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Task 1: Diagnostic Assessment Interview

Good morning, today is 8 of October 2017 Im interviewing with

Mr. Barnett. This interview will take about 10 to 15 minutes. So,
at first mister can you tell me about yourself?
1. Who long did you teach?

His name is Keith Barnett. He has been teaching about two years in the UK. This is
the first year in the UAE in the RAK Academy BC. He taught year five before.
Also, he taught special students in the UK. This year he teaches year four at the
first time.

2. When was the first time did you teach?

The first time he taught at America 7 years ago when he practiced teaching there.
He taught outdoor activities which are done outside the classroom.

3. Do you like to teach in UAE?

He enjoyed the teaching in the UAE and the thought it is very good, he had a lot of
fan here, and the students is very lovely. He through that in the UK, where he
taught small classes that help him to spent a lot of time working with the students
and improve his skills. Observe the students if he achieves and progressing.

4. Which subject do you like to teach more?

The favorite subject he likes to teach is English because he likes to do a lot of

creative activities for the students during the class.

5. What strategies did you use to manage the students in the classroom?

For managing the classroom, he set roles for the students and let the students
read them and do it during the school time. Secondly, he uses 3,2,1 to let the
students put all things away and focus on the teacher.

6. In your opinion, what is an important thing that the teacher should have?

He thought that the good teacher should have enthusiasm for teaching and love
the teaching job.
7. Which kind of social media did you use to communicate with parents?

Also, the teacher should be patient and dont get mad quickly. Also, he used class
dojos to manage the students and contact with the parents.

8. What diagnostic assessment has taken place this semester?

Now we will talk about diagnosing assessment. This assessment has a piece of
writing with pictures and let the students write a paragraph about these pictures.
After that, the teacher checks their writing and see what the level students are
on. About the math, they do a couple of quizzes to check the students level and
where the students in. For example, how they solve math problems and use a
contrary method using the dins. Also, these to check what the students can and
cant do in math. Moreover, there are many questions in math class that require
explaining how you get this answer and what the method that you use to solve it.
Identify the stronger and the weakness with an individual student and see what he
should work on more and what they are doing better than another.

9. When did this occur?

In the first week of this semester, they do the English assessment for call
task and reading task to improve the students reading.

10. What types of assessments were conducted?

They did a written diagnostic assessment for the students. For example,
this assessment has a piece of writing with pictures and let the students
write a paragraph about these pictures in the English class. About the math,
they do a couple of quizzes to check the students level and where the
students in.
11. Who developed these assessments?

The team of grade 4 teachers develops these assessments for the students at the
begging of the semester.
12. Who conducted the assessments

The teacher conducts the evaluation for his grade by himself. They let the
students write a reflection about what they did well in the assessment and what
they have to work on this year more.

13. Were the assessments completed by students individually?

The teacher gives them a table that includes the success criteria of each lesson
and let the students check by themselves and do an individual assessment.

14. This will help students achieve more in different learning staging?

The information the teacher will get from these assessments is what is the
strength of, what are they weak on, what are the level of the students, He will
work in these and will improve each child weakness. Separation their need to work
on a little bit more.

15. What decisions did you make based on the assessments?

He did these assessments to see who the students need more support in the class
and who are not. Also, he looks at the strength and weak like a whole class to fit
the activity and done it by all students in the class, but he does it specifically
individually for each child.

16. How did you group your students?

He did the groups of the students' mixability to let the students communicate with
each other, and he mixes them monthly to see they're progressing in the class.
This strategy will let high level student modeling the answer or the way of solving
questions for the low-level students and its very effective way to let the students
work. This will help students achieve more in different learning staging.

17. Do the groups change for different learning subjects/topics?

Yes, the groups change for different subjects because the teacher mixed the
student mouthy or once in two weeks based on students level of learning and

In the end, each teacher should give the students diagnostic assessment to help
teacher now what the students level and let the teacher find ways to help students
to improve.

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