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Group POL 101

Project Section: 26

Terrorism in Bangladesh: Trends and Future Direction

Group Members:

Fatema Tuz Zohora - 152 1966 030

Syed Nurul Huda - 152 1515 030

Khadiza Tasnim - 152 1967 030

Joy Khetan - 133 0262 030

Mushfique Ahmed - 161 1839 030

Submitted To:

M Asique Rahman (MAR2) (Senior Lecturer)

Dept. of Political Science and Sociology

North South University

Table of Contents

Topic Page

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 1-3

History of Terrorism in Bangladesh 5-6

Contemporary Terrorism in Bangladesh 6-8

Trends of Terrorism 8-9

Assessment 9-11

Future Direction 12

Conclusion 12
Executive Summary
Terrorism is the most threatening concern in recent years around the world. It is becoming an
international problem that is spreading even more with different dimensions and different
types. Terrorism is such a problem that can jeopardy a whole country and we have seen that
many countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and many other countries are about to
tremendously destroyed due to terrorism. In term of Bangladesh, considering the current
context over last few years terrorism is the biggest national problem we are having. Terrorism
is an illegal and devastating practice. All the unlawful and illegal actions to accomplish evil
desire and unlawful and illegal intensions over an individual or a group of people are termed as
terrorism. Snatching, robbery, killing and such type of all illegal activities are terrorism.
Terrorism might take different types. Most significant types of terrorism are-
1. Sate patronized terrorism
2. Dissent terrorism
3. Terrorism and left &right
4. Religious terrorism
5. Criminal terrorism
The most acute and the massive form of terrorism is state patronized terrorism where the state
itself nurtures terrorism to suppress the opposition and to prolong illegal power. When state
patronizes terrorism then the consequences for a society and the country as well could take the
most devastating form. In recent time religious terrorism is also very acute. Some misled
religious extremist groups are following the way of terrorism to reinforce their beliefs and
agenda. There are several reasons behind terrorism. The most common reason is to get
personal benefit from illegal action. Political grievance, poverty, power exercise, discrimination,
injustice, inequality, and illiteracy these are the common agents behind terrorism.
In term of Bangladesh our political culture is not decent. Our parliamentary system, judicial
system and election system is questionable. Hence political parties sometimes practice
terrorism to retain power. We should all work amalgamate to prevent terrorism from our
country. We should work with our student community to ameliorate the scenario. More
awareness creating movements against terrorism has to be promoted. More importantly our
Government should come forward to eliminate terrorism from our society.

Terrorism is one of the major problems in contemporary decades around the world. This is a
very massive and tremendous problem for most of the countries especially in the countries
around the subcontinent. Terrorism becomes an international concern over the last few
decades. In course of time terrorism has spread out as an epidemic in many countries.

Apparently it can be said that Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable victims of acute
terrorism. Moreover in recent years Bangladesh is facing several devastating terrorist activities
that actually reinforcing the statement that Bangladesh is one of the breeding ground of
terrorism. Terrorism is a very broad term and it can be the most lethal threat for a country to
lag behind. In fact terrorism repositions a countrys image to the world very negatively. Overall
development of a country can be collapsed from terrorism. Government system, judicial
system, socio economic system, life style of people, economy, education sector, infrastructural
development-all the indicators of flourish of a country can be tremendously threatened from
reckless terrorism. Terrorism is a holistic problem that turned into a massive problem over the
time. There are several reasons and agents behind acute terrorism. A deliberate holistic
approach needed to put a shield against this tremendous social epidemic.

As a whole terrorism is a state of illegal activities committed by an individual or a group of
people or an ethnic group to threat or jeopardy another person or group of people or their
asset focusing some devil intentions. In every country, society or any group terrorism is
considered as an illegal action to accomplish some evil and unlawful intentions. The following
could be one of the proper definitions of terrorism..
Terrorism is the premeditated use or threat to use violence by individuals or sub national
groups to obtain a political or social objectives through the intimidation of a large audience
beyond that of the immediate victims. Enders and Sandler, The political economy of
terrorism, 2012.
From this definition one thing is very obvious that terrorism are such activities done by a group
of persons to obtain political, social or financial benefits in a unlawful and devastating manner
promoting anarchy in society and in a country as well. Terrorism also can be termed as the
unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political
or other personal aims. Terrorism refers to the unlawful use of force, weapons, and violence
against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or
any segment, in furtherance of political or social objectives.- US code of Federal regulations.
Basically terrorism signifies the coercion done by a group over another group to accomplish
their illegal desires in a destructive and illegal ways.

Types of terrorism
Terrorism is a very comprehensive phenomenon for every society and country as well. Since all
the illegal and coercive activities by an evil a group fall under terrorism it could take many

types. In term of Bangladesh, terrorism also takes different types considering different
situations and backup or patronizing group. Major types of terrorism are discussed below..
1. State sponsored terrorism: Terrorism gets the most acute condition when it is state
patronized. In many countries around the world the government or the state backs the
terrorism to accomplish their group interest. Mostly state sponsored terrorism happens
to retain power illegally over a long period of time. State sponsored terrorism is even
acute and tremendous in those societies or countries where proper democracy is not
practiced.it is very difficult to combat against terrorism when directly sate patronizes
terrorism to exercise illegal power. In term of Bangladesh to some extent we sometimes
face country patronized terrorism to suppress the opposition. Suppressing opposition
opinions or activities through terrorism jeopardy the democratic and judicial system
that actually cannot bring any good for that country.

2. Dissent terrorism: Dissent terrorism has a very close affinity with politics. Country like
Bangladesh where political system is not that much structured and deliberate, terrorism
takes place to establish own beliefs and perception. In that context opposition groups
follow or take the way of terrorism to show dispute or different opinion with the taken
decision or belief. Most of the cases civilians suffer tremendously from dissent terrorism
as the opposition group commits different vandalism to reinforce their view and
perception which is not accepted at all in any country or society.

3. Terrorist and the left & right: Left and right basically signifies the difference in
perceived ideologies, values and norms between two parties or group of people. Here
terrorism arises to demolish anti ideological party. Sometimes terrorism also takes place
from the difference of different philosophies and theories.

4. Religious terrorism: Religious terrorism is probably one of the most significant concerns
around the world in contemporary times. Different arguments and counterarguments
might be placed as of religious terrorism is concerned but one point is very transparent
that this type of terrorism could get the most brutal form of terrorism. Different
countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Pakistan and so many countries
had to count a significant value due to religious terrorism. Again there is controversy
that may some other country is executing all those brutal activities to achieve their evil
desire using the banner of religion. Sometimes religious terrorism also takes place by a
group of people to reinforce or implement the views of religion.

5. Criminal Terrorism: Criminal terrorism is those offensive activities happening around us

by the evil group of people to accomplish illegal intention of taking over illegal

advantages from the civilians. Killing, snatching, vandalism, theft, robbery all these
illegal activities are criminal terrorism.

Reasons behind terrorism

Combating against terrorism becomes a big challenge is it turned into a massive form.
Terrorism can lead a country toward absoluter failure. Consequences of terrorism could be
immense. But there are several reasons behind terrorism...
1. Personal interest: Personal interest is one of the most influential stimuli behind doing
terrorist activities. A group of unprivileged people sometimes intend to have wealth
following illegal ways. Hence they start doing robbery, snatching and killing as well. In
course of time they lead terrorism into a tremendous level in our society.
2. Power exercise: Sometimes people want to hold extreme power. That is why they
become associated with different terrorist group and they commit different terrorist
3. Discrimination: Social discrimination and other discrimination develops fume among
people. When the discrimination goes beyond the tolerance level then people become
extremist and they prefer to do several destructive activities to take the revenge. Hence
terrorist groups develop in our society.
4. Injustice and inequality: In justice and inequality is one of the strongest reasons behind
the rage of terrorism. When people get deprived from the judicial system or from
getting justice, an inside insect of terrorism grows inside him or her and gradually in
course of time this insect turns into a tremendous form.
5. Religious beliefs: Religious mislead beliefs could one of the biggest reasons behind
terrorism. In recent years this reason is much more acute than ever before as we are
repeatedly seeing that many incidents are happening by different terrorist group who
try to capitalize religion to validate their evil deeds. Extremist groups turn into militant
group and they commit very brutal and lethal terrorist activities that actually put stigma
in our glorious achievements.
6. Political grievances: In term of Bangladesh and some other sub-continent countries
political culture is not up to optimum standard. Here politics has been considered as a
source of money making. Moreover immense legal or illegal power can be exercised
from political back up. Hence political evil intension and political grievances promote
terrorism. In addition with that most of the political leaders nurture a terrorist group for
reinforcing their nasty thinking and to accelerate their illegal activities.
7. Poverty: poverty is also a reason behind terrorism. Sometimes people start doing crime
to get rid of from extreme poverty. Hence they start committing criminal activities and
turn into a big terrorist group in course of time.

8. Ethnicity: Ethnic group or ethnicities sometimes facilitate the way of terrorism. It
happens because ethnic group have some beliefs and values. Moreover they are
minority. So sometimes they become aggressive, follows the extremism and lead to
terrorism at the end.

Terrorism and Bangladeshi Politics

Even though it is not expected and not good at all for a country but it has been a bitter truth
that there is an inevitable connection between Bangladeshi politics and terrorism. As we have
discussed earlier that Bangladeshi political culture is not up to standard not structured at all
hence, many extrajudicial practices are very common here. Most of the political parties cannot
understand the true essence of democracy; rather they practice autocracy under the banner of
democracy. On top of that most of the parties here never practice proper parliamentary
system. In fact there is no settled or proper election culture and election system in our country.
As an obvious consequence of above states most of the parties of our country want to
demonstrate muscle power to reinforce and retain power. Hence they need to nurture and
groom terrorist group to keep the control over opposition in a very aggressive and to some
extent extrajudicial way using their nurtured terrorist group. In this regard our political parties
never ever bother about our national interest; they only focus on extremism to keep their
power intact and unparalleled through committing terrorist activities. Hence in our country
terrorism are patronized and nurtured by our political parties. This is not a good indicator for a
country. The most alarming thing is that this practice is going beyond and beyond regardless of
thinking the future of our country. When we see our student communities are self-motivated to
get involved with terrorism under the banner of student politics to get some political favor or to
accelerate the way of money making then looking at the long run being a nation we should take
initiative to ameliorate the scenario. However we are optimistic that our young and talented
generation will take over the flag of politics and will lead our country toward the road of a
parliamentary and participatory decent political system.

History of Terrorism in Bangladesh

Terrorism has been related to our country since 1971. Genocide of 1971 in the soil of
Bangladesh had given birth of state terrorism. The assassination of the father of nation,
BangaBandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members was the outcome of state
terrorism. The killing of President Ziaur Rahman was another reflection of said procedure. From
late 90s Bangladesh government has been facing embarrassing bomb attacks which could be
called terrorist attacks, which started through bomb attacks on Udichi meeting. Let us look at
the history of terrorism in Bangladesh.

1999 bombing of Jessore:
1999 bombing of Jessore was a terrorist bomb attack on an event of Bangladesh Udichi
Shilpigoshthi in Jessore, Bangladesh. 10 people died and around 150 were injured. The attacks
happened after midnight at a cultural event of Udichi Shilpi goshthi in Jessore, Bangladesh. 5
people died on the spot. The bombs used were time bombs. The attacks took place on the 6th
March 1999. The event was taking place in Jessore Town hall grounds. 10 people died in the
explosion. The attacks were carried out by Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh. Over a 100
people were injured.

1999 Khulna mosque bombing

1999 bombing of Khulna was a terrorist bomb attack on an Ahmadiyya Mosque in Khulna,
Bangladesh in 8 October 1999. In the explosion 8 people died and around 30 were injured. In 10
October 1999 Bangladesh Army removed a time bomb from the headquarters complex of
Ahmadiyya mission in Dhaka, three days after the bombing. Two days after a bomb was
recovered from Jannatul Ferdous Ahmadiya mosque in Mirpur, Dhaka.

Contemporary Terrorism in Bangladesh

Since 1971, act of terrorism is part of our country. If we look at our recent incidents regarding
the act terrorism, it has increased so much. Lets look the contemporary terrorism incident in
our country.

2001 Bagerhat bombing:

2001 Narayanganj bombing was a bomb attack on 23 September 2001 at an election rally of
Bangladesh Awami League led by Member of Parliament Sheikh Helal Uddin in Bagerhat,
Bangladesh that resulted in the death of 9 people. The Caretaker government had taken charge
and had started to make preparations for the 2001 general elections in Bangladesh. In 2001, a
number of Bangladesh Awami League events were bombed by suspected Islamist terrorist.
Sheikh Helal Uddin, cousin of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, was speaking at an election rally of
Bangladesh Awami League at Khalilur Rahman Degree College ground in Mollahat Upazila,
Bagerhat District. Two bombs were thrown which killed 9 people and injured more than a 100
people including Sheikh Helal.

2001 Ramna Batamul bombings:
Ramna Batamul bombing was a series of bomb attacks on 14 April 2001 at a cultural
programme of the Pahela Baishakh celebrations arranged by Chaayanot, the leading cultural
organization of Bangladesh.

Ten people, including Shujan, a Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami militant, died and many more people
were wounded. The Islamic fundamentalist group Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami later confessed their
involvement in the attack.

2004 Dhaka grenade attack:

The 2004 Dhaka grenade attack took place at an anti-terrorism rally organised by Awami
League on Bangabandhu Avenue on 21 August 2004. The attack left 24 dead and more than 300
injured. The attack was carried out at 5.22 PM after Sheikh Hasina the leader of opposition
finished addressing a crowd of 20,000 people from the back of a truck. The attacks targeted
Awami League president Sheikh Hasina. Hasina was injured in the attack.

2005 Bangladesh series bombings:

On 17 August 2005, around 500 bomb explosions occurred at 300 locations in 63 out of the 64
districts of Bangladesh. The bombs exploded within a half-hour period starting from 11:30 am.
A terrorist organization, Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) claimed responsibility for the
bombings. The group, led by Shaykh Abdur Rahman and Siddiqur Rahman (also known as
Bangla Bhai), is alleged to be affiliated with Al Qaeda, although this has not been proven.
Another terrorist group, named Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, was associated with JMB in executing
the co-ordinated attack. Following the bombings, both groups were banned by the Government
of Bangladesh.

July 2016 Dhaka attack:

On the night of 1 July 2016, at 21:20 local time, five militants took hostages and opened fire on
the Holey Artisan Bakery in Gulshan Thana. The assailants entered the bakery with crude
bombs, machetes, pistols, and took several dozen hostages (foreigners and locals). In the
immediate response, while Dhaka Metropolitan Police tried to regain control of the bakery, two
police officers were shot dead by the assailants.

29 people were killed, including 20 hostages (18 foreigners and 2 locals), 2 police officers, 5
gunmen, and 2 bakery staff. As the police were unsuccessful in breaching the bakery and
securing the hostages, they set up a perimeter along with the Rapid Action Battalion and Border
Guards Bangladesh. Very early on 2 July (around 03:00), it was decided that the Bangladesh

Armed Forces would launch a counter assault named Operation Thunderbolt. The assault was
led by the 1st Para-commando Battalion, an elite force in the Bangladesh Army, and began their
raid at 07:40. According to Bangladesh's Inspector General of Police, all of the attackers were
Bangladeshi citizens. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the
incident and released photographs of the gunmen, but the home minister of Bangladesh,
Asaduzzaman Khan, stated that the perpetrators belonged to Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen and were
not affiliated with ISIL.

Trends of Terrorism
Groups involved and their objectives:
1. Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) is the most prominent of all the groups, it
pledges its allegiance to ISIS and is also a local affiliate of ISIS. The group is opposed to
democracy and its objective is to establish its rule in the country through an armed
struggle which it is trying to do in the name of religion. The group was founded in the
year 1998 but its existence came to notice in the year 2002 when 8 of its members were
arrested and several documents were seized detailing the outfits operations. The group
was banned by the Government of Bangladesh in 2005 after attack on several NGOs.
The outfit is known to maintain 10,000 full time members.
2. Harakat-Ul-Jihad-Ul-Islami Bangladesh (HUJI-B) - Proscribed October 2005 the main aim
of HUJI-B is the creation of an Islamic regime in Bangladesh modelled on the former
Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Mufti Abdul Hannan is the current leader of the
Bangladeshi branch of the HuJI. He is currently incarcerated, convicted of various
terrorism charges and has been sentenced to death. HuJI Bangladesh was founded on 30
April 1992 by Bangladeshi veterans of the SovietAfghan War. The founder of the group was
Maulana Abdus Salam. Since its founding, the group has been responsible for the deaths
of over 100 people in various terrorist attacks. The outfit aims to establish Islamic rule in
Bangladesh by waging war and killing progressive intellectuals. It draws inspiration from
bin Laden and the erstwhile Taliban regime of Afghanistan.

3. Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh the organization was banned in 2009. The group wants
to establish a Kaleefa in Bangladesh and does not support democracy in the country. As
of 2016; 650 members of the group were arrested; of whom 400 were able to secure
bail. The organization has been trying to recruit students from different educational
institutes in Bangladesh. In January 2016; 6 members of the group were expelled from
Dhaka University. In 2015 printed material of the group was found in the Library of
North South University. According to various reports the group has 10,000 active
members and a strong online presence. Hizbut members are very much active on social
media such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Google and Yahoo and are trying to build its
network amongst the students of different educational institutions in the country.

Objectives: Though most of the groups say that they are opposed to democracy and want to
establish Islamic rule or communist rule as their objective there can be other prime objectives
of the groups like

To isolate the government from the mass and to involve the mass in the struggle.
It is also used to draw attention of the people in and outside the country regarding the
presence of a second power within the country.
It may aim at provoking repression by the government to make the government
Terrorist acts are also launched as retaliatory measures to avenge the death or for the
arrest of the member of terrorist group.
Principal objective is to wear out to demoralize the security forces and also destroy to
governmental machinery.

Methodology in carrying out terrorist acts:

Terrorism is conducted in a planned way with inhuman attitude. A variety of methods are
adopted by terrorists:
I. Assassinations: is one of the oldest methods of terrorism adopted by terrorists.
Recently Bangladesh has seen an increased in such attacks. With terrorist groups
frequently targeting bloggers, atheists, and Prominent LGBTQ activities such as the ABT
and the attacks on foreign nationals by ISIS followers.
II. Hostage Barricade: though Bangladesh has not seen a lot of Hostage related terrorist
incidents. The most deadly attack the country has ever seen came in this form that is the
Holey Artisan attack in Dhaka. A total of 29 people were killed, including 20 hostages (18
foreigners and 2 locals), 2 police officers, 5 gunmen, and 2 bakery staff. ISIL claimed
responsibility for the attack.
III. Bombs and Explosives: is the most common and popular tactics used by terrorists even
today. And has claimed the most no. of lives such as the recent bombings in Sylhet
which killed 6 and injured 40 others.
IV. Kidnapping: It is another most frequently used method by terrorists. The main purpose
of kidnapping is to extort ransom. This tactic was very popular among the PBCP who
were involved in a number of kidnappings.

Trends: Bangladesh has seen an increasing trend in terrorism in recent times. The total no. of
terrorist attacks went up from 124 to 459 in between 2015 2016, of which 30% were

coordinated attacks the total no of people dead were 75 compared to 30 in the year while the
no. of injured were 691 compared to 107. Despite the preemptive actions taken by the security
forces the outfits are constantly regrouping. The groups in Bangladesh have also taken up new
operational tactics like assassinations and use of small arms. As for International Linkage
various reports sat that both the ABT and JMB have links or are affiliated with AQIS and ISIS
which is new and was not seen earlier. Also ABT and some other groups have a very strong
online presence which is a new challenge for the security forces.

Assessment of Terrorism
Does ISIS exist in Bangladesh? Or how they are involved and impacting in the act of terrorism in
ISIS or Radical terrorist group who shares same ideology:
Bangladesh has witnessed two waves of religious radicalism in recent decades. The first (1999-
2005) was led by Bangladeshis who fought alongside the Afghan mujahedeen in the 1980s and
was dominated by groups like Harakat ul-Jihad al-Islami-Bangladesh (HUJI-B) and Jamaat-ul-
Mujahedeen Bangladesh (JMB); this wave included hundreds of Bangladeshis youth waging
jihad in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq. Upon returning home, they radicalized others and
joined local extremist organizations. At the national level, a fundamentalist-friendly coalition led
by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), which included the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) and the
Islamic Oikya Jote came to power in 2001. It was only in 2005 that the Bangladesh government,
acting under international pressure, began banning various extremist and jihadist groups
within its borders. The crackdown caused a lull in extremist activity, although various banned
outfits continued to function quietly under new names or front organizations. A second wave in
religious radicalism was sparked by the secular Awami League-led governments setting up of a
domestic tribunal in 2010 to try JeI leaders and other Islamists accused of war crimes during the
1971 liberation war. Islamist mobilization gathered further momentum in early 2013 in response
to the Shahbagh protests when secular liberals took to the streets and cyberspace to demand the
death penalty for those guilty of war crimes.
ISIS operations claims in late 2015 validity of these claims?
Regarding the different attacks claimed by ISIS in the last 3-4 months, it is our assessment that
they were indeed sanctioned by the Bangladesh chapter of ISIS and that these were most likely
executed by local members of JMB. The speed of ISIS claiming of responsibility after the clear
majority of the attacks in this period would also indicate that someone with prior operational
knowledge to the attacks was also coordinating the claiming of the attacks on behalf of ISIS.
Yet controversy has surrounded these initial attack claims from ISIS (or its conduit), with the
Bangladesh government (and some sections of its media) defaming SITE Intelligence Group, for
spreading false rumors against Bangladesh.
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Government claimed that theres no existence of ISIS in Bangladesh, but from our observation
can say, there are operational and ideological presences of ISIS in Bangladesh among radical
terrorist group.
ISIS Operational Presence in Bangladesh
Based on our own research and source comments, we have sufficient reason to believe that ISIS
has a developed operational presence within Bangladesh. Specifically, this means that there are
individuals inside Bangladesh who have direct contact with ISIS Syria-based leadership and
that these individuals act upon instructions received directly from this high command structure.
The current operational head of ISIS in Bangladesh is a dual Canadian-Bangladeshi citizen
Inside Syria, the Bangladesh operations of ISIS were historically handled by the now deceased
London based Bangladeshi national Siful Haque Sujan aka Abu Khalid al-Bengali and his close
associate, an Australian jihadi named Neil Prakash aka Abu Khalid alCambodi2. It is worth
mentioning at this point that al-Bengali was a member of the ISIS external operations
departments the wing responsible for ISISs organizational growth outside Iraq and Syria as
well the execution of cell-based attacks abroad. The Paris attacks of November 2015 were
sanctioned by this external operations department of ISIS and it is headed by Abu Muhammed
al-Adnani, who is also the spokesperson of ISIS. The departments central importance to ISIS
and its global caliphate ambitions speaks for itself.
Recruitment and efforts to establish allegiances with indigenous groups
The Dabiq article on Bangladesh was very interesting in two separate senses in that it was
written by a Bangladeshi, who clearly held a deep understanding of the jihadi ideological and
theological discourse inside Bangladesh and that secondly, the article gave real insight into ISIS
target audience within Bangladesh. Other key features to the article where its ridiculing of
groups which follow al-Qaeda and its blaming of al-Qaeda for the acceptance of Mullah Omar as
the leader of the global jihad movement.

Involve of people of Bangladesh to ISIS:

ISIS and other terrorist organization targets young and literate people to carry out their operation.
At first, they were attracted by their different types of propaganda which are spread out over the
internet. ISIS knows youth have the potential to do anything and theyre easy to brainwash. Then
comes second stage, in this stage they communicate with those and share their agenda. At the
final step, they meet face to face and get assigned and trained for their so called Jihad.
At this contemporary ISIS clich, many students and youth intellects are heard to be appertaining
with ISIS claimed by their family.

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Future Direction of Terrorism
In course of time the pattern are terrorism is getting changed. New dimensions are added to
terrorism. Over the last few decades many giant terrorism group have evolved and they are
committing and controlling the wheel of terrorism. With technological advancement terrorism
is also getting new dimensions. The following could be some future direction of terrorism

Virtual terrorism will increase.

Targeting young generation to be engaged in terrorism.
Focusing on educated group of people to be participated in terrorism
Hacking different personal sites and accounts to take personal stuffs illegally.
Militancy would take even more devastating form if it cannot be controlled.
Suicidal squad.
Key persons are targeted to debase a group or community.

The terrorist groups normally do not get any support from the society. For preparation of the
Bomb they try to exploit the technology and collect the raw materials from the readily available
chemical substances.
Now, the world is standing on the volcano of terrorism. We all should be conscious regarding
this. The people of the world want to live in peace. They dont support any destructive activities.
We want to see a world where will remain only peace. We want for our next generation a world
where they will lead a peaceful life.
Bangladesh supports the global war on terror but its ability to combat terrorism is undermined by
weak institutions, porous borders, and limited law enforcement capacities and deliberating in
fighting between two major political parties. Bangladesh long tradition of inclusive moderate
Islam is increasingly under threat from extremists. Endemic corruption, poverty and a stalled
political progress could further contribute to the type of instability and wide spread frustration
that has elsewhere provided recruits, support and safe heaven to international terrorist groups.
"United we stand, divided we fall". Our government and opposition parties, mainly ruling BNP
and opposition AL, should cooperate with each other to bring the terrorists to book and punish
them, otherwise a great catastrophe waits for us all. It is a foremost task of the government at this
moment to revive a sense of security amongst its own people. And thus assuring the foreign
investors and keeping the wheel of economy as well as democracy.
So, we may say that present time is the best time to think, plan and execute the perfect
countermeasures to stop and eliminate all types of terrorist activities from our country. Even if
we achieve to control such activities; it will help us in the long run to bring normalcy in our civic

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1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Terrorism_in_Bangladesh
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_Ramna_Batamul_bombings
3. www.Global-Terrorism-Bangladesh-Focus.htm
4. John V Whitbeck, The Daily Star. Friday, December 09, 2001
5. http://gafhs.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49&Itemid=56
6. Countering Terrorism in Bangladesh A Strategy Paper page 2, july 2007
7. (The Daily Star, August 25, 2004, p. 17)
8. gafhs.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=58 2009
9. Shafiq Rahman, Black List, Probe Megazine, Volume 7 Issue 47 May 1 2009.
10. Understanding 12 extremist groups of Bangladesh Joyeeta Bhattacharjee 7 June 2009
Anand Kumar Paper no. 1768 16. 04. 2006 south asia analysis group
12. Naureen Chowdhury Fink l Senior Policy Analyst fink@ipinst.org A version of this
report was originally published in Asian Conflict Reports, no. 8, in October 2009
13. Countering Terrorism in Bangladesh: A Strategy Paper, july 2007
14. http://www.globalresearch.ca/china-joins-the-fight-against-isis/5478767
15. http://time.com/3971161/turkey-isis-war/
16. http://www.newsmax.com/Ruddy/ruddy-isis-not-terrorist/2015/11/16/id/702383/
17. https://www.quora.com/How-can-we-destroy-the-Islamic-State-in-Iraq-and-the-Levant-
18. http://www.businessinsider.com/australia-is-major-contributor-of-isis-fighters-2014-6
19. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/10/isis-is-the-con-ed-of-syria.html
20. http://www.newsmax.com/Ruddy/ruddy-isis-not-terrorist/2015/11/16/id/702383/


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