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Simple-Ideas Occasional
A publication dedicated to the study and celebration
of com m on se nse an d repe atable ex perim ents

Robert L. Nuckolls, III

Medicine Lodge, KS
Number 104, Rev B, August 28, 2010

Does any of this make sense to you?

“I don ’t think you want m e to waste m y tim e to

“Take this job and shov e it. I got free health care!” read every page of the health care bill. You know
why? It’s statutory language,” Baucus said. “We
Last May 12th, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was hire ex perts.”
speaking before the Asian American and Pacific Islanders
Summit . Speaking of the health care reform package she Mr. Baucus offers one of countless examples where the
was heard to offer the following word s: Congress of the United States has crafted thousands of
pages of law that give rise to hundreds of thousands of
“ We see it as a entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, pages of regulation where even the self-acclaimed author
“a bill that says to someone, if you want to be of a bill has d elegated co nstitutional duties to “hired
creative and be a musician or whatever, you can experts”.
leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill,
your passion, your asp irations b ecause you w ill These so-called experts are expected to produce a
have health care.” " voluminous work . . . after all. the taxp ayers want to
receive fair value for their money from these exorbitantly
An entrep reneurial bill? One of the highest officials of paid public servants. Ne ver mind that the work product
government told folks it is perfectly okay to throw requires the ordinary citizen to hire law yers to advise him
respo nsibility for independent self-sufficiency onto the how to be in compliance with laws that have a profound
shoulders of fellow citizens. She suggests that it doesn’t effect on their liberty and the future of the nation.
matter if your daily efforts do not go to production (a job)
which you trade for value (money) with which you provide According to the founding fathers, federal law was
for your own creature comforts including health care. intended to protect liberty and to deliver justice when
liberties were violated. Laws that protect liberty are
Of course M s. Pelo si’s assertions did not speak to housing, simple, direct, easily crafted. Laws that promote tyranny
food, clothing or transportation. No problem . All that stuff are voluminous, crafted in arcane language and written so
will no doubt be offered future legislation being crafted by that citizens affected most by their passage are ignorant of
Congress. Taken at face value, it appears that Speaker the consequences. Congress sets their “experts” to the task
Pelosi is encouraging individuals to becom e clients o f a of creating, administrating and punishing transgressors of
welfare state financed from the productivity of the law while they reap astounding personal benefit.
indepen dently self-sufficient citizens.
The top and the bottom are riding
“I don’t read legislation, I just talk a lot while folks in the middle push the wheelbarrow
and promise more.”
It’s not a great stretch of imagination to suggest that the
On August 25, Senator Max Bacus and Secretary Kathleen majo rity of Congressional membe rs are also clients of a
Sebilius attended a town hall meeting in L ib by, M T . A welfare state. Pelosi, Bacus, Seb elius and most of their
local citizen, Judy Mattot, asked the Washington duo, “if colleagues produce nothing of merchantable value. In
either of you read the health care bill before it was passed other word s, if they established a storefront to offer
and if not, that is the most desp icable, irrespo nsible thing.” products of their labors, who might we expect to walk in
Mr. Bacus (who claims major authorship o f the bill) wanting to make a purchase? They produce nothing of
replies, value. Their only saleable commodity is favors granted at

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is
properly cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

the expe nse of others. Like all welfare recipients, It’s not what you say, it’s what you DO!
government depends on the prod uctivity of others. The
only difference be tween individuals in the employ of For thousands of years, mankind has been aware if not
government and Pelosi’s hyp othetical “entrepreneurs” is fully understanding of a fact that some individua ls “just
that governm ent’s slice of the A merican pie is don't act right". Cavem en prob ably had to igno re, banish
astronomically larger and more secure. or even dispatch an individual whose behaviors put the
tribe at risk. Shamans of old devised tools for boring holes
Finally, let us consider this under-reported bit of news in heads . . . to allow evil spirits to escape. Modern
from the city of New Y ork. It seems that the government investigators of such maladies understand a much more
of Mexico has announced through its United Nations than our ancesto rs. But the ability to cure an individual of
consulate that it will “begin patro lling the N ew Y ork C ity their affliction hasn't really improved much.
borough of Staten Island to ‘safeguard’ its nationals
there.” Consul General Ruben Beltran emailed the Staten Our courts have recognized certain human behaviors as
Island Adv ance to say, “We are wo rking hand-in-hand being dangero us to the victim, to others or both.
with local autho rities on all levels.” Legislatures have crafted law that allows "due p rocess"
upon the liberty of certain individuals when they've lost
Church Lady Dana Carvey would say, “Well, isn’t that control of their faculties for honorable behavior.
special!” W ith the state of New York teetering on the edge
of financial disaster, they are unable to fund police In some instances, the courts say the aberrant individual
department staffing sufficient to insure good order in their K NO W S the difference between right and wrong. Their
own house. So being remiss in their duty to the public, the behavior is deemed a "crime" and becomes justification
administration allows a body of foreign police to put boots for punishment (jails that loo k like jails) and treatment
on the ground to “assist” the locals. intended to promote a modification of behavior (isolation
from society and a restraint of privilege, deprivation of
A substantial burden to the state of New Y ork (and many certain comforts, etc).
other states) includes funds and services to non-citizens
on welfare rolls. Now we read that these same non-citizens Tho se judged incapable of understanding right from wrong
will benefit from forceful protection by more non-citizens. are deemed "sick". T heir crimes are downgraded to
I wonder how much of the potential violence is initiated by "actions over which they had no control."Lib erty of these
non-citizens of other nationalities who are jealously individuals also yields to "due process" in the form of
guarding their particular slice of the pie. No netheless, restraint (jails that look like hospitals) and treatment
conditions described in this situation offer a risk of a US (drugs, electroshock, talk therapy, etc, etc).
citizen being subjected to force on American soil wielded
by foreign police. Isn’t this what we went to war about in Unfortunately, humankind 's success at fixing either
1775? How is it that a foreign force is operating in our manifestation of disho norable behavior is spo tty at best.
country with permission if not by invitation of But some folks attempting significant b ehav ior
gove rnment? Other foreign forces have staked a claim to modification of both conditions do make a lot of money.
territory in southern Arizona. Ah, but of course, THOSE So much money in fact that truly honorable endeavors in
forces are criminals. THESE forces are our friends. both psychiatry and criminal corrections are becoming
diluted with practitioners who make a living at tasks for
Forgive me but I think our founding fathers would call which there is no merchantable good or service, no
BOTH groups criminal invaders. They would also call for warranty for failure to deliver, no acco untability for those
enablers to be investigated for traitorous behavior in the failures.
perpetration of overt violations of national sovereignty and
the security of our citizens. It would be interesting if the American Psychological
Association would consider the value o f adding a new
Remember Ko sovo ? Plotting present trends into the category of mental pathology to the Diagnostic and
future, how long will it be before a foreign power of some Statistical Manual. I am convinced that there is a class of
name storms the state capitol of New York to launch a human behavior that might be called d ishono rable
“humanitarian war” ostensibly to protect poor, innocent behavior syndrome (DBS). I did a Google search on the
squatters on A merican soil? phrase with no hits. So this idea may well be previously

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is
properly cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

Behavior by membe rs of our government at all levels, victims of despro to stammer, hat-dance, obfuscate,
from local beat cops to the office of president are attempt to change the subject, argue over irrelevant
demonstrating a peculiar variant of D BS , desp otic minutia or simply walk away. It’s also a certainty that
progressivism (desp ro). A few years observatio n of their they’ll have unkind things to say about you. The
behavior confirm s a certainty that they operate under a thunderstorms of fear crashing arou nd in the head s of
delusion that what they do is appropriate, just and worthy these poor people causes them to bo lt from behind facades
of perpetual and unrestrained “progress”. However, of honorable public o ffice that too k them years to erect.
TH EIR form o f progress is achieved at the cost of
someone's liberty. W e're going to see still more spe ctacular instances of these
wretched souls stepping into buckets of crap. The
W hen confronted with the byproduc t of their tyranny, hono rable way to rid mankind (and particularly our nation)
they’ll look soulful. In a soft and soothing voice, "Ah yes, of their influence is to excite them into diving head-long
most regrettable. B ut necessary for the greater goo d.. into the bucket. T his need s to happen on television o r in
Do n’t forget, we’re doing it for the . . (insert beneficiary front of crowds of citizens. The goal is to first get the
du jour here)." How many despotic progressives with too attention and support of honorable citizens to remove
much p ower hav e uttered that phrase over the centuries? despros from office. We probably cannot cure them of
their torment but we can risk of injury to their persons and
Individuals most afflicted by this disorder are those imme diate family. Most important, their behaviors become
awarded positions of power over other individuals. The a matter for the attention of local law enforcement as
greater the power, the greater the potential for opposed to tools of national destruction protected by
institutionally promulgated oppression and subjugation of despotic law.
our nation’s citizens. Legislators, regulators and enforcers
of law infected with despro demonstrate behaviors that That's the easy pa rt . . .
would get you and I jailed or hospitalized.
It is insufficient to simply achieve an honorable majority
Just imagine what would happen if you tacked a notice on in Congress. The entire population of despro infected
your neighb or’s do or claiming a right to spend money judgeships, federal adm inistration, and congress must be
using his cred it cards . . . along with the cards of his purged. Then com es a dismantling of the DBS ma chine
children and grandchildren. At the bottom of the note you that despros have erected over the p ast five generatio ns.
admo nish your neighbor, “Resistance is futile. I’ll send
MY children over with guns if you fail to comply.” I An alphabet soup of no-value-add ed regulatory agencies
suggest this is exactly what transpires in the US Co ngress and despro infected unions must be exposed for what they
every day. W hat despro legislators choose to do IS lawful are, de-funded and allowed to exp ire. Nearly a century of
. . a matter of law which they craft for their own atrocious legislation needs to be rescinded. Despro
convenien ce! infected teache rs in our schools must be quarantined to
prevent spread the disease to our children.
It has become obvious that agencies o riginally chartered to
defend the honorable citize n from all dishonorable The honorable treatment of any ill person calls for reason
individuals have become the majority perpetrators of and com passio n. But we must take care lest our
dishonorable activity. Those who should be inmates and compassion overshadow the risks. The disease these folks
patients are now running the country. Our own government carry is more dangerous than a virulent flu, ebola, black
has become the most feared institution in the nation. The plague and H IV comb ined. Despotic pro gressivism
emperor had no clothes. But by reason o f illness or just propagates by the spoke n and written word. It is easily
plain evil, these folks have no honor. shared and if allowed to thrive, it is terminal. Inoculation
against the disease is honorable progressivism. It cannot
The antidote . . . be offered by physicians. It must be offered and
administered by honorable teachers and parents.
Try confronting any despro infected individual with the
simple-ideas of hon orab le behavior, liberty, justice under W e have fo rsaken our ch ildren . . .
constitutional law, limited government, and free-market
capitalism for the ultimate go od. T heir rea ction is It is not WE who are tasked with the greater part of this
instantaneous and often spectacular. Their crippled minds effort. It's our children and grand childre n's fight. W e can
lapse into a frenzied sense of attack that causes m ost start the ball rolling next Novem ber. The battle cannot and

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is
properly cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

will not be won until after we're lo ng dead. W e are in The honorable conclusion is inescapable. These folks in
essence sending our children off to a terrible war within Washington “just don’t act right”. The question is whether
our own borders. The battle to be jo ined is a classic or not we can make amends . . . and will it be enough?
exam ple of civil war exacerbated by attacks from without
our borders. The b est we can strive for is to make certain W hat would Thomas Jefferso n, Fred erick B astiat ,
our children possess intellectual weapons sufficiently Thomas Paine, or even OUR high school civics teachers
powerful to keep the war "civil". For sure ly, if due pro cess have to say about what is transpiring today in our nation
at the ballot box fails, the alternative will force Americans today? W hat would we suppose the modern high school or
to look down the barrels of guns at other A mericans. college civics teacher has to say . . . or do they even teach
civics any more?
The found ing fathers gave us intellectual tools to
guarantee it never happens again. The tools include but are The antithesis of despotic progre ssivism is ho norable
not limited to these ideas: progressivism. The recipe for success crafted by our
founding fathers is honorable progressivism in a state of
# Nobody has the right to tell any honorable citizen free-market liberty. The recipe served us well for 200+
to do anything. years but the alarm bells are more numerous and louder.
The experime nt worked once, let us use it to our advantage
# The PRIM ARY role of government in our again. If every citizen’s right to be left alone is exercised
representative republic is to restrain the actions by that citizen and jealously guard ed by their governm ent,
dishonorable behavior against citizens promoted then we’ll see a resurgence of pro sperity un der honorable
from within or outside our bo rders. progressivism never before demon strated on this planet.

# Every law enacted and enfo rced by a The task is not complicated - liberty is an exceedingly
constitutional government is equally app licable simple-idea. But its won’t be easy. The enemy has
to all citizens . . . especially those citizens who amassed a formidable force of allied despros, some of
make law! whom are able and willing to apply deadly force. Be they
mentally ill or just elite criminals, they have used deadly
Someplace along the way we have failed our founding force against citizens and will use it again if not disarmed
fathers. W e have failed our children, W e have failed before they are removed from office.
ourselves. The US Go vernm ent and courts have taken unto
themselves the power to violate constitutional principals Our found ing fathers suffered the effects o f bloody
with bra zen impunity. combat but ultimately prevailed. An advantage they
enjoyed was that the enemy was truly a foreign force. Our
W e read the Co nstitution. W e read the words of our disadvantage today that the enemy is not a foreign force:
founding fathers. W e comp are those idea s and first W e have met the enemy, he is us. Out of ignorance, apathy
principals with the behaviors of those presently in power. or both it is W E who sent the despros to W ashington.


(1) “T he Law” a p amp hlet published in 186 0 by F rederick B astiat. Co pies av ailable at http://bastiat.org/en/ and

(2) “U ndermining the Co nstitution: A history of lawless go vernm ent” by Thoma s James Norton.

(3) Mexican Police Patrol New York? http://tinyurl.com/33ffbda

(4) P elosi to Aspiring M usicians: Quit Y our Job . . . http://tinyurl.com/25nxtps

(5) Baucus on Reading Bill: “We Hire Experts for That” http://tinyurl.co m/36 vh7t9

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is
properly cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

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