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Given the following weather review for period November 2017 to February 2018, State, Duration and Monthly Rainfall Estimation as follows:

Sample expected inputs and outputs as follows

Weather program as follows
/* File : weather.c
Owner : Mdm Norzanah Md Said
Tasks : Weather program using array and function
Semester July 2017 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define MAX 4

//prototype function
void chooseMenu(short &menu);
void callSel(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnSelmin[], int hjnSelmax[] );
void callMel(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnSelmin[], int hjnSelmax[] );
void callTG(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnSelmin[], int hjnSelmax[] );
void SelMMX(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnSelmin[], int hjnSelmax[] );
void TGMMX(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnTGmin[], int hjnTGmax[] );
void callMel(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnMelmin[], int hjnMelmax[]);
void callExit(int &resp);
void callSignature();
int callError();
bool callRepeat(int no, int menu);
void Summary(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int S1[],int S2[],int M1[],int M2[], int T1[],int T2[]);

//main() function
int main()
int menu, no ;

char *state[] = {"Selangor","Melaka", "Terengganu"};

char *tempoh[] = {"November", "Disember", "January", "February"};
int hjnSelmin[MAX] = {240, 200, 140, 150};
int hjnSelmax[MAX] = {360, 300, 220, 210};
int hjnMelmin[MAX] = {190, 110, 80, 70};
int hjnMelmax[MAX] = {280, 170, 110, 110};
int hjnTGmin[MAX] = {580, 450, 110, 50};
int hjnTGmax[MAX] = {870, 670, 160, 80};

bool resp;

resp = 1;
//repetition statements
while (resp)
chooseMenu(menu); //function call for chooseMenu()

//selection statements
switch (menu)
case 1 : callSel(state, tempoh, hjnSelmin, hjnSelmax ); //function call for callSel()
resp = callRepeat(no,menu);
case 2 : callMel(state, tempoh, hjnMelmin, hjnMelmax); //function call for callMel()
resp = callRepeat(no,menu);
case 3 : callTG(state, tempoh, hjnTGmin, hjnTGmax); //function call for callTG()
resp = callRepeat(no,menu);
case 4 : Summary(state, tempoh, hjnSelmin, hjnSelmax, hjnMelmin, hjnMelmax,hjnTGmin, hjnTGmax);
resp = callRepeat(no,menu);
case 5 : callExit(resp); //function call for callExit()
default : resp = callError(); //function call for callExit()
resp = callRepeat(no,menu);

} //while
callSignature(); //function call for callSignature()
return 0;

//function definition for chooseMenu() using parameter, call by reference

void chooseMenu(int &menu)


printf("\t== WEATHER REVIEW FOR PERIOD ==\n");
printf("\t== November 2017 TO FEBRUARY 2018 ==\n");

printf("\tSelect State\n");
printf("\t[1] Selangor\n");
printf("\t[2] Melaka\n");
printf("\t[3] Terengganu\n");
printf("\t[4] Summary\n");
printf("\t[5] Exit\n\n\n");
printf("\tYou have select number #0%d\n\n",menu);

//function definition for callSel()with no return value that accepts four parameters
void callSel(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnSelmin[], int hjnSelmax[] )
int i;
printf ("\tNegeri : %s\n", state[0]);
printf("\n\tTempoh \t Monthly Rainfall Expected (mm)\n");
printf("\n\t====== \t ==============================\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAX ; i++) {
printf("\t%s\t \t%d - %d\n",tempoh[i],hjnSelmin[i],hjnSelmax[i]);

//function definition for callMel()with no return value that accepts four parameters
void callMel(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnMelmin[], int hjnMelmax[] )
int i;
printf ("\tNegeri : %s\n", state[1]);
printf("\n\tTempoh \t Monthly Rainfall Expected (mm)\n");
printf("\n\t====== \t ==============================\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAX ; i++) {
printf("\t%s\t \t%d - %d\n",tempoh[i],hjnMelmin[i],hjnMelmax[i]);
//function definition for callTG()with no return value that accepts four parameters
void callTG(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnTGmin[], int hjnTGmax[] )
int i;
printf ("\tNegeri : %s\n", state[2]);
printf("\n\tTempoh \t Monthly Rainfall Expected (mm)\n");
printf("\n\t====== \t ==============================\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAX ; i++) {
printf("\t%s\t \t%d - %d\n",tempoh[i],hjnTGmin[i],hjnTGmax[i]);

// function definition for MelMMX() to find the minimum and maximum value of the Rainfall Estimates for
// the state of Melaka and display the values on the screen
void MelMMX(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnMelmin[], int hjnMelmax[] )
int i, lowMel, highMel, hold1, hold2;

lowMel = hjnMelmin[0];
for (i = 1; i < MAX ; i++) {
if (hjnMelmin[i] < lowMel){
lowMel = hjnMelmin[i];
hold1 = i;

highMel = hjnMelmax[0];
for (i = 1; i < MAX ; i++) {
if (hjnMelmax[i] > highMel){
highMel = hjnMelmax[i];
hold2 = i;

printf("\t%s : Lowest Rainfall (mm) is %d on %s \n", state [1],lowMel, tempoh[hold1], );

printf("\t%s : Highest Rainfal (mm) is %d on %s \n", state [1],highMel, tempoh[hold2]);


// function definition for SelMMX() to find the minimum and maximum value of the Rainfall Estimates for
// the state of Selangor and display the values on the screen

void SelMMX(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnSelmin[], int hjnSelmax[] )

int i, lowSel, highSel, hold1, hold2;

lowSel = hjnSelmin[0];
for (i = 1; i < MAX ; i++) {
if (hjnSelmin[i] < lowSel){
lowSel = hjnSelmin[i];
hold1 = i;
highSel = hjnSelmax[0];
for (i = 1; i < MAX ; i++) {
if (hjnSelmax[i] > highSel){
highSel = hjnSelmax[i];
hold2 = i;

printf("\t%s : Lowest Rainfall (mm) is %d on %s \n", state [0],lowSel, tempoh[hold1], );

printf("\t%s : Highest Rainfal (mm) is %d on %s \n", state [0],highSel, tempoh[hold2]);


// function definition for TGMMX() to find the minimum and maximum value of the Rainfall Estimates for //
the state of Terengganu and display the values on the screen

void TGMMX(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int hjnTGmin[], int hjnTGmax[] )

int i, lowTG, highTG, hold1, hold2;

lowTG = hjnTGmin[0];
for (i = 1; i < MAX ; i++) {
if (hjnTGmin[i] < lowTG){
lowTG = hjnTGmin[i];
hold1 = i;

highTG = hjnTGmax[0];
for (i = 1; i < MAX ; i++) {
if (hjnTGmax[i] > highTG){
highTG = hjnTGmax[i];
hold2 = i;

printf("\t%s : Lowest Rainfall (mm) is %d on %s \n", state [2],lowTG, tempoh[hold1], );

printf("\t%s : Highest Rainfal (mm) is %d on %s \n", state [2],highTG, tempoh[hold2]);


// function definition for Summary() to display summary report

void Summary(char *state[], char *tempoh[], int S1[],int S2[],int M1[],int M2[], int T1[],int T2[])
printf("\tSUMMARY REPORT : \n");

SelMMX(state, tempoh, S1, S2);

MelMMX(state, tempoh, M1, M2);
TGMMX(state, tempoh, T1, T2);

//function definition for callError() has a return value of integer type

int callError()
int resp;
printf("\tYour have enter invalid selection\n");
printf("\tPlease re-enter\n");
return resp = 1;

//function definition for callExit() with no return value

// using parameter, call by reference
void callExit(int &resp)
printf("\t--> Thank You for using our weather system <--\n");
resp = 0;
//function definition for callSignature() with no return value and no //argument)
void callSignature()
printf("\n\tPrepared by :\n");
printf("\tMdm Norzanah Md Said \n");
printf("\tSemester July 2017\n\n\n");

//function definition for callRepeat() has a return value of boolean type

bool callRepeat(int no, int menu){
bool resp;

printf("\n\tDo you want to continue [1] yes, [Press any] No\n");


if ((no != 1) || (menu ==4 ))

return resp = 0;

return resp = 1;

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