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Subject: ELA Grade: 7th (Period 3)

Lesson Topic: Book introduction

Candidates Name: Alison Hutchins
Site Supervisor: Michael Waldinger (Paula Gibbons) University Supervisor: Martie Omeara

Introduction: (Identify relevant IEP goals and Content Standards, CSTP, focus learner, create
bridges from past learning, behavior expectations, provide rationale)
Learning Expectations: Rationale:
This lesson primarily reaches the CCSS
CA Content Standards and CSTP: standard 7.ELA.Lit.RL.7.2 and
7.ELA.Lit.W.7.1. Students recently finished a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2 novel, The Best (Worst) Halloween Ever, and
Determine a theme or central idea of a will work on a paper discussing the novel.
text and analyze its development over This class has a current enrollment of twelve
the course of the text; provide an students. The class is motivated by class
objective summary of the text. Dojo points and positive reinforcement. Some
students greatly enjoy class participation
while others are much more reticent.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.1 Students tend to look for the teacher and aide
Write arguments to support claims with for guidance and appear to have some
clear reasons and relevant evidence. hesitation for attempting activities that have
not previously been explicitly modeled.
Standard 1: Engaging and supporting all Additionally several TPEs will be
students in learning demonstrated. In particular, TPE 2, will be
Standard 2: Creating and maintaining emphasized because it is important that the
effective environments for all learners environment is effective for all students. The
TPE 1, 2, 4, 5. Focus on TPE 2 classroom set up naturally favors students
who enjoy class participation and our
comfortable sharing ideas or reading out loud.
Focus Learners, EL Level, & Relevant IEP A challenge in this classroom is to ensure the
Goals: environment is effective for all students.
Additionally, one student is reading far below
Select students are EL, although. his peers in this class. While overall these
Many students have IEP goals directly tied to students are reading below grade level, the
ELA. Goals include reading, comprehension, other students in the class can access the
texts provided. This student is still working on
and writing goals. The lesson will address
CVC words and does not appear engaged in
goals for a large number of students. the story when it is read out loud to him. The
district is attempting a one-on-one aide to
Additionally behavioral IEP goals on areas help modify his behavior. I am working on
such as attending, flexibility, impulsivity, task having him as engaged as possible in the
initiation, and tolerance also apply to our lesson.
lesson. Reading and writing are non-prefered
This lesson was designed being mindful of
task for a number of students. students EL levels and IEP goals.
Information will be presented using multi-
sensory approaches such as auditorily and
Create Bridges from Past Learning: lesson visually. There will be some far point copying,
draws upon previous class periods spent however students have the opportunity to sit
reading The Best/Worst Halloween Ever in closer to the board or receive a copy of the
notes if necessary.
class. Additionally this writing activity will tie
to the Literature study on the short story, La Strategies used to engage EL students
Llorona. include activating background knowledge with
the minute math, pre-teaching academic
vocabulary, purposeful grouping in a
Behavior Expectations: students will remain heterogeneous classroom, and the
seated unless asked to leave seats, use development of a safe space to practice their
appropriate noise levels based upon the language skills. Strategies for reflecting
activity, students will respond to call and needs based upon IEP goals include frequent
response if noise level becomes excessive. checks for understanding, visual aids, verbal
Students will follow directions, following and nonverbal reminders to stay on tasks,
prompts, reading along with their book when and placement of students neer peer models.
necessary, finding key text, sharing ideas,
participating in classroom expectations, or This activity will directly tie into previous
participating in individual, small group, or learning.
whole class work.
Behavior expectations are crafted to provide
an effective learning environment for all
students. Off topic comments especially those
that reflect a negative self-worth and a fixed
mindset have been shared during previous
lessons aimed to distract others is something
we are specifically working on. This is
something we are actively working on to
ensure our students will view class through a
growth mindset.

2. Learner Outcomes/Objectives: (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome? Include objective and subjective data to show outcomes.)

Students will engage in a writing activity Rationale: In line with seventh grade
demonstrate adequate comprehension of the California Common Core State Standards
book, The Worst Halloween Ever. and a school-wide writing initiative, students
Additionally, students will use previously will work to write arguments to support claims
identified component of the book such as with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
genre, theme, characters, rising action, and This is a skill students will build upon
plot. Students will be judged on their ability to throughout the year.
find evidence and write arguments to support

3. Pre-assessment activity: (determine students abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development.)

Students recently completed a literature study Rationale:

of a short story, La Llorona. Through Students linguistic background, academic
completion of a similar unit, teachers were language abilities, content knowledge and
able to gauge students abilities. These other factors helped guide our assessment of
activities allowed us to determine students students ability to succeed in this activity and
ability for a longer book study activity. the needed supports. Additionally this book
Additionally, students read through this book was assessed to be of interest based on the
and participated in class discussions were students linguistic background and social and
students were able to demonstrate emotional development. Last year, Mrs.
understanding of the text. Gibbons had her eighth grade students read
another book by the same author and all
students reported that they really enjoyed
reading books by this author.

4. Differentiation, adaptations & accommodation strategies: (Based on the IEP goals, pre-
assessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of
all students including ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving

Students will be provided with a seasonally Rationale:

appropriate book at a reading level in line with Students will write a paper based on this book
their instructional reading level. with guidance from the teacher, support staff
and fellow classmates. This will provide
Students will practice writing throughout the scaffolding as students are able to write per
year employing an I do, we do, you do the district guidelines with increasingly
method. Slowly, the students will gain more greater independence.
independence during writing activities.

Several students are EL and identified

disabilities include specific learning
disabilities, other health impairments, autism
spectrum disorder.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill

-Book, The Worst Halloween Ever Students will use resources created
-Literature folder throughout the reading of the book to begin
-index cards writing a paper.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit teacher instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for

Teachers will explain the parameters of the Rationale:

activity and provide explicit guidance on what The students need explicit teaching in the
is expected. Some of the writing will be done expectations for the literature unit. The
employing an I do method where students students did a study of a short story, La
will watch the teacher model essay writing. Llorona, but this will be the first book read
together as a class.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice / Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)

Students will engage in guided practice Rationale: the district has very specific
through as they work together to write an expectations for how they want students to
essay. write papers. Guided practice will help
students achieve the desired objective.

8. Independent Practice: (provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note:
independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough
to work on their own)

Students will participate in activities where Rationale: students will take ownership of
they get to contribute ideas to their paper their writing through sharing ideas.
analyzing this book. Additionally students will
be responsible for writing down any shared

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students
learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students. Link the assessments to the
stated Student Outcomes.)

Informal data will be collected throughout the Rationale:

lesson. Frequent checks for understanding Frequent checks for understanding tie in with
will be employed. Additionally, we will check students IEP goals and provide opportunities.
that students are familiar with standard Additionally we want to evaluate students
conventions of books such as title, author, progress between the first writing assignment
and table of contents. Student participation, and the second major writing assignment.
engagement, and behavior will be evaluated.
We will also check to ensure how much
students remember from their previous writing
assignment with similar parameters.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

As part of the class discussion on the book, Rationale:

students will receive questions to gauge how Students will use steps such as activating
they felt writing the second major assignment background knowledge and introductions to
as different from the first. lead future learning. They will also physically
use elements such as the index cards and
literature folders throughout the unit. A strong
foundation of pre-reading will increase
comprehension throughout the reading.

11. Lesson reflection/assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went well?
What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What activities will you add, change,
modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from the lesson? Who
needs additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)

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