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Judges 6:33-40


Private testing.

who you are in private is who you really are.

Lets watch Gideon as he wavers between faith and fear. I want

to preach on The Challenge of Gideon.

I want you to see, from this snapshot from the life of Gideon,
that humble obedience honors the Lord more than questioning
His call on our lives.


A. v. 33 Gideons Enemy
Just as a side note, the Valley of Jezreel is also known as the
Valley of Megiddo.

B. v. 34b Gideons Engagement When the enemy comes,

Gideon has the courage to do what no man has done in over seven

C. v. 34a Gideons Energy Where did get this kind of courage?

We are told that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon. God
took control of Gideon and caused him to sound the war call.
This man blowing the trumpet, calling Israel to war
is not that same men we met back in Judges 6:11-24. That man
was defeated, disillusioned, discouraged and filled with doubt.
This man is decisive, daring, defiant and determined. Something
has happened to Gideon and that something is the power of the Spirit
of God.

In our day, every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God,

Vs, porm, no estais na carne, mas no Esprito, se que o Esprito

de Deus habita em vs. Mas, se algum no tem o Esprito de Cristo,
esse tal no dele. Romanos 8:9

Pois todos ns fomos batizados em um Esprito, formando um corpo,

quer judeus, quer gregos, quer servos, quer livres, e todos temos
bebido de um Esprito. 1 Corntios 12:13

A. v. 34c A Close Following

(Ill. You never know what a step of obedient faith in your life will
accomplish in the lives of those who live around you.

B. v. 35 A Committed Following

(Ill. We are living in a time when it appears that the enemies

outnumber the people of God.

We simply need to remember that when Gods Spirit is in control of

Gods people, He enables them to accomplish amazing victories,

Ill. The many ways He has proven His power 3 Hebrews, Daniel,
Widow of Zarephath, stilling storms, multiplying loaves and fish,
walking on water, rising from the dead, etc.


That was the public Gideon. In private, Gideon is still filled with
doubts concerning what the Lord is calling him to do.

A. v. 36 Gideons Doubts The key word in this verse is the word

if. God had already told Gideon repeatedly what He wanted him to
do, vv. 12, 14, 16.

B. v. 37, 39 Gideons Demand Gideon comes up with a test to

determine Gods will.

C. v. 38 Gideons Disobedience However, this does not satisfy

the mind of Gideon, because he knows that a piece of sheepskin is
like a sponge.

D. v. 40 Gideons Direction Apparently, this satisfies Gideon

because he does not question Gods call again.

Gideon faced the same problem we all face in life. He simply

lacked the faith to take God at His Word. God told Gideon what He
wanted him to do, vv. 12, 14, 16, but Gideon was not willing to
simply trust the Lord by faith.

Quando obedecemos, O Senhor nos guia.

How does God guide His people? The Bible tells us exactly how
God leads us to know His will for our lives.

God guides through His Spirit John 16:13

Mas, quando vier aquele Esprito de verdade, ele vos guiar em toda
a verdade; porque no falar de si mesmo, mas dir tudo o que tiver
ouvido, e vos anunciar o que h de vir. Joo 16:13

God guides through His Word Psalm 119:105

Lmpada para os meus ps tua palavra, e luz para o meu caminho.

Salmos 119:105

God guides through His peace Col. 3:15

E a paz de Deus, para a qual tambm fostes chamados em um corpo,
domine em vossos coraes; e sede agradecidos. Colossenses 3:15

God guides through the desires He gives us Psalm 34:3-4

Confia no Senhor e faze o bem; habitars na terra, e
verdadeiramente sers alimentado.Deleita-te tambm no Senhor, e
te conceder os desejos do teu corao. Salmos 37:3-4

God also guides through the godly counsel of His people Pro.

No havendo sbios conselhos, o povo cai, mas na multido de

conselhos h segurana. Provrbios 11:14

Conc: When a traveler in the early days of the west, came to the
Mississippi, he discovered there was no bridge. Fortunately it was
winter and the great river was sheeted over with ice. But the traveler
was afraid to trust himself to it, not knowing how thick it was.
Finally with infinite caution, he crept on his hands and knees
and managed to get halfway over. And then he heard--yes he heard
singing from behind. Cautiously he turned, and there, out of the
dusk, came another traveler, driving a four-horse load of coal over
the ice, singing as he went!
Gideon, and us, are just like that traveler.

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