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Medical Term Analysis

Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter. Many
are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each
term presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each
term. Use proper formatting for combining forms, prefixes, suffixes.

Medical Term Word Part Analysis

1. endocrine endo- = within; -crine = to secrete

2. homeostasis home/o = sameness; -stasis = standing still

3. androgen andr/o = male; -gen = producing

4. estrogen estr/o = female; -gen = producing

5. adrenocorticotropin adren/o = adrenal gland; cortic/o = cortex; -tropin =

to stimulate

6. gonadotropin gonad/o = sex gland; -tropin = to stimulate

7. somatotropin somat/o = body; -tropin = to stimulate

8. endocrinology endo- = within; crin/o = to secrete; -logy = study of

9. gynecomastia gynec/o = female; mast/o = breast; -ia = condition

10. retinopathy retin/o = retina; -pathy = disease

11. neuropathy neur/o = nerve; -pathy = disease

12. acromegaly acr/o = extremites; -megaly = enlarged

13. panhypopituitarism pan- = all; hypo- = deficient; pituitary/o = pituitary gland; -
ism = state of

14. thyrotoxicosis thyr/o = thyroid gland; toxic/o = poison; -osis = abnormal


15. adenocarcinoma aden/o = gland; carcin/o = cancer; -oma = tumor

16. postprandial post- = after; -prandial = pertaining to a meal

17. lobectomy lob/o = lobe; -ectomy = surgical removal

B. Unscramble
Directions: Unscramble each medical term below. A definition for the term is
given below each scrambled term.

1. e n a t t y tetany
Nerve irritability and muscle cramps from hypocalcemia

2. a m i d r i o m o a n s a u s y radioimmunoassay
Measures levels of hormones in blood plasma

3. y m d e a m x e myxedema
Results from hyposecretion of thyroid hormones in an adult

4. a h s m s t i h o o thyroiditis hashimotos
Autoimmune form of thyroiditis

5. r e i g t o goiter
Enlarged thyroid gland

6. h p x h o t a e l o s m exophthalmos
Protruding eyeballs

7. w i r f a s m d dwarfism
Being excessively short in height

8. i h g s u n c s syndrome cushings
Results from hypersecretion of adrenal cortex hormones

9. adrenal z i f n e i a m i t n o feminization
Female secondary sexual characteristics in a male
10. y c r l o i s g u a glycosuria
Sugar in the urine

C. Directions: Define the combining form or suffix in the spaces provided

1. acr/o extremities
2. adren/o adrenal glands
3. andr/o male
4. calc/o calcium
5. crin/o secrete
6. estr/o female
7. glycos/o sugar
8. gonad/o sex glands
9. home/o sameness
10. kal/i potassium
11. natr/o sodium
12. ophthalm/o eye
13. pancreat/o pancreas
14. parathyroid/o parathyroid gland
15. pineal/o pineal gland
16. pituitar/o pituitary gland
17. thym/o thymus gland
18. adrenal/o adrenal gland
19. toxic/o thyroid gland
20. glyc/o poison
21. -crine sugar
22. -dipsia to secrete
23. -prandial thirst
24. -tropin relating to a meal
D. Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below.

1. low sodium in the blood hyponatremia

2. pertaining to the parathyroid gland parathyroidal

3. pertaining to the pancreas pancreatic

4. pertaining to the thymus gland thymic

5. pertaining to the thyroid gland thyroidal

6. removal of the thyroid thyroidectomy

7. state of insufficient pituitary hypopituitarism

8. thymus inflammation hyponatremia

9. excessive potassium in the blood hyperkalemia

10. specialist in the endocrine system endocrinologist

11. excessive calcium in the blood hypercalcemia

12. low sugar in the blood hypoglycemia

13. adrenal gland disease adrenopathy

14. enlarged extremities acromegaly

15. condition of too much urine polyuria


SUBJECTIVE: The patient is a 59 year-old individual with long-term type 1 diabetes

mellitus never well controlled. He complains of a hot, swollen left heel and came in
through the emergency room.

OBJECTIVE: Physical examination revealed trophic changes in the feet bilaterally

with amputation of the right great tow. There is a significant ulceration with early
infection in the right heel. In the left heel, there is erythema to the level of the upper
malleolus bilaterally and there is marked erythema a t the entire calcaneal bed.
There is an open foul ulceration of the heel. There are no palpable pulses in either
foot. No reflexes and no sensation to deep palpation.

ASSESSMENT: Non-salvageable anaerobic/aerobic infection of the left heel in the

context of peripheral diabetic neuropathy and poor circulation.

1. Vascular consultation for amputation.
2. Infectious disease consultation for appropriate coverage.


From the chart note above, select the medical word that means.
1. redness of skin mellitus

2. agent used to treat infection antibiotic, anti-imflammatory

3. composed of blood vessels lymphatic

4. pertaining to the heel bilateral feet, heel

5. nonhealing lesion on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane

6. nerve damage to extremities from diabetes

7. bony prominence on both sides of the ankle joint

8. pertaining to development or nourishment -

9. insulin-dependent diabetes - type 1 diabetes

10. without oxygen

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