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Summary of Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a problem-solving methodology that drives down the
inefficiency , improves quality & customer satisfaction .

Six Sigma stops delivering defective products

Six Sigma addresses 3 main concepts:

process, defects, and variation.

Six Sigma Tools: descriptive statistic, DMAIC, Ishikawa,

A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1

Summary of Six Sigma

Why is it quality solving approach?
ex: waiting times at after sales service
Why called Six Sigma?
Sigma: statistical concept that represents the amount of variation
present in any process.
Why is it high level quality measure?
In some industries, it is not enough to measure quality in % but
ppm (part per million).
At the six sigma level: the variation is so small that the resulting
products are 99.9997% defect free (very high quality)
99,9997 % => 3 ppm defect products only.

Applicability: Advanced technology industries


A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1
Summary of Six Sigma
LL and UL: Specification limits accepted by the customer

Statistical concept CASE: 3 sigma

+/ 3
Noticed variation of
the process

1350 ppm 1350 ppm

mean = mean =

2700 parts out of the specifications (defective parts)

A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1

Statistical concept
CASE: 6 sigma

mean =

+/ 6
3 ppm out of
A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1

Six Sigma for high quality requirements:

While Six Sigma corresponds to process being 99.9997% defect

free, not all business processes need to attain this high goal

Companies should identify which of their key business

processes would benefit most from improvements to 6 Sigma

Maybe applied to industries and services as well

Examples: drug industry, Aeronautic industry, Surgery service,

Landing services

A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1

Tools for SixSigma: Based on DMAIC approach and following tools

A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1

A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1
Towards an embedded approach

Lean without SixSigma SixSigma without Lean

A. AMRANI U-Bordeaux1

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