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Footing Design: Design Calculation Page 1 of 9


Project Name : ADS
Client Name : ADS
Engineer Name : AD
Analysis File : F:\AskConS\DIMENSIONs\Hotel-Govind_Agarwal\G+4.std
Analysis Last Modified : 15-09-2017 20:47:44

1. = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
2. 1 = Strain at level considered,Calculated ignoring the
stiffening of the concrete in tension zone
3. m = Average steel strain at level considered
4. act = Percentage steel provided
5. crit = Percentage steel critical as per code
6. A = Plan area of footing base
7. Acr = Distance from the point considered to the surface of the
nearest longitudinal bar
8. AstPrv = Area of tensile reinforcement provided
9. Astrqd = Area of tensile reinforcement required
10. Asv = Area of shear reinforcement required
11. AsvPrv = Area of shear reinforcement provided
12. A1 = Bearing area of footing at slope of 1:2
13. A2 = C/s Area of column
14. B = Width of footing base
15. Beff = Effective width of footing
16. Boff = Footing offset along B
17. B1 = Width of sloped footing at top
18. ColOff = Column offset in sloped footing
19. D = Depth of footing
20. Deff = Effective Depth of footing
21. Df = Depth of founding layer
22. Dw = Ground water level
23. Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete
24. Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel
25. Foss = Safety factor against sliding
26. Fosu = Safety factor against uplift
27. Fst = Stress in steel
28. L = Length of footing base
29. Leff = Effective length of footing
30. Loff = Footing offset along L
31. L1 = Length of sloped footing at top
32. Mx = Bending Moment along column D
33. Mx' = Bending Moment along column D due to odd shaped
34. My = Bending Moment along column B
35. My' = Bending Moment along column B due to odd shaped

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36. Muy = Factored moment along column B
37. Muy' = Factored Moment along column B due to odd shaped
38. Mux = Factored moment along column D
39. Mux' = Factored Moment along column D due to odd shaped
40. Netdown = Net downward load
41. P = Axial load for footing sizing
42. P1 = Soil pressure at corner 1
43. P2 = Soil pressure at corner 2
44. P3 = Soil pressure at corner 3
45. P4 = Soil pressure at corner 4
46. Pdelta = Column Load to be transferred by reinforcement
43. Pt = Calculated percentage tensile reinforcement
47. Pu = Factored axial load
48. q = Surcharge Load
49. sp = Spacing Between bars at outer most layer
50. SPu = Upward Soil Pressure
51. Tc = Design shear strength of concrete
52. Temp1 = Peak Hydration temperature
53. Temp2 = Seasonal Temperature Variations
54. Tv = Nominal shear stress
55. Vu = Design shear force
56. Vus = Strength of shear reinforcement
57. Vx = Shear along major axis
58. Vy = Shear along minor axis
59. Waterpr = Upward water pressure
60. Waterup = Upward force due to water
61. Wcr = Surface Crack Width
62. WFoot = Add. Wt. due to difference in concrete and soil density
63. WFootc = Weight of footing and column with concrete density
64. WSoil = Weight of soil covering footing area
65. Zx = Section modulus of footing base along L
66. Zy = Section modulus of footing base along B

Code References:
IS 456
Parameter Reference
1. Ptmax : Cl.
2. Ptmin : Cl.
3. Pt : Cl. 38
4. Tc : Cl. 40.2.1
5. Tcmax : Cl. 40.2.3
6. Asv : Cl. 40.4
7. Min Shear Reinf : Cl.
8. Max Stirrup Spacing : Cl.

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9. Punching Shear design : Cl. 31.6.3

10. Load transfer : Cl. 34.4
11. Ptnominal : Cl. 34.5.2
12. crack width calculation : Annex-F
13. cracking : Cl. 35.3.2

BS 8007 (For Early / Initial Thermal Cracking)

1. Surface Zone for suspended : Figure A.1
2. Surface Zone for ground : Figure A.2
3. Factors for the calculation : Table A.1
of minimum reinforcement

Design Code : IS 456

Footing No : FC1
Column No : C1 ( 600mm X 300mm)
Analysis No : 1

Concrete Grade : M25 N/sqmm

Steel Grade : Fe500 N/sqmm
Clear Cover : 40 mm
Df : 4m
Dw : 10 m

Density of Soil = 18 kN/cum

Soil Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/sqm
Permissible SBC Increse for EQ = 25 %
Permissible SBC Increse for = 25 %
Live Load Reduction = 50 %
Permissible area of loss of = 0 %

Cross Section designed by : Maximum pressure

Footing Type : Pad

Footing Size (L x B x D) : 4400mm X 4100mm X 300mm
Effective Self Weight = 135.30 kN

Offset Along L (Loff) = 1900 mm

Offset Along B (Boff) = 1900 mm

Check For Maximum Soil Pressure:

Critical Analysis Load = 19

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Critical Load Combination = [10] : (LOAD 3: DL) +(LOAD 4: LL) -(LOAD 2: EQ-
Pcomb = 97.50 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 232.80 kN
Mx = 12.95 kNm
My = -0.16 kNm
P/A = 12.9 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 0.98 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.01 kN/sqm
Maximum Soil Pressure = 13.9 kN/sqm
Allowable Soil Pressure = 1.25x150 kN/sqm
= 187.5 kN/sqm

Check For Minimum Soil Pressure:

Critical Analysis Load = 18
Critical Load Combination = [9] : (LOAD 3: DL) +
(LOAD 4: LL) +(LOAD 2:
Pcomb = -114.86 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 20.44 kN
Mx = -12.95 kNm
My = -1 kNm
P/A = 1.13 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = -0.98 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.08 kN/sqm
Minimum Soil Pressure = 0.07 kN/sqm
> 0

Design For Bending:

Bottom Reinforcement Along L:
Critical Analysis Load = 9
Critical Load Combination = [15] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.2
(LOAD 2: EQ-Z)
Pu = 116.99 kN
Mux = 15.53 kNm
Muy = -0.19 kNm
P/A = 6.49 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.17 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 4100 mm

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SPu = 7.67 kN/sqm

Mu = SPu X B X Loff X Loff / 2
= 56.8 kNm
Pt = 0.12 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 1476 sqmm
Ast Prv = 19 - T10 @ 230
= 1492 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Width

Top Reinforcement Along L:

Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 4100 mm
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load = 7.5 kN/sqm
Mu = 83.26 kNm
Pt = 0.07 %
Maximum of following
Ast Rqd (BM) = 771 sqmm
Ast(min) = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X B
= 0.02% X 300 X 4100
= 246 sqmm
Max Ast = 771 sqmm
Ast Prv = 15 - T10 @ 300 c/c
= 1178 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Bottom Reinforcement Along B:

Critical Analysis Load = 9
Critical Load Combination = [15] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.2
(LOAD 2: EQ-Z)
Pu = 116.99 kN
Mux = 15.53 kNm
Muy = -0.19 kNm
P/A = 6.49 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.17 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 236 mm
Leff = 4400 mm
SPu = 7.67 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X L X Boff X Boff / 2
= 60.95 kNm
Pt = 0.12 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 1584 sqmm
Ast Prv = 21 - T10 @ 220
= 1649 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

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Top Reinforcement Along B:

Deff = 236 mm
Beff = 4400 mm
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load = 7.5 kN/sqm
Mu = 89.35 kNm
Pt = 0.09 %
Maximum of following
Ast Rqd (BM) = 886 sqmm
Ast(min) = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X B
= 0.02% X 300 X 4100
= 246 sqmm
Max Ast = 886 sqmm
Ast Prv = 16 - T10 @ 300 c/c
= 1257 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Design For Shear:

One Way Shear Along L:
Critical Section @ d from Column Face
= 252 mm
Critical Analysis Load = 9
Critical Load Combination = [15] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.2
(LOAD 2: EQ-Z)
Pu = 116.99 kN
Mux = 15.53 kNm
Muy = -0.19 kNm
P/A = 6.49 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.17 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 4100 mm
SPu = 7.67 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Loff - d) X B
= 51.86 kN
Tv = Vu / (Beff X Deff)
= 0.05 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.29 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along L (Tension Case):

At face of column
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 7.5 kN/sqm

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Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 4100 mm
Vu = q x Loff X B X 1.5
= 87.64 kN
Tv = Vu / (Beff X Deff)
= 0.0848 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.2910 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along B:

Critical Section @ d from Column Face

= 236 mm
Critical Analysis Load = 9
Critical Load Combination = [15] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL)
+1.2 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.2
(LOAD 2: EQ-Z)
Pu = 116.99 kN
Mux = 15.53 kNm
Muy = -0.19 kNm
P/A = 6.49 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.17 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 236 mm
Leff = 4400 mm
SPu = 7.67 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Boff - d) X L
= 56.19 kN
Tv = Vu / (Leff X Deff)
= 0.05 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.3 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along B (Tension Case):

At face of Column
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 7.5 kN/sqm
Deff = 236 mm
Leff = 4400 mm
Vu = q x Boff X L
= 94.05 kN
Tv = Vu / (Leff X Deff)
= 0.0906 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.2910 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

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Design For Punching Shear:

Critical Section @ d/2 from Column Face
= 122 mm

Critical Analysis Load = 9

Critical Load Combination = [15] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.2
(LOAD 2: EQ-Z)
Pu = 116.99 kN
Mux = 15.53 kNm
Muy = -0.19 kNm
P/A = 6.49 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.17 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -0.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 244 mm
Leff = 844 mm
Beff = 544 mm
SPu = Max Pressure
= 7.67 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X ((L X B)-(Leff X Beff)
= 134.93 kN
Tv = Vu / (2 X (Leff + Beff) X Deff))
= 0.199 N/sqmm
Tc = 1.25 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Design For Punching Shear (Tension Case):

At face of column
Deff = 244 mm
Leff = 600 mm
Beff = 300 mm
Vu = -137.84 kN
Tv = Vu / 2(Beff + Leff) X Deff
= 0.26 N/sqmm
Tc = 1.25 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Load Transfer Check For Load Transfer From Column To Footing

Critical Analysis Load = 9
Critical Load Combination = [15] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL)
+1.2 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.2
(LOAD 2: EQ-Z)
Pu = 116.99 kN
A2 = 0.18 sqm
A1 = 2.7 sqm

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Base Area = 18.04 sqm

A1 < Base Area
Modification Factor = SquareRoot(A1/A2) < =
SquareRoot(A1/A2) = 3.873
Thus, Modification Factor = 2
Concrete Bearing Capacity = 0.45 X Fck X Modication Factor X Column Area
= 4050 kN
Concrete Bearing Capacity > Pu, Hence Safe.

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