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What is environment? From the dictionary environment is the surrounding of us. A good
environment will increase the productivity and economic value of certain country. In this work,
what will be discussed is the several types of hazardous environment that happen from all over
the place. The example of cause, impact and solution to the mankind and flora and fauna will be
discussed more in this work. The main idea in overall journal stated that a proper management of
environment can save a thousand lives and avoid any undesirable incidents.

Summarize of the Journal

1) Environmental pollution and waste management

For overall studies in this journal, it discuss about the relationship between environmental
pollution and waste management. From the journal, it provides how the waste influence the
mans surrounding. Environmental pollution is present from the very beginning of life, but
today it is a serious problem that threatens the survival of mankind. The problem faced by
many countries yet to be solved as the increasing of solid waste amount. The result of
deteriorating environmental situation in various countries and regions where environmental
pollution is the most intense climate is warming, ozone layer is depleting, desertification.
Establishing of the Law of Waste Management that have three main principles:
1. The principle of optimal choice of options for the environment
2. The principle of proximity and regional approach to waste management
3. The principle of hierarchical waste management
4. The principle of accountability
5. The Polluter Pays Principle.
Waste management involves in prevention of waste, reuse of water and recycling, separation
of recyclable materials from waste and the use waste as and energy resource development
The highlighted ways found in this journal is the:
1. Disposal of solid waste in landfills
2. Industrial waste management
3. Hazardous waste management
4. Biodegradation
5. Recycling: material for recycling, plastic waste, car-battery, recycling of vehicles at
the end of life
Waste management Strategy
The collection, transport, storage and treatment of waste carry a number of risks to safety and
health of employees in the waste industry. The system activities and activities which include
the prevention of waste by reducing packaging materials, waste reduction, developing a habit
of sorting waste in the population represents waste management. Waste Management
Strategy provides us with the following activities:
1. The introduction of formal legal mechanisms, such as the acquisition of knowledge in
the field of waste management.
2. Acquisition and improvement of education and training of persons who manage
3. Establishment of a national body responsible for the development of educational
programs and training in the field of waste management.

2) Environmental Impacts of Coal Combustion Residues

Coal combustion residues account for 90% of all fossil fuel combustion wastes produced in
the USA. It is projected that by the year 2000 more than 150 million t of these materials will
be produced in the USA each year. Presently, only about 20% of these wastes are utilized,
with the remainder deposited in landfills or surface impoundments. This article reviews the
information available concerning the environmental impacts associated with the disposal or
utilization of coal combustion residues. The majority of the information available in the
literature concerns the impacts of fly and bottom ashes; other coal combustion wastes have
not received much attention. The major potential impacts of ash disposal on terrestrial
ecosystems include: leaching of potentially toxic substances into soils and groundwater;
reductions in plant establishment and growth due primarily to adverse chemical
characteristics of the ash; changes in the elemental composition of vegetation growing on the
ash; and increased mobility and accumulation of potentially toxic elements throughout the
food chain. Ash disposal in landfills and settling ponds can influence adjacent aquatic
ecosystems directly, through inputs of ash basin effluent and surface runoff, and indirectly,
through seepage and groundwater contamination. Major impacts are generally associated with
changes in water chemistry, including changes in pH and concentrations of potentially toxic
elements. Using ash as a soil amendment can improve soil texture and water-holding
capacity, increase soil pH, and enhance soil fertility. However, it may also result in excessive
soluble salt concentrations, excess B, and increased concentrations of other potentially toxic
trace elements; reduction in the concentrations and/or availability of soil N and P; elemental
imbalances due to excessively high pH; and cementation or compaction of soil. Scrubber
sludge and fluidized bed combustion waste may be used as soil amendments as well, but also
may create problems due to high alkalinity and high salinity.

3) Solid waste management in Asian countries: Problems and issues

Asia has been experiencing very high population growth and urbanization. Asian countries
will witness a large population increase, which will have important implications for a variety
of urban environmental issues, such as solid waste management. Nowadays, waste
management is a major challenge in Asian countries, as it creates environmental problems.
The present study reveals the problems and issues of solid waste management in Asian
countries and certain important problems and issues that must be addressed in order to
achieve public cooperation. At the core of the problems of solid waste management are the
absence of adequate policies, enabling legislation, and an environmentally stimulated and
enlightened public. This paper aims to identify parameters that help to explain the present
situation and to assess the future amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated per
capita in different Asian countries and how to develop an effective waste management
strategy for Asian countries according to economic level.
a) Calculation of population
b) Calculation of waste
c) Calculation of GDP

4) Deforestation: Causes, Effects and Control Strategies

There are many causes of deforestation. The cause that is stated in this journal is divided into
two specific factors. Both of these factors are direct and indirect cause. Direct cause is too
many. For example, the expansion of farming land. To farm, the wood and jungle will be
cleared as it prepare to farming. Second example is fires. In term of fires, there are many
contributor. One of it the one who started fire as to clear the forest. Without are proper action
and surveillance this action might extremely cleared the forest without leave any trials. Then
will be mining. Mining is very intensive and very destructive. Mining is a lucrative activity
promoting development booms which may attract population growth with consequent
deforestation. As for indirect, the example that can be found is colonialism. Colonialism is a
work that turned previously self-sufficient economies into zones of agriculture export
production. This process continues even today in different form of exploitation and the
situation is worsening. Besides that corruption and political issue also part of this causes.
Illegal forest practices may include the approval of illegal contracts with private enterprises
by forestry officers, illegal sale of harvesting permits, under-declaring volumes cut in public
forest, underpricing of wood in concessions, harvesting of protected trees by commercial
corporations, smuggling of forest products across borders and allowing illegal logging,
processing forest raw materials without a license. What could be the effect of deforestation is
climate change. Deforestation can change the global change of energy not only through the
micrometeorological processes but also by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere. The phenomenon of flooding and water and soils resources loss can happen
as deforestation disrupt the global water cycle. By destroying the forests, all potential future
revenues and future employment that could be derived from their sustainable management for
timber and non-timber products disappear. This journal also tells about the strategies to
reduce deforestation. For example by reducing the population growth and increase per capita
incomes. Then, reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The government
also can increase the area and standard of management of protected areas.

5) Landslides types and process

The term landslide describes a wide variety of processes that result in the downward and
outward movement of slope-forming materials including rock, soil, artificial fill, or a com-
bination of these. The materials may move by falling, toppling, sliding, spreading, or flowing.
The various types of landslides can be differentiated by the kinds of material involved and the
mode of movement. Landslide may cause by 3 main causes. The three causes of categories
are geological, morphological and human causes. Although there are multiple types of causes
of landslides, the three that cause most of the damaging landslides around the world are,
landslides and water, landslides and volcanic activity and landslides and landslides and
seismic activity. Tips to avoid the effects of landslides on people and structures can be
lessened by total avoidance of landslide hazard areas or by restricting, prohibiting, or
imposing conditions on hazard-zone activity. Local governments can reduce landslide effects
through land-use policies and regulations. Individuals can reduce their exposure to hazards by
educating themselves on the past hazard history of a site and by making inquiries to planning
and engineering departments of local governments. They can also obtain the professional
services of an engineering geologist, a geotechnical engineer, or a civil engineer, who can
properly evaluate the hazard potential of a site, built or unbuilt. The hazard from landslides
can be reduced by avoiding construction on steep slopes and existing landslides, or by
stabilizing the slopes. Stability increases when ground water is prevented from rising in the
landslide mass by covering the landslide with an impermeable membrane, directing surface
water away from the landslide, draining ground water away from the landslide, and mini-
mizing surface irrigation. Slope stability is also increased when a retaining structure and/or
the weight of a soil/rock berm are placed at the toe of the landslide or when mass is removed
from the top of the slope.

6) Cause and effect of flood hazards in Turkey

Human beings have a great capacity to adapt to varying climatic conditions and environments
but remain vulnerable to adverse impacts of weather and climate. Floods are among the most
common natural disasters and, in terms of economic damage, the most costly. In addition to
the direct impacts of loss of life and property damage, there are indirect impacts such as
increased exposure of survivors to other hazards such as contaminated water supplies and
landslides, and the disruption of traffic and trade. The indirect impacts are quite numerous
and often difficult to quantity. In this journal the recommendation that is told by the author is
that very important to have good coordination among all the partners to run the flood
management programme.

7) Flooding
Basically this journal tells about how the flood happens, the effect of flooding, what can be
done to prevent flooding and what we can do. Flood is natural event that can have far
reaching effects on people and the environment. Flood is caused by a combination of heavy
rainfall causing river/oceans to over flow their banks, and can happen at any time of the year,
not just in the water. Flood can be very dangerous. It can disrupt public and personal
transport by cutting off roads and railway lines, as well as communication links when
telephone lines are damaged. Unfortunately, flooding not only disrupts many peoples lives
each year, but it frequently creates personal tragedies when people are swept away and
drowned. The Environment Agency aims to protect people and their property from flooding,
helping organizations like the police to give warnings of possible floods so that people can
make arrangements or move out of the area if it is dangerous. This agencies develop a flood
code to help before, during and end of flood event. The local need to understand the code and
prepare for any possibility that might happen.
8) Cause, consequences and Control of Air Pollution
It creates smog and acid rain, causes cancer and respiratory diseases, reduces the ozone layer
atmosphere and contributes to global warming. Air pollution occurs when gases, dust
particles, fumes (or smoke) or odour are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes
it harmful to humans, animals and plant. Air pollution threatens the health of humans and
other living beings in our planet. In this industrial age, air pollution cannot be eliminated
completely, but steps can be taken to reduce it. The government has developed, and continues
to develop, guidelines for air quality and ordinances to restrict emissions in an effort to
control air pollution. On an individual level, we can reduce our contribution to the pollution
problem by carpooling or using public transportation. Additionally, buying energy-efficient
light bulbs and appliances or otherwise reducing our electricity use will reduce the pollutants
released in the production of electricity, which creates the majority of industrial air pollution.

9) Water Pollution
Water pollution almost always means that some damage has been done to an ocean, river,
lake, or other water source. There are two main ways of measuring the quality of water. One
is to take samples of the water and measure the concentrations of different chemicals that it
contains. If the chemicals are dangerous or the concentrations are too great, we can regard the
water as polluted. Measurements like this are known as chemical indicators of water quality.
Another way to measure water quality involves examining the fish, insects, and other
invertebrates that the water will support. If many different types of creatures can live in a
river, the quality is likely to be very good; if the river supports no fish life at all, the quality is
obviously much poorer. Measurements like this are called biological indicators of water
quality. Cause of water pollutions can come waste from human that flow through the sewage
right into the water area. Besides that, water pollutions also may be caused by the chemical
waste. This chemical waste may come from the factory which ran the chemical works. The
waste that is not used will be channel out to the watery area without a proper management
and proper monitoring. If this keeps happen, the water will be infected and the marine life
will faced death. Effect of water pollution is so obvious as it influenced the health of human.
In other word, the water chemical will join with the sea as the human use sea as the medium
to find food. To overcome this problem, the education lesson needs to be created to teach the
human about the dangerous of water pollutions to the Earth and themselves. Tightening the
law by the government also might be useful as it punish the person who involved in the water
10) Tornadoes
It usually forms under certain types of atmospheric conditions. Some of these conditions
include a change in wind direction and speed. Those conditions can be predicted, but not
perfectly. When forecasters see those conditions, they can predict that tornadoes are likely to
occur. However, it is not yet possible to predict in advance exactly when and where they will
develop, how strong they will be, or precisely what path they will follow. In context of
tornadoes term, there are five term which are tornado itself, tornado watch, tornado warning
and tornadogenesis. Tornados are measured using Fujita scale which ranks from weak, strong
to violent. What should be do when facing tornado is develop a plan that can implemented in
the event of tornado, go through drills to prepare for a tornado, if indoor, move to a pre-
designated area, such as basement, if underground shelter isnt available, move to an interior
room or stay away from the windows. When the tornado finish, make sure that the tornado
has been fully gone, stay tuned to weather reports to get the latest emergency information.
a) Climate change
1) Greenhouse gases
This happen when the heat on the surface traps in the atmosphere. In other words the solar
energy is absorbed by the earths surface and then reflected back to the atmosphere as heat.
Then as the heat goes out to space, greenhouse gases absorb a part of the heat. After that, they
radiate the heat back to the earths surface, to another greenhouse gas molecule, or to space.
2) Nature Contributions
The released of carbon dioxide from volcanos.
3) Human Contributions
Burning fossil fuels that lead to the increasing of gases such carbon dioxide methane in the
1) Use the wind power technology as it is a renewable source of energy and can be used
togenerate electricity. This wind power also has less impacts to the environment.
2) Apply the green building concept. Using light bulbs that use less energy and more efficient
heating and cooling systems helps in reducing the amount of CO2 that being emitted from the
b) Conservation
In context of deforestation:
1) Human activity influenced the forest state
2) The increase percentage of economic value on certain types of woods
3) The increase of economic value of the land it selves
4) No proper management to avoid the deforestation
5) The people open the forest for the plantation works
1) Decrease the percentage of cutting down the tree
Human should be high alerted the way to avoid any cutting down the wood that fulfilled the
2) Encourage the Act to any unauthorized people or organization
The government needs to develop an Act of forestry to conserve the forest and save it
c) Biodiversity
1) Climate change
2) Deforestation and habitat loss
3) Overexploration
4) Pollution
1) Individuals can take various steps to fight climate change, such as reducing their carbon
footprints, promoting education and contacting elected officials. International governments and
cities can lead the charge, however, and the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in
Paris will hopefully be a turning point.
2) Companies and corporations can adopt best practices and refuse to use timber and paper suppliers
that contribute to deforestation.
3) Conservation and continued awareness surrounding overexploitation, especially poaching and
overfishing, are key. Governments need to actively enforce rules against such practices, and
individuals can be more conscious of what they eat and purchase
d) Water quality
1) The oil split from the ship
2) The waste from the housing area
3) No proper management to monitoring the water condition
1) Need to conduct a proper management or organization that handle the water section
2) Make a campaign to the house settlement regarding to save the water.
3) Reduce the use of chemical pesticide and avoid any excessive chemical usage
e) Groundwater contamination
1) Usage of groundwater more frequently than usual.
Water is pump more quickly than it can renew itself that result to shortage in the groundwater
2) The hazardous waste has been dumped incorrectly.
Relate to the leaching into soils and water.
1) Avoid in using the water more frequently
2) Should reduce or use the chemicals and disposes them properly.
3) Find the alternative sources of water.
For better purpose and long lasting life, other alternative in searching the water sources can be
done by the government.
f) Soil contamination
1) Industrial waste
Released of the waste without proper management. This waste may be in liquid or solid form.
2) Deforestation
Trees use to support the soils. Clearing the tree leaves soils exposed to the elements so they are
easily carried away by soil erosion.
3) Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides
The increased demand for food has forced farmers to use fertilisers and pesticides that release
nothing but toxins into the soil, killing useful microorganisms that are important in plant growth
1) Reforestation
Most countries have policies that require its citizens to plant more trees where one has been cut.
This is an effective measure to curb soil erosion. Governments should also take punitive action
against those who cut down trees without a care in the world.
2) Controlled farming practices
Avoid practice such as overcropping and overgrazing since it increases soil erosion.
3) Reduce the use pesticides and fertilisers
As this pesticides and fertilisers are the major contributor of soils contamination, cutting down
this two would make different to the soils
g) Use of natural resources
1) Usage of natural resources without proper planning
2) The people tend to use more and more natural resources
3) The are no activity to handle or conserve the usage of natural resources
1) Use the resources that have been create or generate using from the water
2) Make a proper planning when using the natural resources
3) Make a campaign to reduce the usage of the natural resources
h) Waste management
1) Excessive the waste from the housing area.
2) Lack of monitoring regarding the waste product
3) The dumping area load to many waste either in solid, chemical or metal waste
1) Make a campaign of recycle
2) Proper waste management need to be held for the selected organization
3) In term of dumping area, the area need to be monitor from time to time as it may influence
the waste
i) Sustainable development
1) Impact on the excessive of people in certain area
2) The area have not been monitored in term of planning management
3) Lack of planning from the organization
1) Give some advice to the organization regarding the proper management
This management influenced the product of good sustainibilty.
2) Make a campaign about best sustain to solve this problem
Encourage the people to live happily with a good surrounding area and good people to
develop harmonic and economic value.
3) The town planner should be more experienced in handling the problem
A perfect sustain around the people reflects the clean preparation during the development.
4) Try to identify factor that influence the sustain development in certain area
Use a good concept for the purpose of good sustainability.
j) Disaster reduction
1) Cause by human activity
2) Soil have loose it strength to hold the land
3) The Earth have come to an end
1) Make a campaign to advice and encourage people to taking care of the Earth
People plays important role to the Earth conditions todays. So, a serious campaign should be held
to encourage and develop the felling love toward Earth
2) Make or create a system that function to monitor the Earth changes
An organization or government should hire an expertise to develop any system that function to
monitor the Earth behavior
3) Always be prepared and alert to any suspicious phenomenon around
The people need to be high alert and be prepared in term of their safety as the natural disaster
happen without knowing the time
k) Air pollution
1) Burning of fossil fuels
The gas emitted from the vehicles likes carbon monoxide cause major contribute to the air
2) Agricultural activities
Ammonia is a very common by product from agriculture related activities and is one of the most
hazardous gases in the atmosphere. Use of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural
activities has grown quite a lot. They emit harmful chemicals into the air
3) Mining operations
The process of getting minerals below the earth has lead to the release of dust and chemical that
would also causing massive air pollution.
1) Use public mode of transportation
Encourage people to use more and more public modes of transportation to reduce pollution
2) Conserve energy
Save the environment from degradation by reducing the amount of fossil fuels to be burned in the
context of using fans and lights
As for conclusion, our environment is our responsible. We as human that have been given brain
and have intellectual need to handle our environment with a proper management. Todays, our
environment condition is very bad. With the increasing of the natural hazard causes by the human
have present chaos to the mankind. If this issue is not been fully organize and handle, it might
become worsen as it may lead to more death and damage. The government should see this issue
as the main issue in the countries and try to reduce this statistic. On the other hand, development
is very important to certain country, but this development could not be fulfilled if our
environment is facing towards destruction. Bear in mind that todays environment influence the
connectivity and survival of the next generation.

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Retrieved from internet on 08 October 2017. www.environment-agency.gov.uk/fun

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