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Como influye la religin en el mundo

Recuperado de https://es.slideshare.net/chelalvarado/como-influye-la-religion-en-el-mundo
el 18 de septiembre de 2017

Podra decirse que la religin modera el comportamiento del ser humano a la hora de
que este actu en la sociedad (amar al prjimo, no matar, etc.).
La religin hace sentir al hombre parte de un grupo con quien comparte creencias.
La religin y la poltica siempre ha ido de la mano.
La mayora de las decisiones que han tomado los gobiernos han sido tomados por la
religin muestra clara de esto ha sido la clara influencia de la religin en las guerras que
han habido alrededor del mundo
Las decisiones que la iglesia influa para que el gobierno las tomara solo la beneficiaban
a ella ya que la enriquecan.


Recuperado de https://prezi.com/-jqp-vcknq1q/religiones-y-su-influencia-positiva-o-
negativa-en-la-socieda/ el 18 de septiembre de 2017.

A veces se toma la religin como un velo con el que se tapan los peores actos tomados
por los altos mando gubernamentales.


Recuperado de http://religensociedad.blogspot.com.co/2011/06/como-esta-influenciada-
nuestra-sociedad.html el 18 de septiembre de 2017

Karl Marx pensaba que la religin haba sido creada por los ms poderosos para poder
explotar a las masas.
La religin realiza gran cantidad de funciones psicolgicas, dar seguridad a los
individuos mediante la oferta de puntos referenciales estable que uno puede usar para
orientarse hacia nuevas condiciones dentro del mundo cambiante.

Recuperado de https://noticierointernacional.wordpress.com/2013/05/15/las-religiones-y-
su-influencia-en-lospueblos-y-nacionesiones-en-los-pueblos/ el 18 de septiembre de 2017

. Las religiones son productos culturales y desde su nacimiento va a estar ligadas a

las creencias, valores y apreciaciones de un grupo determinado cultural primigenio.
No obstante, por razones del mundo patriarcal guerrerista donde buscaba apropiarse
de la gente para esclavizarla y de sus recursos se impona con la religin para
imponerse ideolgicamente sobre otros y result un arma de coaccin y
sometimiento desde el mundo de las ideas.
Si las religiones nacieron en momentos especficos de la historia, especialmente en
situacin de crisis y el ser humano buscaba dar respuesta a estos a travs de la fe, de
la esperanza y del amor como experiencias primigenias de lo humano, hoy si nos
oponemos no podemos negar los aportes que esta ha dado en el trascurso de la
historia. La religin fue lo que hoy en un mundo laico, la educacin y la poltica
ofrece a travs de la enseanza de valores y de la ideologa.


Recuperado de https://antoniovillalobos.wordpress.com/2014/11/18/el-papel-de-la-
religion-en-la-sociedad/ el 19 de septiembre de 2017

De este modo la presencia como fenmeno de la religin en las sociedades

humanas es un hecho histrico absolutamente innegable, y sus signos aparecen
por todas partes: en la arquitectura, en todas las artes, en los relatos, en resumen,
en todas las huellas del paso del hombre sobre la tierra.

El impacto religiones sobre agenda social actual

Recuperado de http://www.semana.com/on-line/articulo/el-impacto-religiones-sobre-
agenda-social-actual/60282-3 el 19 de septiembre de 2017.

Ms all de cualquier hiptesis terica al respecto, las religiones estn actuando

todos los das de modo muy concreto frente a estos problemas. Organizaciones
de base catlicas, evanglicas, protestantes, judas, musulmanas, y de todas las
creencias trabajan a diario por los ms desfavorecidos.
Las religiones no slo estn presentes en la vida cotidiana de los pobres, sino
que en diversos casos se han incorporado activamente a la discusin mundial
sobre la globalizacin, y sus impactos econmicos y sociales y sobre el modelo
de desarrollo deseable.
Segn la religin los seres humanos tienen la obligacin tica de velar por sus
semejantes. La solidaridad no es una opcin sino un mandato.
Segn la religin la pobreza debe ser erradicada, para la Biblia la pobreza no es
inevitable. No se halla en el designio divino, todo lo contrario. El designio es
que el ser humano tenga plenas posibilidades de realizacin. El texto dice "Bien
que no debe haber en medio de ti menesteroso alguno"(Deuteronomio 15-4).
Para el texto bblico los pobres son seres humanos iguales que todos. La pobreza
no reduce un pice su carcter de criaturas creadas por la Divinidad, a su imagen
y semejanza. Frente a la tendencia usual en las sociedades actuales a
desvalorizar al pobre, el mensaje bblico es opuesto. Subraya incluso que
aquellos que se aprovechen de los hurfanos, las viudas, los extranjeros, y los
pobres, las figuras de la exclusin en la Antigedad, tendrn que enfrentarse con
la Divinidad misma. Ella protege especialmente a los pobres.
Las grandes desigualdades han sido generadas por las sociedades, no estn en el
designio divino. Tratando de prevenirlas la Biblia establece una detallada
legislacin que cubre diversos aspectos. Entre sus disposiciones se hallan la
condonacin de las deudas cada siete aos, el ao sabtico de la tierra en donde
su propiedad se suspende y los pobres pueden acceder a sus frutos, la proteccin
del que trabaja a travs de mltiples instituciones (el pago del sueldo en tiempo,
las previsiones de retiro, el descanso sabtico y otras), y el jubileo.

I think that religion has played a fundamental role in the history of humanity, usually for
the good of it, although this does not mean that some of the decisions taken by religion
would have harmed to many people, but its influence is undeniable. We must begin by
accepting that religion has been fundamental in showing man the correct way in which he
must act, and this he has done by imposing on man moral norms such as loving his
neighbor, not killing, among many others that definitely have marked the pattern in human
coexistence. Also of this the religion is a of the first group in the that coexist the human,
whence makes the human feel important because is part of the a group, is part of some
belief that come of time immemorial ant that also was taken for your ancestors, because
the religion makes the Man a social guy. If we analyze in the most methodical way the
moments in which religions have been born we will be able to realize that these have
always been born in the moments where the man needs a consolation or a moral support
since it is happening through difficult moments that definitely when appearing the religion
have been lessen and the hence emotional load of the human has been lighter. For support
the previous lines, I must cite the fact that all ancient civilizations were governed by beliefs
in divinities, as in the case of the Egyptians, the Sumerians, and the Babylonians, but
among all civilizations that of the Jews gave the greatest signs of attachment for his beliefs
that required him to respect all forms of life and marked the way to act in each moment
things that included respecting and being respected. We are obliged now to go on to talk
about another field in which religion has been of great influence in humanity, this area is
politics, which has always been present in man since man seat in communities, that is to
say: it ceased to be nomadic, since politics and religion have been intimately taken from
the hand since those times. Religion has played a fundamental role in the decisions that
have been taken by governments from different periods and undoubtedly have been
important for the future of the countries, an example of which has been the intervention that
the Catholic religion had in relations between the United States and Cuba that resulted in
the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries despite the fact that
this was never expected to happen. But religion has not always been an intervener in the
conflicts that affect different countries of the world, and this non-intervention has also how
resulted in fateful results for humanity, as it was in the Second World War where due to the
silence that prevailed in the City of the Vatican was understood that the Catholic religion
was not going to intervene in a conflict so serious and many countries and people of the
world blame this religion of the serious consequences of the holocaust since it is thought
that if the Vatican had intervened genocide has could have been avoided or at least to
avoid the deaths of a few thousand or maybe millions. But we must also take into account
that on many occasions religions have intervened in global politics with grave
consequences for man, perhaps the most accurate way to demonstrate this is by citing the
so-called "Holy Inquisition" promoted by the Catholic religion and which gave to the great
empires the form for undo of the strong enemies, as when the Templars were accused to be
enemies of the crown and were killed, certainly one of the worst interventions of religion in
humanity that ended with the lives of thousands. At this point we can almost 100% ensure
that religion has had a tremendous influence around all areas surrounding the human, and
that have certainly helped man in most cases but in many others has been guilty of horrible
things which stain the reputation of the church, but is even more ironic the fact that on
certain occasions it has tried to distance itself from world affairs and the result has been
catastrophic, so that whether you like it or not the religion influences greatly in the
development of world events. I think that is hour we talked about religion and its influence
in these times, because we have already encompass and consider everything about the
period until a little more than 60 years ago, but we must also analyze how the influence of
the religion in these the last 72 years since the end of World War II, to know if it has been
influential in the same way as before or has diminished or increased over time. In the
seventh sentence I mentioned the importance of the Catholic religion for Cuba and the
United States to reestablish relations, and this is only a little of what Catholicism has done,
for example thanks to Francis I pope of the Catholic Church, the opposition Venezuelan
gave to sit down to dialogue with the officialdom from Nicolas Maduro, also thanks to
these interventions of the Catholic religion was possible disarmament by the FARC in
Colombia, these only as examples of how important has been the influence of religion in
the American hemisphere. Thus and without a doubt religion and especially the Catholic
religion has had and will always have much influence in the life and decisions of each and
every one of the men of the world.

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