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The Eight Parts of Speech

The eight parts of speech are as follows; Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives,
preposition, conjunction and interjection.
Nouns refer to the names of people, places, things an idea or quality.
There are two types of nouns; proper nouns and common nouns.
Proper nouns refer to the names of people and places and are written using capital letters while
common nouns refer to the names of animals and things and are written using common letters
Examples of proper nouns include: Jamaica, Montego Bay, Andrea, Marlon
Example of common nouns include: goat, candle, gate, dog

A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. For example instead of saying Andrea, Richard, Monique,
Steve and Allison performed at the concert last night. The names of the participants could be
substituted using the pronoun they
Examples of pronouns include: I, me, you, us, they and we
A verb expresses an action or condition.
Tasha will run the two hundred meter finals at the world championships. The word run as
used in this sentence depicts an action.
Toni is happy that she got selected to be a part of the national youth choir. The word is as
used in this sentence is a condition.
Example of verbs include: run, skip. Dance, sing
An adverb describes a verb, adjective or other adverb. Adverbs usually tell;
How-for example: quickly, slowly, gingerly, and clumsily
When- for example: lately, recently
Where- for example: there, here
How much- for example: very
An adjective describes or limits a noun. Example of an adjective describing a noun is;
Aniqua is very beautiful both in her personality and physically. The word beautiful is the
adjective that is describing Aniquas personality and physique.
Examples of adjectives include: tall, young, pretty, ugly, light blue

A preposition usually shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another part of a
Examples; about, above, across, after, against, along, around, as, at, before, of, off, inside, into,
over, towards, round, since, with, within, without

A conjunction connects words, phrases and clauses.
There are three types of conjunction;
- Coordinate conjunctions
These connects words phrases and clauses of equal value: and, or, nor, but

- Correlative conjunctions
These conjunctions occur in pairs; both and, either-or, neither-nor, not only, but also

- Subordinate conjunctions
Connect unequal clauses. They include: after, although, as, because, before, if, since,
though, unless, until, when, where, while

A word that expresses feeling or emotion, usually it is followed by an exclamation mark.
Examples: Oh!, ah!, Ow!, Wow!, Darn!, Gosh!, horray!
Parts of Speech

Have you ever heard about parts of speech?

Yes, teachers use them every time they teach
Just in case you didnt realize
Parts of speech are used every time we socialize
Using parts of speech is a must
So let us learn four parts of speech without a fuss

The names of people, places, animals and things are called nouns
Even though they do not produce the same sounds
There are two types of nouns, common and proper
Common nouns are things such as a chopper
While proper nouns are the names of all places
And the names of people of all races

Adjectives are descriptive words we use every day

People use them in their own special way
Words such as tall, short, fat and blue
Are all adjectives just to name a few

Pronouns are words such as I, me, u and us,

We hear them every day we travel on the school bus
I love to skip and dance and run
Yes verbs are action words that say come on lets have some fun

Written by Audia Thomas (Q1)

Name of Student: Audia Thomas
Group: Q1
Course: Foundations of Grammar
Name of Lecturer: ---------------

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