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Zack Swanson

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1104

21 November 2017

The Detour

Through the trials and tribulations of this Semester Long Multi Modal Research Project, I

have come across some info that I didn't even mean to discover. My group and I are exploring

the Secret Nazi Projects during World War II. This is interesting enough as is, but I did find

myself wandering in a different direction. I wanted to know a little bit more about Adolf Hitler,

the mastermind of the Nazi Regime. I wanted to know personal things, behind the scenes info

that the general public might not know. I found some interesting things about this mysterious

man. He was paranoid constantly as we all know, but he was so paranoid that he hired a

photographer whose job was to take pictures of him practicing his speeches. Hitler was so

particular about the way he was presented, that he went to the extreme of having himself

photographed so he could critique his hand gestures and facial expressions and so on. When it

was all said and done, the photographer (Heinrich Himmler) had taken two million photos of

Hitler. This is one of the many things that displayed his mental illness, Schizophrenia. The

Schizophrenia that he suffered from is what made him such a great leader and influencer.

Schizophrenia is described as a mental disorder with extreme emotional highs and lows. So, his

counterparts had to time his speeches correctly with the emotional highs, or they would not get a

good result. The one thing that shocked me the most is today's psychologists that have studied

Hitlers past have blamed his father for Adolfs vengeful and relentless manor. Adolfs father

was tyrannical, and abused Adolf and his brother regularly. This led to being aggressive by
nature, and being the person he ended up being. Another interesting fact I found about Hitler was

he found his entertainment not in war, but in Disney Movies. He marveled at the technological

advances in animation that Walt Disney was able to display. If Hitler were to find any free time,

you know where he would be, in front of a TV either watching "King Kong" or "Snow White

and the Seven Dwarves".

So, my wandering led me to find some of the intricacies with Adolf Hitler, something I

have always wanted to consider. Doing this extra research did aid me in my critical thinking, and

how no sane person could have thought of all these inventions, or done such terrible things. I was

surprised at how hard I could research something, and find things that other people might not

have. At the same time, the topic has to have some interest to me, which I found as a weakness.

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