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An Important Question in PartY
- Consolidation

Editorial of Hongqi'

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PUBLTSITER'S IfO"E Quotation frorn
China's great proletarian cultural revolu- Chairman Mao Tse-tung
tion is an open Party consolidation move-
ment carried out on an unprecedented
scale. Now that this revolution swings into
a new upsurge of struggle-criticisrn-trans- A human being has arteries and veins
formation, the tasks of Party consolidation through which the heart makes the
and Party building are revealed as highly
important ones- At this opportune time blood circulate, and he breathes with
Chairman Mao gave his latest directive on his lungs, exhaling carbon dioxide and
Farty consolidation and Party building.
This editorial from Hongqi, No. 4, Oci;ober
inhaling fresh oxygen, that is, getting
'14, 1968, rnakes clear the implications of rid of the stale and taking in the fresh'
Chairman Mao's latest directive, sets out A proletarian party must also get rid
Chairrnan Mao's line on Party building,
and is an incisive refutation of the re-
of the stale and take in the fresh,
visionist line of China's Khrushchov on for only thus can it be full of vitality'
Party builcling. Without eliminating waste rnatter and
ahsorbing fresh btrood tlee Farty has no

Printed i,n the Feople's Republie of China

Quotation from HE great proletarian cultural revolu-
tion is an open Party consolidation
Chairman Mao Tse-tung movement carried out on an unprece-
dented scale by revolutionary methods. In
scope and depth, in profundity of ideolog-
Who is it that gives us our power? It ical criticism and repudiation and in
is the working class, the poor and lower- thoroughness of organizational consolida-
middle peasants, the labouring masses tion, it far surpasses ally previous Party
comprising over 90 per cent of the pop- consolidation movement launched since
ulation. We represent the proletariat liberation. This is a great struggle waged
and the masses and have overthrown by the proletarian revolutionaries of China
the enemies of the people, and there- who uphold Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-
fore the people support us. Direct tung's thought, to smash the revisionist
reliance on the revolutionary masses is faction within the Party. This is a great
a basic principle of the Communist struggle in which the broadest revolution-
Farty. ary masses all over the country, acting in
response to Chairman Mao's call, expose
and repudiate China's Khrushchov and the
rest of the handful of renegades, enemy
agents and diehard capitalist roaders and
other counter-revolutionaries who wormed The valuable experience of the great
their way into the Party. This is a deci- proletarian cultural revolution teils us
sive batUe between the two lines - the that the building, consolidation and devel-
Iine upholding the dictatorship of the pro- opment of the Party during the period of
letariat and the line attempting to restore socialism is inseparable from the funda-
capitalism. It is a resounding song of mental question of the proletarian dicta-
triumptr of Mao Tse-tung's thought. torship. Departure from the dictatorship of
The tremendous victories of the great the proletariat and from continued revo-
proletarian cultural revol,ution have con- lution under this dictatorship makes it im-
solidated the dictatorship of the proleta- possible to have a correct line on Party
riat and have strengthened leadership by building. Froceeding precisely from the
the Party, and, in the course of struggle- fallacy of a "state of the whole people"
criticism-transformation in al1 fields of which betrays the Marxist-Leninist theory
the superstructure, are uniting all the of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the
masses that can be tlnited and firrnly es- Soviet revisionist clique of renegades has
tablishing the all-ernbracing ru-le of the negated class struggle, suppressed the
proletariat over the srnall nunnber of labouring masses, changed the nature of
bourgeois elernents. The proletarian head- the Party founded by Lenin and made it
quarters headed by Chairman ldao and degenerate into a so-called "party of the
with Vice-Chairman Lin Piao as its dep- entire people", that is, a revisionist, fascist
uty leader has become the sole leading party. Likewise, the essence of the sinister
centre of the whole Party. Now our Party book on "self-cultivation" written by
is purer, stronger and more united than China's tr(hrushchov is betrayal of the dic-
ever" tatorship of the proletariat and of scien-
tific socialism. The sort of "self-cultiva- proletariat not only in the political field
tion" he advocated aims at protecting the but also in the ideological and cultural
bourgeois reactionaries who sneaked into fields. Firmly believing in the overwhelm-
the Party, stifling the vigorous proletarian ing majority of the people and, first cf all,
revolutionary spirit of the members of the in the overwhelming majority of the work-
Communist Party and abolishing the dic- ers, peasants and soldiers, Chairman Mao
tatorship of the proletariat so as to pre- personally initiated and is leading the first
pare "docile tools" for his plot to restore great proletarian cultural revolution' tr{e
eapitalism. lets Communists, together with the rev-
Comrade Mao Tse-tung has upheld, de- olutionary masses, "face the world and
fended and developed the Marxist-Lenin- brave the storm" in the great tempest of
ist theory of the dictatorship of the pro- the turbulent and extremely complicated
letariat. Chairman Mao has solved the revolutionary mass movement, expose the
quesLion of continuing the revolution under capitalist roaders, ferret out the counter-
the dictatorship of the proletarlat. He revolutionaries, criticize and repudiate re-
points out that the struggle between the visionisrn and bourgeois ideas, take a cor-
two classes and the two roads under the rect attitude towards the masses and, in
dictatorship of the proletariat continues different forms of struggle, learn to dis-
for a long time, that the main danger of tinguish and handle correctly the ccntra-
capitalist restoration comes from the hand- dictions between ourselves and the enemy
ful of Party persons in authority taking and the contradictions among the people
the capitalist road who reflect the interests under the conditions of the dictatorship
of the bourgeoisie, and that it is essential of the proletariat. This has greatly raised
to enforce all-round dictatorship of the the communist consciousness of the masses
of Communist Party mernbers, clearly in- Only in this way can the Party always
dicated the direction for continuing the maintain its character as the vanguard of
revolution under the dictatorship of the the proletariat, lead the masses forward
proletariat, swept away the bureaucratic and fulfil the glorious historical task set
airs corrupting the revolutionary will, and by the dictatorship of the proletariat, the
brought about closer ties between the task of completely eliminating the bour-
Party and the working rnasses" As a geoisie (the last exploiting class in the
result, the Left, that is, the genuine prole- history of mankind), eliminating class dif-
tarian rerrolutionaries, has been found and ferences and realizing communism.
tempered, the wavering middle-of-the- A question that demands attention in
roaders educated, and the Rightists, that the present work of Party consolidation is
is, the bourgeois reactionaries serving im- the question of absorbing proletarian
perialism and the I{uomintang, isolated fresh b1ood.
and exposed. Only by irnpJ.ementing this Talking about PartY consolidation,
proletarian revolutionary line of Chairman
Chairman Mao has said:
Mao's and carrying out a Party consolida-
tion movernent of a mass character, not A human heing has arteries and veins
a movement behind closed doors, can it through which tlae heart rnakes the blood
be guaranteed that the leadership of the circulate, and he breathes with his
Party organizations at all levels is truly Iungs, exhaling carbon dioxide and in-
in the hands of those Communist Party haling fresh oxygen, that is, getting rid
members who are loyal to Chairrnan Mao, of the stale and taking in the fresh. A
to Mao Tse-tung's thought and to Chair- proletarian party rnust also get rid of
rnan Mao's proletarian revolutionary line" the stale and takc in the fresh, for only
thus can it be full of vitality. Without Communist Party members for leading
eliurinating waste rnatter and absorbing posts in the Party organizations at all
Iresh blood the Farty has no vigour. levels.
Tempered in the great proletarian cul-
This vivid analogy by Chairman Mao
tural revolution, a number of rebel fighters
embodies profound dialectics. Chairman
Mao teaches us to look at the proletarian with proletarian consciousness have emerg-
revolutionary Party as an organization ed from among the revolutionary masses,
which develops through the process of primarily among the labouring masses, the
metabolism of the revolution, and not as a workers, peasants and soldiers. They have
static and immutable organization. these characteristics: a high level of con-
"'Elirninating waste rnatter" means res- sciousness of the struggle between the two
olutely expelling from the Party the lines, a keen sense of class struggle, bold-
proven renegades, enemy agents, all sorts ness in stepping to the forefront of the
of counter-revolutionaries, obdurate capi- struggle in defence of Chairman Mao's rev-
talist roaders, alien-class elements and de- olutionary Line and, especially, firrnness
generated elements. As for apathetic per- in opposing revisionism. These are very
sons whose revolutionary will has declined, valuable revolutionary qualities. They also
they should be advised to leave the Patrty. have shortcomings, but these can be over-
",A.bsorhing fresh trlood" consists of two
come through education.
interrelated tasks: 'Iaking into the Party
a number of outstanding rebels, primarily One worker comrade at the Shanghai
advanced elernents from among the indus- No. 1 Valve Works, who has applied for
trial workers, and selecting outstanding Party membership, said:
The Party organization should admit themselves on being "veteran rebels"
into its ranks those rebel fighters who and become conceited or stop half-way
are boundlessly 1oyal to Chairman Mao, in making revolution); and they must
firrnly carry out the battle orders of the have close ties with the masses, act as
proletarian headquarters and press their humble pupils and serve the peo-
boldly forward as vanguard in the class ple heart and soul (and must not act as
struggle and in the struggle for pro- high and mighty officials, divorcing
duction. In applying for Party mem- thernselves from the rnasses).
bership, the rebel comrades must proceed WeII said ! This reflects the demands of
frorn a correct motive and have the the class-conscious proletariat on its van-
correct aim: they rise in rebellion during guard. The Party should actively take in
the great proletarian cultural revolution
such new blood as rneet these demands
to defend Chairman Mao's revolutionary
and have proletarian revolutionary vigour.
line (and not for any personal aim); after
the seizure of power, they must do a good Comrades who apply for Party member-
job in exercising power for the pro- ship, as well as those who have already
letariat (and not for self-interest); they been admitted into the Party, should make
must always conscientiously study, these demands on themselves and be able
firmly carry out, vigorously dissem- to stand the test of storms of any magni-
inate and courageouslY defend Mao tude in the future.
Tse-tung's thought, consciously fight During the period of socialist revolution,
self, repudiate revisionism and develop attention must be paid to Party building
the thoroughgoing revolutionary spirit among the workers and to developing
of the proletariat (and must not pride revolutionary vigour. This has always treen
Chairman Mao's thinking. As early as izatiom". In July 1957, in the article "The
March 1949 in his report to the Second Situation in the Summer of 1957", Chair-
Plenary Session of the Seventh Central man Mao again pointed out:
Committee of the Party, Chairman Mao A Communist must be full of vigour,
pointed out that in our work in the
cities, "we must whole-heartedly rely on t he must have a strong revolutionary will,
he rnust defy all difficulties and strive
ttre working class, unite with the rest of to overcome them with an unyielding
the labouring masses, win over the intellec-
tuals".r In June 1950, in his report "Fight
I will, he must get rid of individualism,
departmental egoism, absolute equalitar-
for a Fundamental Turn for the Better in ianism and liberalism, otherwise he is
the Financial and Economic Situation in not a Cornmunist in the real sense.
China" made at the Third Plenary Session
of the Seventh Central Committee of the In 1967, at the time when decisive vic-
Party, Chairman Mao again pointed out tory had been won in the great cultural
clearly that "attention must be paid to revolution, Chairman Mao again pointed
drawing politically-conscious workers into out:
the Party systematically, expanding the The Party organization should be
percentage of workers in the Party organ- J?
composed of the advanced elements of
the proletaliat; it should be a vigorous
l Mao Tse-tung, "Report to the Second
Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Com-
l vanguard organization capable of leading
the proletariat and the revolutionary
mittee of the Communist Party of China", masses i4 the fight against the class
Selected Works, Eng. ed., Foreign Languages
Press, Peking, 1967, Vol. IV, P. 364. enemy.

L2 13
China's Khrushchov and company, this dying out of class struggle", the theory of
handful of class enemies who wormed "docile tools", the theory that "the masses
their way into the leading bodies of the are backward", the theory of "entering the
Farty, were utterly opposed to this prole- Party in order to be an official", the theory
tarian line of Chairrnan Mao's on Party of "inner-Party peace" and the theory of
building. Instead of relying on the work- "merging private and public interests"
ing class, they relied on the bourgeoisie (that is, "Iosing a little to gain much")'
(and bourgeois intetrlectuals). Instead of The core of the "six theories" consists of
paying attention to admitting advanced the theory of "the dying out of class strug-
eLements of the proletariat into the Party, gle" ancl the theory of "docile tools". The
they provided protection for renegades to former negates the dictatorship of the pro-
the proletariat, scabs, enemy agents and Ietariat and is designed to stifle the Party's
counter-revolutionaries and resorted to proletarian revolutionary spirit and so
every means to help them sneak into the cause the proletarian revolutionary Party
Party and usurp leading positions. Instead to degenerate. The latter negates the ne-
of raising the proletarian class conscious- cessity of carrying on the revolution under
ness of the workers and the activists who the dictatorship of the proletariat and is
applied for Party membership, they in- designed to stifle the proletarian revolu-
stilled into them the most corrupt and the tionary spirit of the Communist Farty
darkest, reactionary bourg--ois ideology. members and so cause them to degenerate'
The "six theories" spread by China's The reason some PartY members took
I{hrushchov are the revisionist rubbish he the wrong stand for a time in the
used to corrupt the masses of workers and early stage of the great cultural rev-
the Party. They are: the theory of "the olution is that they were under the evil
74 15
influence of the "six theories,' of China,s In order to do a good job in admitting
Khrushchov. We must conscientiously new Party members in accordance with
carry out Chairman Mao,s proletarian Iine Chairman Mao's revolutionary 1ine, it is
on Party building, diligenily study Chair- also necessary to have a new leading
man Mao's theory on continuing the rev_ body which is a revolutionary three-in-one
olution under the dictatorship of the pro- combination and resolutely carries out
letariat and his theory on the nature of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary
the Party and its tasks, thoroughly elimi- line" Those comrades who are good at
nate the poison of the counter-revolu- creatively studying and applying Mao
tionary revisionist line on party building Tse-tung's thought, truly devote them-
pushed by China's Khrushchov and 1-hor- selves to proletarian revolution and are
oughly repudiate his reactionary points real.ly full of vigour, should be selected
of view mentioned above. And at the same for leading posts in the Party organiza-
time, we must make conscientious efforts tions, and a unified leadership should be
to do a good job in purifying the class formed gradually.
ranks and ferret out the extremely few Oppose restoration of the old. It is im-
counter-revolutionaries lurking among t:he possible to do a good job in admitting new
masses in various places including fac- Party members in any place where the
tories, shops, people's communes, party, leading body is composed entirely of
government and mass organizations, former personnel, has not drawn in pro-
schools and colIeges, and urban communi- letarian new blood, has no revolutionary
ties. This wiil provide a reliable ideologi- three-in-one combination or has only a
ca1 and organizational foundation for nominal but not revolutionary three-in-
admitting new Party members. one combination. Su,ch leading bodies
16 t7
cannot maintain close ties with the revo- tres", revolutionize the leading bodies and
lutionary masses. It is, therefore, very in the course of struggle gradually forrn
possible that they would admit into the a revolutionary core which resolutely
Party some "middle-of-the-roaders" or carries out Chairman Mao's proletarian
revolutionary line.
"professional good fellows". It is even
possible that they would let sneak into the Some comrades have committed errors
Party careerists and bad elements whose but have conscientiously corrected them
words do not tally with their deeds, and are taking an active part in the work.
while excluding comrades who dare to They are different from those who persist
make frontal attacks on the class enemies in their errors or lie down on the job.
and persevere in principled struggle, They have discarded their wrong ideas
Those places which tend to restore the old and wrong style of work, and achieved a
often form two centres because of their deeper understanding of Chairman lMao's
lack of unity on the principled basis of revolutionary line. They have been re-
Chairman Mao's revolutionary 1ine. The invigorated by the new spirit of the prole-
work in such places is often lifeless, tariat that they have acquired from the
flashy but without substance, and stagnant revolutionary masses. We should support
and destitute of progress. They smell such cadres and unite with them in work.
strongly of being "independent kingdoms". The errors they committed should be turn-
In such places, it is necessary, through the ed into Iessons for everybody to bear in
mass movement of struggle-criticism- mind.
transformation, to fultry carry out the rnass Oppose conservatism. There are people
1ine, draw in new proletarian forces, over- who always find fault with new things
come the manifestations of "many cen- arising from the revolutionary mass move-
ments, complaining about each and every Ietariat and the masses and have over-
thing. They invariably try to obstruct thrown the enemies of the people, and
the establishment of the revolutionary therefore the people support us. Direct
new order with the conventional criteria reliance on the revolutionary rnasses is
and old habits. a basic principle of the Communist
Conservatism is manifested in some Party.
places in the attitude towards the activists This most important instruction of Chair-
applying for Party membership. Cases man Mao's penetratingly points out the
are known where fine comrades who are mass basis of the mighty power of the
of good class origin and are good ideo- di.ctatorship of the proletariat, sharply
logically have been kept out of the Party criticizes and repudiates the formalism of
for five or six years, although they have having blind faith in elections, and gives
applied many times. Such things should the basic orientation for building the
be corrected. Party and revolutionary committees.
Blind faith in elections is also a form Ttre revolutionary comrnittee is the most
of conservative thinking. representative revolutionary organ of
Chairman Mao pointed out recently: power of the dictatorship of the proleta-
Who is it that gives us our power? riat since liberation. But it is established
It is the working class, the poor and not by elections but by relying directly
lower-rniddle peasants, the labouring upon action by the broad revolutionary
masses comprising over g0 per cent of masses. The revolutionary committees of
the population. trVe represent the pro- the twenty-nine provinces, municipalities
20 2l
and autonomous regions under the leader- committee or government council or peo-
ship of the proletarian headquarters head- ple's congress in any part of the coun-
ed by Chairman Mao and with Vice- try in the past ever had such a mass basis?
Chairman Lin Piao as its deputy leader, Has any one of them received supervision
have about 4,000 members; about half by the revolutionary masses and gained
are representatives of the revolutionary their understanding to such an extent?
masses and the overwhelming majority What decides the nature of a leading organ
are representatives of the revolutionary is the line it carries out and the class in-
workers, peasants and soldiers. These terests it reflects, not the form it takes.
4,000 or so comrades were tested and Democracy has class character. The rev-
tempered in the revolutionary storms and olutionary organ of power including its
were selected as a result of repeated argu- revolutionary cadres, old- and new, in
rnents, deliberations, consultations and various fields of work which is created
examinations. The cadres are discussed -
in the revolutionary movement by follow-
and examined by the revolutionary masses ing a thoroughgoing mass line, cohforttu
and approved of by the leadership, and better to proletarian democracy and dem-
Jcesides there are frequent partial replace- ocratic centralism, and reflects the in-
ments or adjustments. When a revolu- terests of the proletariat and the working
tionary committee is set up, the number people in a much more deep-going way
of people attending the celebration rally than those organs of power produced in
ranges from over a hundred thoursand to the past only by means of elections. This
hundreds of thousands. Everyone knows experience should also be drawn upon in
about it and is overjoyed. Has any party regard to Party life.
Engels said: "A revolution is certainly
heap of history. He was long ago de-
the rnost authoritarian tlaing thete is. . . ."1 prived by the revol.ution of a1l power and
The process of revolution is the process of positions both inside and outside the
getting rid of the stale and taking in the
fresh. The establishment of the provincial,
Getting rid of the stale and taking in
ununicipal and autonomous-regional revo-
lutionary committees under the leadership
the fresh in the ranks of revolutionary
cadres is a constant process in the course
nf the proletarian headquarters headed by of the continuous development of the rev-
Chairman Mao and with Vice-Chairman
olution. Whether or not a cadre can stand
Lin Piao as its deputy leader, has proclaim- firmly and consistently on the proletarian
ed the recapture by the proletariat of all revolutionary line must be tested for a
the power which was usurped by China's
long time in class struggle. This is also
Khrushchov and his agents in various
true of the cadres who have just begun
S.ocalities, and has proclairned their loss of
to work. Such new cadres must take par-
all posts in the Party and government, ticular care not to separate themselves
finance and culture. This is self-evident from the working people" Neverthelesg
and has long been an objective fact. The we must not be afraid of using cadres
great proletarian cultural revolution long
boldly just because they might make
ago swept China's Khrushchov, this rene- mistakes. The labouring masses promote
gade, traitor and scab, on to the garbage
them to leading posts and will also con-
stantly educate and help them and, when
1 Frederick Engels, "On Authority", Selected necessary, will dismiss them.
Works of Karl Maru and Fred,erick Engels, We must expel counter-revolutionaries
Eng. ed., FLPH, Moscow, 1951, Vol. I, p. 578. and exploiting-class elements from the
24 ,H
Party; admit into the Party outstanding in defeating all reactionaries both at home
proletarian revolutionary rebels; select to and abroad, systematically digging out the
leading Party organs at al1 levels those roots of revisionism and victoriously ac-
Communist Party members who faithful- complishing the great historical mission
ly carry out Chairman Mao's revolution- of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
ary Iine and are full of vigour; rely closely
on the revolutlonary masses; send cadres
to do manual work regularJ.y so that they
can work at both higher and lower levels,
both serve as "officials" and remain one
of the common PeoPIe. We must make
all this a regular system. In this way'
we will be able to carry out in an all-
round way Chairman Mao's instruction:
"get rid of the stale and take in the fresh"
and be able to srnash all types of counter-
attacks and last-ditch struggles by revi-
sionism. Under the leadership of our great
Ieader Comrade Mao Tse-tung, the great,
glorious and corect Chinese Communist
Party the vanguard of the proletariat
of China will lead tt-r" proletariat
and the revolutionary people through-
out the country with even greater vigour
4AHffii}Hffi( JTH )
58: ( 3 )3oso-r89a

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