.83 6.94 5751.16 -10.36 -61.35 -0.19
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -5.87 10.36 5754.96 -3.38 -33.03 -0.12
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -7.89 5.11 5749.79 -14.1 -48.18 -0.16
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -4.94 8.52 5753.59 -7.12 -19.86 -0.08
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -8.83 6.94 5751.16 -10.36 -61.35 -0.19
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -5.87 10.36 5754.96 -3.38 -33.03 -0.12
Base 322 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -7.89 5.11 5749.79 -14.1 -48.18 -0.16
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -7.15 5.82 4314.85 -6.58 -45.51 -0.12
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 869.06 6.05 4318.12 -7.04 1373.79 1.88
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1.51 -64.42 4309.07 129.07 2.9 0.06
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -24.84 190.92 4937.16 -377.37 -100.09 -0.2
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -3.22 6.59 4315.49 -4.94 -9.71 -0.05
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -7.11 5.01 4313.07 -8.17 -51.2 -0.16
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -4.15 8.42 4316.87 -1.2 -22.88 -0.08
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -6.17 3.17 4311.69 -11.91 -38.03 -0.12
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -3.22 6.59 4315.49 -4.94 -9.71 -0.05
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -7.11 5.01 4313.07 -8.17 -51.2 -0.16
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -4.15 8.42 4316.87 -1.2 -22.88 -0.08
Base 322 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -6.17 3.17 4311.69 -11.91 -38.03 -0.12
Base 322 ENVOLVENTE Max 869.06 192.4 6889.51 129.07 1373.79 1.88
Base 322 ENVOLVENTE Min -50.07 -64.42 4309.07 -378.94 -231.88 -0.66

Tabla 6.8 Tabla de Reacciones en junta Base Nave A

Reaccin en la Base - Nave B
Nivel Load Case/Combo
Label kgf kgf kgf kgf-m kgf-m kgf-m
Base 1 Dead 8.97 9.98 1059.3 -13.36 12.26 0.45
Base 1 Live 0.26 0.01 0.3 -0.01 0.54 -0.000562
Base 1 Lr 1.1 -2.53 266.5 1.26 2.93 1.24
Base 1 Scp 0.47 -0.56 59.48 0.27 1.12 0.28
Base 1 Sx Max 10.39 0.13 15.86 0.33 22.09 0.08
Base 1 Sy Max 0.29 46.24 62.03 125.12 0.55 0.16
Base 1 Wx1 -12.12 -652.36 -205.76 1133.59 -26.65 1
Base 1 Wx2 19.22 0.01 24.47 -0.04 40.38 0.06
Base 1 Wy1 354.8 -181.53 179.83 484.55 395.8 0.13
Base 1 Wy2 -0.24 -178.99 -230.97 483.66 0.47 -1.51
Base 1 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 13.21 13.2 1566.29 -18.34 18.73 1.02
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 11.87 10.05 1475.79 -15.09 17.52 1.5
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 7.02 -318.91 1666.05 553.09 7.42 3.36
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 22.69 7.27 1781.17 -13.72 40.93 2.89
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 190.48 -83.5 1858.85 228.57 218.64 2.93
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 12.96 -82.23 1653.45 228.12 20.98 2.11
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -0.25 -642.31 1270.03 1118.5 -9.13 2.49
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 31.09 10.06 1500.25 -15.12 57.9 1.56
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 366.68 -171.48 1655.62 469.46 413.31 1.63
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 11.63 -168.94 1244.82 468.57 17.99 -0.01
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 21.8 25.31 1377.01 22.15 38.3 1.01
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 0.84 -2.69 1308.07 -53.58 -6.2 0.75
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 14.73 57.59 1409.33 109.5 23.23 1.06
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 7.91 -34.97 1275.75 -140.93 8.87 0.69
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 21.8 25.31 1377.01 22.15 38.3 1.01
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 0.84 -2.69 1308.07 -53.58 -6.2 0.75
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 14.73 57.59 1409.33 109.5 23.23 1.06
Base 1 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 7.91 -34.97 1275.75 -140.93 8.87 0.69
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -3.62 -643.88 801.14 1121.8 -14.61 1.65
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 27.71 8.5 1031.37 -11.82 52.42 0.72
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 363.3 -173.04 1186.74 472.76 407.84 0.79
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 8.26 -170.51 775.94 471.87 12.51 -0.85
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 18.97 22.48 1041.37 26.07 34.29 0.79
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.99 -5.52 972.44 -49.65 -10.22 0.53
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 11.9 54.76 1073.7 113.43 19.22 0.84
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 5.08 -37.79 940.11 -137 4.86 0.47
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 18.97 22.48 1041.37 26.07 34.29 0.79
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.99 -5.52 972.44 -49.65 -10.22 0.53
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 11.9 54.76 1073.7 113.43 19.22 0.84
Base 1 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 5.08 -37.79 940.11 -137 4.86 0.47
Base 1 ENVOLVENTE Max 366.68 57.59 1858.85 1121.8 413.31 3.36
Base 1 ENVOLVENTE Min -3.62 -643.88 775.94 -140.93 -14.61 -0.85
Base 3 Dead 9.17 -9.97 1059.58 13.32 12.68 -0.45
Base 3 Live 0.43 0.01 0.55 -0.02 0.9 0.0004679
Base 3 Lr 1.1 2.53 266.5 -1.26 2.93 -1.24
Base 3 Scp 0.61 0.57 59.69 -0.3 1.42 -0.28
Base 3 Sx Max 10.7 0.13 16.16 0.32 22.72 0.08
Base 3 Sy Max 0.29 46.24 62.03 125.12 0.56 0.16
Base 3 Wx1 -13.16 -650.84 164.76 1130.5 -28.44 -0.44
Base 3 Wx2 17.78 -0.12 23.03 0.32 37.4 -0.06
Base 3 Wy1 0.24 -178.99 230.97 483.66 -0.47 -1.51
Base 3 Wy2 -354.81 -181.53 -179.83 484.55 -395.81 0.13
Base 3 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 13.69 -13.16 1566.99 18.23 19.75 -1.02
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 12.28 -10.01 1476.38 15 18.39 -1.5
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 6.91 -332.65 1851.91 578.87 7.4 -3.08
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 22.38 -7.29 1781.04 13.77 40.32 -2.89
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 13.61 -96.73 1885.01 255.44 21.39 -3.61
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -163.92 -97.99 1679.61 255.89 -176.28 -2.79
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -0.88 -660.85 1641.14 1145.5 -10.05 -1.94
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 30.07 -10.14 1499.41 15.32 55.79 -1.56
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 12.52 -189 1707.35 498.65 17.93 -3
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -342.53 -191.54 1296.54 499.55 -377.41 -1.36
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 22.52 2.72 1377.9 53.48 39.82 -0.75
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 0.94 -25.28 1308.36 -22.23 -5.97 -1.01
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 15.24 35 1410.01 140.84 24.3 -0.69
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 8.23 -57.56 1276.25 -109.59 9.55 -1.06
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 22.52 2.72 1377.9 53.48 39.82 -0.75
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 0.94 -25.28 1308.36 -22.23 -5.97 -1.01
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 15.24 35 1410.01 140.84 24.3 -0.69
Base 3 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 8.23 -57.56 1276.25 -109.59 9.55 -1.06
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -4.36 -659.3 1172.11 1142.22 -15.75 -1.1
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 26.58 -8.58 1030.37 12.04 50.09 -0.72
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 9.04 -187.45 1238.31 495.37 12.23 -2.16
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -346.01 -189.98 827.51 496.27 -383.11 -0.52
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 19.59 5.54 1042.12 49.58 35.58 -0.53
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1.99 -22.46 972.58 -26.14 -10.2 -0.79
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 12.3 37.82 1074.23 136.93 20.07 -0.47
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 5.3 -54.74 940.46 -113.49 5.32 -0.84
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 19.59 5.54 1042.12 49.58 35.58 -0.53
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1.99 -22.46 972.58 -26.14 -10.2 -0.79
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 12.3 37.82 1074.23 136.93 20.07 -0.47
Base 3 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 5.3 -54.74 940.46 -113.49 5.32 -0.84
Base 3 ENVOLVENTE Max 30.07 37.82 1885.01 1145.5 55.79 -0.47
Base 3 ENVOLVENTE Min -346.01 -660.85 827.51 -113.49 -383.11 -3.61
Base 7 Dead 8.7 0.002503 1208.15 -0.004934 22.84 0
Base 7 Live -0.1 0.002113 -0.13 -0.004167 -0.78 0
Base 7 Lr 52.59 0 586.33 0 168.92 0
Base 7 Scp 11.6 0.001814 130.18 -0.003576 36.87 0
Base 7 Sx Max 10.37 0.01 14.78 0.01 99.97 6.751E-05
Base 7 Sy Max 0.001232 14.76 0.0008039 29.25 0.001686 0.01
Base 7 Wx1 -1424.85 -108.03 -13.39 210.15 -2717.58 0.01
Base 7 Wx2 7.83 -0.02 9.07 0.03 67.23 0
Base 7 Wy1 35.86 -57.16 339.65 112.97 134.26 0.01
Base 7 Wy2 -35.86 -57.16 -339.65 112.97 -134.26 0.01
Base 7 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 28.42 0.01 1873.66 -0.01 83.6 0
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 50.65 0.01 1899.16 -0.01 156.11 0
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -603.93 -54.01 2537.43 105.06 -1016.87 0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 112.41 0.002846 2548.66 0.01 375.54 0
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 126.43 -28.58 2713.95 56.47 409.05 0.002721
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 90.57 -28.58 2374.3 56.47 274.79 0.00272
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1374.2 -108.02 1885.77 210.14 -2561.47 0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 58.49 -0.01 1908.23 0.02 223.34 0
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 86.51 -57.16 2238.81 112.96 290.37 0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 14.8 -57.16 1559.52 112.96 21.85 0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 34.73 4.44 1620.77 8.78 171.62 0.00191
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 13.99 -4.43 1591.22 -8.8 -28.32 -0.001966
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 27.47 14.77 1610.43 29.24 101.65 0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 21.25 -14.76 1601.56 -29.26 41.66 -0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 34.73 4.44 1620.77 8.78 171.62 0.00191
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 13.99 -4.43 1591.22 -8.8 -28.32 -0.001966
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 27.47 14.77 1610.43 29.24 101.65 0.01
Base 7 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 21.25 -14.76 1601.56 -29.26 41.66 -0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1406.58 -108.02 1191.11 210.14 -2663.84 0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 26.1 -0.01 1213.57 0.02 120.97 0
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 54.13 -57.16 1544.15 112.96 188 0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -17.59 -57.16 864.85 112.96 -80.52 0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 28.64 4.44 1219.27 8.78 153.71 0.001917
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 7.9 -4.43 1189.72 -8.79 -46.23 -0.001959
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 21.38 14.77 1208.93 29.25 83.73 0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 15.16 -14.76 1200.06 -29.26 23.75 -0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 28.64 4.44 1219.27 8.78 153.71 0.001917
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 7.9 -4.43 1189.72 -8.79 -46.23 -0.001959
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 21.38 14.77 1208.93 29.25 83.73 0.01
Base 7 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 15.16 -14.76 1200.06 -29.26 23.75 -0.01
Base 7 ENVOLVENTE Max 126.43 14.77 2713.95 210.14 409.05 0.01
Base 7 ENVOLVENTE Min -1406.58 -108.02 864.85 -29.26 -2663.84 -0.01
Base 8 Dead -4.84 0.21 1199.82 -0.38 -10.58 -0.07
Base 8 Live -0.03 0.001956 -0.04 -0.003821 -0.39 0.0008674
Base 8 Lr 7.91 0.54 466.8 -0.8 40.82 -0.25
Base 8 Scp 1.73 0.12 103.7 -0.18 8.73 -0.06
Base 8 Sx Max 6.91 0.03 4.59 0.05 66.49 0.07
Base 8 Sy Max 2.95 16.51 37.07 31.39 6.81 0.02
Base 8 Wx1 -1256.86 -117.97 118.35 222.45 -2138.96 0.88
Base 8 Wx2 5.46 -0.01 3.02 0.01 48.82 -0.04
Base 8 Wy1 42.96 -63.1 791.03 120.16 150.88 0.02
Base 8 Wy2 19.41 -63.73 155.73 121.1 22.92 0.28
Base 8 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -4.35 0.46 1824.92 -0.79 -2.59 -0.18
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 0.22 0.66 1797.61 -1.07 18.19 -0.28
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -619.51 -57.73 2370.27 109.28 -1006.4 -0.12
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 11.65 1.25 2312.6 -1.94 87.49 -0.58
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 30.4 -30.29 2706.61 58.13 138.52 -0.55
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 18.63 -30.61 2388.96 58.6 74.54 -0.42
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1256.64 -117.3 1915.96 221.38 -2120.77 0.6
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 5.68 0.66 1800.63 -1.06 67.01 -0.32
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 43.19 -62.44 2588.64 119.09 169.07 -0.26
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 19.63 -63.07 1953.35 120.03 41.11 0.0012
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 4.07 5.38 1579.93 8.79 66.31 -0.07
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -11.53 -4.59 1548.5 -10.14 -70.76 -0.23
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1.3 16.92 1602.66 30.73 24.54 -0.11
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -8.76 -16.13 1525.77 -32.08 -28.98 -0.2
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 4.07 5.38 1579.93 8.79 66.31 -0.07
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -11.53 -4.59 1548.5 -10.14 -70.76 -0.23
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.3 16.92 1602.66 30.73 24.54 -0.11
Base 8 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -8.76 -16.13 1525.77 -32.08 -28.98 -0.2
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1259.66 -117.67 1291.51 221.95 -2140.62 0.76
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.66 0.29 1176.18 -0.49 47.15 -0.15
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 40.17 -62.8 1964.19 119.66 149.21 -0.1
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 16.61 -63.44 1328.89 120.6 21.25 0.17
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 5 5.28 1188.87 8.96 66.87 -0.03
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -10.59 -4.68 1157.45 -9.97 -70.2 -0.2
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 2.23 16.82 1211.6 30.9 25.09 -0.07
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -7.82 -16.23 1134.72 -31.92 -28.43 -0.16
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 5 5.28 1188.87 8.96 66.87 -0.03
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -10.59 -4.68 1157.45 -9.97 -70.2 -0.2
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 2.23 16.82 1211.6 30.9 25.09 -0.07
Base 8 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -7.82 -16.23 1134.72 -31.92 -28.43 -0.16
Base 8 ENVOLVENTE Max 43.19 16.92 2706.61 221.95 169.07 0.76
Base 8 ENVOLVENTE Min -1259.66 -117.67 1134.72 -32.08 -2140.62 -0.58
Base 9 Dead -4.82 -0.2 1199.83 0.37 -10.49 0.07
Base 9 Live -0.01 0.002831 -0.03 -0.01 -0.32 -0.001016
Base 9 Lr 7.91 -0.54 466.8 0.8 40.82 0.25
Base 9 Scp 1.74 -0.12 103.71 0.17 8.8 0.06
Base 9 Sx Max 6.91 0.03 4.59 0.05 66.5 0.07
Base 9 Sy Max 2.95 16.51 37.07 31.39 6.81 0.02
Base 9 Wx1 -1248.07 -117.8 -124.48 222.15 -2119.35 -0.96
Base 9 Wx2 5.35 -0.03 2.93 0.05 48.3 0.04
Base 9 Wy1 -19.41 -63.73 -155.73 121.1 -22.92 0.28
Base 9 Wy2 -42.96 -63.1 -791.03 120.16 -150.88 0.02
Base 9 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -4.31 -0.45 1824.95 0.76 -2.37 0.18
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 0.26 -0.65 1797.64 1.05 18.37 0.28
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -615.08 -60.15 2248.88 113 -996.4 0.08
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 11.63 -1.26 2312.59 1.95 87.42 0.58
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -0.75 -33.11 2233.26 62.48 51.81 0.7
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -12.53 -32.8 1915.61 62.01 -12.17 0.57
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1247.81 -118.45 1673.17 223.2 -2100.97 -0.68
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 5.61 -0.68 1800.57 1.1 66.68 0.32
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -19.15 -64.39 1641.91 122.15 -4.55 0.56
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -42.7 -63.75 1006.62 121.21 -132.51 0.3
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 4.1 4.6 1579.96 10.12 66.51 0.23
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -11.49 -5.36 1548.53 -8.81 -70.58 0.07
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1.33 16.14 1602.69 32.06 24.73 0.2
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -8.72 -16.91 1525.8 -30.76 -28.8 0.11
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 4.1 4.6 1579.96 10.12 66.51 0.23
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -11.49 -5.36 1548.53 -8.81 -70.58 0.07
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1.33 16.14 1602.69 32.06 24.73 0.2
Base 9 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -8.72 -16.91 1525.8 -30.76 -28.8 0.11
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1250.84 -118.09 1048.71 222.64 -2120.87 -0.85
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 2.58 -0.31 1176.11 0.54 46.78 0.15
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -22.18 -64.02 1017.45 121.59 -24.45 0.39
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -45.73 -63.39 382.16 120.65 -152.41 0.13
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 5.03 4.69 1188.9 9.95 67.02 0.2
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -10.57 -5.27 1157.47 -8.97 -70.07 0.03
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 2.26 16.23 1211.63 31.9 25.24 0.16
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -7.8 -16.81 1134.74 -30.92 -28.29 0.07
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 5.03 4.69 1188.9 9.95 67.02 0.2
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -10.57 -5.27 1157.47 -8.97 -70.07 0.03
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 2.26 16.23 1211.63 31.9 25.24 0.16
Base 9 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -7.8 -16.81 1134.74 -30.92 -28.29 0.07
Base 9 ENVOLVENTE Max 11.63 16.23 2312.59 223.2 87.42 0.7
Base 9 ENVOLVENTE Min -1250.84 -118.45 382.16 -30.92 -2120.87 -0.85
Base 20 Dead 110.64 467.43 1939.33 -1332.52 2.63 -1.02
Base 20 Live 5.94 -0.73 10.76 2.23 0.59 0.00208
Base 20 Lr 103.07 1269.29 2434.11 -3638.55 5.88 -2.84
Base 20 Scp 27.99 281.44 550.14 -806.66 1.81 -0.63
Base 20 Sx Max 234.12 75.42 592.87 231 23.9 0.22
Base 20 Sy Max 5.43 86.24 45.83 382.61 0.54 0.42
Base 20 Wx1 -276.9 -127.08 -839.97 405.38 -29.27 0.45
Base 20 Wx2 436.71 45.18 929.09 -138.13 43.74 -0.14
Base 20 Wy1 3091.36 498.71 6654.59 -486.47 557.63 0.52
Base 20 Wy2 1.83 -1097.52 -815.65 4070.9 1.62 4.09
Base 20 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 194.08 1048.42 3485.26 -2994.86 6.22 -2.31
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 217.89 1533.29 4204.42 -4386.3 8.27 -3.4
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 192.82 2865.96 6461.96 -8186.01 0.1 -6.3
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 549.62 2952.09 7346.49 -8457.77 36.61 -6.59
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1876.95 3178.86 10209.24 -8631.94 293.55 -6.26
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 332.18 2380.74 6474.12 -6353.25 15.55 -4.48
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -59.01 1406.2 3364.45 -3980.92 -21 -2.95
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 654.6 1578.46 5133.51 -4524.43 52.01 -3.53
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 3309.25 2032 10859.01 -4872.77 565.9 -2.87
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 219.72 435.76 3388.77 -315.4 9.89 0.69
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 402.1 999.94 3593.98 -2221.24 29.39 -1.63
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -69.39 797.35 2380.75 -2912.8 -18.73 -2.33
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 242.02 1007.51 3211.05 -2115.11 13.04 -1.49
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 90.69 789.78 2763.68 -3018.93 -2.38 -2.47
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 402.1 999.94 3593.98 -2221.24 29.39 -1.63
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -69.39 797.35 2380.75 -2912.8 -18.73 -2.33
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 242.02 1007.51 3211.05 -2115.11 13.04 -1.49
Base 20 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 90.69 789.78 2763.68 -3018.93 -2.38 -2.47
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -152.13 546.9 1400.56 -1519.88 -25.27 -1.04
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 561.48 719.16 3169.61 -2063.4 47.74 -1.62
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 3216.13 1172.69 8895.11 -2411.74 561.63 -0.96
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 126.6 -423.54 1424.88 2145.63 5.62 2.6
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 360.51 775.28 2847.14 -1579.48 28.06 -1.13
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -110.98 572.69 1633.91 -2271.05 -20.07 -1.83
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 200.43 782.85 2464.21 -1473.36 11.71 -0.99
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 49.1 565.11 2016.83 -2377.17 -3.72 -1.97
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 360.51 775.28 2847.14 -1579.48 28.06 -1.13
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -110.98 572.69 1633.91 -2271.05 -20.07 -1.83
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 200.43 782.85 2464.21 -1473.36 11.71 -0.99
Base 20 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 49.1 565.11 2016.83 -2377.17 -3.72 -1.97
Base 20 ENVOLVENTE Max 3309.25 3178.86 10859.01 2145.63 565.9 2.6
Base 20 ENVOLVENTE Min -152.13 -423.54 1400.56 -8631.94 -25.27 -6.59
Base 22 Dead 115.15 -467.4 1949.59 1332.4 3.09 1.02
Base 22 Live 9.74 0.76 19.42 -2.33 0.98 -0.002183
Base 22 Lr 103.09 -1269.29 2434.15 3638.55 5.88 2.84
Base 22 Scp 31.26 -281.42 557.57 806.57 2.15 0.63
Base 22 Sx Max 241.31 75.42 603.45 231.01 24.59 0.22
Base 22 Sy Max 5.46 86.24 45.84 382.61 0.55 0.42
Base 22 Wx1 -287.8 94.02 -870.06 -292.93 -30.78 0.16
Base 22 Wx2 403.87 -45.35 869.61 138.95 40.51 0.14
Base 22 Wy1 -1.81 -1097.52 815.68 4070.89 -1.62 4.09
Base 22 Wy2 -3091.45 498.71 -6654.67 -486.47 -557.64 0.52
Base 22 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 204.97 -1048.35 3510.02 2994.55 7.33 2.31
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 227.23 -1533.23 4225.67 4386.03 9.23 3.4
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 196.73 -2882.43 6468.21 8241.97 0.31 6.6
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 542.57 -2952.12 7338.04 8457.91 35.95 6.59
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 339.73 -3478.2 7311.08 10423.88 14.89 8.56
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1205.09 -2680.08 3575.9 8145.2 -263.12 6.78
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -60.56 -1439.21 3355.61 4093.09 -21.55 3.55
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 631.11 -1578.58 5095.28 4524.98 49.74 3.53
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 225.42 -2630.75 5041.35 8456.92 7.61 7.49
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -2864.21 -1034.52 -2429 3899.56 -548.41 3.92
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 418.64 -797.29 3625.79 2912.54 31.04 2.33
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -67.26 -999.88 2391.39 2220.96 -18.47 1.63
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 253.55 -789.72 3235.46 3018.67 14.21 2.47
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 97.83 -1007.45 2781.72 2114.84 -1.64 1.49
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 418.64 -797.29 3625.79 2912.54 31.04 2.33
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -67.26 -999.88 2391.39 2220.96 -18.47 1.63
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 253.55 -789.72 3235.46 3018.67 14.21 2.47
Base 22 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 97.83 -1007.45 2781.72 2114.84 -1.64 1.49
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -156.03 -579.92 1386.38 1632.13 -26.07 1.64
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 535.64 -719.29 3126.05 2064.02 45.22 1.62
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 129.96 -1771.46 3072.13 5995.96 3.09 5.57
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -2959.68 -175.23 -4398.23 1438.59 -552.92 2.01
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 374.72 -572.64 2873.64 2270.86 29.47 1.83
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -111.19 -775.24 1639.24 1579.27 -20.04 1.13
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 209.62 -565.07 2483.31 2376.98 12.64 1.97
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 53.91 -782.81 2029.57 1473.15 -3.21 0.99
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 374.72 -572.64 2873.64 2270.86 29.47 1.83
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -111.19 -775.24 1639.24 1579.27 -20.04 1.13
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 209.62 -565.07 2483.31 2376.98 12.64 1.97
Base 22 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 53.91 -782.81 2029.57 1473.15 -3.21 0.99
Base 22 ENVOLVENTE Max 631.11 -175.23 7338.04 10423.88 49.74 8.56
Base 22 ENVOLVENTE Min -2959.68 -3478.2 -4398.23 1438.59 -552.92 0.99
Base 39 Dead -71.23 486.9 1851.6 -1376.33 1.1 1.33
Base 39 Live 5.65 0.74 -10.78 -2.24 0.62 0.002421
Base 39 Lr -64.18 1255.95 2155.29 -3562.11 0.27 3.68
Base 39 Scp -9.42 279.73 469.71 -793.5 0.59 0.82
Base 39 Sx Max 227.23 76.48 595.24 233.36 24.41 0.25
Base 39 Sy Max 4.9 89.94 30.96 389.69 0.54 0.52
Base 39 Wx1 -277.16 108.06 825.14 -316.6 -28.58 0.34
Base 39 Wx2 416.36 -45.83 -932.99 139.63 45.71 -0.15
Base 39 Wy1 2877.12 449.49 -2325.07 -380.35 555.99 -0.59
Base 39 Wy2 57.25 -1111.61 -790.16 4029.43 4.09 -5.13
Base 39 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -112.91 1073.28 3249.84 -3037.76 2.37 3
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -128.87 1547.93 3863.23 -4384.85 2.17 4.41
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -338.05 2983.51 6646.61 -8461.47 -11.82 8.63
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 8.71 2906.56 5767.55 -8233.36 25.32 8.39
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1239.09 3154.22 5071.51 -8493.35 280.46 8.17
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -170.85 2373.67 5838.97 -6288.46 4.51 5.9
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -406.03 1655.99 4688.36 -4701.44 -26.41 4.75
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 287.49 1502.1 2930.23 -4245.22 47.88 4.26
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 2748.25 1997.42 1538.15 -4765.2 558.16 3.82
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -71.62 436.32 3073.07 -355.42 6.26 -0.72
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 131.93 1023.42 3390.11 -2253.53 26.6 2.98
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -325.48 816.49 2181.05 -2954.05 -22.54 2.17
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -23.7 1032.85 2995.11 -2144.1 9.89 3.17
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -169.85 807.07 2576.05 -3063.48 -5.83 1.98
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 131.93 1023.42 3390.11 -2253.53 26.6 2.98
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -325.48 816.49 2181.05 -2954.05 -22.54 2.17
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -23.7 1032.85 2995.11 -2144.1 9.89 3.17
Base 39 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -169.85 807.07 2576.05 -3063.48 -5.83 1.98
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -349.75 798.03 2914.32 -2269.44 -27.05 2.27
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 343.77 644.14 1156.19 -1813.21 47.23 1.78
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 2804.54 1139.45 -235.89 -2333.19 557.52 1.34
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -15.34 -421.64 1299.03 2076.59 5.61 -3.2
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 156.12 793.43 2693.71 -1602.58 26.09 2.34
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -301.29 586.5 1484.66 -2303.11 -23.04 1.52
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 0.49 802.86 2298.72 -1493.15 9.38 2.53
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -145.66 577.08 1879.65 -2412.54 -6.33 1.33
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 156.12 793.43 2693.71 -1602.58 26.09 2.34
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -301.29 586.5 1484.66 -2303.11 -23.04 1.52
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 0.49 802.86 2298.72 -1493.15 9.38 2.53
Base 39 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -145.66 577.08 1879.65 -2412.54 -6.33 1.33
Base 39 ENVOLVENTE Max 2804.54 3154.22 6646.61 2076.59 558.16 8.63
Base 39 ENVOLVENTE Min -406.03 -421.64 -235.89 -8493.35 -27.05 -3.2
Base 41 Dead -66.81 -486.93 1841.33 1376.49 1.57 -1.33
Base 41 Live 9.39 -0.77 -19.46 2.38 1.01 -0.002615
Base 41 Lr -64.17 -1255.95 2155.25 3562.11 0.27 -3.68
Base 41 Scp -6.21 -279.76 462.27 793.62 0.93 -0.82
Base 41 Sx Max 233.88 76.48 605.87 233.35 25.16 0.25
Base 41 Sy Max 4.94 89.94 30.98 389.68 0.54 0.52
Base 41 Wx1 -288.55 -122.52 869.98 393.28 -29.62 -0.49
Base 41 Wx2 385.59 46.01 -873.27 -140.45 42.26 0.15
Base 41 Wy1 -57.23 -1111.61 790.12 4029.43 -4.09 -5.13
Base 41 Wy2 -2877.2 449.49 2325.15 -380.35 -556 -0.59
Base 41 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -102.23 -1073.37 3225.04 3038.15 3.49 -3
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -119.71 -1548.01 3841.95 4385.18 3.13 -4.42
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -334.57 -2990.81 6647.71 8500.15 -11.38 -8.71
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 2.51 -2906.55 5776.09 8233.28 24.56 -8.39
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -218.9 -3485.36 6607.78 10318.23 1.38 -11.03
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1628.89 -2704.81 7375.3 8113.33 -274.57 -8.76
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -408.26 -1670.53 4711.93 4778.46 -26.49 -4.9
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 265.88 -1501.99 2968.68 4244.73 45.39 -4.26
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -176.93 -2659.62 4632.07 8414.62 -0.96 -9.55
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -2996.9 -1098.52 6167.1 4004.83 -552.87 -5.01
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 147.74 -816.57 3379.49 2954.39 28.32 -2.17
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -322.99 -1023.5 2149.15 2253.87 -22.34 -2.98
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -12.52 -807.15 2977.06 3063.82 11.08 -1.98
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -162.73 -1032.92 2551.58 2144.44 -5.1 -3.17
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 147.74 -816.57 3379.49 2954.39 28.32 -2.17
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -322.99 -1023.5 2149.15 2253.87 -22.34 -2.98
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -12.52 -807.15 2977.06 3063.82 11.08 -1.98
Base 41 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -162.73 -1032.92 2551.58 2144.44 -5.1 -3.17
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -354.27 -812.54 2943.22 2346.37 -27.38 -2.42
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 319.87 -644.01 1199.97 1812.64 44.5 -1.78
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -122.94 -1801.63 2863.36 5982.53 -1.85 -7.06
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -2942.92 -240.54 4398.39 1572.74 -553.76 -2.52
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 169.65 -586.56 2688.41 2303.35 27.57 -1.52
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -301.08 -793.49 1458.07 1602.84 -23.08 -2.34
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 9.38 -577.14 2285.98 2412.78 10.33 -1.33
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -140.82 -802.91 1860.5 1493.41 -5.85 -2.53
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 169.65 -586.56 2688.41 2303.35 27.57 -1.52
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -301.08 -793.49 1458.07 1602.84 -23.08 -2.34
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 9.38 -577.14 2285.98 2412.78 10.33 -1.33
Base 41 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -140.82 -802.91 1860.5 1493.41 -5.85 -2.53
Base 41 ENVOLVENTE Max 319.87 -240.54 7375.3 10318.23 45.39 -1.33
Base 41 ENVOLVENTE Min -2996.9 -3485.36 1199.97 1493.41 -553.76 -11.03
Base 41 DStlD2 -63.63 -767.47 2284.14 2172.48 3.5 -2.15
Base 58 Dead 0.53 373.4 1556.29 -1057.65 1.19 -0.07
Base 58 Live 0.34 0.14 0.09 -0.36 0.69 -0.001324
Base 58 Lr 0.56 1259.46 2262.86 -3590.32 0.99 0.11
Base 58 Scp 0.42 280 502.93 -798.15 0.81 0.02
Base 58 Sx Max 13.71 14.82 13.76 39.61 27.18 0.14
Base 58 Sy Max 0.32 76.11 30.63 330.8 0.62 0.06
Base 58 Wx1 -14.86 21.22 22.36 -53.5 -29.86 -0.19
Base 58 Wx2 26.77 -8.71 -11.15 23.26 52.68 0.08
Base 58 Wy1 616.52 437.7 2100.63 -293.72 582.81 -0.03
Base 58 Wy2 2.36 -1132.27 -810.98 4164.47 4.72 -0.18
Base 58 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1.33 914.75 2882.91 -2598.13 2.8 -0.07
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1.42 1413.81 3602.5 -4022.13 2.89 -0.003358
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -5.4 2809.82 6102.82 -7998.23 -10.95 0.02
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 15.42 2794.86 6086.07 -7959.85 30.32 0.16
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 310.29 3018.07 7141.96 -8118.34 295.39 0.1
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 3.22 2233.08 5686.15 -5889.24 6.34 0.03
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -13.44 1435.03 3624.86 -4075.63 -26.97 -0.19
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 28.19 1405.09 3591.34 -3998.87 55.57 0.08
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 617.94 1851.51 5703.12 -4315.85 585.71 -0.03
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 3.79 281.53 2791.52 142.35 7.61 -0.18
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 14.95 821.73 2494.02 -2088.11 29.76 0.1
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -12.67 746.42 2448.11 -2365.82 -24.97 -0.21
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 5.58 864.63 2505.82 -1884.29 11.17 0.04
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -3.29 703.52 2436.31 -2569.65 -6.37 -0.16
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 14.95 821.73 2494.02 -2088.11 29.76 0.1
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -12.67 746.42 2448.11 -2365.82 -24.97 -0.21
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.58 864.63 2505.82 -1884.29 11.17 0.04
Base 58 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.29 703.52 2436.31 -2569.65 -6.37 -0.16
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -14.01 609.28 1875.66 -1723.73 -28.07 -0.23
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 27.63 579.35 1842.15 -1646.97 54.48 0.04
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 617.37 1025.76 3953.93 -1963.94 584.61 -0.07
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 3.22 -544.22 1042.32 2494.25 6.51 -0.22
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 14.67 625.71 1876.25 -1531.37 29.16 0.11
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -12.95 550.4 1830.35 -1809.08 -25.57 -0.2
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 5.29 668.61 1888.06 -1327.54 10.57 0.06
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.58 507.5 1818.54 -2012.91 -6.97 -0.15
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 14.67 625.71 1876.25 -1531.37 29.16 0.11
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -12.95 550.4 1830.35 -1809.08 -25.57 -0.2
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.29 668.61 1888.06 -1327.54 10.57 0.06
Base 58 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.58 507.5 1818.54 -2012.91 -6.97 -0.15
Base 58 ENVOLVENTE Max 617.94 3018.07 7141.96 2494.25 585.71 0.16
Base 58 ENVOLVENTE Min -14.01 -544.22 1042.32 -8118.34 -28.07 -0.23
Base 60 Dead 0.78 -373.41 1556.27 1057.71 1.68 0.07
Base 60 Live 0.55 -0.15 0.07 0.41 1.11 0.001441
Base 60 Lr 0.56 -1259.46 2262.86 3590.32 0.99 -0.11
Base 60 Scp 0.59 -280.01 502.92 798.2 1.17 -0.02
Base 60 Sx Max 14.19 14.82 13.78 39.6 28.1 0.14
Base 60 Sy Max 0.32 76.11 30.63 330.8 0.62 0.06
Base 60 Wx1 -15.46 -27.42 22.95 75.9 -31.03 0.26
Base 60 Wx2 24.67 8.77 -10.85 -23.43 48.57 -0.08
Base 60 Wy1 -2.36 -1132.27 810.98 4164.47 -4.71 -0.18
Base 60 Wy2 -616.52 437.7 -2100.63 -293.72 -582.83 -0.03
Base 60 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1.92 -914.79 2882.86 2598.27 3.99 0.07
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1.93 -1413.84 3602.46 4022.25 3.91 0.003644
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -5.19 -2812.95 6103.08 8009.56 -10.52 0.01
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 14.87 -2794.86 6086.18 7959.89 29.28 -0.16
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1.36 -3365.38 6497.09 10053.84 2.65 -0.2
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -305.72 -2580.39 5041.29 7824.75 -286.41 -0.13
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -13.54 -1441.25 3625.41 4098.15 -27.12 0.26
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 26.59 -1405.06 3591.6 3998.82 52.48 -0.08
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -0.44 -2546.11 4413.43 8186.73 -0.8 -0.17
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -614.6 -976.13 1501.83 3728.53 -578.91 -0.03
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 15.93 -746.45 2493.99 2365.94 31.71 0.21
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -12.64 -821.76 2448.06 2088.25 -24.87 -0.1
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 6.22 -703.55 2505.79 2569.77 12.47 0.16
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.93 -864.66 2436.26 1884.41 -5.63 -0.04
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 15.93 -746.45 2493.99 2365.94 31.71 0.21
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -12.64 -821.76 2448.06 2088.25 -24.87 -0.1
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.22 -703.55 2505.79 2569.77 12.47 0.16
Base 60 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.93 -864.66 2436.26 1884.41 -5.63 -0.04
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -14.23 -615.5 1876.22 1746.22 -28.47 0.3
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 25.9 -579.31 1842.42 1646.89 51.13 -0.04
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1.13 -1720.35 2664.25 5834.79 -2.15 -0.13
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -615.29 -150.38 -247.36 1376.6 -580.26 0.01
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 15.52 -550.43 1876.23 1809.16 30.85 0.2
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -13.05 -625.73 1830.3 1531.47 -25.72 -0.11
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 5.81 -507.52 1888.03 2013 11.62 0.15
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.34 -668.63 1818.51 1327.64 -6.49 -0.06
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 15.52 -550.43 1876.23 1809.16 30.85 0.2
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -13.05 -625.73 1830.3 1531.47 -25.72 -0.11
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.81 -507.52 1888.03 2013 11.62 0.15
Base 60 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.34 -668.63 1818.51 1327.64 -6.49 -0.06
Base 60 ENVOLVENTE Max 26.59 -150.38 6497.09 10053.84 52.48 0.3
Base 60 ENVOLVENTE Min -615.29 -3365.38 -247.36 1327.64 -580.26 -0.2
Base 77 Dead 0.81 371.74 1566.7 -1054.8 1.56 0.001588
Base 77 Live 0.46 0.004693 0.11 0.02 0.86 0.0004395
Base 77 Lr 0.14 1262.48 2246.04 -3593.02 0.31 -0.01
Base 77 Scp 0.42 280.55 499.21 -798.44 0.81 -0.002457
Base 77 Sx Max 14.55 0.15 0.14 0.38 28.97 0.04
Base 77 Sy Max 0.32 74.5 30.36 323.96 0.65 0.05
Base 77 Wx1 -14.43 -1.12 -0.59 2.78 -29.35 0.05
Base 77 Wx2 29.55 -0.68 -0.35 1.65 58.27 -0.03
Base 77 Wy1 619.45 427.62 2102.75 -259.75 589.72 -0.01
Base 77 Wy2 3.22 -1145.88 -806.04 4200.85 6.29 0.01
Base 77 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1.73 913.21 2892.28 -2594.52 3.31 -0.001217
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1.55 1413.99 3602.12 -4020.39 2.99 -0.01
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -5.5 2802.16 6072.47 -7971.32 -11.34 0.002839
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 16.48 2802.38 6072.59 -7971.88 32.47 -0.04
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 311.43 3016.53 7124.15 -8102.58 298.2 -0.02
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 3.32 2229.78 5669.75 -5872.28 6.48 -0.02
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -12.87 1412.87 3601.53 -4017.61 -26.36 0.04
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 31.1 1413.31 3601.77 -4018.74 61.26 -0.04
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 621 1841.61 5704.87 -4280.13 592.71 -0.01
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 4.77 268.11 2796.08 180.46 9.28 0.003746
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 16.13 805.25 2488.35 -2126.31 32 0.05
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -13.17 760.25 2469.85 -2321.44 -26.33 -0.05
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 6.17 857.29 2509.5 -1899.8 12.17 0.06
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -3.21 708.2 2448.69 -2547.95 -6.51 -0.06
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 16.13 805.25 2488.35 -2126.31 32 0.05
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -13.17 760.25 2469.85 -2321.44 -26.33 -0.05
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.17 857.29 2509.5 -1899.8 12.17 0.06
Base 77 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.21 708.2 2448.69 -2547.95 -6.51 -0.06
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -13.31 585.94 1858.73 -1665.13 -27.23 0.05
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 30.66 586.38 1858.97 -1666.26 60.4 -0.03
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 620.56 1014.68 3962.08 -1927.66 591.85 -0.01
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 4.33 -558.82 1053.29 2532.94 8.41 0.01
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 15.76 609.56 1868.57 -1570.34 31.29 0.05
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -13.54 564.56 1850.07 -1765.47 -27.04 -0.05
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 5.8 661.61 1889.73 -1343.83 11.47 0.06
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.58 512.51 1828.92 -1991.98 -7.21 -0.06
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 15.76 609.56 1868.57 -1570.34 31.29 0.05
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -13.54 564.56 1850.07 -1765.47 -27.04 -0.05
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.8 661.61 1889.73 -1343.83 11.47 0.06
Base 77 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.58 512.51 1828.92 -1991.98 -7.21 -0.06
Base 77 ENVOLVENTE Max 621 3016.53 7124.15 2532.94 592.71 0.06
Base 77 ENVOLVENTE Min -13.54 -558.82 1053.29 -8102.58 -27.23 -0.06
Base 79 Dead 1.07 -371.75 1566.73 1054.82 2.07 -0.001735
Base 79 Live 0.67 0.004758 0.13 0.01 1.29 -0.000567
Base 79 Lr 0.14 -1262.48 2246.04 3593.02 0.32 0.01
Base 79 Scp 0.61 -280.56 499.23 798.45 1.18 0.002348
Base 79 Sx Max 15.12 0.15 0.14 0.38 30.07 0.04
Base 79 Sy Max 0.33 74.5 30.36 323.96 0.65 0.05
Base 79 Wx1 -14.92 1.6 -0.21 -3.78 -30.36 -0.05
Base 79 Wx2 27.14 0.54 -0.43 -1.37 53.55 0.03
Base 79 Wy1 -3.22 -1145.88 806.04 4200.85 -6.28 0.01
Base 79 Wy2 -619.46 427.62 -2102.75 -259.75 -589.74 -0.01
Base 79 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 2.34 -913.23 2892.35 2594.58 4.55 0.0008576
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 2.08 -1414.01 3602.18 4020.44 4.06 0.01
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -5.22 -2801.94 6072.72 7970.87 -10.77 -0.01
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 15.8 -2802.47 6072.61 7972.08 31.18 0.03
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 0.63 -3375.68 6475.84 10073.19 1.27 0.03
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -307.49 -2588.93 5021.45 7842.89 -290.46 0.02
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -12.84 -1412.41 3601.97 4016.66 -26.3 -0.05
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 29.21 -1413.47 3601.75 4019.07 57.61 0.03
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -1.14 -2559.89 4408.21 8221.29 -2.22 0.02
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -617.38 -986.39 1499.42 3760.69 -585.68 0.0005333
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.22 -760.27 2488.4 2321.5 34.17 0.05
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -13.21 -805.27 2469.9 2126.35 -26.36 -0.05
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 6.87 -708.22 2509.56 2548.01 13.58 0.06
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -2.85 -857.32 2448.75 1899.85 -5.77 -0.06
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.22 -760.27 2488.4 2321.5 34.17 0.05
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -13.21 -805.27 2469.9 2126.35 -26.36 -0.05
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.87 -708.22 2509.56 2548.01 13.58 0.06
Base 79 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -2.85 -857.32 2448.75 1899.85 -5.77 -0.06
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -13.41 -585.48 1859.16 1664.17 -27.43 -0.05
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 28.64 -586.54 1858.94 1666.58 56.48 0.03
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1.71 -1732.96 2665.4 5868.8 -3.36 0.01
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -617.95 -159.46 -243.39 1408.2 -586.81 -0.01
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 16.72 -564.58 1868.62 1765.52 33.19 0.05
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -13.71 -609.58 1850.11 1570.37 -27.34 -0.05
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 6.37 -512.53 1889.77 1992.02 12.6 0.06
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -3.35 -661.63 1828.96 1343.87 -6.75 -0.06
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 16.72 -564.58 1868.62 1765.52 33.19 0.05
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -13.71 -609.58 1850.11 1570.37 -27.34 -0.05
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.37 -512.53 1889.77 1992.02 12.6 0.06
Base 79 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -3.35 -661.63 1828.96 1343.87 -6.75 -0.06
Base 79 ENVOLVENTE Max 29.21 -159.46 6475.84 10073.19 57.61 0.06
Base 79 ENVOLVENTE Min -617.95 -3375.68 -243.39 1343.87 -586.81 -0.06
Base 96 Dead 0.39 372.58 1553.87 -1055.67 1.07 0.06
Base 96 Live 0.05 -0.1 -1.01 0.19 0.39 -0.001155
Base 96 Lr -0.00387 1258.96 2254.56 -3587.71 -0.03 -0.07
Base 96 Scp 0.04 279.68 500.15 -797.1 0.33 -0.02
Base 96 Sx Max 16.18 15.62 14.08 41.74 31.8 0.14
Base 96 Sy Max 0.36 88.61 34.68 383.43 0.72 0.12
Base 96 Wx1 -15.01 -14.79 -14.26 39.33 -30.09 -0.14
Base 96 Wx2 33.55 13.79 13.83 -37.6 65.47 0.12
Base 96 Wy1 619.83 440.93 2134.08 -308.37 589.19 0.09
Base 96 Wy2 4.1 -1129.74 -808.22 4150.04 7.91 0.16
Base 96 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 0.6 913.17 2875.63 -2593.88 1.95 0.07
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 0.51 1412.2 3592.1 -4017.18 1.66 0.02
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -7 2789.66 6064.98 -7943.99 -13.42 -0.12
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 17.29 2803.94 6079.03 -7982.45 34.36 0.01
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 310.42 3017.52 7139.15 -8117.84 296.22 -0.003956
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 2.56 2232.18 5668 -5888.63 5.58 0.03
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -14.5 1397.41 3577.84 -3977.85 -28.43 -0.12
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 34.07 1425.99 3605.94 -4054.77 67.13 0.15
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 620.34 1853.13 5726.18 -4325.55 590.85 0.11
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 4.62 282.46 2783.88 132.86 9.56 0.19
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 16.8 824.92 2489.3 -2066.55 33.69 0.23
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -15.77 740.52 2440.34 -2380.1 -30.34 -0.12
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 5.73 876.01 2503.73 -1827.37 11.93 0.22
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -4.69 689.43 2425.92 -2619.28 -8.59 -0.1
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 16.8 824.92 2489.3 -2066.55 33.69 0.23
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -15.77 740.52 2440.34 -2380.1 -30.34 -0.12
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.73 876.01 2503.73 -1827.37 11.93 0.22
Base 96 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.69 689.43 2425.92 -2619.28 -8.59 -0.1
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -14.62 572.25 1834.36 -1628.16 -28.83 -0.1
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 33.94 600.83 1862.45 -1705.09 66.73 0.17
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 620.22 1027.97 3982.7 -1975.87 590.44 0.13
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 4.49 -542.7 1040.4 2482.55 9.16 0.21
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 16.67 629.24 1873.1 -1510.72 33.27 0.22
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -15.9 544.84 1824.14 -1824.27 -30.76 -0.14
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 5.6 680.33 1887.52 -1271.54 11.51 0.2
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -4.82 493.75 1809.71 -2063.45 -9 -0.12
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 16.67 629.24 1873.1 -1510.72 33.27 0.22
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -15.9 544.84 1824.14 -1824.27 -30.76 -0.14
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 5.6 680.33 1887.52 -1271.54 11.51 0.2
Base 96 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.82 493.75 1809.71 -2063.45 -9 -0.12
Base 96 ENVOLVENTE Max 620.34 3017.52 7139.15 2482.55 590.85 0.23
Base 96 ENVOLVENTE Min -15.9 -542.7 1040.4 -8117.84 -30.76 -0.14
Base 98 Dead 0.62 -372.44 1553.89 1055.17 1.56 -0.06
Base 98 Live 0.24 0.22 -0.99 -0.63 0.81 0.002456
Base 98 Lr -0.00285 -1258.96 2254.56 3587.71 -0.03 0.07
Base 98 Scp 0.2 -279.58 500.17 796.73 0.68 0.02
Base 98 Sx Max 16.84 15.61 14.08 41.71 33.07 0.14
Base 98 Sy Max 0.36 88.61 34.68 383.43 0.73 0.12
Base 98 Wx1 -15.49 14.84 -14.36 -39.71 -31.05 0.14
Base 98 Wx2 30.74 -12.2 13.54 32 60.04 -0.11
Base 98 Wy1 -4.1 -1129.74 808.22 4150.04 -7.9 0.16
Base 98 Wy2 -619.84 440.93 -2134.08 -308.38 -589.21 0.09
Base 98 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1.15 -912.83 2875.68 2592.66 3.14 -0.06
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 0.99 -1411.91 3592.15 4016.13 2.68 -0.02
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -6.76 -2789.34 6064.98 7942.76 -12.87 0.12
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 16.35 -2802.86 6078.93 7978.62 32.67 -0.001869
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -1.07 -3361.63 6476.27 10037.64 -1.3 0.13
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -308.94 -2576.3 5005.12 7808.43 -291.95 0.09
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -14.51 -1397.07 3577.79 3976.42 -28.37 0.12
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 31.73 -1424.1 3605.69 4048.14 62.72 -0.13
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -3.12 -2541.64 4400.37 8166.17 -5.22 0.14
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -618.86 -970.97 1458.08 3707.75 -586.53 0.07
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.94 -740.24 2489.36 2379.02 35.99 0.12
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -15.96 -824.62 2440.39 2065.53 -30.6 -0.23
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 6.4 -689.14 2503.78 2618.22 13.34 0.11
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -4.43 -875.72 2425.97 1826.33 -7.96 -0.21
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.94 -740.24 2489.36 2379.02 35.99 0.12
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -15.96 -824.62 2440.39 2065.53 -30.6 -0.23
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.4 -689.14 2503.78 2618.22 13.34 0.11
Base 98 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.43 -875.72 2425.97 1826.33 -7.96 -0.21
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -14.75 -571.99 1834.29 1627 -29.03 0.1
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 31.48 -599.02 1862.19 1698.71 62.06 -0.15
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -3.36 -1716.56 2656.88 5816.75 -5.88 0.12
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -619.1 -145.89 -285.42 1358.33 -587.19 0.05
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 17.69 -544.63 1873.14 1823.45 35.31 0.14
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -16.21 -629.01 1824.17 1509.97 -31.27 -0.22
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 6.15 -493.53 1887.56 2062.65 12.67 0.12
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -4.67 -680.11 1809.75 1270.76 -8.63 -0.2
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 17.69 -544.63 1873.14 1823.45 35.31 0.14
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -16.21 -629.01 1824.17 1509.97 -31.27 -0.22
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 6.15 -493.53 1887.56 2062.65 12.67 0.12
Base 98 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -4.67 -680.11 1809.75 1270.76 -8.63 -0.2
Base 98 ENVOLVENTE Max 31.73 -145.89 6476.27 10037.64 62.72 0.14
Base 98 ENVOLVENTE Min -619.1 -3361.63 -285.42 1270.76 -587.19 -0.23
Base 115 Dead 98.27 485.2 1913.71 -1370.08 6 -1.31
Base 115 Live 9.5 -0.65 22.85 1.71 3.92 0.001647
Base 115 Lr 60.63 1263.69 2188.37 -3581.06 -0.27 -3.72
Base 115 Scp 21.62 280.26 505.89 -794.33 3.3 -0.83
Base 115 Sx Max 373.5 79.61 658.78 243.11 33.8 0.27
Base 115 Sy Max 8.15 124.29 45.37 542.01 0.75 0.71
Base 115 Wx1 -291.54 -78.34 -747.19 239.14 -29.39 0.26
Base 115 Wx2 810.14 65.76 1181.3 -205.07 71.38 -0.23
Base 115 Wy1 3188.9 479.71 6748.39 -481.17 569.21 0.47
Base 115 Wy2 81.59 -1095.76 -590.34 3966.36 8.7 5.08
Base 115 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 167.84 1071.64 3387.43 -3030.18 13.02 -2.99
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 174.18 1550.4 3997.7 -4387.82 11.03 -4.42
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 95.11 2901.29 6031.31 -8207.42 -3.96 -8.39
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 645.95 2973.33 6995.55 -8429.52 46.42 -8.63
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1835.33 3180.31 9779.1 -8567.58 295.34 -8.28
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 281.67 2392.57 6109.73 -6343.81 15.08 -5.98
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -117.36 1472.06 3250.5 -4148.68 -18.36 -4.16
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 984.32 1616.15 5179 -4592.89 82.41 -4.66
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 3363.08 2030.11 10746.09 -4869 580.24 -3.95
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 255.77 454.63 3407.35 -421.47 19.73 0.66
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 519.81 1035.45 3575.9 -2191.58 45.19 -2.08
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -232.08 801.65 2231.12 -3003 -22.86 -3.04
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 264.06 1066.72 3146.51 -1982.35 22.05 -1.77
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 23.67 770.38 2660.51 -3212.23 0.27 -3.36
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 519.81 1035.45 3575.9 -2191.58 45.19 -2.08
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -232.08 801.65 2231.12 -3003 -22.86 -3.04
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 264.06 1066.72 3146.51 -1982.35 22.05 -1.77
Base 115 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 23.67 770.38 2660.51 -3212.23 0.27 -3.36
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -183.64 610.58 1430.44 -1708.83 -21.01 -1.66
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 918.04 754.67 3358.93 -2153.04 79.75 -2.16
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 3296.8 1168.62 8926.03 -2429.14 577.58 -1.45
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 189.49 -406.85 1587.29 2018.39 17.07 3.16
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 483.84 805.81 2850.02 -1542.26 42.4 -1.44
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -268.04 572.01 1505.25 -2353.68 -25.65 -2.4
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 228.1 837.08 2420.63 -1333.03 19.26 -1.13
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -12.3 540.74 1934.64 -2562.91 -2.52 -2.72
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 483.84 805.81 2850.02 -1542.26 42.4 -1.44
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -268.04 572.01 1505.25 -2353.68 -25.65 -2.4
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 228.1 837.08 2420.63 -1333.03 19.26 -1.13
Base 115 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -12.3 540.74 1934.64 -2562.91 -2.52 -2.72
Base 115 ENVOLVENTE Max 3363.08 3180.31 10746.09 2018.39 580.24 3.16
Base 115 ENVOLVENTE Min -268.04 -406.85 1430.44 -8567.58 -25.65 -8.63
Base 117 Dead 103.35 -484.92 1929.62 1368.57 6.81 1.31
Base 117 Live 13.78 0.89 36.29 -3.02 4.61 -0.004434
Base 117 Lr 60.65 -1263.69 2188.44 3581.08 -0.26 3.72
Base 117 Scp 25.29 -280.06 517.42 793.21 3.89 0.82
Base 117 Sx Max 391.11 79.6 674.94 243.06 35.27 0.27
Base 117 Sy Max 8.26 124.29 45.38 542.01 0.76 0.71
Base 117 Wx1 -299.7 78.34 -765.57 -239.1 -30.26 -0.26
Base 117 Wx2 739.15 -62.87 1094.73 188.12 65.32 0.2
Base 117 Wy1 -81.54 -1095.76 590.4 3966.36 -8.69 5.08
Base 117 Wy2 -3189.26 479.71 -6748.43 -481.19 -569.24 0.47
Base 117 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 180.1 -1070.97 3425.86 3026.48 14.98 2.98
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 184.7 -1549.82 4030.67 4384.66 12.71 4.42
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 101.56 -2900.71 6055.17 8204.3 -2.71 8.38
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 620.99 -2971.32 6985.32 8417.91 45.08 8.61
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 210.64 -3487.77 6733.15 10307.03 8.07 11.05
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1343.22 -2700.03 3063.74 8083.25 -272.2 8.74
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -115.01 -1471.48 3265.11 4145.57 -17.55 4.15
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 923.85 -1612.7 5125.41 4572.79 78.03 4.61
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 103.15 -2645.59 4621.07 8351.03 4.01 9.5
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -3004.56 -1070.11 -2717.76 3903.48 -556.53 4.88
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 547.96 -801.09 3625.01 2999.79 48.34 3.04
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -239.22 -1034.86 2247.9 2188.46 -22.66 2.07
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 279.97 -769.81 3184.31 3209.06 24.18 3.35
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 28.77 -1066.14 2688.6 1979.2 1.5 1.76
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 547.96 -801.09 3625.01 2999.79 48.34 3.04
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -239.22 -1034.86 2247.9 2188.46 -22.66 2.07
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 279.97 -769.81 3184.31 3209.06 24.18 3.35
Base 117 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 28.77 -1066.14 2688.6 1979.2 1.5 1.76
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -183.93 -610.14 1436.77 1706.5 -20.63 1.65
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 854.93 -751.36 3297.07 2133.72 74.95 2.11
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 34.24 -1784.25 2792.74 5911.96 0.94 7
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -3073.48 -208.77 -4546.09 1464.41 -559.61 2.38
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 509.37 -571.59 2890.9 2351.26 45.13 2.4
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -277.81 -805.37 1513.79 1539.93 -25.87 1.44
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 241.37 -540.31 2450.2 2560.52 20.97 2.71
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -9.82 -836.65 1954.48 1330.66 -1.71 1.12
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 509.37 -571.59 2890.9 2351.26 45.13 2.4
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -277.81 -805.37 1513.79 1539.93 -25.87 1.44
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 241.37 -540.31 2450.2 2560.52 20.97 2.71
Base 117 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -9.82 -836.65 1954.48 1330.66 -1.71 1.12
Base 117 ENVOLVENTE Max 923.85 -208.77 6985.32 10307.03 78.03 11.05
Base 117 ENVOLVENTE Min -3073.48 -3487.77 -4546.09 1330.66 -559.61 1.12
Base 134 Dead -105.8 458.43 1728.66 -1312.34 -27.37 0.91
Base 134 Live -6.84 2.19 -101.69 -6.51 -18.15 0.01
Base 134 Lr -95.26 1095.38 2105.53 -3156.93 -2.84 2.19
Base 134 Scp -27.03 245.29 380.73 -707.12 -16.19 0.49
Base 134 Sx Max 325.03 76.37 659.94 235.18 40.34 0.21
Base 134 Sy Max 9.26 123.23 63.4 539.86 1.14 0.72
Base 134 Wx1 -283.42 75.07 746.4 -231.42 -30.53 0.2
Base 134 Wx2 686.26 -56.21 -1185.57 172.67 88.11 -0.07
Base 134 Wy1 3036.52 387.07 -2706.28 -265.47 568.28 -0.79
Base 134 Wy2 119.17 -970.04 -920.04 3628.19 12.92 -3.47
Base 134 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -185.96 985.2 2953.15 -2827.24 -60.98 1.96
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -207.03 1392.15 3584.04 -4001.81 -53.69 2.78
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -453.52 2634.6 6273.33 -7590.15 -72.07 5.28
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 31.32 2568.96 5307.34 -7388.1 -12.75 5.15
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1206.45 2790.6 4546.99 -7607.17 227.33 4.79
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -252.23 2112.04 5440.11 -5660.34 -50.35 3.45
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -490.45 1467.22 4330.44 -4233.23 -84.21 2.98
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 479.23 1335.94 2398.47 -3829.14 34.42 2.7
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 2829.49 1779.22 877.76 -4267.28 514.59 1.99
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -87.86 422.11 2664 -373.63 -40.76 -0.69
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 168.41 957.8 3210.23 -2026.21 -11.59 2.11
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -487.2 731.12 1852.31 -2820.49 -92.95 1.26
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -52.62 990.6 2792.65 -1812.94 -39.03 2.47
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -266.17 698.32 2269.9 -3033.76 -65.51 0.9
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 168.41 957.8 3210.23 -2026.21 -11.59 2.11
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -487.2 731.12 1852.31 -2820.49 -92.95 1.26
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -52.62 990.6 2792.65 -1812.94 -39.03 2.47
Base 134 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -266.17 698.32 2269.9 -3033.76 -65.51 0.9
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -402.97 708.42 2644.85 -2048.93 -69.73 1.47
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 566.71 577.13 712.89 -1644.84 48.91 1.19
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 2916.97 1020.42 -807.83 -2082.98 529.07 0.47
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -0.38 -336.7 978.41 1810.68 -26.28 -2.21
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 208.26 746.68 2577.42 -1420.37 1.48 1.69
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -447.36 520.01 1219.5 -2214.65 -79.88 0.84
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -12.77 779.48 2159.83 -1207.1 -25.96 2.05
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -226.32 487.21 1637.08 -2427.92 -52.44 0.47
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 208.26 746.68 2577.42 -1420.37 1.48 1.69
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -447.36 520.01 1219.5 -2214.65 -79.88 0.84
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -12.77 779.48 2159.83 -1207.1 -25.96 2.05
Base 134 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -226.32 487.21 1637.08 -2427.92 -52.44 0.47
Base 134 ENVOLVENTE Max 2916.97 2790.6 6273.33 1810.68 529.07 5.28
Base 134 ENVOLVENTE Min -490.45 -336.7 -807.83 -7607.17 -92.95 -2.21
Base 136 Dead -101.95 -457.78 1705.74 1310.36 -28.6 -0.89
Base 136 Live -3.62 -1.63 -121.1 4.79 -19.2 0.001156
Base 136 Lr -95.24 -1095.38 2105.48 3156.96 -2.83 -2.19
Base 136 Scp -24.26 -244.81 364.08 705.66 -17.09 -0.49
Base 136 Sx Max 339.19 76.38 676.32 235.23 42.27 0.21
Base 136 Sy Max 9.34 123.23 63.43 539.85 1.15 0.72
Base 136 Wx1 -291.87 -74.99 764.79 231 -31.37 -0.2
Base 136 Wx2 627.9 66.15 -1101.37 -204.17 80.27 0.26
Base 136 Wy1 -119.12 -970.05 919.99 3628.21 -12.92 -3.47
Base 136 Wy2 -3036.78 387.08 2706.38 -265.48 -568.32 -0.79
Base 136 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -176.71 -983.63 2897.75 2822.42 -63.97 -1.93
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -199.08 -1390.8 3536.53 3997.69 -56.25 -2.75
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -449.78 -2633.22 6234.95 7585.85 -75.05 -5.26
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 10.1 -2562.65 5301.86 7368.26 -19.23 -5.03
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -363.41 -3080.75 6312.55 9284.45 -65.82 -6.89
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1822.24 -2402.18 7205.74 7337.61 -343.52 -5.55
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -490.96 -1465.79 4301.32 4228.7 -87.62 -2.95
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 428.82 -1324.65 2435.15 3793.52 24.02 -2.49
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -318.21 -2360.85 4456.52 7625.9 -69.16 -6.22
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -3235.86 -1003.72 6242.9 3732.21 -624.57 -3.53
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 190.53 -729.76 3179.13 2816.4 -12.21 -1.23
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -493.45 -956.45 1788.44 2022.03 -97.45 -2.08
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -40.37 -696.97 2750.11 3029.64 -41 -0.87
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -262.55 -989.25 2217.47 1808.79 -68.66 -2.44
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 190.53 -729.76 3179.13 2816.4 -12.21 -1.23
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -493.45 -956.45 1788.44 2022.03 -97.45 -2.08
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -40.37 -696.97 2750.11 3029.64 -41 -0.87
Base 136 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -262.55 -989.25 2217.47 1808.79 -68.66 -2.44
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -405.47 -707.32 2627.63 2045.41 -72.49 -1.45
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 514.31 -566.18 761.47 1610.24 39.14 -0.98
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -232.72 -1602.38 2782.83 5442.62 -54.04 -4.71
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -3150.37 -245.25 4569.22 1548.93 -609.44 -2.03
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 228.39 -518.98 2558.19 2211.6 1.5 -0.82
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -455.59 -745.68 1167.5 1417.23 -83.74 -1.67
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -2.5 -486.19 2129.16 2424.83 -27.29 -0.45
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -224.69 -778.47 1596.52 1203.99 -54.95 -2.03
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 228.39 -518.98 2558.19 2211.6 1.5 -0.82
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -455.59 -745.68 1167.5 1417.23 -83.74 -1.67
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -2.5 -486.19 2129.16 2424.83 -27.29 -0.45
Base 136 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -224.69 -778.47 1596.52 1203.99 -54.95 -2.03
Base 136 ENVOLVENTE Max 514.31 -245.25 7205.74 9284.45 39.14 -0.45
Base 136 ENVOLVENTE Min -3235.86 -3080.75 761.47 1203.99 -624.57 -6.89
Base 153 Dead 151.82 58.18 3059.45 -77.33 186.27 -0.000132
Base 153 Live 107.8 43.27 1268.51 -58.59 132.68 -0.000111
Base 153 Lr -3.94 -14.21 782.26 16.8 -5.78 0
Base 153 Scp 91.53 33.93 1261.13 -46.49 112.44 -9.48E-05
Base 153 Sx Max 28.21 2.31 6.46 3.41 53.78 0.0008301
Base 153 Sy Max 0.8 372.9 213.15 883.44 1.48 0.0006671
Base 153 Wx1 -17.09 -0.22 4.2 0.38 -33.82 0.0002166
Base 153 Wx2 63.8 116.86 26.23 -262.63 120.99 0.002563
Base 153 Wy1 671.58 -251.9 543.63 724.41 620.26 0.08
Base 153 Wy2 9.39 -235.34 -465.18 704.84 17.51 0.08
Base 153 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 340.68 128.96 6048.81 -173.35 418.2 -0.000317
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 290.05 103.43 5575.83 -140.18 355.57 -0.000272
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 277.17 87.69 6438.42 -121.51 332.31 -0.000164
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 317.62 146.23 6449.44 -253.02 409.71 0.001009
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 621.51 -38.15 6708.14 240.51 659.35 0.04
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 290.41 -29.87 6203.73 230.72 357.97 0.04
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 272.96 103.22 5580.03 -139.8 321.75 -5.54E-05
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 353.85 220.29 5602.06 -402.81 476.56 0.002291
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 961.63 -148.46 6119.46 584.23 975.83 0.08
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 299.43 -131.91 5110.65 564.66 373.08 0.08
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 320.47 224.72 5255.1 119.86 412.68 0.0007585
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 263.56 -3.64 5114.29 -417.03 304.23 -0.001302
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 301.28 484.13 5399.79 735.88 376.07 0.0006444
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 282.75 -263.05 4969.61 -1033.05 340.84 -0.001188
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 320.47 224.72 5255.1 119.86 412.68 0.0007585
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 263.56 -3.64 5114.29 -417.03 304.23 -0.001302
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 301.28 484.13 5399.79 735.88 376.07 0.0006444
Base 153 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 282.75 -263.05 4969.61 -1033.05 340.84 -0.001188
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 201.92 82.69 3892.72 -111.06 235.03 0
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 282.81 199.77 3914.75 -374.07 389.83 0.00236
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 890.6 -168.99 4432.15 612.97 889.1 0.08
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 228.4 -152.43 3423.34 593.41 286.35 0.08
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 247.46 197.08 3958.93 157.01 323.06 0.0008264
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 190.56 -31.27 3818.12 -379.88 214.62 -0.001234
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 228.28 456.49 4103.61 773.02 286.46 0.0007123
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 209.74 -290.68 3673.44 -995.9 251.22 -0.00112
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 247.46 197.08 3958.93 157.01 323.06 0.0008264
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 190.56 -31.27 3818.12 -379.88 214.62 -0.001234
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 228.28 456.49 4103.61 773.02 286.46 0.0007123
Base 153 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 209.74 -290.68 3673.44 -995.9 251.22 -0.00112
Base 153 ENVOLVENTE Max 961.63 484.13 6708.14 773.02 975.83 0.08
Base 153 ENVOLVENTE Min 190.56 -290.68 3423.34 -1033.05 214.62 -0.001302
Base 155 Dead 161.39 -41.53 3108.45 39.86 198.21 -0.000132
Base 155 Live 115.94 -28.89 1310.12 26.22 142.82 -0.000111
Base 155 Lr -3.94 14.03 782.28 -16.39 -5.77 0
Base 155 Scp 98.5 -21.64 1296.8 18.83 121.13 -9.48E-05
Base 155 Sx Max 29.72 2.31 4.02 3.42 56.6 0.0008301
Base 155 Sy Max 0.81 372.9 213.14 883.44 1.5 0.0006671
Base 155 Wx1 -17.51 -0.03 4.37 0.16 -34.66 0.0002166
Base 155 Wx2 57.85 116.74 -41.66 -262.49 109.82 0.002563
Base 155 Wy1 -9.38 -235.44 465.21 705.07 -17.5 0.08
Base 155 Wy2 -671.62 -251.79 -543.92 724.18 -620.33 0.08
Base 155 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 363.85 -88.44 6167.35 82.17 447.08 -0.000317
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 309.9 -68.79 5677.44 62.24 380.32 -0.000272
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 296.82 -53.38 6540.14 44.29 356.64 -0.000164
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 334.5 5.01 6517.13 -87.04 428.88 0.001009
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 300.88 -171.08 6770.56 396.74 365.22 0.04
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -30.24 -179.26 6265.99 406.3 63.81 0.04
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 292.39 -68.83 5681.81 62.4 345.66 -5.54E-05
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 367.75 47.95 5635.79 -200.25 490.14 0.002291
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 300.52 -304.24 6142.66 767.31 362.82 0.08
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -361.72 -320.59 5133.52 786.42 -240 0.08
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 341.83 38.38 5354.27 338.89 440.26 0.0007585
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 281.91 -189.99 5218.34 -198.02 326.16 -0.001302
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 321.6 297.78 5500.65 954.9 401.69 0.0006444
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 302.14 -449.4 5071.96 -814.03 364.73 -0.001188
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 341.83 38.38 5354.27 338.89 440.26 0.0007585
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 281.91 -189.99 5218.34 -198.02 326.16 -0.001302
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 321.6 297.78 5500.65 954.9 401.69 0.0006444
Base 155 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 302.14 -449.4 5071.96 -814.03 364.73 -0.001188
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 216.39 -56.89 3969.1 52.99 252.74 0
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 291.75 59.88 3923.07 -209.66 397.23 0.00236
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 224.52 -292.3 4429.94 757.9 269.9 0.08
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -437.71 -308.65 3420.8 777.01 -332.92 0.08
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 263.86 57.33 4032.69 321.28 344.46 0.0008264
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 203.94 -171.04 3896.76 -215.63 230.36 -0.001234
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 243.63 316.74 4179.07 937.29 305.89 0.0007123
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 224.18 -430.45 3750.38 -831.64 268.93 -0.00112
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 263.86 57.33 4032.69 321.28 344.46 0.0008264
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 203.94 -171.04 3896.76 -215.63 230.36 -0.001234
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 243.63 316.74 4179.07 937.29 305.89 0.0007123
Base 155 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 224.18 -430.45 3750.38 -831.64 268.93 -0.00112
Base 155 ENVOLVENTE Max 367.75 316.74 6770.56 954.9 490.14 0.08
Base 155 ENVOLVENTE Min -437.71 -449.4 3420.8 -831.64 -332.92 -0.001302
Base 159 Dead 782.82 2.02 4949.53 -3.89 937.15 -7.28E-05
Base 159 Live 550 1.75 2673.88 -3.36 659 -6.11E-05
Base 159 Lr -27.2 -0.02 1521.43 0.04 -33.84 0
Base 159 Scp 465.39 1.49 2629.99 -2.87 557.34 -5.25E-05
Base 159 Sx Max 40.17 0.25 35.06 0.43 60.25 0.0004592
Base 159 Sy Max 0.06 97.24 0.01 189.21 0.11 0.000369
Base 159 Wx1 20.85 -0.03 -31.07 0.05 7.23 0.0001198
Base 159 Wx2 43.05 28.03 87.71 -54.06 107.04 0.001418
Base 159 Wy1 60.25 -87.77 935.16 174.93 143.76 0.04
Base 159 Wy2 -60.26 -87.75 -935.17 174.88 -143.79 0.04
Base 159 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1747.49 4.92 10611.33 -9.46 2092.28 -0.000175
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1484.25 4.21 9856.14 -8.09 1776.46 -0.000151
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 1464.75 4.17 11514.17 -8.01 1742.85 -9.09E-05
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 1475.85 18.2 11573.56 -35.07 1792.75 0.0005583
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1484.45 -39.7 11997.28 79.43 1811.11 0.02
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 1424.19 -39.69 11062.12 79.4 1667.34 0.02
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 1505.1 4.18 9825.06 -8.03 1783.69 0
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 1527.3 32.24 9943.84 -62.15 1883.5 0.001268
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 1544.49 -83.57 10791.3 166.85 1920.22 0.04
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 1423.98 -83.54 8920.97 166.8 1632.67 0.04
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1538.03 33.65 9130.48 49.09 1853.66 0.0004196
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 1457.66 -25.21 9060.36 -65.3 1733.1 -0.00072
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1509.95 101.54 9105.95 181.24 1811.57 0.0003565
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 1485.74 -93.1 9084.89 -197.45 1775.19 -0.000657
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1538.03 33.65 9130.48 49.09 1853.66 0.0004196
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 1457.66 -25.21 9060.36 -65.3 1733.1 -0.00072
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1509.95 101.54 9105.95 181.24 1811.57 0.0003565
Base 159 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 1485.74 -93.1 9084.89 -197.45 1775.19 -0.000657
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 1144.23 3.14 6790.49 -6.03 1352.27 0
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1166.44 31.19 6909.27 -60.14 1452.08 0.001305
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 1183.63 -84.61 7756.73 168.85 1488.8 0.04
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 1063.12 -84.58 5886.4 168.8 1201.25 0.04
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1163.57 32.59 6856.63 51.12 1405.32 0.0004572
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 1083.2 -26.26 6786.51 -63.28 1284.75 -0.000683
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1135.49 100.48 6832.1 183.26 1363.22 0.0003941
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 1111.28 -94.16 6811.04 -195.42 1326.85 -0.00062
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1163.57 32.59 6856.63 51.12 1405.32 0.0004572
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 1083.2 -26.26 6786.51 -63.28 1284.75 -0.000683
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1135.49 100.48 6832.1 183.26 1363.22 0.0003941
Base 159 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 1111.28 -94.16 6811.04 -195.42 1326.85 -0.00062
Base 159 ENVOLVENTE Max 1747.49 101.54 11997.28 183.26 2092.28 0.04
Base 159 ENVOLVENTE Min 1063.12 -94.16 5886.4 -197.45 1201.25 -0.00072
Base 160 Dead 757.74 1.83 5102.52 -3.65 907.07 -7.28E-05
Base 160 Live 533.08 1.5 2796.77 -3.05 638.7 -6.11E-05
Base 160 Lr -23.25 0.86 1376.95 -1.04 -29.11 0
Base 160 Scp 451.76 1.48 2703.22 -2.85 540.99 -5.25E-05
Base 160 Sx Max 30.99 0.23 31.01 0.4 55.26 0.0004592
Base 160 Sy Max 0.76 106.15 133.14 200.16 1.22 0.000369
Base 160 Wx1 10.88 -0.04 -31.42 0.07 -4.59 0.0001198
Base 160 Wx2 44.39 30.26 56.65 -56.81 109.96 0.001418
Base 160 Wy1 103.31 -97.48 2254.4 186.86 235.2 0.04
Base 160 Wy2 -23.36 -98.58 313.82 188.2 -59.71 0.04
Base 160 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1693.31 4.63 10928.04 -9.1 2027.27 -0.000175
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1439.78 4.4 10055.37 -8.32 1723.11 -0.000151
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 1419.65 5.33 11554.31 -9.43 1688.79 -9.09E-05
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 1436.41 20.48 11598.35 -37.87 1746.07 0.0005583
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1465.86 -43.39 12697.22 83.96 1808.69 0.02
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 1402.53 -43.94 11726.93 84.63 1661.23 0.02
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 1450.66 4.36 10023.95 -8.25 1718.52 0
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 1484.17 34.67 10112.02 -65.13 1833.07 0.001268
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 1543.09 -93.08 12309.78 178.54 1958.31 0.04
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 1416.42 -94.18 10369.19 179.87 1663.4 0.04
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1482.62 36.05 9437.85 52.65 1793.29 0.0004196
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 1420.19 -28.11 9295.94 -68.26 1682.03 -0.00072
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1461.46 110.19 9509.34 192.48 1755.47 0.0003565
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 1441.35 -102.25 9224.45 -208.09 1719.86 -0.000657
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1482.62 36.05 9437.85 52.65 1793.29 0.0004196
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 1420.19 -28.11 9295.94 -68.26 1682.03 -0.00072
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1461.46 110.19 9509.34 192.48 1755.47 0.0003565
Base 160 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 1441.35 -102.25 9224.45 -208.09 1719.86 -0.000657
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 1099.43 2.94 6993.75 -5.78 1298.66 0
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1132.95 33.24 7081.82 -62.66 1413.21 0.001305
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 1191.87 -94.51 9279.57 181.01 1538.45 0.04
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 1065.2 -95.6 7338.99 182.34 1243.54 0.04
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1119.77 35.06 7096.13 54.6 1358.88 0.0004572
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 1057.34 -29.1 6954.22 -66.31 1247.62 -0.000683
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1098.61 109.2 7167.62 194.43 1321.05 0.0003941
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 1078.5 -103.24 6882.72 -206.13 1285.45 -0.00062
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1119.77 35.06 7096.13 54.6 1358.88 0.0004572
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 1057.34 -29.1 6954.22 -66.31 1247.62 -0.000683
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1098.61 109.2 7167.62 194.43 1321.05 0.0003941
Base 160 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 1078.5 -103.24 6882.72 -206.13 1285.45 -0.00062
Base 160 ENVOLVENTE Max 1693.31 110.19 12697.22 194.43 2027.27 0.04
Base 160 ENVOLVENTE Min 1057.34 -103.24 6882.72 -208.09 1243.54 -0.00072
Base 161 Dead 777.44 2.5 5155.38 -4.47 930.78 -7.28E-05
Base 161 Live 549.83 2.24 2841.74 -3.96 658.85 -6.11E-05
Base 161 Lr -23.25 -0.91 1376.93 1.13 -29.11 0
Base 161 Scp 466.11 1.72 2741.76 -3.14 558.26 -5.25E-05
Base 161 Sx Max 31.73 0.22 30.43 0.4 57.05 0.0004592
Base 161 Sy Max 0.76 106.15 133.14 200.16 1.24 0.000369
Base 161 Wx1 10.64 -0.02 -31.55 0.04 -5.09 0.0001198
Base 161 Wx2 41.06 30.19 98.51 -56.71 103.33 0.001418
Base 161 Wy1 23.35 -98.61 -313.84 188.25 59.7 0.04
Base 161 Wy2 -103.34 -97.46 -2254.4 186.81 -235.26 0.04
Base 161 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP 1740.98 5.9 11056 -10.66 2084.65 -0.000175
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr 1480.64 4.6 10165.04 -8.57 1772.29 -0.000151
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 1460.39 3.6 11663.88 -7.31 1737.72 -9.09E-05
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 1475.6 18.7 11728.91 -35.68 1791.94 0.0005583
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 1466.75 -45.7 11522.74 86.79 1770.12 0.02
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 1403.4 -45.12 10552.46 86.08 1622.64 0.02
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr 1491.29 4.59 10133.48 -8.53 1767.2 0
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr 1521.7 34.79 10263.55 -65.28 1875.63 0.001268
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 1504 -94.01 9851.2 179.67 1831.99 0.04
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr 1377.3 -92.85 7910.64 178.24 1537.04 0.04
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1524.23 37.13 9546.95 51.31 1844.26 0.0004196
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 1460.31 -27.01 9406.2 -69.58 1729.43 -0.00072
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max 1502.55 111.28 9618.85 191.14 1805.2 0.0003565
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min 1481.99 -101.16 9334.3 -209.42 1768.49 -0.000657
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1524.23 37.13 9546.95 51.31 1844.26 0.0004196
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 1460.31 -27.01 9406.2 -69.58 1729.43 -0.00072
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1502.55 111.28 9618.85 191.14 1805.2 0.0003565
Base 161 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 1481.99 -101.16 9334.3 -209.42 1768.49 -0.000657
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 1129.84 3.78 7075.88 -6.81 1335.04 0
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 1160.26 33.98 7205.94 -63.56 1443.47 0.001305
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 1142.55 -94.82 6793.59 181.39 1399.83 0.04
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 1015.86 -93.67 4853.03 179.96 1104.88 0.04
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max 1151.16 35.86 7177.8 53.59 1397.55 0.0004572
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min 1087.24 -28.28 7037.06 -67.3 1282.72 -0.000683
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max 1129.48 110.01 7249.7 193.43 1358.49 0.0003941
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min 1108.92 -102.43 6965.16 -207.13 1321.78 -0.00062
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max 1151.16 35.86 7177.8 53.59 1397.55 0.0004572
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min 1087.24 -28.28 7037.06 -67.3 1282.72 -0.000683
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max 1129.48 110.01 7249.7 193.43 1358.49 0.0003941
Base 161 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min 1108.92 -102.43 6965.16 -207.13 1321.78 -0.00062
Base 161 ENVOLVENTE Max 1740.98 111.28 11728.91 193.43 2084.65 0.04
Base 161 ENVOLVENTE Min 1015.86 -102.43 4853.03 -209.42 1104.88 -0.00072
Base 172 Dead -199.35 4.31 2115.16 -14.86 -244.34 0.003919
Base 172 Live -133.38 -3.63 699.67 -3.57 -163.03 0.0007805
Base 172 Lr 4.29 -4.84 328.4 5.3 4.25 0.001614
Base 172 Scp -113.37 -4.18 672.7 -1.88 -138.8 0.001028
Base 172 Sx Max 25.17 1.26 8.67 1.77 49.97 0.001109
Base 172 Sy Max 0.59 374.32 197.74 879.95 1.21 0.02
Base 172 Wx1 -13.7 0.12 12.46 -0.31 -29.66 0.0009419
Base 172 Wx2 57.41 95.48 74.76 -240.14 113.03 -0.001988
Base 172 Wy1 425.36 -245.85 159.63 609.48 459.82 0.09
Base 172 Wy2 7.22 -240.67 -222.84 603.86 14.84 0.09
Base 172 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -437.82 0.18 3903 -23.44 -536.39 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -373.13 -2.26 3509.63 -17.44 -457.64 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -375.27 -7.52 3877.09 -11.77 -467.79 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -339.71 40.16 3908.24 -131.69 -396.45 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -155.74 -130.51 3950.68 293.12 -223.06 0.05
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -364.81 -127.92 3759.45 290.31 -445.54 0.05
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -386.84 -2.14 3522.08 -17.76 -487.3 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -315.72 93.22 3584.38 -257.59 -344.61 0.004755
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr 52.22 -248.11 3669.26 592.03 2.18 0.1
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -365.91 -242.94 3286.79 586.41 -442.8 0.09
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -349.93 113.71 3413.41 245.66 -409.43 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -400.62 -113.4 3277.44 -285.84 -510.1 -0.001897
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -367.13 374.85 3545.76 860.38 -443.56 0.03
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -383.42 -374.54 3145.09 -900.57 -475.97 -0.02
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -349.93 113.71 3413.41 245.66 -409.43 0.01
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -400.62 -113.4 3277.44 -285.84 -510.1 -0.001897
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -367.13 374.85 3545.76 860.38 -443.56 0.03
Base 172 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -383.42 -374.54 3145.09 -900.57 -475.97 -0.02
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -295.16 0.24 2521.52 -15.38 -374.48 0.01
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -224.05 95.6 2583.82 -255.21 -231.8 0.002464
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 143.9 -245.73 2668.7 594.41 114.99 0.09
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -274.24 -240.56 2286.23 588.79 -329.98 0.09
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -256.11 113.67 2577.05 250.68 -294.49 0.01
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -306.8 -113.44 2441.08 -280.82 -395.16 -0.003381
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -273.31 374.81 2709.4 865.41 -328.62 0.03
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -289.6 -374.58 2308.73 -895.55 -361.03 -0.02
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -256.11 113.67 2577.05 250.68 -294.49 0.01
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -306.8 -113.44 2441.08 -280.82 -395.16 -0.003381
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -273.31 374.81 2709.4 865.41 -328.62 0.03
Base 172 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -289.6 -374.58 2308.73 -895.55 -361.03 -0.02
Base 172 ENVOLVENTE Max 143.9 374.85 3950.68 865.41 114.99 0.1
Base 172 ENVOLVENTE Min -437.82 -374.58 2286.23 -900.57 -536.39 -0.02
Base 174 Dead -227.89 -47.47 2677.15 47.02 -279.07 -0.000132
Base 174 Live -157.71 -33.5 1177.43 31.79 -192.7 -0.000111
Base 174 Lr 4.38 5.18 328.41 -5.99 4.42 0
Base 174 Scp -134.21 -27.56 1082.2 25.92 -164.19 -9.48E-05
Base 174 Sx Max 26.65 1.34 8.68 1.91 52.81 0.0008301
Base 174 Sy Max 0.6 381.99 194.33 894.03 1.23 0.0006671
Base 174 Wx1 -14.06 0.2 12.67 -0.4 -30.44 0.0002166
Base 174 Wx2 52.2 330.18 -52.06 -387.63 102.89 0.002563
Base 174 Wy1 -7.23 -244.1 221.18 610.13 -14.86 0.08
Base 174 Wy2 -424.55 -249.69 -161.08 616.56 -458.33 0.08
Base 174 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -506.94 -105.04 5263.09 102.11 -620.57 -0.000317
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -432.33 -87.45 4675.43 84.52 -529.71 -0.000272
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -434.54 -81.65 5043.02 77.73 -540.06 -0.000164
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -401.41 83.35 5010.66 -115.88 -473.4 0.001009
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -431.12 -203.79 5147.27 382.99 -532.27 0.04
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -639.78 -206.59 4956.14 386.21 -754.01 0.04
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -446.39 -87.25 4688.1 84.13 -560.14 -5.54E-05
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -380.13 242.74 4623.37 -303.11 -426.82 0.002291
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -439.55 -331.55 4896.61 694.65 -544.56 0.08
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -856.88 -337.13 4514.35 701.08 -988.03 0.08
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -407.69 25.9 4578.2 357.64 -478.74 0.0007585
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -461.35 -205.98 4444.24 -182.6 -585.1 -0.001302
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -425.92 292.36 4708.15 982.12 -514.84 0.0006444
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -443.11 -472.43 4314.29 -807.08 -548.99 -0.001188
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -407.69 25.9 4578.2 357.64 -478.74 0.0007585
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -461.35 -205.98 4444.24 -182.6 -585.1 -0.001302
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -425.92 292.36 4708.15 982.12 -514.84 0.0006444
Base 174 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -443.11 -472.43 4314.29 -807.08 -548.99 -0.001188
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -339.95 -67.33 3396.09 65.24 -429.38 0
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -273.69 262.66 3331.36 -321.99 -296.05 0.00236
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -333.11 -311.63 3604.6 675.77 -413.8 0.08
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -750.44 -317.22 3222.34 682.2 -857.26 0.08
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -299.06 48.41 3450.4 335.76 -345.76 0.0008264
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -352.72 -183.47 3316.44 -204.48 -452.12 -0.001234
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -317.29 314.87 3580.35 960.24 -381.86 0.0007123
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -334.48 -449.92 3186.49 -828.96 -416.01 -0.00112
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -299.06 48.41 3450.4 335.76 -345.76 0.0008264
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -352.72 -183.47 3316.44 -204.48 -452.12 -0.001234
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -317.29 314.87 3580.35 960.24 -381.86 0.0007123
Base 174 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -334.48 -449.92 3186.49 -828.96 -416.01 -0.00112
Base 174 ENVOLVENTE Max -273.69 314.87 5263.09 982.12 -296.05 0.08
Base 174 ENVOLVENTE Min -856.88 -472.43 3186.49 -828.96 -988.03 -0.001302
Base 178 Dead -789.15 -0.95 4946.21 -0.21 -944.09 -7.28E-05
Base 178 Live -552.72 -0.77 2723.05 -0.24 -660.67 -6.11E-05
Base 178 Lr -0.23 -0.03 620.1 0.05 -1.57 0
Base 178 Scp -473.81 -0.67 2471.85 -0.19 -566.63 -5.25E-05
Base 178 Sx Max 40.3 0.14 52.23 0.25 60.42 0.0004592
Base 178 Sy Max 0.06 97.74 0.61 189.81 0.11 0.000369
Base 178 Wx1 18.36 0.04 47.78 -0.07 4.26 0.0001198
Base 178 Wx2 372.01 27.46 -131.15 -53.91 232.43 0.001418
Base 178 Wy1 79.44 -69.54 322.45 136.06 166.73 0.04
Base 178 Wy2 -79.46 -69.5 -321.86 136 -166.76 0.04
Base 178 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -1768.15 -2.27 10385.28 -0.56 -2115.02 -0.000175
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -1515.68 -1.96 9211.72 -0.46 -1813.66 -0.000151
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -1506.75 -1.97 9917.72 -0.44 -1813.25 -9.09E-05
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -1329.93 11.75 9828.26 -27.36 -1699.17 0.0005583
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -1476.21 -36.76 10055.06 67.63 -1732.02 0.02
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1555.67 -36.74 9732.9 67.6 -1898.77 0.02
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1497.31 -1.92 9259.5 -0.53 -1809.4 0
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -1143.67 25.51 9080.56 -54.36 -1581.23 0.001268
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -1436.23 -71.49 9534.17 135.61 -1646.93 0.04
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -1595.14 -71.46 8889.86 135.54 -1980.42 0.04
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1475.25 27.52 8954.09 56.71 -1752.42 0.0004196
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1555.87 -31.41 8849.25 -57.67 -1873.32 -0.00072
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1503.42 95.84 8917.95 189.4 -1794.64 0.0003565
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1527.71 -99.72 8885.38 -190.36 -1831.11 -0.000657
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1475.25 27.52 8954.09 56.71 -1752.42 0.0004196
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1555.87 -31.41 8849.25 -57.67 -1873.32 -0.00072
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1503.42 95.84 8917.95 189.4 -1794.64 0.0003565
Base 178 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1527.71 -99.72 8885.38 -190.36 -1831.11 -0.000657
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1118.31 -1.42 6724.03 -0.43 -1355.39 0
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -764.66 26.01 6545.1 -54.27 -1127.23 0.001305
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1057.23 -71 6998.7 135.7 -1192.92 0.04
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -1216.13 -70.96 6354.39 135.64 -1526.42 0.04
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1096.36 28.01 6728.67 56.83 -1299.2 0.0004572
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1176.98 -30.92 6623.83 -57.55 -1420.11 -0.000683
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -1124.53 96.32 6692.53 189.52 -1341.42 0.0003941
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1148.82 -99.24 6659.97 -190.24 -1377.89 -0.00062
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1096.36 28.01 6728.67 56.83 -1299.2 0.0004572
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1176.98 -30.92 6623.83 -57.55 -1420.11 -0.000683
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1124.53 96.32 6692.53 189.52 -1341.42 0.0003941
Base 178 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1148.82 -99.24 6659.97 -190.24 -1377.89 -0.00062
Base 178 ENVOLVENTE Max -764.66 96.32 10385.28 189.52 -1127.23 0.04
Base 178 ENVOLVENTE Min -1768.15 -99.72 6354.39 -190.36 -2115.02 -0.00072
Base 179 Dead -733.59 17.39 4465.99 -22.74 -877.67 -7.28E-05
Base 179 Live -508.09 14.69 2285.92 -19.24 -607.32 -6.11E-05
Base 179 Lr -3.72 0.32 535.91 -0.38 -5.74 0
Base 179 Scp -436.34 12.66 2078.45 -16.57 -521.83 -5.25E-05
Base 179 Sx Max 30.12 0.14 35.52 0.25 54.67 0.0004592
Base 179 Sy Max 0.47 106.4 120.7 200.45 0.9 0.000369
Base 179 Wx1 9.52 0.06 36.75 -0.1 -6.21 0.0001198
Base 179 Wx2 431.18 30.29 -126.53 -57.38 304.56 0.001418
Base 179 Wy1 128.23 -75.92 852.72 143.9 265.03 0.04
Base 179 Wy2 -24.72 -76.28 183.52 144.32 -61.34 0.04
Base 179 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -1637.9 42.07 9162.21 -55.04 -1959.3 -0.000175
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -1405.78 36.22 8121.28 -47.36 -1682.27 -0.000151
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -1405.11 36.6 8729.16 -47.82 -1691.7 -9.09E-05
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -1194.28 51.72 8647.52 -76.47 -1536.31 0.0005583
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -1345.75 -1.39 9137.14 24.17 -1556.08 0.02
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1422.23 -1.57 8802.54 24.39 -1719.26 0.02
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1396.25 36.28 8158.03 -47.46 -1688.48 0
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -974.6 66.51 7994.76 -104.75 -1377.71 0.001268
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -1277.54 -39.69 8974.01 96.54 -1417.25 0.04
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -1430.5 -40.06 8304.8 96.96 -1743.61 0.04
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1373.66 68.12 7925.06 13.21 -1624.46 0.0004196
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1434.17 4 7781.59 -107.56 -1734.34 -0.00072
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1394.41 142.51 7984.69 153.35 -1662.1 0.0003565
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1413.42 -70.38 7721.97 -247.7 -1696.7 -0.000657
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1373.66 68.12 7925.06 13.21 -1624.46 0.0004196
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1434.17 4 7781.59 -107.56 -1734.34 -0.00072
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1394.41 142.51 7984.69 153.35 -1662.1 0.0003565
Base 179 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1413.42 -70.38 7721.97 -247.7 -1696.7 -0.000657
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1043.41 27.1 5926.74 -35.48 -1265.76 0
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -621.76 57.34 5763.47 -92.76 -954.99 0.001305
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -924.7 -48.87 6742.72 108.52 -994.53 0.04
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -1077.66 -49.23 6073.52 108.94 -1320.89 0.04
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1022.68 59.11 5961.73 25 -1204.61 0.0004572
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1083.2 -5.01 5818.26 -95.77 -1314.49 -0.000683
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -1043.43 133.49 6021.35 165.15 -1242.25 0.0003941
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1062.44 -79.4 5758.64 -235.91 -1276.85 -0.00062
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1022.68 59.11 5961.73 25 -1204.61 0.0004572
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1083.2 -5.01 5818.26 -95.77 -1314.49 -0.000683
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1043.43 133.49 6021.35 165.15 -1242.25 0.0003941
Base 179 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1062.44 -79.4 5758.64 -235.91 -1276.85 -0.00062
Base 179 ENVOLVENTE Max -621.76 142.51 9162.21 165.15 -954.99 0.04
Base 179 ENVOLVENTE Min -1637.9 -79.4 5758.64 -247.7 -1959.3 -0.00072
Base 180 Dead -784.22 2.66 5113.33 -4.64 -938.12 -7.28E-05
Base 180 Live -551.13 2.42 2836.31 -4.16 -658.71 -6.11E-05
Base 180 Lr -3.72 -0.37 535.85 0.47 -5.74 0
Base 180 Scp -473.23 1.99 2550.2 -3.46 -565.88 -5.25E-05
Base 180 Sx Max 30.85 0.13 35.4 0.24 56.42 0.0004592
Base 180 Sy Max 0.48 106.4 117.88 200.45 0.92 0.000369
Base 180 Wx1 9.29 0.02 36.91 -0.06 -6.71 0.0001198
Base 180 Wx2 428.02 30.32 -41.09 -57.41 298.14 0.001418
Base 180 Wy1 24.72 -76.31 -182.2 144.39 61.33 0.04
Base 180 Wy2 -128.26 -75.88 -851.32 143.83 -265.08 0.04
Base 180 1.4DEAD+1.4SCP -1760.42 6.51 10728.94 -11.35 -2105.6 -0.000175
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.5Lr -1510.79 5.4 9464.16 -9.49 -1807.67 -0.000151
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx1 -1510.24 5 10072.05 -9 -1817.34 -9.09E-05
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wx2 -1300.88 20.15 10033.05 -37.68 -1664.92 0.0005583
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy1 -1502.53 -33.17 9962.5 63.22 -1783.32 0.02
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1.6Lr+0.5Wy2 -1579.02 -32.95 9627.94 62.95 -1946.53 0.02
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx1+0.5Lr -1501.5 5.42 9501.07 -9.55 -1814.38 0
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wx2+0.5Lr -1082.78 35.71 9423.07 -66.9 -1509.53 0.001268
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy1+0.5Lr -1486.08 -70.92 9281.96 134.9 -1746.34 0.04
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Wy2+0.5Lr -1639.05 -70.48 8612.84 134.34 -2072.75 0.04
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1477.94 37.64 9266.99 50.65 -1748.1 0.0004196
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1539.93 -26.47 9125.47 -70.1 -1861.5 -0.00072
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Max -1499.2 112.03 9324.74 190.8 -1786.95 0.0003565
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP+0.30Sx+1Sy Min -1518.67 -100.86 9067.73 -210.25 -1822.65 -0.000657
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1477.94 37.64 9266.99 50.65 -1748.1 0.0004196
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1539.93 -26.47 9125.47 -70.1 -1861.5 -0.00072
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1499.2 112.03 9324.74 190.8 -1786.95 0.0003565
Base 180 1.2DEAD+1.2SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1518.67 -100.86 9067.73 -210.25 -1822.65 -0.000657
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx1 -1122.41 4.21 6934.09 -7.35 -1360.31 0
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wx2 -703.68 34.5 6856.09 -64.71 -1055.46 0.001305
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy1 -1106.98 -72.13 6714.98 137.09 -1292.27 0.04
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Wy2 -1259.96 -71.69 6045.86 136.54 -1618.68 0.04
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Max -1100.71 36.24 6967.94 53.08 -1296.9 0.0004572
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+1Sx+0.3Sy Min -1162.69 -27.87 6826.41 -67.67 -1410.3 -0.000683
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Max -1121.96 110.63 7025.68 193.23 -1335.75 0.0003941
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP+0.3Sx+1Sy Min -1141.43 -102.26 6768.67 -207.82 -1371.45 -0.00062
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Max -1100.71 36.24 6967.94 53.08 -1296.9 0.0004572
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-1Sx-0.3Sy Min -1162.69 -27.87 6826.41 -67.67 -1410.3 -0.000683
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Max -1121.96 110.63 7025.68 193.23 -1335.75 0.0003941
Base 180 0.9DEAD+0.9SCP-0.3Sx-1Sy Min -1141.43 -102.26 6768.67 -207.82 -1371.45 -0.00062
Base 180 ENVOLVENTE Max -703.68 112.03 10728.94 193.23 -1055.46 0.04
Base 180 ENVOLVENTE Min -1760.42 -102.26 6045.86 -210.25 -2105.6 -0.00072

Tabla 6.9 Tabla de Reacciones en junta Base Nave B


La forma ms comn de unin entre la estructura de acero y el sistema de

fundacin, son las planchas o placas bases, estas permiten la distribucin de
las cargas de la columna sobre un rea mayor de apoyo con lo cual reducen
las concentraciones de tensiones en la superficie de soporte. Del mismo modo,
estas planchas de transicin, entre la columna y la zona de apoyo, se fijan al
sistema de fundacin mediante pernos de anclaje, los cuales atraviesan la
plancha por medio de perforaciones apropiadamente espaciadas. A
continuacin se presenta el diseo y clculo de la plancha base tipo para la
estructura en estudio. La evaluacin se realiz mediante el uso del software

Conexiones Metlicas

Nombre de la conexin : PLATO BASE PARA COLUMNA W10x60 NAVE A

ID de la conexin : PL-1

Familia: Columna - Base (CB)

Tipo: Base plate
Design code: AISC 360-05 LRFD, ACI 318-11

Descripcin Pu Mu22 Mu33 Vu2 Vu3 Tipo de carga
[Ton] [Ton*m] [Ton*m] [Ton] [Ton]
CM 1.36 0.36 -0.02 -0.02 -0.24 Design
SCP 5.02 0.39 -0.32 -0.33 -0.22 Design
LLR 1.95 1.45 0.01 0.02 -0.80 Design
Wx 0.00 0.01 -0.20 -0.13 0.00 Design
Wz -1.50 0.00 0.13 -0.01 0.00 Design
EQx 0.01 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.00 Design
EQz 0.03 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.11 Design
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
COMB1 8.93 1.04 -0.46 -0.49 -0.64 Design
COMB2 8.63 1.62 -0.39 -0.41 -0.95 Design
COMB3 10.78 3.21 -0.38 -0.39 -1.83 Design
COMB4 8.64 1.62 -0.59 -0.54 -0.95 Design
COMB5 7.13 1.62 -0.26 -0.42 -0.95 Design
COMB6 7.67 0.90 -0.30 -0.36 -0.55 Seismic
COMB7 7.69 1.24 -0.40 -0.42 -0.44 Seismic
COMB8 5.75 0.68 -0.50 -0.44 -0.41 Design
COMB9 4.24 0.67 -0.17 -0.33 -0.41 Design
COM10 5.75 0.67 -0.20 -0.25 -0.41 Seismic
COM11 5.77 1.02 -0.30 -0.31 -0.30 Seismic

Diseo en el eje mayor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 40.00 27.50 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 40.00 27.24 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.00 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2427775.00 400054.10 COMB3 0.16 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 1.24 COMB3 0.45 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 2.66 COMB3 0.96 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 51.28 COMB3 0.28 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 1.35 COMB4 0.01 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 14.60 COMB3 0.08 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.96

Diseo en el eje menor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 40.00 27.24 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 40.00 27.50 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.00 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2427775.00 400054.10 COMB3 0.16 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 1.85 COMB3 0.67 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 2.66 COMB3 0.96 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 51.28 COMB3 0.28 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 1.94 COMB3 0.02 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 84.50 COMB3 0.45 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.96
Eje mayor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 16.00 7.62 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 8.05 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 31.24 -- 98.76

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 7.40 4.51 COMB3 0.61 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 11.63 4.51 COMB3 0.39 Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de ancla en tensin [Ton] 5.51 4.51 COMB3 0.82 Sec. D.5.4.1,
Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 14.30 6.02 COMB3 0.42 Eq. D-17,
Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 17.38 COMB3 0.80 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 3.85 0.23 COMB3 0.06 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 5.55 0.54 COMB4 0.10 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 13.54 0.07 COMB4 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 23.79 0.47 COMB4 0.02 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 CM 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Relacin 0.82

Eje menor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 16.00 7.62 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 8.05 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 31.24 -- 98.76

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 7.40 4.51 COMB3 0.61 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 11.63 4.51 COMB3 0.39 Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de ancla en tensin [Ton] 5.51 4.51 COMB3 0.82 Sec. D.5.4.1,
Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 17.57 12.90 COMB3 0.73 Eq. D-17,
Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 17.38 COMB3 0.80 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 3.85 0.23 COMB3 0.06 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 5.55 1.83 COMB3 0.33 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 13.54 0.23 COMB3 0.02 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 14.46 1.37 COMB3 0.09 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 COMB3 0.96 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Relacin 0.96

Relacin de resistencia crtica global 0.96

Mximas compresin y tensin (COMB3)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 40.01 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 40.01 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 4.51 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.00 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 6.06 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 16.00 -16.00 -0.05 0.20
2 16.00 0.00 -0.05 0.00
3 16.00 16.00 -0.05 0.00
4 0.00 -16.00 -0.05 2.35
5 0.00 16.00 -0.05 1.93
6 -16.00 -16.00 -0.05 4.51
7 -16.00 0.00 -0.05 4.30
8 -16.00 16.00 -0.05 4.09

Eje mayor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB4)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 1875.00 0.34 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
2 675.00 0.20 1, 4, 6
3 3075.00 0.54 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Eje menor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB3)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 3075.00 1.83 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
2 1875.00 1.14 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
3 675.00 0.69 6, 7, 8

Nombre de la conexin : PLATO BASE PARA COLUMNA W10x49 NAVE A

ID de la conexin : PL-2

Familia: Columna - Base (CB)

Tipo: Base plate
Design code: AISC 360-05 LRFD, ACI 318-11

Descripcin Pu Mu22 Mu33 Vu2 Vu3 Tipo de carga
[Ton] [Ton*m] [Ton*m] [Ton] [Ton]
CM 1.29 -0.01 0.01 -0.01 0.00 Design
SCP 7.04 -0.09 0.15 -0.13 -0.08 Design
LLR 1.08 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.00 Design
Wx 0.00 -0.06 0.00 0.00 -0.03 Design
Wz -0.02 0.00 0.46 -0.23 0.00 Design
EQx 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 Design
EQz 0.11 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.00 Design
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
COMB1 11.66 -0.14 0.22 -0.18 -0.11 Design
COMB2 10.53 -0.12 0.19 -0.15 -0.10 Design
COMB3 11.72 -0.13 0.18 -0.14 -0.10 Design
COMB4 10.53 -0.18 0.19 -0.15 -0.13 Design
COMB5 10.52 -0.13 0.65 -0.38 -0.10 Design
COMB6 9.99 -0.09 0.19 -0.16 -0.08 Seismic
COMB7 10.10 -0.12 0.33 -0.10 -0.09 Seismic
COMB8 7.49 -0.15 0.14 -0.12 -0.10 Design
COMB9 7.48 -0.09 0.61 -0.34 -0.07 Design
COM10 7.50 -0.06 0.14 -0.12 -0.06 Seismic
COM11 7.60 -0.09 0.28 -0.06 -0.07 Seismic

Diseo en el eje mayor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 40.64 26.99 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 40.64 26.99 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.32 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 1911634.00 58065.89 Wz 0.03 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.86 0.25 Wz 0.09 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.86 1.22 COMB5 0.43 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 30.17 COMB5 0.16 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 0.95 COMB5 0.01 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 16.79 COMB5 0.09 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.43

Diseo en el eje menor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 40.64 26.99 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 40.64 26.99 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.32 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 1911634.00 58065.89 Wz 0.03 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.86 0.19 Wz 0.07 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.86 1.22 COMB5 0.43 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 30.17 COMB5 0.16 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 0.14 COMB4 0.00 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 15.75 COMB1 0.08 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.43

Eje mayor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 16.00 6.35 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 8.21 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 31.03 -- 78.97

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 4.46 2.12 COMB5 0.48 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 6.46 2.12 COMB5 0.33 Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de ancla en tensin [Ton] 4.11 2.12 COMB5 0.52 Sec. D.5.4.1,
Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 13.09 5.97 COMB5 0.46 Eq. D-17,
Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 11.72 COMB3 0.54 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 2.32 0.05 COMB5 0.02 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 4.62 0.38 COMB5 0.08 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 12.11 0.05 COMB5 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 14.77 0.38 COMB5 0.03 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 CM 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Sec. D.5.4.1,
Eq. D-17,
Eq. D-29,
Relacin 0.54

Eje menor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 16.00 6.35 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 8.21 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 31.03 -- 78.97

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 4.46 2.12 COMB5 0.48 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 6.46 2.12 COMB5 0.33 Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de ancla en tensin [Ton] 4.11 2.12 COMB5 0.52 Sec. D.5.4.1,
Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 13.09 4.81 COMB1 0.37 Eq. D-17,
Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 11.72 COMB3 0.54 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 2.32 0.05 COMB5 0.02 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 4.62 0.13 COMB4 0.03 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 12.11 0.02 COMB4 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 19.79 0.13 COMB4 0.01 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 CM 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Sec. D.5.4.1,
Eq. D-17,
Relacin 0.54

Relacin de resistencia crtica global 0.54

Mxima compresin (Wz)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 5.81 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 5.81 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 0.40 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.00 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 6.82 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 16.00 -16.00 -0.03 0.00
2 16.00 0.00 -0.03 0.19
3 16.00 16.00 -0.03 0.40
4 0.00 -16.00 -0.03 0.00
5 0.00 16.00 -0.03 0.40
6 -16.00 -16.00 -0.03 0.00
7 -16.00 0.00 -0.03 0.18
8 -16.00 16.00 -0.03 0.40

Mxima tensin (COMB5)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 0.00 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 0.00 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 2.12 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.51 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento -6.72 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 16.00 -16.00 -0.05 0.77
2 16.00 0.00 -0.05 1.45
3 16.00 16.00 -0.05 2.12
4 0.00 -16.00 -0.05 0.64
5 0.00 16.00 -0.05 1.99
6 -16.00 -16.00 -0.05 0.51
7 -16.00 0.00 -0.05 1.18
8 -16.00 16.00 -0.05 1.86
Eje mayor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB5)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 1875.00 0.24 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
2 675.00 0.14 1, 4, 6
3 3075.00 0.38 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Eje menor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB4)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 3075.00 0.13 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
2 1875.00 0.08 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
3 675.00 0.05 6, 7, 8


Nombre de la conexin : PLATO BASE PARA COLUMNA W8x35 NAVE A

ID de la conexin : PL-3

Familia: Columna - Base (CB)

Tipo: Base plate
Design code: AISC 360-05 LRFD, ACI 318-11

Descripcin Pu Mu22 Mu33 Vu2 Vu3 Tipo de carga
[Ton] [Ton*m] [Ton*m] [Ton] [Ton]
CM 0.95 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
SCP 4.11 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.00 Design
LLR 1.43 -0.06 0.00 0.00 -0.01 Design
Wx 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
Wz 0.02 0.03 0.25 -0.13 0.00 Design
EQx 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
EQz 0.04 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.00 Design
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Design
COMB1 7.09 -0.04 -0.01 0.01 0.00 Design
COMB2 6.79 -0.06 -0.01 0.01 -0.01 Design
COMB3 8.36 -0.12 -0.01 0.01 -0.01 Design
COMB4 6.79 -0.07 -0.01 0.01 -0.01 Design
COMB5 6.81 -0.03 0.24 -0.12 0.00 Design
COMB6 6.07 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.00 Seismic
COMB7 6.12 -0.03 0.07 0.05 0.00 Seismic
COMB8 4.56 -0.04 -0.01 0.01 0.00 Design
COMB9 4.57 0.01 0.24 -0.12 0.00 Design
COM10 4.56 0.00 -0.01 0.01 0.00 Seismic
COM11 4.60 -0.02 0.08 0.05 0.00 Seismic

Diseo en el eje mayor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 33.00 22.21 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 33.00 21.96 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 3.80 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2118785.00 68047.94 Wz 0.03 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.06 0.20 Wz 0.09 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.06 1.28 COMB3 0.62 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 33.87 COMB3 0.18 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 0.41 Wz 0.00 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 12.52 COMB5 0.07 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.62

Diseo en el eje menor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 33.00 21.96 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 33.00 22.21 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 3.80 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2118785.00 68047.94 Wz 0.03 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.06 0.13 Wz 0.06 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.06 1.28 COMB3 0.62 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 33.87 COMB3 0.18 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 0.02 COMB3 0.00 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 15.92 COMB3 0.09 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.62

Eje mayor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 25.40 6.35 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 9.01 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 31.03 -- 78.97

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 4.46 2.35 COMB3 0.53 Eq. D-2

Arrancamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 5.42 2.35 COMB3 0.43 Eq. D-3,
Sec. D.
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 9.60 8.36 COMB3 0.87 Eq. D-4,
Sec. D.
Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 6.46 2.35 COMB3 0.36 Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de ancla en tensin [Ton] 4.18 2.35 COMB3 0.56 Sec. D.5.4.1,
Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 11.96 4.35 COMB5 0.36 Eq. D-17,
Sec. D.
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 2.32 0.03 Wz 0.01 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 3.92 0.13 Wz 0.03 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 10.83 0.03 Wz 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 7.77 0.10 Wz 0.01 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 SCP 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Eq. D-3,
Relacin 0.87

Eje menor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 25.40 6.35 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 9.01 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 31.03 -- 78.97

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 4.46 2.35 COMB3 0.53 Eq. D-2

Arrancamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 5.42 2.35 COMB3 0.43 Eq. D-3,
Sec. D.
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 8.39 6.81 COMB5 0.81 Eq. D-4,
Sec. D.
Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 6.46 2.35 COMB3 0.36 Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de ancla en tensin [Ton] 4.18 2.35 COMB3 0.56 Sec. D.5.4.1,
Sec. D.
Desprendimiento lateral de grupo de anclas en tensin [Ton] 11.96 4.67 COMB3 0.39 Eq. D-17,
Sec. D.
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 2.32 0.03 Wz 0.01 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 3.92 0.01 COMB3 0.00 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 10.83 0.00 COMB3 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 21.44 0.01 COMB3 0.00 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 CM 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Eq. D-3,
Relacin 0.81

Relacin de resistencia crtica global 0.87

Mxima compresin (Wz)
Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 6.80 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 6.80 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 0.49 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.00 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 5.76 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 -12.70 -12.70 -0.03 0.02
2 -12.70 12.70 -0.03 0.49
3 12.70 12.70 -0.03 0.45
4 12.70 -12.70 -0.03 0.00
Mxima tensin (COMB3)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 0.00 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 0.00 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 2.35 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 1.83 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento -90.79 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 -12.70 -12.70 0.00 1.86
2 -12.70 12.70 0.00 1.83
3 12.70 12.70 0.00 2.32
4 12.70 -12.70 0.00 2.35
Eje mayor
Resultados para arrancamiento en tensin (COMB3)

Grupo rea Tensin Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 2025.00 8.36 1, 2, 3, 4

Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (Wz)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 661.50 0.07 1, 4
2 2376.00 0.13 1, 2, 3, 4

Eje menor
Resultados para arrancamiento en tensin (COMB5)

Grupo rea Tensin Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 2025.00 6.81 1, 2, 3, 4
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB3)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 661.50 0.01 1, 2
2 2376.00 0.01 1, 2, 3, 4


Nombre de la conexin : PLATO BASE PARA COLUMNA W10x49 NAVE B

ID de la conexin : PL-1

Familia: Columna - Base (CB)

Tipo: Base plate

Design code: AISC 360-05 LRFD, ACI 318-11

Descripcin Pu Mu22 Mu33 Vu2 Vu3 Tipo de carga
[Ton] [Ton*m] [Ton*m] [Ton] [Ton]
CM 5.10 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.76 Design
SCP 2.70 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.45 Design
LLR 1.38 -0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.02 Design
Wx -0.03 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 Design
Wz 2.26 0.24 0.19 -0.10 0.10 Design
EQx 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.03 Design
EQz 0.13 0.00 0.20 0.11 0.00 Design
LL 2.80 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.53 Design
COMB1 10.93 2.03 -0.01 0.00 1.69 Design
COMB2 14.53 2.74 -0.01 0.01 2.29 Design
COMB3 12.97 2.01 -0.01 0.01 1.68 Design
COMB4 12.82 2.36 -0.01 0.01 1.98 Design
COMB5 12.31 1.96 0.18 -0.09 1.54 Design
COMB6 12.19 2.43 -0.01 0.01 2.02 Seismic
COMB7 12.30 2.38 0.19 0.11 1.99 Seismic
COMB8 6.99 1.30 -0.01 0.00 1.10 Design
COMB9 9.28 1.54 0.18 -0.09 1.19 Design
COM10 7.06 1.36 -0.01 0.00 1.12 Seismic
COM11 7.16 1.30 0.19 0.11 1.09 Seismic

Diseo en el eje mayor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 40.00 26.99 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 40.00 26.99 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.00 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2427775.00 252790.40 COMB7 0.10 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 0.67 COMB7 0.24 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 2.65 COMB2 0.96 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 47.76 COMB2 0.26 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 0.28 COMB7 0.00 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 15.68 COMB2 0.08 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.96

Diseo en el eje menor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 40.00 26.99 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 40.00 26.99 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.00 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2427775.00 252790.40 COMB7 0.10 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 1.95 COMB2 0.71 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 2.76 2.65 COMB2 0.96 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 47.76 COMB2 0.26 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 2.46 COMB2 0.02 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 79.42 COMB2 0.43 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.96

Eje mayor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 16.00 7.62 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 8.05 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 21.24 -- 78.76

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 6.60 4.46 COMB2 0.68 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 11.63 4.46 COMB2 0.38 Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 18.03 COMB2 0.83 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 3.43 0.29 COMB2 0.08 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 5.55 0.11 COMB7 0.02 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 9.93 0.01 COMB7 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 19.92 0.08 Wz 0.00 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 CM 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Relacin 0.83

Eje menor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 16.00 7.62 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 8.05 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 21.24 -- 78.76

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 6.60 4.46 COMB2 0.68 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 11.63 4.46 COMB2 0.38 Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 18.03 COMB2 0.83 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 3.43 0.29 COMB2 0.08 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 5.55 2.29 COMB2 0.41 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 9.93 0.29 COMB2 0.03 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 14.21 2.29 COMB2 0.16 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 COMB2 0.91 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Relacin 0.91

Relacin de resistencia crtica global 0.96

Mxima compresin (COMB7)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 25.28 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 25.28 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 3.91 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.00 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 4.46 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 16.00 -16.00 0.01 0.00
2 16.00 0.00 0.01 0.09
3 16.00 16.00 0.01 0.20
4 0.00 -16.00 0.01 1.83
5 0.00 16.00 0.01 2.06
6 -16.00 -16.00 0.01 3.68
7 -16.00 0.00 0.01 3.80
8 -16.00 16.00 0.01 3.91

Mxima tensin (COMB2)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 24.45 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 24.45 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 4.46 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.05 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 3.66 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 16.00 -16.00 0.00 0.07
2 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.06
3 16.00 16.00 0.00 0.05
4 0.00 -16.00 0.00 2.26
5 0.00 16.00 0.00 2.24
6 -16.00 -16.00 0.00 4.46
7 -16.00 0.00 0.00 4.45
8 -16.00 16.00 0.00 4.44

Eje mayor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB7)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 1875.00 0.07 2, 3, 5, 7, 8
2 3075.00 0.11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
3 675.00 0.04 3, 5, 8

Eje menor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB2)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 675.00 0.86 1, 2, 3
2 1875.00 1.43 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3 3075.00 2.29 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Nombre de la conexin : PLATO BASE PARA COLUMNA W8x35 NAVE B

ID de la conexin : PL-2

Familia: Columna - Base (CB)

Tipo: Base plate
Design code: AISC 360-05 LRFD, ACI 318-11

Descripcin Pu Mu22 Mu33 Vu2 Vu3 Tipo de carga
[Ton] [Ton*m] [Ton*m] [Ton] [Ton]
CM 5.10 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.76 Design
SCP 2.70 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.45 Design
LLR 1.38 -0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.02 Design
Wx -0.03 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 Design
Wz 2.26 0.24 0.19 -0.10 0.10 Design
EQx 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.03 Design
EQz 0.13 0.00 0.20 0.11 0.00 Design
LL 2.80 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.53 Design
COMB1 10.93 2.03 -0.01 0.00 1.69 Design
COMB2 14.53 2.74 -0.01 0.01 2.29 Design
COMB3 12.97 2.01 -0.01 0.01 1.68 Design
COMB4 12.82 2.36 -0.01 0.01 1.98 Design
COMB5 12.31 1.96 0.18 -0.09 1.54 Design
COMB6 12.19 2.43 -0.01 0.01 2.02 Seismic
COMB7 12.30 2.38 0.19 0.11 1.99 Seismic
COMB8 6.99 1.30 -0.01 0.00 1.10 Design
COMB9 9.28 1.54 0.18 -0.09 1.19 Design
COM10 7.06 1.36 -0.01 0.00 1.12 Seismic
COM11 7.16 1.30 0.19 0.11 1.09 Seismic

Diseo en el eje mayor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 35.00 22.21 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 35.00 21.96 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.00 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2608124.00 360833.10 COMB7 0.14 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 3.56 0.99 COMB7 0.28 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 3.56 2.80 COMB2 0.79 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 53.11 COMB2 0.28 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 0.35 COMB7 0.00 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 20.03 COMB2 0.11 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.79

Diseo en el eje menor

Placa base (AISC 360-05 LRFD)
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Placa base
Dimensin longitudinal [cm] 35.00 21.96 --
Dimensin transversal [cm] 35.00 22.21 --
Distancia del ancla al borde [cm] 4.00 0.64 --
Tamao de soldadura [1/16in] 5 3 -- table J2.4

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias
Aplastamiento por axial [Kg/m2] 2608124.00 360833.10 COMB7 0.14 DG1 3.1.1;
Placa base
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de aplastamiento) [Ton*m/m] 3.56 2.24 COMB2 0.63 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,
DG1 Sec 3.1.2
Flexin en fluencia (interfaz de tensin) [Ton*m/m] 3.56 2.80 COMB2 0.79 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13
Resistencia de la soldadura [Ton/m] 186.45 53.11 COMB2 0.28 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4,
DG1 p. 35
Resistencia de la soldadura a corte mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 124.30 3.13 COMB2 0.03 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Resistencia de la soldadura a axial mtodo elstico [Ton/m] 186.45 119.28 COMB2 0.64 p. 8-9,
Sec. J2.5,
Sec. J2.4
Relacin 0.79

Eje mayor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 13.50 7.62 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 9.05 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 26.24 -- 78.76

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 6.60 4.88 COMB2 0.74 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 11.63 4.88 COMB2 0.42 Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 19.51 COMB2 0.90 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 3.43 0.29 COMB2 0.08 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 5.02 0.11 COMB7 0.02 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 12.85 0.01 COMB7 0.00 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 15.54 0.07 EQz 0.00 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 CM 0.00 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Relacin 0.90

Eje menor
Dimensiones Unidad Valor Valor min. Valor max. Est. Referencias
Espaciamiento entre anclas [cm] 13.50 7.62 -- Sec. D.8.1
Recubrimiento de concreto [cm] 9.05 5.08 -- Sec. 7.7.1
Longitud efectiva [cm] 26.24 -- 78.76

Verificacin Unidad Capacidad Solicitacin EC ctrl Relacin Referencias

Tensin en anclas [Ton] 6.60 4.88 COMB2 0.74 Eq. D-2

Extraccin por deslizamiento de ancla en tensin [Ton] 11.63 4.88 COMB2 0.42 Sec. D.
Group of Anchors reinforcement in tension [Ton] 21.77 19.51 COMB2 0.90 Sec. D.5.2.9,
Corte en el ancla [Ton] 3.43 0.29 COMB2 0.08 Eq. D-29
Arrancamiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 5.02 2.29 COMB2 0.46 Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de ancla a corte [Ton] 12.85 0.29 COMB2 0.02 Eq. D-3,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Desprendimiento de grupo de anclas a corte [Ton] 13.10 2.01 COMB2 0.15 Eq. D-4,
Table D.4.1.1,
Sec. D.4.3
Interaccin tensin corte [Ton] 0.00 0.00 COMB2 1.00 Eq. D-2,
Sec. D.,
Relacin 1.00

Relacin de resistencia crtica global 1.00

Mxima compresin (COMB7)
Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 36.08 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 36.08 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 4.30 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.00 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 4.85 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 13.50 -13.50 0.01 0.00
2 13.50 0.00 0.01 0.05
3 13.50 13.50 0.01 0.19
4 0.00 13.50 0.01 2.25
5 0.00 -13.50 0.01 1.97
6 -13.50 -13.50 0.01 4.02
7 -13.50 0.00 0.01 4.16
8 -13.50 13.50 0.01 4.30

Mxima tensin (COMB2)

Mximo esfuerzo en el concreto 35.73 [Kg/cm2]
Mnimo esfuerzo en el concreto 35.73 [Kg/cm2]
Mxima tensin en las anclas 4.88 [Ton]
Mnima tensin en las anclas 0.00 [Ton]
ngulo del eje neutro 0.00
Longitud de aplastamiento 4.06 [cm]

Tensiones en anclas
Ancla Transversal Longitudinal Corte Tensin
[cm] [cm] [Ton] [Ton]
1 13.50 -13.50 0.00 0.01
2 13.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 13.50 13.50 0.00 0.00
4 0.00 13.50 0.00 2.43
5 0.00 -13.50 0.00 2.45
6 -13.50 -13.50 0.00 4.88
7 -13.50 0.00 0.00 4.87
8 -13.50 13.50 0.00 4.86

Eje mayor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB7)
Grupo rea Corte Anclas
[cm2] [Ton]
1 1656.75 0.07 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
2 2608.50 0.11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
3 705.00 0.04 3, 4, 8

Eje menor
Resultados para arrancamiento a corte (COMB2)

Grupo rea Corte Anclas

[cm2] [Ton]
1 705.00 0.86 1, 2, 3
2 1656.75 1.43 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3 2608.50 2.29 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


El sistema de fundaciones para este proyecto fue considerado de tipo

superficial, tomando en consideracin que se tom una resistencia de suelo
admisible de 1.84Kg/cm2, la misma es el resultado del estudio de suelo
realizado por la empresa ESTUDIO DE SUELOS EL VICAR S.A. Las zapatas
son de tipo aisladas cuadradas.
Para establecer las dimensiones de las fundaciones, se determin el rea
requerida de las mismas con las cargas de trabajo y la capacidad admisible del
suelo como est previsto en las normas ACI para el diseo de zapatas.
Todas las zapatas tendrn una profundidad de desplante mnima de 1,20m,
mientras que el acero tendr un recubrimiento de 7cm como mnimo.
Para el anlisis de las fundaciones se exporto la data de las cargas del nivel de
la base desde el programa ETABS a SAFE. A continuacin se presentan la
detalle tpico de fundacin, planta de fundacin, diagrama de esfuerzo mximo
y verificacin de punzonamiento y diseo de zapata por banda.

Figura 8.1 Detalle tpico de fundacin

Figura 8.2 Planta de fundaciones Nave A

Figura 8.3 Planta de fundaciones Nave B

Figura 8.4 Planta de fundaciones Nave A Esfuerzo mximo sobre superficie

Figura 8.5 Planta de fundaciones Nave B Esfuerzo mximo sobre superficie

Figura 8.6 Planta de fundaciones Nave A Verificacin de Punzonamiento

Figura 8.7 Planta de fundaciones Nave B Verificacin de Punzonamiento

Figura 8.8 Planta de fundaciones Nave A rea de acero de refuerzo de zapata por banda
Figura 8.9 Planta de fundaciones Nave B rea de acero de refuerzo de zapata por banda


Para unir las fundaciones en direccin orto-horizontal, se proyect la

colocacin de vigas ssmicas con el fin de impedir cualquier tipo de
desplazamiento diferencial horizontal a nivel del terreno en la estructura,
manteniendo as las fundaciones en posicin para que la imagen estructural
asumida en el nodo (empotramiento) se considere cierto. Se utiliz una viga
ssmica de 0.35m x 0.45m, armadas todas con la misma cantidad de acero de
A travs del programa SAFE se analiz y verifico la dimensin de las vigas
ssmicas as como la cantidad de acero de refuerzo longitudinal y transversal.
A continuacin diagrama de fuerzas axiales, momento flector, corte y torsin
generados en las vigas ssmicas, tambin el rea de acero requerido por la
envolvente del sistema.
Figura 9.1 Diagrama de fuerzas axiales en vigas ssmicas Nave A

Figura 9.2 Diagrama de fuerzas axiales en vigas ssmicas Nave B

Figura 9.3 Diagrama de fuerzas cortantes en vigas ssmicas Nave A

Figura 9.4 Diagrama de fuerzas cortantes en vigas ssmicas Nave B

Figura 9.5 Diagrama de momento flector en vigas ssmicas Nave A

Figura 9.6 Diagrama de momento flector en vigas ssmicas Nave B

Figura 9.7 Diagrama de momento torsor en vigas ssmicas Nave A

Figura 9.8 Diagrama de momento torsor en vigas ssmicas Nave B

Figura 9.9 rea de acero de refuerzo longitudinal requerido por envolvente en vigas ssmicas
Nave A

Figura 9.10 rea de acero de refuerzo longitudinal requerido por envolvente en vigas ssmicas
Nave B
10. LOSAS.

10.1 Losa Metaldeck

La losa del nivel de entrepiso es una metaldeck, se le vaciara concreto encima

con una resistencia de compresin de fc = 250 kg/cm2. El acero de refuerzo de
la losa tendr un fy = 4.200 kg/cm2 grado 60.
Dicha losa estar apoyada sobre perfiles tubulares metlicos 180x65x4mm
(correas). Estas correas estarn espaciadas a 1m y sern colocadas entre los
prticos para ser soldadas a las vigas de cargas generando en sus extremos
una unin tipo empotrada-empotrada.
El espesor de la losa ser de 10cm, contara con un refuerzo metlico por
temperatura de tipo malla electrosoldada.


Figura 10.1 Cargas admisibles del Sofito metlico segn el espaciamiento de las correas
Figura 10.2 Instalacin de malla electrosoldada sobre dados de concreto, distanciadores con
varillas soldadas

Figura 10.3 Detalle de instalacin de conectores de corte.

10.2 Losa solida sobre piso.

La losa construida sobre el terreno natural debe tener un espesor mnimo de

0.15m reforzada con acero #3 @ 0.25m en ambas direcciones o instalar malla
electrosoldada que cumpla con los requisitos mnimos de un refuerzo por
contracciones y temperatura de = 0.0018.
Se debe procurar que el terreno natural cumpla con la compactacin mnima
de 95% Proctor estndar.


La escalera comunica la planta baja con la losa. Sera confeccionada en metal,

conformada as por vigas o zancas de perfiles tubulares 200x50x3,175mm. Dichos
elementos se apoyaran sobre una viga auxiliar metlica tubular 200x50x3,175mm
mm generando el apoyo para el descanso. La llegada a losa ser mediante la
unin soldada con la viga de carga perfil tubular W30X10.
Los escalones sern fabricados con lmina metlica estriada espesor 3mm.
Los mismos sern soldados a las vigas o zancas directamente.
El descanso ser sern fabricados con lmina metlica estriada espesor 3mm
reforzado en la parte inferior con ngulos 40x40x3mm dispuestos de forma
invertida, ser soldado directamente sobre las vigas de apoyo para la escalera.
La escalera se apoyara sobre placa o plancha base de calibre 12mm, anclada
a la losa de piso mediante rawplug expansivo metlico dimetro 5/8x3.
ANCHO (S): 1.20 m
HUELLA: 0.30 m


PELDAO METALICO e = 3mm 25.00


Sobrecarga de uso (escalera ppal.) 500.00

qu = 1.20*CP + 1.60*CV 890.00 Kg/m2


w = (S*qu/2+1.2*PP)/cos 639.20 Kg/m

M = w*L2/8 1,840.91 Kg-m

Tubular 8"x2" b Mn = 3,896.00 Kg-m

3,896.00 > 1,840.91 OK

Ix = 974.63 cm4
Sx = 97.46 cm3
A= 18.40 cm2

w = wcv = (S*qcv/2)/cos 351.21 Kg/m
max = L/300 1.60 cm
Imin= 5*w*L4/384E*max 722.49 cm4
Figura 11.1 Detalle de Armado de escalera
12. TECHO.

El techo para ambas naves (A y B), tendr dos pendientes drenando hacia la
parte frontal y posterior de las edificaciones. Las vigas de carga son perfiles
W8x24, las vigas de amarre o de valle son W12x26 para la Nave A y W12x35 /
W10x30 para la Nave B. Las correas son perfiles laminados en frio tipo carriolas
8x2 calibre 16 espaciadas a 1,01m centro a centro para la Nave A y 0,97m
centro a centro para la Nave B, con arriostres para correas colocados en el centro
del claro cuando la longitud libre sea superior a 3.80m.Se implementar colocar
arriostramiento de techo mediante cruces de san Andrs con tubo 3x3x3/16 en
ambas naves. (Ver detalle en plano E3)


Para luces menores de 8,00m suficientes con arriostrar a la mitad del claro.
Los arriostramientos (tensores o alineadores) generalmente consisten de:
a. Pletinas de 1/8 x o 1 de ancho soldadas a los patines superiores e
inferiores de las carriolas.
b. Barras de acero lisas de de dimetro enroscadas en sus extremos con sus
tuercas respectivas, las mismas van ancladas diagonalmente a las carriolas.

Figura 12.1 Detalle de instalacin de tensores.

Figura 12.2 Detalle de sistema de arriostramiento de las carriolas hopsa para un techo tpico.
Figura 12.3 Detalle de planta techo Nave A.

Figura 12.4 Detalle de planta techo Nave B.


[ACI_318-14] ACI committee 318. Building Code Requirements for Structural

Concrete (ACI 318-14). American Concrete Institute, USA, 2014.
[AISC_360-05] Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 360-05).
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, Marzo 2005.
[FEM_92] FEMA-178. NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction
Program). Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing
Buildings. Washintong, Junio 1992.
[REP_04] Junta tcnica de Ingeniera y Arquitectura. Reglamento para el
Diseo Estructural en la Republica de Panam (REP-2004).
Panam, 2004.

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