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Every engineer and every mate on board have to keep watch. What is the only work
you have to do in 24 hours, you work twice for 4 hours. Each period of four hours is
called "watch".
So, for instance, you have to keep watch from twelve o'clock midnight until four
o'clock in the morning. Then you are doing the middle watch. At four o'clock you go to
bed again or to your bunk, as they say on board. Your other four hours may be from 12
o'clock till four in the afternoon, when you have the afternoon watch. When your
working hours are from four in the afternoon till 6 018 in the evening, your watch is the
To denote the time from midnight to noon, we use the letters A.M, and to denote the
time from noon to midnight we use the letters P.M.

The watch keeping period.
1. The middle watch is from 12 midnight till 4 in the morning.
2. The morning watch is from 4 in the morning till 8 in the morning.
3. The forenoon watch Is from 8 In the morning till 12 (noon).
4. The afternoon watch is from 12 o'clock ( noon ) till 4 in the afternoon.
5. the evening watch is from 4 o'clock afternoon till 8 at night.
6. the first watch is from 8 o'clock at night until 12 the o'clock midnight.
7. The dog watch is from 4-6 in the afternoon or 6-8 in the evening.
On board = di kapal
Have to / must = harus
To keep watch = dinas / tugas jaga
Twice = dua kali
For instance = umpamanya, misalnya

To denote = menunjukkan
AM. (Ante Meridian) = sebelum siang hari
P.M. (Post Meridian) = sesudah siang hari
Dog watch = jam jaga anjing
Bunk = tempat tidur yang menempel ke dinding
Working hour. = jam keda.

Answer the following Questions based on the text!
1. What is the topic of the passage ?
2. Who have to keep watch on board ?
3. How many hours does a mate or an engineer keep watch daily ?
4. What is the name of the watch between 4 to 8 in the morning ?
5. Does P.M stand for Post Meridian ?
Simple present tense.
Kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja bentuk simple present tense menunjukkan
pekerjaan (keadaan) yang berulang-ulang/ kebiasaan atau suatu kenyataan yang
tidak dapat disangkal lagi. Kejadiannya mungkin berlangsung pada masa lampau,
sekarang dan yang akan datang.
Penunjuk waktu yang biasa digunakan antara lain: Everyalways etc.
Contoh : He always wakes up early.
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West every day.

Pembentukan kata kerja Simple Present Tense :
Bentuk kata kerja yang dipakai adalah :
1. Infinitive ( kata kerja asal ) untuk orang pertama, kedua tunggal dan orang
pertama, kedua dan ketiga jamak.
I Speak
You Speak
We Speak
They Speak
2. Infinitive ditambah akhiran 's' atau 'es' untuk orang ketiga tunggal.
He Speaks
She Speaks
He goes
It Goes
Untuk membentuk atau merubah kalimat positif menjadi negatif atau pertanyaan,
dipakai kata kerja atau does,
a. + He speaks English..
( - ) He does not speak English
(?) Does he speak English ?
b. + They like smoking.
( - ) They do not like smoking.
(?) Do they like smoking ?

a. Translate these sentences into Indonesian.
1. would you like to keep watch in the middle of the night ?
2. I will go to the chief engineer and ask for a spanner.
3. Try again, it is much easier than you think.
4. We have been trying to do the job the whole day, but we have not succeded.
5. Everyone on the board must know his own duty.

b. Translate these sentences into English.
1. Kapal besar itu dibuat di Jerman pada tahun 1978.
2. Mualim-mualim dikapal mempunyai banyak uang.
3. Saya ingin menjdi pelaut yang baik.
4. Bepergian dengan kapal merupakan pengaman baru baginya
5. Pernahkah anda bepergian dengan kapal besar ?
6. Perusahaan itu membeli sebuah kapal baru.
7. Setiap pagi saya bangun jam 5.
8. Kapten selalu mengecek pekerjaan kami.

c. Change the given statements into : ( - ) negative

(?) interrogative
1. The cadet cleans the deck.
2. He is on board the ship.
3. I try to meet the captain.
4. The tanker carries liquid cargoes.
5. The passenger ship will leave the port at 5 p.m.
6. Everyone must know his/her own duty.
7. The captain calls the mate to help him.
8. We study English everyweek end.

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