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H & H (Hemoglobin & Hematocrit)

Hemoglobin: O2 carrying pigment of RBC (HbA normal adult, E, H, M,S)

-14-18 g/dl (male) & 12-16 g/dl (females)

Hematocrit: measures vol of RBC compared to total (b) vol

- 40-54% (male) & 36-48% (female)

- Erythrocyte colume Fraction (EVF) or Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
-for anemia

2. HAV, HBV, HCV (Hepatitis A, B, C Viruses)

Hepatitis: inflame of Liver
A: self-limited, transmitted by oral ingestion/parenterally
- Infectious hepatits
- Eating food/H20 contam with infected feces
- Picorna viridae

B: trans parenterally/ orally/ intimate personal contact/ mother to neonate

- Orthohepadna viridae

C: transfusion/ parenteral (d) abuse, no vaccine

- Flaviviridae

B & C- liver Cirrhosis & CA

3. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

- Hormone produced by placenta after implantation
- Promotes maintenance of corpus luteum during start of pregnancy to allow
it to secrete progesterone during 1st trimester
4. HCT2 (Hydrochlorothiazide)
- Diuretic & AntiATN
- Fx of HTN, CHF, Symptomatic edema, diabetes insipidus, renal tubular
- Thiazide Diuretics
- Reduces (b) vol by acting on kidneys to reduce Na+ reabsorption in distal
convoluted tubule
- Inhibits H20 reabsorp in nephron by inhibiting Na-Cl symporter in distal
convoluted tubule, responsible for Na+ reabsorption
- Esidrex , Hytaz , Hydrodiuril
5. HD (Huntingtons Disease)
- Neurodegenerative genetic disorder
- Death of brain cells
- Changes in personality, cognition & phys. Skills
- Chorea: jerky, random & uncontrollable movements
Hodgkins Disease

- Lymphoma that is marked by presence of Reed-Sternberg cell


- Kidney dialysis
- Proc. Of purifying (b) of a person whose kidneys are not working normally
- Removal of creatinine & urea & free H2O
- In virtue of difference in rates of their diffusion thru a semipermeable
membrane while being circulated outside the body
6. HDL (High-density Lipoprotein)
- Smallest, densest
- Good cholesterol
- Removes harmful bad choles
- Reduces, re uses & recycles LDL by transporting it to liver where it can be
7. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
- Retro viridae
- AIDS: progressive failure of immune sys. Allows life threatening oppor. Inf &
CA to thrive
- Destroys a type of WBC called T-helper cell & makes copies of itself inside
these cells
- Semen, (b), vaginal & anal fluids & breast milk
8. HJR (Hepatojugular Reflux)
- Distention of neck veins precipitated by the maneuver of firm pressure over
9. HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen)
- Gene complex encoding major histocompatibility complex CHONS respo for
regulation of immune sys
- To differentiate self cells & non-self cells
10. HMA-COA (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-Coenzyme A-
- Intermediate in the mevalonate & ketogenesis pathways
- Formed from Acetyl CoA & Acetoacetyl CoA by HMG- CoA synthase
- Also metabolism of leucine
11. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
- Pt receives hormones, either to supplement lack of naturally occurring
hormones/ substitute other hormones for naturally occurring hormones
- For menopause, transgender
12. HS (Hora Somni)
- At bedtime
- 8 pm
13. HSM (Hepatosplenomegaly)
- Enlargement of liver & spleen due to inf s.a. mononucleosis/viral heap
- Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
Alprazolam (Xanax )
- X ROH, exercise, diet, bedrest, hydration
14. HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus)
- Herpes viridae

HSV-1 cold sores

HSV-2 genital herpes

- S/Sx: Watery blisters

- Contact transmission
- HSV-2 (sexual)
- Asymptomatic
15. I & D (Incision & Drainage)
- Surgical procedure to remove pus/pressure build up under skin s.a from
abscess, boil/infected paranasal sinus
16. I2O (Intake & Output)
- Proc involves recording all fluids that goes into pt & fluid that leaves the
17. IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
- An intestinal dse charac by inflam located in all parts of digestive tract
- Colon & small intest
- Chrons Dse, ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative Colitis: colon & rectum

Chrons Dse: large, small intes

18. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

- Fxnal bowel disorder charac by Chronic abdo pain, discomfort, bloating &
alteration of bowel habits in absence of any detectable organic cause
- Spastic colon, mucous colitis
- Psyllium (Metamucil)
- Anti-diarrheal: Loperamide (Imodium, Diatabs )
- Anticholinergic & Antispas: HNBB (Buscopan)
- Alosetron (Lotronex)
- Lubiprostone(Amitiza)
19. Intracarnial Pressure
- pressure inside skill & thus in brain tissue & CSF

20. INH (Isoniazid)

- Hydra, Hyzyd, Isovit
- Isonicotinylhydrazide
- Antibiotic for tx of TB
- RIPES: Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, Streptomycin
21. IOP (Intraocular Pressure)
- Fluid pressure inside eye
- Tonometry: method eye care prof use to determine IOP
- Dx of glaucoma
22. Isosorbide Dinitrate
- Isordil
- Fx of heart failure, esophageal spasms & to treat & prevent chest pain
- For angina
23. ISMN (Isosorbide Mononitrate)
- Fx of Angina Pectoris
- Acts by dilating bv so as to reduce the BP
- Monoket, Imdur
24. ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura)
- Primary thrombocytopenia that involves relatively few platelets in (b) as a
result of auto Ab
- Corticosteroids (Methylprednisolone)
25. IU (international Units)
- Vitamins, hormones, vaccines (b) pdts
26. IUD (Intrauterine Device)
- Small, T-shaped plastic device that is wrapped in Cu/contains hormones
- Inserted into uterus
- Prevent pregnancy
- ParaGard, Liletta, Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena
27. IVF (Intravenous Fluids)
- Dextrose
28. IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)
- Intravenous Urogram
- Radiological procedure to visualize abnormalities in urinary sys (kidneys,
ureters, bladder)
29. IVPB (Intravenous Piggyback)
- Small volume parenteral soln for intermittent infusion
30. IVSS (Intravenous Soluset)

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