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-alThe ATLAS area on pdsf has the following structure

/auto/atlas/mirror - mirrored libraries

In this area there are directories that preserve the CERN ATLAS structure:

/auto/atlas/mirror/software (srt mirror).

/auto/atlas/mirror/offline/external (Gaudi, Geant4, tarred and pulled over etc)

/auto/atlas/sw/lhcxx - LHC++ software

/auto/atlas/sw/lhcb - Gaudi
/auto/atlas/sw/lhcb/cvs - Gaudi repository

/auto/atlas/local - local cvs repository and libraries built locally

Similar to mirror it has subdirectories:

/auto/atlas/local/software - for the repository and ATLAS software
/auto/atlas/local/offfline/external - for locally built external packages

/auto/atlas/tools - setup scripts

Setup Scripts
I added a script setup-atlas-new.csh to /auto/atlas/tools.
It is supposed to be executed after setup-general.csh.
Depending on the first argument (either local or mirror) it
will setup one of the two environments available currently on

to set up environment that accesses mirrored libraries:

source /auto/atlas/tools/setup-general.csh
source /auto/atlas/tools/setup-atlas-new.csh mirror

to access locally build libraries:

source /auto/atlas/tools/setup-general.csh
source /auto/atlas/tools/setup-atlas-new.csh local

Mirroring of the ATLAS libraries:


To prepare mirroring of the libraries one needs:

/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt mirror -i -r `pwd` -d

One needs to use the original srt to do the mirroring - mirrored srt won't
work for that. There is no need to have any environmental variables to set
up for performing the task listed above.

The first step will prepare a directory structure (bin,lib,dist) and

mirror the srt libraries.

To mirror a release, one still has to use the afs version of:
/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt, but already local srt libraries
could be used. For that one needs to define $SRT_HOME

setenv SRT_HOME /auto/atlas/mirror/software/lib/srt/0.3.2

(0.3.2) is the current version of srt in use.

Then a release is mirrored:

/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt mirror -c -r `pwd` releaseNumber architecture

in our case to mirror 1.1.4 for linux we do:

/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt mirror -c -r `pwd` 1.1.4 i586-pc-linux-

currently we have the following releases mirrored:

1.1.4 414 MB
1.1.5 439 MB

We need to establish a policy on how to drop releases.

Local copy of LHC++


We currently have version 2.0.1 and 3.2.0 (388Mbytes) available under

Installation is straightforward if you follow instructions:

Laurent VACAVANT from EP/HC and

Iwona Sakrejda From NERSC (ISakrejda@lbl.gov)

registered for lbl to use nag_c and the objectivity.

Following a web page:

I performed instalation from:

and our local copy is at:


But the version I installed has no includes. Here is a message I got

from CERN library support:
We are not allowed to redristribute the NAG C library include files
outside Cern.
That's because use of header files requires a NAG C developer license:
Cern has a site license but we can't assume external sites as one as
Our group is currently negotiating with NAG to provide such licenses
to external institutes, but this will taks some time.

Best regards
Lysiane Besson/Program Library

So for now I just added includes by hand to


Mirroring of the ATLAS cvs repository and Gaudi cvs repository:


Mirroring of both the ATLAS and Gaudi cvs repositories

with the CVSup/d software has been set up.

The server runs at cern on atlas006.cern.ch.

Relevant software exists in ~sakrejda/public/cvsup.16.1
A cron job was set up to monitor the server and restart it if
the server is killed for some reason (computer reboot etc).
A script for the cron job is at:

A local version of the Atlas repository resides at:

It needs 351MB.

There is a file:
It contains 1 line:
This way the repository is read-only.

A local version of Gaudi repository resides at:

It needs 120MB.

There is a file:
It contains 1 line:
This way the repository is read-only.

Currently bo repositories are updated every 4 hours by a cron job running on


pdsflx003 66% crontab -l

# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.17005 installed on Thu Nov 9 13:32:44 2000)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
20 0-23/4 * * * /auto/atlas/local/acvsup
50 0-23/4 * * * /auto/atlas/sw/lhcb/acvsup

Log of the cron job goes to:

/auto/atlas/local/cvsuplog for the ATLAS repository and
/auto/atlas/sw/lhcb/cvsuplog for Gaudi.

Building ATLAS release based on a local repository:


I mirrored srt to have it in the

/auto/atlas/local/software area. I should have retrieved the source
and build it instead of mirroring, but could not find instructions.
I will correct that later.
reminder, to mirror srt:
/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt mirror -i -r `pwd` d

I had to correct for the location of /usr/bin/install

The problem is in:

Then Maja adviced to use:

srt [srt options] mirror -n -r ROOT DIST
to get a tagged version of the source code from the repository.
I pointed it at PDSF cvs mirror site:
setenv CVSROOT /auto/atlas/local/software/cvs

I created:

then in:
/auto/atlas/local/software I ran:
/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt mirror -n -r `pwd` 1.1.5

If you "fixed" your mirror, so it does not know it's a mirror

you need to go to
/auto/atlas/local/software/bin/srt new -p 1.2.1 offline-01-02-01

I set environmental variables:

setenv SRT_HOME /auto/atlas/local/software/lib/srt/0.3.2
setenv SRT_ARCH i586-pc-linux-gnu
setenv SRT_CONF egcs-1.1
setenv SRT_TARGET i586-pc-linux-gnu/egcs-1.1
setenv SRT_SITE /auto/atlas/local/software/srt-local-config

and appended /auto/atlas/local/software/bin to the PATH

Then in :

srt setup

cd dist/1.1.5

I edited boot.mk replacing list of hosts by my local host.

Then following Maya's instructions I ran:
make -f boot.mk release
make -f boot.mk release-post-clean

cd /auto/atlas/local/software/

and froze the release:

/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/bin/srt mirror -f -r `pwd` 1.1.5

or with the "fixed" version of srt

cd /auto/atlas/local/software/dist/1.1.5
and run

srt freeze

I had to use the cern srt as the local knows it's a mirror and won't
do freezing. If I create srt locally, this problem should be gone.

I got a message:

build finished on pdsflx02 without errors at Fri Sep 1 10:39:57 PDT 2000

Now we have the following releases build locally:


Mirroring of the Gaudi repository:


Mirroring of the Gaudi cvs repository with the CVSup/d software has been set up.
A local version of the repository resides at:


It requires 97MB of disk space.Currently it is updated every 3 hours by a cron job

running on pdsflx02.

Log of the cron job goes into:


Installing Gaudi from CERN:


pdsflx02 74% cp /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/GaudiRoot/Gaudi.tar.gz .

pdsflx02 75% cp /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/GaudiRoot/packages.tar.gz .
pdsflx02 76% cp /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/GaudiRoot/tools.tar.gz .

unzip and untar

Installing local version of CMT


Web page for distributions (v1r7):


Then select both

For ATLAS at PDSF CMT was installed at:

Save it and untar

(tar -xvZf)

then go to CMT/v1r7/mgr and install:


And it's ready for use....

Building local Gaudi(v6r1):


Untar (tar -xvzf) in /auto/atlas/local/offline/external/Gaudi a release

that D. Quarrie posted at CERN in the ATLAS afs area:

Make sure you have CMT v1r7

Set the following environmental variables (I am not sure we need them all,
will experiment later):

setenv CERN /usr/local/cern

setenv CERN_LEVEL 2000
setenv CMTBASE /auto/atlas/sw/contrib/CMT
setenv CMTVERS v1r7
setenv CMTCONFIG i386_linux22
source $CMTBASE/$CMTVERS/mgr/setup.csh

setenv PATH `/auto/atlas/tools/addpath.pl PATH ${CMTBASE}/mgr`

setenv CMTPATH /auto/atlas/local/offline/external/Gaudi/0.6.1
setenv LHCBCERNINC ${CERN}/${CERN_LEVEL}/include/
setenv SITEROOT /auto/atlas/
setenv ROOTSYS /auto/atlas/sw/ROOT/v2.25
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /auto/atlas/sw/ROOT/v2.25/i386_linux22/root/lib

add $CERN/${CERN_LEVEL}/bin to your path if it is not there.

setenv PATH ${PATH}:${CERN}/${CERN_LEVEL}/bin

Xerces had to be installed in

(tar -xvzf ~quarrie/Atlas/xerces-c.tar.gz)
This is the same place xerces is installed at CERN

in EXTLIB/v2r2/mgr requirements were modified to include

at the end of EXT_DIR:

LBNL "/auto/atlas/local/offline/external/"
at the end of ROOT_DIR:
LBNL "/auto/atlas/sw/ROOT/"

Since for now I have problems with Python, I exclude it from the built.

Then do the following:

cd Athena/v1r8/cmt
cmt broadcast -exclude="Python" rm -f '*.make'
cmt broadcast -exclude="Python" cmt config
cmt broadcast -exclude="Python" make clean
cmt broadcast -exclude="Python" make -k


Additional packages from offline/external


The following packages were tarred and installed in

tar -cvzf ~/public/pythia_6.129.tar.z --exclude pythia_6.129/installed/sparc-sun-
solaris2.5.1 pythia_6.129

tar -cvzf ~/public/isajet_7.51.tar.z -X ~/exclude.txt isajet_7.51

tar -cvzf ~/public/4.09.tar.z --exclude 4.09/installed/sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1 4.09

Building Athena at based on /auto/atlas/mirror and my local cvs


On pdsf system install is in:


so I had to edit:


I replaced:
# Installation
INSTALL = /usr/local/bin/gnu/install -c


# Installation
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c

Then I followed Dave's instructions:

srt new src 1.1.3

cd src
cvs co -d ZebraTDRCnv -r MayTutorial_01_01_00 offline/Event/ZebraTDRCnv
cvs co -d GaudiSequencer -r Gaudi5-00-00-00 offline/Control/GaudiSequencer
cvs co -d GaudiInterface -r Gaudi5-00-00-00 offline/External/GaudiInterface
cvs co -d ControlExamples -r Gaudi5-00-00-00 offline/Control/ControlExamples

cd ..
mkdir build
mkdir run
cd build
make clean
make install

results from these 3 commands are in:

clean.doc configure.doc install.doc

The third one contains references to the /afs area although I have my
local Gaudi - needs to be chcked.
also the following variables are being defined:
need to find out where and modify to reflect local configuration

But otherwise procedure seemed to be succesful.

To run:
cd ../run
cp ../src/ControlExamples/GaudiExamplesCommon/share/* .
source setup.csh

But then I don't know what I am supposed to run....

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