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Submitted for CAL in B.Tech Operating Systems (CSE2005)


Nikhilesh Prabhakar 16BCE1158

Divyansh Choudhary 16BCE1152

Slot: B1

Name of faculty: Dr; Shyamala L


November, 2017

This is to certify that the Project work entitled Batch Job Executor that is being submitted by
Nikhilesh Prabhakar and Divyansh Choudhary for CAL in B.Tech Engineering Physics
Phy1001 is a record of bonafide work done under my supervision. The contents of this Project
work, in full or in parts, have neither been taken from any other source nor have been submitted
for any other CAL course.

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Place : Chennai

Date : 9 Nov - 2017

Signature of Students: Nikhilesh Prabhakar

Signature of Students: Divyansh Choudhary

Signature of Faculty: Dr. Shyamala L


This project was aimed at implementation of a Batch Job Executer. This was done by
understanding the concepts learnt in our Operating Systems course. System calls such as fork(),
exec(), dup(), and pipe(), were used and whose functionalities were understood. C programs are
used to simulate a working version of some of the most basic functionalities of a shell. The end
product made is a bash-like application that can take multiple-lines of commands, execute them
one by one and return all the outputs to a single text file.
1. Introduction:
As the main objective is to simply understand, appreciate and use the fork,
dup, exec and pipe system calls, were only going to be designing a
simplified version of the same. Some of the assumptions we are going to
make are:
(a) Batch file contains only single line commands. (i.e., commands are
not extended to multiple lines using \)
(b) Built-in shell commands are not used. (Can be easily incorporated,
but doesnt really contribute to understanding the system calls listed
(c) Only single line comments using # preceded and followed by a
space are handled. (i.e., Handling of multi-line comments using /* ..
*/ is not supported)
(d) Only commands between a %BEGIN and a %END are executed.
All other commands are ignored.
(e) We redirect output to a specific file (here, output.txt). (Note that by
default, output is directed to stdout)
(f) Commands handled only include the |, > and >> operators (i.e.,
operators like & and < are not supported. But, the same code can
be easily extended to do the same)

(1) We assume that the single line comments are marked as '# ' (i.e. #
followed by a space. Also, multi-line comments are ignored)
(2) We assume that built-in shell are not part of the input file. (i.e.,
these are not handled)

1. A function that parses the input line (i.e., the command)

2. Function(s) that help with the execution of the parsed commands
3. A driver function (i.e., the main function)

(i) Parsing

Lets define a header file called parse.h as follows:

#define tok_delimiters " \t\n\r"

#define tok_size 128
Function to parse a space separated line containing a
command and its corresponding args.
char** parseLine(char *line);

Then, define the parseLine() function as follows in a file called parse.c:

char** parseLine(char *line) {

int len = strlen(line);
int argsize = tok_size;
char** args = (char**)malloc(argsize * sizeof(char*));
int pos = 0;
char* arg;
if(!args) {
// Not enough space available. Return failure and exit.
printf("Memory allocation unsuccessful! Exiting...\n");
* Key parsing logic:
* Get the first argument.
* While the argument is valid (i.e., not null),
* add it to the list of arguments that will be
* returned to the main function.
* Take care of running out of space using realloc.
arg = strtok(line, tok_delimiters);

while(arg != NULL) {
// Don't parse after the beginning
// of a single-line comment is detected
if(strcmp(arg, "#") == 0) break;

args[pos] = arg;
pos = pos + 1;
if(pos > argsize) {
// reallocate memory for args
argsize = argsize + tok_size;
args = realloc(args, argsize*sizeof(char*));
if(!args) {
// Not enough space available.
// Return failure and exit.
printf("Memory allocation unsuccessful!
arg = strtok(NULL, tok_delimiters);

args[pos] = NULL;
return args;

Here, we use strtok() to tokenize the input. Here, we parse the command
(including the |, > or < operators, if any) to return an array of args,
which is later used to execute them.

(ii) The execution of the parsed commands:

Well need to define a couple of functions that handle the essential execution
logic. For this, include a header file called execute.h as follows:

// Finds the length of the array of arguments

int argsLength(char **args);
Main logic to perform the necessary tasks.
Input is an array of arguments.
This function only handles "|", ">" and ">>" operators.
By default, all final output is redirected to a file-
int execute(char** args);
Function that handles multiple pipes.
commands[] : Array of commands
numberOfCommands: number of commands in commands[]
op1 : pos of '>' ; indicates presence of '>'
op2 : pos of '>>' ; indicates presence of '>>'
redirectfile : filename to be used in case of
void executePipeCommands(char** commands[], int
numberOfCommands, int op1, int op2, char* redirectfile);

Here, for correct parsing, all input in the batch file is assumed to have correct
(non-built-in functions only) input, separated by spaces.

(iii) Execution


Understanding how the execute function works:

Get the length of the arguments array (i.e., no of arguments)

// Defined in execute.c
// Returns the length of the array of arguments
int argsLength(char **args) {
int i = 0;
while(args[i] != NULL) {
return i;

Iterate and get the positions(if present) of the >, >> and the |
operators (Irrelevant note: this implementation returns the position of the
last | found)

int execute(char** args) {

pid_t pid, wpid;
int status;
int len = 0; // length of the argument list
int i = 0;
int op1 = 0; // to mark pos of ">"
int op2 = 0; // to mark pos of ">>"
int opPipe = 0; // to mark pos of "|"
int out_fd;
int out;
len = argsLength(args);
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
if(strcmp(args[i], ">") == 0) { op1=i; } // pos of ">"
else if(strcmp(args[i], ">>") == 0) { op2=i; } // pos of
else if(strcmp(args[i], "|") == 0) { opPipe=i; } // pos of "|"
// ...

Handle on a case by case basis:

Case 1: No |, > or >> operator. Redirect output to


// ...
// Case: No |, > or >> operator. Redirect output to OUTPUT.txt
if(op1 == 0 && op2 == 0 && opPipe == 0) {
if((pid = fork()) < 0)
perror("Fork error");
else if(pid == 0) {
// Child.
// Execute command here
int fd = open("OUTPUT.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND,
dup2(fd, 1); // to make stdout go to file.
dup2(fd, 2); // to make stderr go to file.
execvp(args[0], args);
printf("Couldn't execute this command\n");
else {
// wait for the child in parent process
do {
wpid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
} while(!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status));
// ...

This is the simplest of the three cases.

We use the fork() system call to fork a child process and this child process is
then used to execute the command.

For using fork() in a context like this, generally, your code always looks like

// Using fork()
if ((pid = fork()) < 0) // fork error
perror("Fork error");
else if (pid == 0) // child process.
// do child process stuff
else // parent process
// do parent process stuff.
// in our case this only involves waiting for child to finish

To execute commands we have a set of system callsexecl(), execlp(),

execle(), execv(), execvp(), execvpe().
In our case, we have already parsed our command into an array of arguments,
where, the first argument is the name of the command. To execute this, well
need to use execvp(). Here, the first argument is the file name (i.e., the name
of the commandargs[0]) and the second is a null terminated array of
strings. The exec() family of functions replaces the current process image
with a new process image. This means that any code after the execvp()
function will not be executed.

Now, for the last part, i.e., to redirect the output to go to a file, we use the
dup2() system call.

The open() system call assigns the file descriptor of OUTPUT.txt to the
variable fd. Then, dup2(fd, 1) simply makes 1(which is the fd for stdout) be
the copy of fd, closing stdout first if necessary. Think of the command as
simply replacing stdout with OUTPUT.txt.

Now, on execution, the outputs are written to OUTPUT.txt!

The parent process simply waits for the child process to finish execution.

Case 2: > operator found or >> found.

The only difference here is that we have to modify our output file descriptor

if (op1 != 0) {
// '>' operator
args[op1] = NULL; // arguments must be null-terminated
// open in truncate mode - O_TRUNC
out_fd = open(args[op1 + 1], O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT,
else {
// '>>' operator
args[op2] = NULL;
// open in append mode - O_APPEND
out_fd = open(args[op2 + 1], O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY,
// rest is the same as previous case
// replace stdout with this out_fd
dup2(out_fd, 1); // 1 equivalent to STDOUT_FILENO
execvp(args[0], args);

Case 3: | operator is present.

For this particular case, we need to parse and extract the individual
commands that are being piped and store them in a separate array.

int n = numberOfPipes(args);
char **commands[n+1]; // Array of cmds after splitting on '|'

The parsing is pretty straightforward and is done as follows:

// Parse the commands and add them to the commands array

while (k<n+1) {
commands[k] = (char**)malloc(len * sizeof(char*));
if(!commands[k]) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
j = 0;
while(curoffset < len && strcmp(args[curoffset],"|") != 0
&& strcmp(args[curoffset], ">") != 0 && strcmp(args[curoffset],
">>") != 0) {
commands[k][j] = args[curoffset];
curoffset = curoffset + 1;
j = j + 1;

commands[k][j] = NULL;
k = k + 1;
curoffset = curoffset + 1;

We then invoke a function, executePipeCommands() for the final execution.

void executePipeCommands(char **commands[], int n, int op1, int
op2, char *redirectfile) {
int fin, fout;
fin = dup(0)
// ...
// Iterate over all commands
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
dup2(fin, 0);
if(i == n-1) {
// If it's the last command,
// check where the o/p is to be redirected
if(op1 != 0) {
fout = open(redirectfile, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT,
else if(op2 != 0) {
fout = open(redirectfile, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT,

else {
// No redirectio. So, use OUTPUT.txt
fout = open("OUTPUT.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND,
else {
// Use pipe for everything in between.
int pipefd[2];
fin = pipefd[0];
fout = pipefd[1];
dup2(fout, 1);
if((pid = fork()) < 0)
perror("Fork error");
else if(pid == 0) {
// child
execvp(commands[i][0], commands[i]);
printf("Couldn't execute this command\n");
else {
// parent
do {
wpid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
} while(!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status));

This execution part is the same as the previous cases. The difference is in the
usage of the pipe() system call to redirect the input and output. pipefd[0] is
the read end of the pipe and pipefd[1] is the write end.

The dup2(fin, 0) ensures that fin replaces the stdin file descriptor. (Initially,
we set fin=dup(0), i.e., stdin)

Thus, what happens is, all the commands in between two pipes (i.e., |) read
the input from the read-end of the pipe and write to the write-end.

The driver function:

The driver function looks something like this:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

// ...
if(argc != 2) {
printf("Usage: ./executeBatchJobs <file-to-be-executed>\n");
return 0;

// Readying the OUTPUT.txt using O_TRUNC

int fd = open("OUTPUT.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP |S_IWUSR); // user - r and w

fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
while(getline(&line, &linesize, fp) != -1) {
// ...
// If line is within a begin-end block, then, parse and
// Else, ignore the line.
// ...
// ...

With the above assumptions, its easy to focus on just doing the important
stuff! (For, example, the whole thing can be made quite sophisticated using a
better parser or with a little extra code we can handle built-in commands. But
we dont really have to do all of that now!)

3. Results and Discussion

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Analysis of the results - may contain plots, simulated results, synthesis of process,
Interpretation of the results. Comparison of the results with the published data and
deviations /improvements if any.
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(Above number pattern should be followed for Sections and sub-sections.)

4. Conclusion
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Any innovative component can be stated here

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(Above number pattern should be followed for Sections and sub-sections.)

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