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In this study focuses on the implementation of the ceremony of death in Toba Batak
customs, especially in the city of Pontianak with the title IMPLEMENTATION OF
So the formulation of the problem of this research is whether the implementation of
traditional ceremonies Batak Toba death in the city of Pontianak is still done as the area of
origin. Every aspect of Toba Batak society life can not be separated from the implementation
of traditional ceremony. From before birth or still in the womb until it died and become bones
of a series of traditional ceremonies. Death is the final stage of the journey of life.The natural
events of all living things, including humans, can not avoid death. In Batak Toba society, the
person who dies will experience special treatment in the ritual of the customary ceremony of
death which is the last honor given to the deceased family member.
The research method used consist of empirical research with descriptive nature, data and
data source is library research and field research, and to get data done by direct communication
technique and indirect communication.
Based on the results of research in the field, that the implementation of customary
ceremonies of death in Pontianak City, has changed with the implementation of customs in the
area of origin Tapanuli Utara. Factors that cause changes in the implementation of traditional
ceremonies of death in Batak Toba community in Pontianak City include economic factors,
religious factors, mixing customs in Pontianak City. The legal consequences for the Batak Toba
community in Pontianak City that do not carry out the customary ceremony of death is to get
negative talk from the community and in their life get problems continuously.
Adat Figures (Raja Adat) make efforts in preserving the customary ceremonies of
Masyarkat Batak Toba's death in Pontianak City by continuing to carry out customary death
ceremonies, providing guidance to the community who will carry out customary ceremonies
of death and introduce to the younger generation.

Key words: Ceremonial Ceremony of Batak Toba Community

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