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If this book achieves its purpose, it will impart a greater devotion to pursue a deeper understanding

of this greatest of all eventshow God became a man and lived upon the earth, and how He is still
becoming man and walking on the earth through us. He still seeks to do the same works that He did
when He walked the earth, through us. Before the end of this age, there will be a people who walk
the earth just like Jesus did, doing the works that He did, and even greater works, because He now
sits at the right hand of God and has sent His own Holy Spirit to be in those who follow Him . The
glory of God is about much more than just beautiful colors or heavenly musicit is about His nature.
King David wrote that the Lord showed His acts to the children of Israel, but to Moses He revealed
His ways (see Psalm 103:7). I make no apology for the fact that I love to see the works of God,
especially miracles, but it is a far greater treasure to know His wayswhy He does the works that He
does. This is the highest quest of manto know the Lord and His ways and to be in such unity with
Him that He can use us to do His works. As we get closer to the end of this age and the dawning of
the age in which the Lord Himself will take His authority and rule over the earth, this bridge between
the spiritual and natural realms will become an essential and vital truth for the very survival of
Christians. We do not war against flesh and blood, but it is a spiritual battle against spiritual powers,
and we must understand this if we are going to prevail in this battle. We have been given divinely
powerful, spiritual weapons as Christians. We are not alone in our journey to serve the Lord or in
this battle between light and darkness. We are actually in partnership with angelic majesties whose
purpose is to minister to the heirs of salvation. The New Testament encourages us to understand
angels, as well as to recognize them , and even at times show them hospitality , just as many of the
Old Testament saints did. Showing hospitality to angels is not just to entertain them , but it is to
further establish our partnership with them in the purposes of the Lord on this earth. The Lord loves
His angels too, and they love Him and us. They , too, have a great part in His plan, and though it is
not our place at this time to be overly concerned about that, we do need to understand our
partnership better. It is a part of building the bridge between the natural and heavenly realms. The
building of this bridge was a basic purpose of Jesus, as He explained in John 1:48-51 when He first
addressed Nathanael: Nathanael said to Him , How do Y ou know me? Jesus answered and said to
him , Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you. Nathanael answered
Him , Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel. Jesus answered and said to him ,
Be-cause I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? Y ou shall see greater things
than these. And He said to him , Truly, truly, I say to you, you shall see the heavens opened, and
the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. By this Jesus was declaring Himself
to be Jacobs ladder. Remember when Jacob was fleeing from his brother, and he laid down to
sleep and had a dream of a ladder reaching into heaven? The angels of God were ascending and
descending upon it, and he saw the Lord at the top of the ladder. The Lord declared to Jacob the
same promise that He had given to Abraham and Isaac. When Jacob woke up from this dream , this
is what he said: Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did
not know it. And he was afraid and said, How awesome is this place! This is none other than the
house of God, and this is the gate of heaven (Genesis 28:16-17). Jacob declared here a truth about
the house of God that will become an increasing reality in these times. The house of God is the gate
of heaven. The house of God, the church, is called to be the gate of heaven where the messengers
of God ascend into the heavenly realm and descend back to the earth with evidence of heavens
reality . That is who Jesus was and what He did His whole time on the earth, and that is what He
wants to do through His people now . We are told in Revelation 4:1: After these

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