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Computer connected to internet Computers grant access to the Internet,

which hosts academic research and
offers educational support. Historical
records and social organizations are
only a click away, providing a wealth of
information for studying history and
social studies. There are also many
resources and communities online that
are available to help students develop
and improve mathematical and
scientific understanding.

Projectors and television screens It can be difficult for students to

concentrate on listening and note-
taking simultaneously. Showing
presentations and information via an
interactive projector gives you the
ability to share notes digitally at the
end of the lesson and when students
know youve got the broader note-
taking covered, they can focus more on
listening, and only writing down things
that are specifically useful to them.

Audio Devices Audio visual aids are those devices

which are used in classrooms to
encourage teaching learning process
and make it easier and interesting.
Audio -visual aids are the best tool for
making teaching effective and the best
dissemination of knowledge.

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