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% Set the value for primary variables

sf = 50000; % sampling frequency

nf = sf / 2; % Nyquist frequency
d = 2.0; % length of sound
n = sf * d; % number of samples
nh = n / 2; % half number of samples

% select filter

while 1
v = input('lowpass(1), highpass(2), bandpass(3), notch(4) ? ');
if v >= 1 & v <= 4;

% set variables for filter

lf = 5000; % lowest frequency
hf = 10000; % highest frequency
lp = lf * d; % ls point in frequency domain
hp = hf * d; % hf point in frequency domain

% design filter

switch v
case 1
a = ['LOWPASS'];
filter = zeros(1, n); % initialization by 0
filter(1, 1 : lp) = 1; % filter design in real
filter(1, n - lp : n) = 1; % filter design in
imaginary number
case 2
a = ['HIGHPASS'];
filter = ones(1, n); % initialization by 1
filter(1, 1 : hp) = 0; % filter design in real
filter(1, n - hp : n) = 0; % filter design in imaginary
case 3
a = ['BANDPASS'];
filter = zeros(1, n); % initialization by 0
filter(1, lp : hp) = 1; % filter design in real
filter(1, n - hp : n - lp) = 1; % filter design in imaginary
case 4
a = ['NOTCH'];
filter = ones(1, n);
filter(1, lp : hp) = 0;
filter(1, n - hp : n - lp) = 0;

% make noise
rand('state',sum(100 * clock)); % initialize random seed
noise = randn(1, n); % Gaussian noise
noise = noise / max(abs(noise)); % -1 to 1 normalization

% do filter
s = fft(noise); % FFT
s = s .* filter; % filtering
s = ifft(s); % inverse FFT
s = real(s);

% play noise
disp('Cute noise');
sound(noise, sf); % playing sound
pause(d + 0.7); % waiting for sound end

% play filtered noise

disp([a, ' noise']);
sound(s, sf); % playing sound
pause(d + 0.6); % waiting for sound end

% plot sound

x = linspace(0, d, n);
subplot(2,2,1); plot(x, noise); xlabel('time (s)'); title('sound: noise');

subplot(2,2,2); plot(x, s); xlabel('time (s)'); title('sound: filtered noise');

% plot Fourier spectrum

x = linspace(0, nf, nh);

t = fft(noise);
t = t .* conj(t);
subplot(2,2,3); semilogy(x, t(1,1:nh) ./ max(t)); xlabel('frequency (Hz)');
title('spectrum: noise');
t = fft(s);
t = t .* conj(t);
subplot(2,2,4); semilogy(x, t(1,1:nh) ./ max(t)); xlabel('frequency (Hz)');
title('spectrum: filtered noise');


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